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How to instigate a row with your Polish missus.

smurf 39 | 1951
8 Mar 2011 #1
Step 1. Go here,

2. Ask missus..."Hey, Marie Curie was Polish?"
-Yea of course she was Polish...
-Marie is a Polish name?
-No, she married a French guy & in most European countries they call her Marie Curie but her full name was Maria Sklodowska Curie, they probably leave out the Polish bit coz it's too hard to pronounce.

-Ok, I see.

3. Go to her Wikipedia Page

4. Notice the year of her birth.

5. Go back to missus... "Are ya sure she was Polish?"
-Kurwa yea, stop bothering me & be nice on Women's Day....
-It just says on her Wikipedia page that she was born in Warsaw...
-bah, kurwa Warsaw...
-Yea, I know...anyway, says here that Warsaw was part of Russia....

6. Watch her explode.

7. Run anyway and make some pancakes as a token of forgiveness.

Happy Womens Day ladies...and pancake day too
gumishu 14 | 6295
8 Mar 2011 #2
I pretty much love your sense of humour :)
Marynka11 4 | 658
8 Mar 2011 #3
You've got yourself a very impulsive Missus...:)
pgtx 29 | 3136
9 Mar 2011 #4
hahaha! tease for reaction! good one... :)
skysoulmate 13 | 1275
9 Mar 2011 #5
I like it, might try it one of these days. LOL
aphrodisiac 11 | 2437
9 Mar 2011 #6
Happy Womens Day ladies...and pancake day too

if I were your girlfriend and you teased me like that more then once, you would become my ex.

I like it, might try it one of these days. LOL

what for I ask?

hates being teased:(
southern 73 | 7071
9 Mar 2011 #7
A female blowjob day would be sth else.
Marynka11 4 | 658
9 Mar 2011 #8
I can never stress enough the convenience of having a German husband in such cases.
Whenever he starts questioning the nationality of any famous Pole, I usually throw the Hitler example in his face.
9 Mar 2011 #9
Whenever he starts questioning the nationality of any famous Pole, I usually throw the Hitler example in his face.

Was he of Polish descent ?

I thought he was Austrian.
Marynka11 4 | 658
9 Mar 2011 #10
Was he of Polish descent ?

didn't you know?

Just kidding, he is an example of the fact that people sometimes declare themselves their nationality.
JonnyM 11 | 2609
9 Mar 2011 #11
Just kidding, he is an example of the fact that people sometimes declare themselves their nationality.

Exactly. Some Poles even still believe JP2 was Polish!!
Marynka11 4 | 658
9 Mar 2011 #12
ust kidding, he is an example of the fact that people sometimes declare themselves their nationality.

that didn't sound right, did it?
10 Mar 2011 #13
Nope. Pomyśl jeszcze raz. M-ka
rybnik 18 | 1453
10 Mar 2011 #14
I hate men teasing women this way. Is there a chip on your shoulder or something?;). There is a tease and there is a tease.

this was a good, cute tease :)
simonfla 4 | 11
10 Mar 2011 #15
absolutely brilliant. worked perfectly! and she got a great laugh out of it when i showed her the thread :) so i was forgiven

Home / Life / How to instigate a row with your Polish missus.