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Salary: 24,000zl a month - how much I will I have after tax in Poland?

13 Feb 2015 /  #1
Hello all

I've been offered a job in poland, where the salary Will be 24000zl a month, how much tax should i expect too pay? And What is This zus?

I dont know if its relevant but i Will have a Company car with all payed (gas, insurance etc.) and free cellphone and laptop, my work is going going to pay insurance and Heath Care..

Thanks in advance!

- Ali from Denmark
14 Feb 2015 /  #2
Regarding ZUS tax/fee in Poland - here is a relevant discussion: https://polishforums.com/law/somebody-explain-zus-71245/

If you get paid 24,000zl a month (that's a lot:) then your annual tax would be (if my math is right):

12 * ((85,528 * 0.18 - 556.02) + (14,839.02 + (24,000 - 85,528) * 0.32) = 119,868.96 zl (this is the tax to pay if you account as an individual payer / not company)

So annually you'll get 12 * 24,000zl = 288,000. You pay annual tax: 119,868.96 zl. Final amount left: 288,000 - 119,868.96 = 168,131.04 PLN

So in reality you'll have 168,131.04 / 12 months = 14,010.92 PLN (about 3,348 EURO) per month in your pocket (ie. NET).

Again, check with your accountant but the final number seems about right (except for Poles don't know where the money really goes, politicians do).
ufo973  10 | 88  
14 Feb 2015 /  #3
may i ask your job position?
OP Alidenmark  
14 Feb 2015 /  #4
Im in management at an international firm..

Hello nathan

Thanks for your answer!
Im not sure whats the difference between mine and your calculation is:

((85528-3091)x0,18)+((288000-85528)x0,32)=79630 tax

Income Will be (288000-79630)/12=17364

What am i doing wrong?

There is a big difference for me in these 3000zl:)

Furthermore the total tax percentage in your calculation is 42% in mine its 28%, i cant understand how the percentage Can be higher than the 32% there is the highest tax rate? But im sure im missing something!
Marsupial  - | 871  
14 Feb 2015 /  #5
I think that may be 80k a year here. So high end trades.man, middle management or something like that. No bad at all. I would call it medium. But......if you earn it there and than go to spend it there you are f....ng laughing!
Monitor  13 | 1810  
14 Feb 2015 /  #6
just check online calculator: wynagrodzenia.pl
24,000 gross per month gives 16,790PLN net. But you will be probably one of few people in Poland who earn this much and work with Umowa o pracę. If you were employed with Umowa o dzieło, then you will be getting 20,500 net. Usually people earning this much do combinations, like minimum salary Umowa o pracę and rest with Umowa o dzieło or are employed as subcontractors.
OP Alidenmark  
14 Feb 2015 /  #7
Thank you!

And yes you are Right the contract is a umowa o prace!
12 Aug 2015 /  #8
Merged: Tax in Poland starts right from first month or after 3-4 months?


Company is offering me to travel to Poland for work. So if everything goes properly i may end up working in Poland from September.

My question is , do i need to pay tax right from the first month salary? or how it is?

If i understand correctly Financial Year for Tax is from Jan to Dec and 18% flat tax upto 82,000zl.

If i earn 36,000 zl Gross in 4 months, how much i need to pay tax?

Your reply and suggestions would be very helpful, thanks in advance:)
terri  1 | 1661  
12 Aug 2015 /  #9
As a general rule :- on a salary of 9,000 per month, your take home pay will be 6,337.15. (Out of this 730 is for tax, and 1,932.85 Zus)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Aug 2015 /  #10
A lot of these calculations have to be pure nonsense surely. No-one can tell me that the OP was paid 24,000 a month and couldn't find some way to reduce his tax bill - otherwise, what's the point?

I don't have the responsibilities that the OP has, but the supposed 14,000 zl he would be left with isn't so far off my net earnings - and I spend quite a bit of my day walking the hound, so I suppose it's a question of quality of life - though he does have the considerable perks that his status offers.

However, I can't believe that higher wage earners in Poland pay that flat rate of 40 per cent, or whatever it is. Look around you, at all the modern homes and spending power - nah, there must be plenty of dodges for the higher earner.
13 Aug 2015 /  #11
No idea how you could live on such chump change. Where would you vacation to? Probably a domestic European area.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Aug 2015 /  #12
Usually people earning this much do combinations, like minimum salary Umowa o pracę and rest with Umowa o dzieło or are employed as subcontractors

Yes - thanks Monitor, missed that. I was busy thinking of all sort of devious schemes, which reputable employers sadly have got wind of and put a stop to, by order of the tax inspectorate.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
13 Aug 2015 /  #13
14,000 zl...net

chump change

Just about everybody in Poland manages to live on much less than this.
jon357  72 | 23488  
13 Aug 2015 /  #14
Yes, it's a good salary for Poland.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
13 Aug 2015 /  #15
@Roger: for sure most Poles (I would say at least 98%) manage with much less. Some don't even make 24,000 per year.
13 Aug 2015 /  #16
this is the new normal salary in Poland
if your not getting this money.. your boss is doing you one over.

this crap of poles are so poor is BS, watch the Bentley's riding around here and other nice cars and huge houses.
pensioners yes are still in their old ways, the new kids have huge salaries.

