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Polish patriotic songs with anticommunist message

pawian  226 | 27817  
31 Aug 2010 /  #1
On such days as today, I become patriotically sentimental.

A few songs about Poland, all my favourite:

John Wiśniewski has Fallen- about a massacre of workers by communist forces in 1970. It taught workers how to properly organize protests and 10 years later they won:

A song for my daughter, a song about strikes against communist dictators in August 1980.


Armour, by Jacej Kaczmarski, about martial law and Polish patriotic resistance


Have Hope, a song to a poem by Adam Asnyk in 19 century but adopted for the needs of 20 century


And we don`t want to escape from here, generally about Polishness:


Jest takie miejsce, jest taki kraj - There is such a place, there is such a country- generally about Polishness:
Nice performance on stage


Bad performance, but with nice views of Polish landscape:

Not a song but a BBC report from 1 May 1983 about anticommunist riots in Warsaw. See the communist police beating old people, including women. And they thought they would evetually prevail? Morons.... :):):):)


And one more film about anticommunist demonstrations in 1982.

What are your favourite patriotic songs?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
31 Aug 2010 /  #2
The first intro sounds like the start of Psycho Killer by Talking Heads.

The second one like The House of the Rising Sun by the Animals.

The third sounds a little Spanish but is Polish right enough.

The fourth one sounds like it's from the Balkans.

The fifth one from a musical.

The sixth one could be the Polish Evita.

The last one is too sentimental for me.

Typically Polish music, Pawian. The national anthem is pretty patriotic ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
31 Aug 2010 /  #3
It seems you like beating records. In less than 10 minutes you listened to all seven songs. Congrats!

I hope you realise what I hint at? I mean that you could spare yourself this cheap comment. It is not the music which counts, though it is great and I don`t care what it resembles or reminds one of, but message in the lyrics. I am afraid you will have to work it out for a bit longer time. :):):):)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
31 Aug 2010 /  #4
Thanks, Pawian ;)

Some messages were important, yes.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
31 Aug 2010 /  #5

I like this one, which in my mind described those times as well. Jacek Kaczmarski (RIP)


there is a line I remember from one of the songs from the period, I think it is Kaczmarski as well:
wejdzmy w wode glebiej kochani,
dosyc tego brodzenia przy brzegu,

zanurzylismy juz po kolana,

nasze nogi zmeczone po biegu........
Paulina  19 | 4530  
31 Aug 2010 /  #6
It's "Świadkowie" ("Witnesses"):

I also like "Obława" :) I've read it's a modified translation of Vladimir Vysotsky's "Охота на волков"?

And I like "Mury" ("Walls"). It was an anthem of Solidarity movement:


I've read it was inspired by melody and lyrics of "L'Estaca" by Lluís Llach.
"Mury" is prophetic in a way with this "And the walls grow, grow, grow"...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
31 Aug 2010 /  #7
It's "Świadkowie" ("Witnesses"):

thank you for that. I have not heard this song in ages and it takes me to a really sentimental times in my life:). What a great song that is.

I also like "Obława" :) I've read it's a modified translation of Vladimir Vysotsky's "Охота на волков"?

I think I knew that. Vysocki was great.

And I like "Mury" ("Walls"). It was an anthem of Solidarity movement:

that is right.

Thanks a lot Paulina:)
Paulina  19 | 4530  
31 Aug 2010 /  #8
My pleasure :)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134  
31 Aug 2010 /  #9

A little anti-occupant message
One little episode with looking down at a famous building in Warsaw ;P

But in general PATRIOTA! :D
Eurola  4 | 1898  
1 Sep 2010 /  #10
Wow! Thanks for the beautiful songs.

He was in Chicago in 1982 or 1983 and I went to see the concert. people cried when he was singing this.
'Zeby Polska byla Polską' Jan Pietrzak

OP pawian  226 | 27817  
15 Oct 2011 /  #11
Krystyna Prońsko - Psalm of Queuers -1980


Sorry, I cannot translate as nicely as Boletus:

What is this queue standing for?
For somberness/drabness
What are you waiting for in it?
For old age.
What will you buy when you reach the counter?
What will you bring home?
Stony doubt.

