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Polish Salary and Tax

scolari_ire  5 | 20  
8 Aug 2011 /  #1
Ive tried to find something about this subject in this forum but cant, so apologies if this has been discussed before.

Can anyone tell me first of all, is 8000zl gross per month a good salary and two, how much of that would be taxed?

JonnyM  11 | 2608  
8 Aug 2011 /  #2
Can anyone tell me first of all, is 8000zl gross per month a good salary and two, how much of that would be taxed?

Depends on the job of course, however it's well above average in the provinces and not too bad in Warsaw. You'd end up taking home about 6k.
OP scolari_ire  5 | 20  
8 Aug 2011 /  #3
Its an IT job in Wroclaw.
gazzaroon  - | 36  
8 Aug 2011 /  #4
It's very good for Polish standards. You will be able to live very comfortably on that amount in Wroclaw in my opinion.
EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
8 Aug 2011 /  #5
Its an IT job in Wroclaw.

Do you mind me asking you what quals and years of experience you have.
beckski  12 | 1609  
8 Aug 2011 /  #6
8000zl gross per month a good salary

For that amount in Poland, you should probably take the money and run. I say go for it!
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
9 Aug 2011 /  #7
Can anyone tell me first of all, is 8000zl gross per month a good salary

Yes excellent salary In Poland, no doubt, you must be highly qualified ,congratulations.
parkvista1  - | 7  
9 Aug 2011 /  #8
Hi Guys,
I got a job offer 204000 PLN a year and Job is in Krakow. I know , this is bit higher than average salary. Do you think that this will be enough for family of 4. ( 2 Kids). please advice.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2011 /  #9
Need to give your lifestyle and any financial obligations you have.

That's about 12,5k/mo net btw...
grubas  12 | 1382  
9 Aug 2011 /  #10
I know , this is bit higher than average salary.

Yeah, like 3.5 times average salary.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
9 Aug 2011 /  #11
grubas wrote:

Yeah, like 3.5 times average salary.

can - worms - opened.
parkvista1  - | 7  
9 Aug 2011 /  #12
Thank you very much for your feedback. I want to have standard life style. how much is the Tax rate? Do they have tax deduction for Kids? I am really sorry to bother you guys. just want to get correct information before accept the offer.
9 Aug 2011 /  #13
How did you find a job in Wroclaw that pays so much money, scolari_ire?

My husband has experience in IT basically since the computers first came on the market (lol), and that was a very long time ago. ;-) He makes a very good money in the States (he is a senior network analyst) and I was wondering if he could find a well paid job in Poland. Poznan particularly.

Parvista where are you from?
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2011 /  #14
Thank you very much for your feedback. I want to have standard life style. how much is the Tax rate? Do they have tax deduction for Kids? I am really sorry to bother you guys. just want to get correct information before accept the offer.

Have a quick look at domiporta.pl to get an idea of housing costs. alma24.pl will give you an idea of grocery prices. Utilities don't really differ too much from the rest of Europe.

I'd say 12,5k puts you at upper middle class.

If you're taking a management position or a high end specialist, ask for the same money that you would expect anywhere else. The cost of living in Krakow isn't a whole lot less than the rest of Europe.

My husband has experience in IT basically since the computers first came on the market (lol), and that was a very long time ago. ;-) He makes a very good money in the States (he is a senior network analyst) and I was wondering if he could find a well paid job in Poland. Poznan particularly.

If he's a CCIE, he can expect that kind of salary. If not... might be a bit difficult..
parkvista1  - | 7  
9 Aug 2011 /  #15
I am from Holland but Living in Uk , coming to Krakow ( if I accept) as a Regional account Delivery Manager. My current Salary is 60K in Uk. They said cost of living in Poland much cheaper than London. i have worked in Asia , Europe and North America. want to get experience this part of the world. I have asked 25K per month and they said that too high:)
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2011 /  #16
My current Salary is 60K in Uk.

If you're on 60 in London, 12k/mo net will be a walk in the park in Krakow :) Are they offering housing or school?
9 Aug 2011 /  #17
My husband is not Cisco certified (that is what you meant by CCIE, right?). He makes now around 90K$ a year.
9 Aug 2011 /  #18
Good for you parkvista! I wish I was brave enough to come back home. ;)
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2011 /  #19
My husband is not Cisco certified (that is what you meant by CCIE, right?). He makes now around 90K$ a year.

Exactly. See if he can get work to pay for it, then come over.
parkvista1  - | 7  
9 Aug 2011 /  #20
No they do not offer Schools or housing. that's why bit worried about the offer.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2011 /  #21
No they do not offer Schools or housing.

domiporta should give you a good idea on what you can expect to pay for housing. If you're planning on sending them to an international school, it can get pricey real quick. €10k/yr per child is a good baseline. Hope they're young :)
9 Aug 2011 /  #22
See if he can get work to pay for it, then come over.

Not a chance. :(
parkvista1  - | 7  
9 Aug 2011 /  #23
yes My kinds are 14 and 4 , they speak English,Russian, Dutch. My wife is from Russia. I have heard that Polish is similar to Russian langauge
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2011 /  #24
That's a tough one. Polish in a couple of months even with a Slavic head start might be difficult. If you think you can do a Polish school, the cost is negligible. If you're going the international school route, you probably won't get under €10k/year. With that in mind, might be something to toss into the negotiations...
parkvista1  - | 7  
9 Aug 2011 /  #25
Do they have Private schools which teach both langauges . By the way thank you very much for your advice:)
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Aug 2011 /  #26
No clue on the curriculum out there, but you can get a private teacher for a decent price. It might be a better idea to get something tailored towards someone that already speaks Russian vs. someone teaching to the crowd..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Aug 2011 /  #27
Do they have Private schools which teach both langauges .

Yes, they do.

A 14 year old will struggle in Poland if they're not used to the mentality here, but a 4 year old should be fine.

My advice would be to steer clear of Poland unless you can get schooling included - a 14 year old is going to be pretty lonely here without the language.
parkvista1  - | 7  
16 Aug 2011 /  #28
Finally, I just arrived in Poland ( Krakow) and tomorrow I have to go to the office , Can you pls advice me, How to reach Krakow business park from old town?
ma101nx  4 | 20  
16 Aug 2011 /  #29
Tomorrow will be a bit awkward to get to business park from old town by train as there is a train strike.

I normally catch the train to the business park, look for a regional train heading to Katowice, Oświęcim or Krzeszowice

Can find train times here: rozklad-pkp.pl

Probably best to catch a taxi there in the morning, should be about 60zl after that just catch the train

PM me if you need more help
16 Jul 2015 /  #30
hi my friend was offered a salary in Poland (WARSAW) about 130K zsloty per year , he is a bachelor and is that a good salary ? How much he will get in hand after tax ?and how much he can save ever month ?

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