I need your valuable suggestion.. My employer trying to retain me by offering me London opportunity for 1 year . However i have base hiring opportunity with fortune 250 organization in poland.
London will offer around 50,000 GBP , In Poland its 11k PLN gross . I will stay in Poland only for 2-3 years and than back to my country .
After taxes 35k, housing costs in London are huge, then transport. I know a guy on 100k working in the city and even he says he struggles. London isn't the UK, it maybe in the UK.but does NOT represents the country as a whole.
He probably has mortgage, nice car and kids at an expensive school plus skiing and a couple of weeks in France in which case he won't get much change from his 100k but it is not struggling as a Polish person would understand the term
Obviously there is a difference between the words struggling and destitute.
Someone without kids who is struggling on 100k GBP, even in London, is struggling exclusively with first world problems, the kind of problems most people in the world who are truly struggling long to have.
I don't know why $100k has become the litmus test of being well off. The truth is its barely getting by in the major cities and the North East of the United States.
The best schools aren't day schools, or at least they aren't for somebody who lives in London. You won't get much change out of 40 grand for one kid at one of those schools.
oh for goodnees sake Harry you have to get the last word dont you? Frankly you are not the best ad for the boarding school. 100k is a good salary OK ? Anyone who says they have to send their children off to be abused at weird boarding schools, and so cannot afford to live, is an idiot,
I sent an example of the fees of the most successful girls day school in London, which is obviously good enough for an awful lot of people.
OP if I were you I would choose London, dont listen to people like Harry. He has never lived in London and just likes arguing and showing off his superior knowledge.
Anyone who says they have to send their children off to be abused at weird boarding schools, and so cannot afford to live, is an idiot,
You might call them idiots, perhaps because you can't understand them, but some people do actually put their children first. I know one couple who sold their house and bought one less than half the size in order to keep paying the school fees.
In Poland its 11k PLN gross .
Where in Poland and on what basis would you be employed? That would net to about 9,000zl per month which will get you a much better standard of living than £35,000 in London. A decent one-bedroom flat in a good part of most cities in Poland is going to be about 1,800zl a month, so 20% of your net salary. In London you're looking at £1,500, so more than 50% of your net salary. Monthly travel pass in London can be over £300 a month depending on what zones you want (although it'll probably be more like £200), in Warsaw I pay 202zl net for a 90-day travel pass.
Its not a question of boarding schools. A good private school, with an entrance exam attracts clearly the brightest pupils, but also better teachers as they will be paid a lot better and will get to work with kids that want to learn, rather than those that don't. It only takes one or two to hold the whole group back. Futhermore, the contacts you make there along with the after school network once you leave, means progressing in that city becomes so much easier.
I don't know why $100k has become the litmus test of being well off.
It's because of the whole 'six figure' notion... In fact $100k in a city like NYC, London, Paris, etc keeps your head above water if you're married and have kids.... and barely at that.. It's a good salary for a single person but imo not for a family in such an expensive city. You'd get a heck of a lot more out of $50k in Poland than $100k in London.
On both of those salaries you will be ok as a single guy as long as you don't have too many bad habits ;), that's not bad money at all, especially for Poland. I think your money will go further in Poland than in London mainly due to the differing costs of rent, but you may find it harder going in Poland where English is not as widely spoken.It will take longer than the 2-3 years you will be there for to learn Polish to any meaningful degree, the language is not as easy to pick up as English. Of course if you are working for an international company, you will probably meet lots of people who speak English. My personal feeling is that London would look better on a CV, but that's not necessarily a good enough reason for moving there! Good luck with whatever you decide.