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Threads about Muslims to be automatically in Off-Topic?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Apr 2017 /  #1
Admin, I have a proposal to make that should make the forum a much more attractive place for new users.They have been moved to off-topic for years now (unless they are directly related to Poland / Poles).

Any thread about Muslims should be placed in the off-topic forum only. Many people are sick to death of hearing about Muslims online, and they will be discouraged from joining/contributing to a forum where such topics appear to dominate the conversation. As we can see, such topics usually go way off-topic anyway, so if they aren't visible and aren't indexed by Google, it will also help PF appear much more relevant. What do you think?
nothanks  - | 626  
16 Apr 2017 /  #2
Threads about Russians to be automatically in Off-Topic too?

How bout politics all together.

Interesting how the poster most supportive of Muslim demographic replacement in Europe would LOVE to have the discussion hidden in Off-Topic. You are dreaming. This isn't political correct UK where the rape of girls is hidden. (Rotherham)
Vincent  8 | 793  
16 Apr 2017 /  #3
Any thread about Muslims should be placed in the off-topic forum only.

Admin has already created a thread in the off topic for this very subject

Posters should keep their comments to this thread unless it is related to Poland directly . Personally I belive the forums would be much better if you and your two mates would stop baiting other members and call a truce. The random chat thread has been a disgrace lately with comments about sexual orientation and child abuse,really low life stuff. The worst part is this had happened since you have been allowed back, much the same as the last time you were supended.

Admin will read your proposal when he finds time.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Apr 2017 /  #4
Posters should keep their comments to this thread unless it is related to Poland directly

Well, I also propose topics relating to Poland and Muslims should go into off-topic. Makes perfect sense, as really - aren't we all fed up of the topic anyway?
nothanks  - | 626  
16 Apr 2017 /  #5
Nice try. EU is threatening Poland with sanctions if Muslim migrants are not accepted. This directly threatens the living standards of Poles. There is no external issue more important to Poland today.
nothanks  - | 626  
16 Apr 2017 /  #6
I will add. Now that its been politically accepted that the refugees are almost entirely Muslim: I don't think it's a bad idea to combine the "Why are Muslims viewed as deterrent" [thread mostly about Muslims historically] with the main "EU accepting refugees thread". But then you'd have to make the EU thread about EU, Poland and Muslims - not just it's affect on Poland. There must be at-least one thread on this subject.

Okay I gotta go. Enjoy your Easter everyone!
16 Apr 2017 /  #7
I too think this a good idea.

We don't log on here purely to read the prejudices of braindead Brexiteer Brits and predomintantly PIS voters.
Admin  25 | 399   Administrator
17 Apr 2017 /  #8
All religion-related discussions are in one big the off-topic thread as referenced by Vincent (this thread will be eventually moved to Polanda). If a discussion or a post is not directly/genuinely related to Poland then it will land there (or in the bin) too.
17 Apr 2017 /  #9
call a truce.

Perhaps you missed the offer which was made and ignored? Nevermind, I'll propose it and widen it: the next three out of any of the following posters who aims any insult at any of the others gets an immediate one-year ban, no warnings and no exceptions: me, Delph, Jon, Polly, TheOther, Wulky, johnny reb, Biegers and 'Mo. Any bans apply to the users, not the usernames, so a banned johnny reb can't be replaced by a jimmy reb, Polonius3 by Polonius4, etc.

I would suggest you simply impose this truce rather than asking people to sign up for it. I would have no problem at all with it if it was actually enforced and enforced equally.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Apr 2017 /  #10
I would suggest you simply impose this truce rather than asking people to sign up for it

I'm all for it. I think the quality of PF will go up considerably if such a rule is in place.

Admin, thank you for the response, it's appreciated.
spiritus  69 | 643  
17 Apr 2017 /  #11
All religion-related discussions are in one big the off-topic thread as referenced by Vincent (this thread will be eventually moved to Polanda).

So a thread about muslims that relates to Poland can stay as is but if it's just generally about religion then it gets moved ? Have I understood this correctly ?

And for the record. Topics sometimes veer away from the subject as a direct result of two of the members from this very thread. Example: a topic on whether Poland should accept muslim refugees is sidetracked by a debate about the IRA
17 Apr 2017 /  #12
@ Spiritus

Anything on the main front page has to be Poland related which is why the 2 threads about Poland and Muslims are still there. Anything not directly related to Poland goes into off-topic. You understood correctly.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
17 Apr 2017 /  #13
Perhaps you missed the offer which was made and ignored?

