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Irish welcome on Polish building sites ?

20 Dec 2009 #32
There is also to mention the Mayor of Limerick who calls for the deportation of EU nationals...

Source - Limerick Leader, 11 November 2009
f stop 24 | 2496
1 Jan 2010 #33
Some Polish people didn't like the way they were treated in Ireland (if I heard it then everybody else must have known already) and they want others to know. That's all.
beazee - | 31
3 Jun 2010 #34
Pic or it never happened.

Can someone post a pic from the actual building site in Poland with the NINA sign?

In the meantime - have a read:

"No Irish Need Apply":
A Myth of Victimization
Richard Jensen
Retired Professor of History, University of Illinois, Chicago
SeanBM 35 | 5792
3 Jun 2010 #35
Pic or it never happened.

Can someone post a pic from the actual building site in Poland with the NINA sign?

I actullay agree, I have little doubt that this never happened on a Polish building site.

"No Irish Need Apply":
A Myth of Victimization

On the other hand this guy is wrong, it is well documented and there is a huge amount of information on the subject:

A Myth of Victimization

"Scientific Racism" from an American magazine, Harper's Weekly , shows that the Irish are similar to Negroes, and should be extinct.

RevokeNice 15 | 1854
4 Jun 2010 #36
Let us deport the 50,000 poles on the social welfare in Ireland.

These leeches hate us, yet milk us dry.


They are no friend of the Glorious Gael.

Those that race mix are welcome to remove themselves from this nation and get ripped off abroad for a chance of finding a wee bit of puussy.
hague1cmaeron 14 | 1368
4 Jun 2010 #37
Now that I take a second look at the cartoon above in the light of your comment, it could quite conceivably be true in your case.
crusader 1 | 39
4 Jun 2010 #38
Those that race mix are welcome to remove themselves from this nation and get ripped off abroad for a chance of finding a wee bit of puussy.

Race mix? The Polish are European, in case you hadn't noticed. And if irish women weren't such dog-faced lard-arses with unaccountably high opinions of themselves then we wouldn't prefer Polish girls.

Perhaps you're just jealous because you're stuck with one of these inbred, web-toed boghoppers??
Or maybe you're not getting any at all, which is why you come on here to vent your frustrations, you sad, narrow minded culchie- and before you say anything, Dublin is a small town, ergo the inhabitants (with the exception of immigrants and returned Irish immigrants who have been out in the big wide world), are culchies.

Message ends.
25 Oct 2011 #39
Hello am form Ireland iv been to Krakow twice i have a basic speaking of the Polish langauge i was just wondering is there any Polish companies looking for Irish people to work in Poland
hythorn 3 | 580
25 Oct 2011 #40
I have not heard any stories about signs on Polish building sites saying 'No Irish'

looks like a nasty wind up to me

whether anyone from Ireland would want to work on a site in Poland is another matter entirely

the rate of pay will be low - less than the minimum wage back home
the winters are cruel and the safety on site in Poland is not great

wooden scaffolding unless you are working high rise
Wooden pit props instead of acrow props
jacobs ladders - which are completely prohibited in the UK and Ireland

and then there is the language thing. Don't expect your colleagues to speak English
which then adds to the dangers
if someone is yelling at you 'don't stand there' and you do not understand what they
are saying then you are going to get badly bust up

there are openings for specialist trades - I am sure but it is more likely to be in marble, diamond drilling or
site decontamination - somewhere where you need to have specialist equipment which enables you
to get a half decent income working on the price

due to the snob factor, having a one off kitchen designed and installed by an Irish kitchen fitter would
appeal to some wealthy Poles

there are much easier places to earn a crust though
RevokeNice 15 | 1854
25 Oct 2011 #41
I have not heard any stories about signs on Polish building sites saying 'No Irish'

An eye for an eye. Deport each and every pole from Ireland.

Theres 200,000 plus citizens back.

K, thks,bye.
hythorn 3 | 580
25 Oct 2011 #42
An eye for an eye. Deport each and every pole from Ireland.

Pick your favourite immigrant group then

The HSE have just recruited 200 Indian and Pakistani doctors to work in the hospitals in Eire.

Could they find European doctors? oh no. They did not even try.

As for these stories about no Irish on building sites in Poland, I think they are all bollocks
I am not saying that someone has not made a sign for a laugh and stuck in on a building site somewhere
but I have not heard any stories and I visit quite a few sites in work
RevokeNice 15 | 1854
25 Oct 2011 #43
Pick your favourite immigrant group then

Returning members of the diaspora.

I am not saying that someone has not made a sign for a laugh and stuck in on a building site somewhere
but I have not heard any stories and I visit quite a few sites in work

Did you read the link I provided you with?
hythorn 3 | 580
25 Oct 2011 #44
Returning members of the diaspora.

good answer :-)

I checked out the links and I remember reading these articles in 2009 when they first came out

I cannot believe that a canny politician did not take the Polish based main contractors to court for unfair discrimination
Can you imagine the political mileage they would have made out of that?

... and as I have not heard of any such court case where an Irish politician brought out a writ against a Polish main contractor, I am fairly sure that the whole story was simply made up.

This kind of thing is just political dynamite and the fact that no one took advantage of it strongly suggests that it never happened or at least no one could find evidence of it happening
irishguy11 6 | 157
6 Nov 2011 #45
This guy is some gob ****, from his football club it appears that he is based in Tallaght. Why should we deport 200k poles from our country? If you want to deport people, why not do it to all the african's who back in the height of it were forming massaive queues at the offices on Month st to get into the country because they said they would be killed if they return home.

Iam not being racist here, but the poles only came when they were allowed to work. The polish people for the general have worked and paid their taxes.

Would you like the USA to kick out all the illegal irish?

I think maybe you applied for a job in mcdonald's and a pole got it, you are a bit bitter in life.

Oh and before you say I have a problem with Tallaght, I don't, I know that the manager in the irish mbassy in Krakow is from there, and he seems to enjoy his life in Poland
29 Nov 2011 #46
I have not heard any stories about signs on Polish building sites saying 'No Irish'

Those stores were a complete fabrication. Repeated with remarkable similarity in three newspapers (ie a press release whch they did no fact-checking on). Not one of the three journalists replied to my email querying their story.

The guy who gave them a quote, and whose good intentions I do not doubt, did take the time to reply to me, and told me a very different version of events to what the papers printed.

If we had fewer fourth-rate intellects like you, we'd have fewer fourth-rate journalists like them.

Take down your ignorant post, if you have any self-respect.
RevokeNice 15 | 1854
30 Nov 2011 #47
and told me a very different version of events to what the papers printed.

Which was...............

Home / Law / Irish welcome on Polish building sites ?