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Have a job in America ($100K a year) - should I move back to Poland?

2 Jul 2015 /  #1
Hey so I have a job in America that I make $100,000 working 4 days a week so I take home about $70,000 but I miss Poland and want to live there, should I go back, when and how would you do it, thank you!
2 Jul 2015 /  #2
It depends - do you think you'd be able to do the same job in Poland?
DominicB  - | 2706  
2 Jul 2015 /  #3
I make $100,000 working 4 days a week so I take home about $70,000

It's highly unlikely that you will find a job making anything near as much in Poland, and certainly will not find a job that enables you to save so many dollars a year. Unless you get a job at an American company and get transferred to Poland at American wages, but that is usually for high-level technical and financial specialists, managers, administrators and consultants. Otherwise, you are going to take a painful cut in total earnings and an even bigger cut in savings potential.

You might consider early retirement to Poland once you have enough savings to comfortably live off. The one thing you have to consider is that the cost of living relative to wages is much higher in Poland than in the US. That puts a major dent in your ability to save. Right now, you are probably able to save as much as you would be able to earn in Poland.

Of course, a lot depends on your age, your job, your education, your experience, your skill set, where you live in the US, where you will be living in Poland, why you want to leave the US, and why you want to return to Poland. The more generous the information you provide, the more accurate the responses you will receive.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
2 Jul 2015 /  #4
Hi! If with a local contract, there is no way you can get near this kind of salary in Poland. Besides, the quality of life is much better in the US than in Poland ;)
zexz  1 | 1  
2 Jul 2015 /  #5
I don't think you should come, unless you have other issues(familly, etc). You will never get that much on Poland, besides i think hard times will come first on Europe than on USA
2 Jul 2015 /  #6
The only way to find out is to do it ASAP - otherwise you'll forever live in the 'I should have' limbo...
3 Jul 2015 /  #7
See if you can take a 6 months sabbatical to see how things go yeah. Dont give up that sort of job income unless you're at the stage where money doesnt matter much anymore/you can afford to shop Piotr i Pawel.
Pork Seller  
3 Jul 2015 /  #8
@OP,honestly if you are qualified making 100k ,nowadays is not that hard in usa,even in some fields fresh graduates make that in couple of years and is honestly not enough to live a normal life with family in states until you are living in boon docks.If you really are qualified,experienced and young just take couple of months off or quit if you have to and come to Poland and try it out practically,see if you like it.But keep your horizons open and be ready to move back if you dont like it.And if you do and are happy in Poland with less money then you will not regret it,rather regreting that you never gave it a shot.Remember life comes once.And honestly money can be made anywhere if one is smart.
jon357  72 | 23483  
3 Jul 2015 /  #9

Remember that when Americans talk about how much they 'make', they usually quote the gross amount including any bonuses and before any deductions. In Poland, it's more usual to quote the amount after everything is taken off. Worth remembering that they don't all get the 5 or 6 weeks paid holiday, maternity leave (never mind paternity leave) isn't statutory and they can very easily be fired. Also, the Trade Unions are weak there, and their healthcare is usually connected to their jobs.

You might consider early retirement to Poland once you have enough savings to comfortably live off.

This is good advice.

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