Ignored you should be. A serially suspended abusive troll like yourself has nothing to bargain with.

If you had any commonsense at all and appreciation for others it would dawn on you that like me and the other posters you are merely a registered guest on here. And your voluminous postings and the decade of your life spent on here will never give you any perks like seniority or deference shown to you by anyone.

You telling those who established and moderate the forum how they should do their job is like a convict telling a lawmaker what should go into legislation. You have no credibility whatsoever.

You and your fellow serially suspended troll have repeatedly betrayed the trust of the those who own and operate the forum and you have shown absolutely no respect towards other posters.

You and your cohort have also demonstrated repeatedly that suspensions can only halt unwarranted and unacceptable behavior but not correct it over the long term.

Therefore, like I suggested in another post, you and others who get suspended and are kindly allowed to come back should be placed on indefinite probation just like any other criminal released back into society would be.

And just like a curfew or other restrictive practices you should be limited to the number of posts you make per day and the number of words in each post. Other features like quoting, linking images and urls, and responding to posts in the off-topic section should also be completely disabled and off limits to you.

This way the burden is on you to decide if your two or three limited posts for the day will be something interesting and insightful about Poland or just more trolling blathering about the "PiSlamic State!"; "Jedwabne! Where are the reparations?!"; or completely unwarranted and disrespectful pedantic sniping at Admin and Mods about rules and protocols which you ignore but demand be applied to other posters.

Limited posting each day would also save the Mods plenty of time from having to clean up the giant mess you usually create when you are on here. Nor would they have to stop and respond to your constant nagging when they do clean up after you.

Your posts should also be pre-moderated and delayed from displaying by up to a day or longer. This too would make great strides in curbing your constant infantile need for attention and instant gratification regardless of how it negatively impacts other posters and the overall image of the forum.

And so you can feel like you have a say in all this your probation should be applied to you and your fellow trolls effective immediately. No warnings and no exceptions.
17 Apr 2017 /  #14
I'm all for it.

I'm guessing from the post that I only bothered to read the first sentence of that Biegers is opposed to the truce. Curious. I wonder why Biegers and his ilk don't want to see long-term/permanent bans handed out to people who only come here to troll and abuse people.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
17 Apr 2017 /  #15
If you bothered to read my first sentence and could actually comprehend it you could then admit that you have nothing to negotiate with.

You must have seen the writing on the wall and another long term suspension looming on your horizon and that is why you are "volunteering" yourself to be banned just so long as you can take everyone else down with you.

That's the mentality of a desperate cornered fugitive from the law who knows the game is up. You have nothing to lose so again you are in no position to bargain for anything. If you were ever interested in a so-called truce you would have moderated your own conduct after your first warning now lost way back in time.

Peace will be restored on here when you are your ilk are effectively neutered once and for all. And that is through indefinite probation with restricted daily posting.

Let's face it, you lot have way too much free time on your hands and you use it to abuse the forum and its members only for sake of boosting your own egos and relieving your boredom.
spiritus  69 | 643  
18 Apr 2017 /  #16
I wonder why Biegers and his ilk don't want to see long-term/permanent bans handed out to people who only come here to troll and abuse people

Perhaps because the definition of "troll" is subjective ?

For example, I believe that there are many instances when you, Harry, Delph and Jon troll the forums pushing your uniform message across the forum. I have even questioned whether you three are not all one and the same person as you appear to NEVER disagree with each other and ALWAYS support each other's opinion but as I say, the definition is very subjective.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
18 Apr 2017 /  #17
How bout politics all together.

How about all what delphian types go there?
zagadka314  2 | 6  
27 Apr 2017 /  #18
I'm new here, so all I will say is that I think this is an important topic and is in no way "off topic."
30 Apr 2017 /  #19
I too think this a good idea.

Take this thread for example :-


96 pages of rants about Muslims, most of it having nothing to do with Poland, as the only thing that has changed in the almost 2 years it's been active, is that Poland has refused to take any refugees/asylum seekers. Nothing new is being reported, it's just an excuse for certain posters to bang on about Muslims.
nothanks  - | 626  
30 Apr 2017 /  #20
^ Not quite true. Brussels continues to threaten Poland with sanctions if migrants aren't taken in. The tipping point is nearing - probably after German elections.

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