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Is there anybody who work for Atos in Bydgoszcz as a foreigner?

bakkalgazi  2 | 21  
29 Aug 2016 /  #1
Hello mates,
I got a job offer from Atos to work in Bydgoszcz. I had a simple technical interview and it was successful. Now they called me for second interview to set up an advanced technical and HR interview. But before this, i will have a 15 minutes English language audit. I wonder if someone here had some progress or not about this language audit? and one of you had such, could you please give me some details about scope of this interview (asked questions, etc.)

thanks in advance.
29 Aug 2016 /  #2
I am not sure if this will help you or not as I have no idea whether you are applying as a graduate at entry level, or if you have previous relevant experience.

This link outlines the application and interview process which includes numerical and verbal reasoning tests, and the type of questions which have been asked before. No mention is made of English language testing, although probably they just want to assess your level of fluency.

The link is a UK one, but I'm sure the interview process would not be much different for Poland with Atos being an international company.

OP bakkalgazi  2 | 21  
30 Aug 2016 /  #3
Thank you very much Chemikiem; i decided to ask HR and she said there is no reason to worry, because it's a normal procedure of recruiting for every position. And added that my english is quite enough.

What about my experince; i have 10 years experience in IT area. Last year i had a progress with IBM and i passed all steps, got offer (a stupid offer) and didn't accept. With Atos, at first phone call, when they asked about my salary expectation, i told them and they said that the salary i expect is in the range of they give. Now i have to pass succeed second interview with HR and IT manager. Then i will inform all of you so that it will be a good example fo everybody who will want to move Poland.
31 Aug 2016 /  #4
Now i have to pass succeed second interview

Best of luck, hope it goes well :-)

Then i will inform all of you so that it will be a good example fo everybody who will want to move Poland.

That would be helpful as people often come to this forum asking about working for different companies in Poland.
OP bakkalgazi  2 | 21  
19 Sep 2016 /  #5
Hello Everybody,
I had interviews; one of them was phone call for English language audit, second was technical and HR interview.
In English language audit i was asked some basic HR questions (about my experience, character, etc.)
In Technical and HR interview i was asked many technical questions and also HR questions (Why to work for Atos, Why to work in Poland, some of my successes, salary expectation, bla bla bla)

Now waiting for result, i hope i will get an offer.

May i ask if someone knows about duration of getting offer from Atos after last interview?
merve112  - | 10  
1 Oct 2016 /  #6
Hi, I also just had a technical interview with them. I haven't received a reply yet, but the interview was yesterday.
Are you being considered for an entry position or do you have experience?
OP bakkalgazi  2 | 21  
3 Oct 2016 /  #7
Hello Merve
Can you please check your inbox?
Answer of your question: i am 10 years experienced engineer and position is senior level.
merve112  - | 10  
3 Oct 2016 /  #8
Will do! It would be nice to get someone else's opinion on the subject. The position I was interviewed for is an entry level position.
Marti90  - | 1  
6 Oct 2016 /  #9
Merged: Salary of Change manager in Poland Bydgoszcz (Atos - company)

Hi guys,

I had offered a job as Change Manager in Atos (Bydgoszcz)
Can someone let me know what should be the salary so that I can stay confirtable with the family and also save some good money.

2+ years experience, B2 English level, bachelor title from University.

Thank you in advance.
terri  1 | 1661  
6 Oct 2016 /  #10
4.5 to 5K pln

I have learned today from reading Polish articles, that any job for a non-EU national must be valued at 5.8K pln gross per month. If not, the person will not receive a work permit.

The place of work also has to prove that a Polish person (for the same money) cannot be employed. This could be because the requirements of the job require a language or skills which the Polish people do not have.

This requirement applies to all positions and it does not matter whether it is an entry level or a high level position or in fact any position at all.
OP bakkalgazi  2 | 21  
7 Oct 2016 /  #11
Hello everybody
I was offered 8500 PLN gross for every month. This is too low according to my current salary. That's why i didn't accept their offer.