John Wiśniewski has Fallen - about a massacre of workers by communist forces in 1970. It taught workers how to properly organize protests and 10 years later they won:

A new rock version based on the film Black Thursday about the 1970 massacre:

hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
19 Jul 2012 /  #12
Have Hope, a song to a poem by Adam Asnyk in 19 century but adopted for the needs of 20 century

fantastic! I really enjoyed it. It is very sage in its advice.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
19 Jul 2012 /  #13

Yeap!! I always get thrill when I hear it.

It is very sage in its advice.


Btw, it is advice given after the lost January Uprising.

The most important message is at 1.53:
Let`s not forget our holy matters
Let`s keep our pure ideals
It is our task to give them strength and armour
So that one day
they move from dreamland to reality.

sobieski  106 | 2111  
19 Jul 2012 /  #14
Why some section of the Polish population is addicted to martyrdom? They complain that Madonna is in Warsaw 01-08. (not taking into account that concert schedules are made months in advance). Why they have to project a PW film before the concert?

Why PW is monopolizing 01-08?
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
19 Jul 2012 /  #15
Why some section of the Polish population is addicted to martyrdom?

Some is, some isn`t.

There `s democracy.

What`s the problem? Relax. :):):):)

Why PW is monopolizing 01-08?

Why not?

Will you argue that Christmas shouldn`t monopolize 24-26 December???? :):):):)
Puzzie  1 | 53  
19 Jul 2012 /  #16
What do you mean by "addicted to martyrdom"? Do you, for instance, slam the Jews for being "addicted" to the Holocaust memory?

Do you have any days of the year that are sacred to you?

Buddy, seems you've got no empathy with the Poles, only aggression towards them, in spite of the fact that, as I understand, you sit in Warsaw most of the time.

Why don't you get the heaven out to a country whose inhabitants you like and respect, snubyeski?
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
20 Jul 2012 /  #17
The most important message is at 1.53:

That is a very pertinent message, but for me personally the following have the most meaning:

Przestańmy własną pieścić się boleścią,
Przestańmy ciągłym lamentem się poić:
Kochać się w skargach jest rzeczą niewieścią,
Mężom przystało w milczeniu się zbroić...

and the stanza that precedes the one above:

Miejcie odwagę... Nie tę tchnącą szałem,
która na oślep leci bez oręża,
Lecz tę, co sama niezdobytym wałem
Przeciwne losy stałością zwycięża.

Asnyk is definitely one of my favorites. I am going to have to buy a book about him and his poetry. I find this version equally good.


Modlitwa o wschodzie słońca

OP pawian  226 | 27817  
20 Jul 2012 /  #18
To be honest, practically every rock song produced in 1980s could be considered as anti-communist. Rockmen very often sang about freedom and lack of hope, and such things were treated with deep suspicion by censors but they had to give in due to the constant pressure.

Here are a few rock songs which were allowed in 1980s Such songs would have been banned in 1970s, let alone 1960s.

Some examples:

It will be beautiful one day


Why do you need freedom



Experience it yourself

An anticommunist song sung in 1980s.

I remember we sang it on our high school trips when communist teachers, who stayed at school, didn`t hear us, because we asked those decent, patriotic ones to go with us.

We don`t want commies,
we don`t want sickle nor hammer
The red hordes shall pay for Katyn, Wilno and Grodno.

They will pay for murders, violence, suffering and tears,
For the years spent under the yoke

OP pawian  226 | 27817  
25 Sep 2012 /  #20
How should communists pay for



About 300 Polish defenders of the city, including teenage boys, were murdered by the Soviets after the Battle.[2] The victims were both Polish students (20) and soldiers (30) as well as an unknown number of civilians.[2] Poles were judged by the Soviet justice organs for their participation in the defense of the city and were reproached with the participation in the armed resistance movement against the Red Army and sentenced.[2]

From early 1980s, about a communist massacre of miners:

Tanks are rolling against Wujek coal mine:

Jarowit  - | 1  
18 Feb 2014 /  #21
Merged: A trailer for "Marzyli tylko o wolnej Polsce" documentary film.

Marzyli tylko o wolnej Polsce - They only dreamed about free Poland

A documentary about the Polish anticommunist underground on the terrains of Wielkopolska and Głogów, which was active between 1943-1956. It'll premiere on the first of march 2014. Enjoy the trailer (unfortunately there's not English subtitles).


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