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Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
26 Aug 2019 /  #151
Thats such b.s. a business should be free to hire and do business with whoever they want.
pawian  224 | 27158  
26 Aug 2019 /  #152
Unfortunately, they can`t be so openly racist against any nationality. It`s against human rights. Come on, you should know it from the US, too.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
27 Aug 2019 /  #153
We discriminate against people all the time. Some are stupid enough to still do business with us. Jewish? Your price just doubled and if you start oy vey'ing itll be triple and ill put a lien on your house.. Ditto for lgbt. Black? Ill need a 100% deposit with an added 'safety hazard' for asking me to work in your ****** neighborhood. White and upper class (my favorite customers)- three equal payments at fair market price. And if someone wants to sue me for 'discrimination' fine. The company will get dissolved before a date for depositions is even scheduled. Amd itll never even come to that because well.just say sorry too busy and now its on you to prove were not.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Aug 2019 /  #154
It`s against human rights.

I didn't know you have a right to a job.
How about this: if X can hire Y because he likes Y, X can fire Y because X no longer likes Y.
If hiring didn't require a justification, firing shouldn't need one either.
pawian  224 | 27158  
27 Aug 2019 /  #155
I didn't know you have a right to a job.

No, but you have a right not to be discriminated because of your race, ethnicity, nationality, religion etc etc. Should I teach you about Holy Amendments? :):)

if X can hire Y because he likes Y, X can fire Y because X no longer likes Y.

It depends on the kind of contract you have. Should I teach you that certain contracts require legal reasons for firing sb? Like or dislike isn`t one of them.

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Aug 2019 /  #156
but you have a right not to be discriminated because of your race,

I am glad you don't like affirmative action.

but you have a right not to be discriminated because of .....religion

Until, they make demands based on their religion. Like Muslims when they want special places where they can pray and wash their feet.
pawian  224 | 27158  
27 Aug 2019 /  #157
I am glad you don't like affirmative action.

Of course, I don`t. You taught me that. I am your most loyal disciple in managing discussions. :):)

Like Muslims when they want special places where they can pray and wash their feet.

We talk about jobs, positions and workplaces. In Poland they are not cult places so Muslims, just like Catholics or Protestants, can`t demand special rights. They can go to sites designated for religious worship like mosques, churches, etc.

How simple! :):)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Aug 2019 /  #158
And that is why I still love Poland. It is your duty to keep it as far away from the Western poisons just for me if I have activate Plan B next November.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Aug 2019 /  #159
The company will get dissolved before a date for depositions is even scheduled.

Does that really protect you? In most European countries, directors are still responsible for the actions of the company even if the company no longer exists.
pawian  224 | 27158  
27 Aug 2019 /  #160
if I have activate Plan B next November.

Wow, you mean coming back for good? :)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
27 Aug 2019 /  #161
Fear nothing. It's only in my dreams that run into a wall aka wife. I couldn't get her to come with me even for a couple of weeks just to visit. Moving back? No way.

But I still like my Polish passport. I guess it's some kind of sick nostalgia I can't shake off.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
28 Aug 2019 /  #162

In the us it depends on how your company is registered. In an s corp you pay more taxes but the owner(s) assets will remain intact regardless if the company is sued. The plaintiff can only be awarded the companys assets, not the owners. And besides, in the us you can refuse to do business with whoever you want. Theres no law against it. Many places even have signs that say we reserve the right to refuse service.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
28 Aug 2019 /  #163
lol you are telling em idiots who use to tell residential tenant advise seekers on this forum to report the landlord to tax dept cuz all polish landlords were tax evaders,they are now struggling to live the polish high life which a lot of polaks are living.Do ya Math.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
28 Aug 2019 /  #164
Im just baffled that a person can be sued in supposedly democratic countries like canada, uk, etc for refusing service to a person and for high courts to spend time hearing cases about a male babysitter not getting hired and other bs

And most people in the us who own properties and/or small businesses inflate things but not to the point where its ridiculous. They dont get audited because they stay within the law and the things they claim are reasonable.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
28 Aug 2019 /  #165
male babysitter not getting hired and other bs

Mind my visionary words (for the record, I am first): soon, in the idiot lands like Canada, it will be a felony to refuse to hire a convicted child rapist as a babysitter. The legal reason: it would discriminate against a person who raped only teenagers and the baby is just 2, what's the problem since it won't fit.

I want this prophecy recorded somewhere.
cms neuf  1 | 1843  
28 Aug 2019 /  #166
Maybe your prophecy could be recorded in off topic, as it has nothing to do with Poland. Same as all of your sad posts
pawian  224 | 27158  
28 Aug 2019 /  #167
like this one in Gdynia where they were looking for a chef except "Ukrainian or another like that"

Because the owner added: We respect customers and dislike Untermenschen, the Human Rights Watch has reported the guy and he is facing charges of racism, xenophobia, discrimination etc.

Good - teach him the lesson.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
28 Aug 2019 /  #168
Human Rights Watch

Another jew financed and run (((ngo)))

Somehow i doubt this will go very far in polish courts. Generally anti jewish, anti muslim, etc is accepted and not prosecuted. But as soon as some leftist talks **** about poland or christianity itll definitely end up in court like the woman who put a rainbow around chestochowa
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
29 Aug 2019 /  #169

Jezus Dirky,you make me feel like a polish teacher...."Częstochowa"
and dont remind me of flat chested women there:)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
29 Aug 2019 /  #170
Just realized that lol idk what i was thinking
pawian  224 | 27158  
29 Aug 2019 /  #171
Another jew financed and run (((ngo)))

I meant a Polish Rights Watch.

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