I watched a normal looking guy today blast 1000pzl on trolley of groceries. NO PROBLEM AT ALL!
jon357  72 | 23488  
14 Aug 2015 /  #17
@Roger: for sure most Poles (I would say at least 98%) manage with much less. Some don't even make 24,000 per year.

It's much more than the president and prime minister get as far as I can remember. There are certainly people who get more however yes, it's only in senior management or people who have lucrative businesses. Or who derive their income from outside Poland, perhaps working rotations on oilfields.

Unless the OP is a high spender or chooses to rent one of the flashiest apartments in the city he or she will be able to save most of this.
terri  1 | 1661  
14 Aug 2015 /  #18
In today's news, there is an article, that the President of Poland will earn 20,000 pln a month. So if anyone is being offered 24,000 pln per month - this is far more than the President.
bullfrog  6 | 602  
14 Aug 2015 /  #19
And? Politicians should not be the highest earners in a country, whatever the position. And remember, for someone like the President, his salary is only to buy cigarettes, all the rest gets paid for..
14 Aug 2015 /  #20
In today's news, there is an article, that the President of Poland will earn 20,000 pln a month.

Keep believing this, there are other perks to the job
as for 24000pzl I was earning more than this and just plain manager and that was still LOW compared to other people!!!!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Aug 2015 /  #21
Sure, sure.

Ah, you meant annually, right?
14 Aug 2015 /  #22
per month my friend... per month

what you fail to understand is that money is nothing in the UK, I was getting 2500 Quid a month ... home away , bonuses and over time and other perks like free fuel and company car.

I got allot more than 24000! A MONTH!

its only plebs working for peanuts, and there is allot of other people still getting more than this in Poland

think x2 or x3 for senior manger

I forgot to mention, that was take HOME PAY after deductions... I retired now.
I am not even kidding, perhaps I will scan a payslip and post it, but I cant be ask.

anyway, good luck with your work. ZZZzzzZZZz
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Aug 2015 /  #23
I got allot more than 24000! A MONTH!

There's trolling, and then there's using PF after a bottle of vodka.

I am not even kidding, perhaps I will scan a payslip and post it, but I cant be ask.

Hahaha, please do. Given that the Presidential salary is 20k a month brutto, it seems rather unlikely that you were getting 24k a month netto.
14 Aug 2015 /  #24
of course there is, you think people who come and work in Poland while still in the same company are going to drop their perks they got in the UK? Hell no son, we get paid even more to come and work here.

You think I am bad, you should see the Germans here. When they go back they also claim all the days they worked as extra holiday ontop of been paid! They are allowed to claim this as its their right!

You just don't or cant play the system.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Aug 2015 /  #25
of course there is, you think people who come and work in Poland while still in the same company are going to drop their perks they got in the UK?

Still waiting for that payslip...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
15 Aug 2015 /  #26
Do management still get an envelope? :)

Are you old enough to remember the good old pay slip bulging with new 20 pound notes every Thursday night Delph, and the borrowing from mates on Monday 'cause you were skint? :) By 'eck, those were tough times!:)
Roger5  1 | 1432  
15 Aug 2015 /  #27
Are you old enough to remember the good old pay slip bulging with new 20 pound notes every Thursday night

I remember those pay packets, although mine were never bulging. lordlodz would need a big envelope as he earns allot. Those were also the days of frequent wages snatches, sometimes with shooters and terror. Better to put it through banks, I suppose.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
15 Aug 2015 /  #28
Those were also the days of frequent wages snatches, sometimes with shooters and terror.

Yes - ridiculously dangerous. At the Nottingham food factory where I did student night shifts payday used to alternate between Thursdays and Fridays in a bid to thwart such.

But I think I am right in saying that wages in Poland were always paid monthly? Surely such tragedies as the food riots of 1970 could have been avoided by weekly wage payments?

I am nothing if not ignorant; just curious.
jon357  72 | 23488  
15 Aug 2015 /  #29
The days of payday robbery! It was the cost of insurance that ended weekly pay in cash, that and the CBI lobbying for the right (and it was a right) to be paid weekly in cash to be stopped back in the 80s. I've always had monthly or four weekly. My very first pay check was massive due to a mistake. I worked for one of the biggest companies in the country and happen to have the same name as a board member.

One reason for the monthly thing in Poland and the weekly/monthly thing in the UK was that the UK had a legal situation where people who were monthly paid had power of agency - i.e. They could sign contracts on behalf of the company. In Poland it was different, since (I think) people who had the job title Dyrektor could only do that unless otherwise specified. Probably changed now.

Incidentally, you had to have the job title Dyrektor in order to claim back first class travel and certain other things. I suspect those regulations are still there.

If the OP is getting 24,000 brutto, he or she would probably be Dyrektor. It's rare to earn so much in Poland however there are certainly people who do. It's just that they tend to be discreet about it.

BTW, the OP asked about how much after tax. I would seriously suggest that she or he uses a professional tax advisor - there are a lot of allowances in Poland for people earning a very good wage and there are also a lot of traps. Ten amount left after tax can vary a lot according to how astute you or your advisor is at claiming the right things and avoiding certain pitfalls.

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