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Polish Lessons Units

OP janusz  5 | 53  
4 Jun 2008 /  #121
Exactly those two aspects; verb endings and tenses of the verbs are the themes I am going to concentrate upon.
11 Jun 2008 /  #122
Janusz i have been watching this videos in youtube and found some of your spanish experimental lessons.
I really want to help with your project.
Those videos are not completely correct, there are many phrases that needs to be corrected, and dont even talk about the translator's accent xD (its awful!)

In the second video there are a couple of articles that are not ok, and in the third one "un billetero" "un bolso del tocador" "una candela" "una bola del disco" "un escúter" "un revisor" too.

Well if you need some help just let me know, you have my attention.
Cya! :)
Douglas  - | 1  
25 Jun 2008 /  #123
Having just joined,this is exactly what i was looking for.Thankyou for taking the time and effort to help others.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Jul 2008 /  #124
Nice one Janusz,
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
11 Jul 2008 /  #125
They're good, aren't they? :)
intotheblue  - | 2  
16 Jul 2008 /  #126
Great resource.

Thanks for putting these togeher.
Danny o rourke  - | 1  
16 Jul 2008 /  #127
i was in krakow last weekend and it was great. im now learning the polish language, still on the "alfabet" but getting there. nice work here, hopefully i can learn some phrases when im back in krakow in a few weeks
Robert A  1 | 102  
31 Jul 2008 /  #128

I'm all out 'em!!! And I'm a native Brit!

Suffice to say, you have produced an excellent body of work. I sincerely hope that you feel justifiably proud of what you have achieved here.

Without your help, I wouldn't even begin to know where to start learning Polish!!

I look forward to your next post(s) with eager anticipation.
Jashiwi  - | 16  
6 Aug 2008 /  #129
Thank you for posting this thread. :)
I am currently just starting to learn Polish for my trip. (and every little-bit of help counts.) I do have a tape and booklet, but you can never have enough *help.* ;)
7 Aug 2008 /  #130
wonderful great help new learner
dcchris  8 | 432  
11 Aug 2008 /  #131
thanks for doing this I am slowly working my way through it and its extremely helpful
26 Aug 2008 /  #132

its a money site, 12 visual lessons, epic shit.
free spirit  1 | 37  
27 Aug 2008 /  #133
I've been using this free first year online course for months at no cost and have found it to be more useful than some of the gear bought both online and in Krakow bookshops.
Dziedzic  3 | 42  
27 Aug 2008 /  #134
Janusz , very useful contribution to this forum!!

I was raised to learn english but I really wish my mother and father would have taught me polish.They didnt offer Polish foreign language classes when I went to Highschool. Its a language that isnt taught that much in California or in American universitys for that matter.
Pierced_Veil  1 | 11  
24 Oct 2008 /  #136
wow, I had no problem pronoucing those words!! im so happy right now!!
RICKY M  - | 2  
28 Oct 2008 /  #137
thankyou very much . janusz . i love your work . jack sie masz?
HSC  - | 1  
2 Nov 2008 /  #138
I have just began learning Polish five weeks ago and was searching for a site where I could hear the sounds as well as see them so this is site is a massive help to me.

Thank you for your help it is much appreciated.

Heather (Aberdeen)
OP janusz  5 | 53  
21 Nov 2008 /  #139
I did this video with our Juniors, younger students who meet in our forum in the "Junior Board" :) A few weeks ago we organized a seminar where we met and worked together.

Vincent  8 | 800  
21 Nov 2008 /  #140
Thank you Janusz..this video is excellent.
sausage  19 | 775  
21 Nov 2008 /  #141
this video is excellent

don't forget to click on the adverts everyone
21 Nov 2008 /  #142
lovely Janusz,
1. mistake: chomik (hamster) you have translated into: the frog is green.

chomik is not a frog, it is a hamster!!!!!!!!
21 Nov 2008 /  #143

and green is not brązowy.

But Great Job Janusz, keep it up!
21 Nov 2008 /  #144
and green is not brązowy.

ohm the teacher in you:)

PS. I hope you got yourself a nice bottle of Beaujolais Nouveau:) it is this time of the year:)
31 Dec 2008 /  #145

Hello, I'm Laura and me comfortable much of this contribution youtube. I would like to receive more e-mails in the mail elctronico of this kind,


Witam, jestem Laura mnie wygodne i dużo tego wkładu youtube. Chciałbym otrzymać więcej e-maili w mail elctronico tego rodzaju,

| |
Cowski  - | 1  
12 Jan 2009 /  #146
These are very, very good!! Thank you, Janusz!! I hope to find a place to download them & put them on my mp3 player to watch them over & over again. Where can I download them at?

Thanks again! Keep them coming. Heck...I'd be willing to donate to the cause if I could to help with this. You should start your own web page with these & go from there. Many people like me would be willing to help you out with anything we could to keep them going!

Great job! Keep it up!!

15 Jan 2009 /  #147
I have to agree with John, if you can get them to us to download to iTunes or an MP3 player that would be just great. They are the Polish being spoken now not from some old language books.

I to will donate to get it done.

Bardzo dobrze,


Alan Coady  
18 Jan 2009 /  #148
Great work, Janusz! Thanks
Aastha  - | 3  
10 Feb 2009 /  #149
This is so amazing.... i loved it.... and Thank you soooo much for making such effort...
really appriciate it... :-)

i think i'll be able to start learning polish now... :-)
impete82  3 | 29  
1 Mar 2009 /  #150
i'm defiantly gonna have to download these and put them on my phone to practice away from the pc. i'm lost beyond belief at this point, but this will help no doubt :D

much thanks

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