My experience about interview with Atos:
They ask standart HR questions: Why Atos, why Poland, What's your best success story in your life, have you ever been in a difficult situation.

I don't make any comments about technical interview, it depends on your experience and profession.
Offer duration: They were fast, I got offer letter 10 days later after my last interview. They have relocation pack addition to salary.
If your are Non-EU, they plan your start date to about 4 months later (because of procedures, work permit, documents sending, bla bla bla)

Good luck for all of you.
merve112  - | 10  
7 Oct 2016 /  #12
Hi terri, could you please give a link to the article you mentioned? I am currently expecting an entry level job offer from Atos, and I am sure they are aware of the procedure to hire Non-EU nationals, but as far as I know they will not offer more than 5.8k PLN gross.
terri  1 | 1661  
7 Oct 2016 /  #13
this is one article, but not the one I read. It needs to be the latest news.
istannbullu34  1 | 100  
7 Oct 2016 /  #14

I remember some people which were brought from Turkey for lesser amounts, such as 4k pln (from 2014-2015), I suppose if they are not able to employ someone within the country for sometime, then they are able to hire someone outside EU - however, I am not sure


8.5 may not be good for your standards, but I think you should first come and do something here and you can get something better for after a few years if you are good at your job. It will not be easy to find something here like that. Poland is chosen by employers because of cheap labor.
terri  1 | 1661  
7 Oct 2016 /  #15
What about inflation? What used to be good money back in 2014, when they couldn't get anyone else is not so now, when there are plenty of candidates willing to work for less.
rajendracoer  - | 2  
8 Oct 2016 /  #16
Hi Bakkalgazi,

I also got a call from Atos, Bydgoszcz for SAP Skill and i have gone through first technical and 15 minutes English language audit round successfully. now i have my second technical and HR interview scheduled next week.could you please give me some more details about these two interviews( HR interview questions, difficulty level, salary negotiation etc.)

Thanks in advance for your help.
OP bakkalgazi  2 | 21  
10 Oct 2016 /  #17
I agree with you but as i mentioned before, i told them about my current salary and my expectation. They also said that they won't proceed if my salary is not in their range. Well, i will look for new opportunities in another countries.

I sent you an email, i also paste answers here:

1) These are simple HR questions, i also wrote them in my thread: Why do you want to work for Atos, Why do you want to move Poland, What is your best success in your work life, what is the difficult situation you have ever been in...

You can also check about questions and answers on internet: "frequently asked HR questions and answers"

2) I had two technical interview. First one is simple; they just check if you know something in general or not. Then second one is detailed about your profession. Mostly there is a senior or expert team member who is asking technical question.

3) In my interview there were one HR member (for HR interview) and one technical member for technical interview. Interviews were seperated, 45 min HR, 45 min technical.

4) It's not important HR interview is first or last. You passed first interview and then they will discuss your skills after these interviews. They won't say "we don't need to drive second technical interview" if your HR interview will be unsuccessful. Please consider that my both interviews (HR+Tech) were in same time.

5) Well, they asked about my expectation and my salary expectation was too high. They said ok about this and they carried on meetings. But they offered %60 less than my expectation. Of course this was too low for me.

6) I can only say that if you want to get this job, just prepare well for interviews and if you don't know the answer, just say "i don't have any information about it"

Good luck;)

P.S: please inform me if you will get a result.
Lyzko  45 | 9751  
11 Oct 2016 /  #18

As I already indicated to you in my private mail of late, knowing English for study abroad, such as in the UK, Canada or the US is more than expected. However, if you're seriously seeking employment in Poland, knowing Polish aka the target language of the country in question is an absolute MUST!!!

Your English so far looks passable, but for academic or professional purposes, it could use much improvement:-)
On the other hand, being that you're seeking work in an international environment where nearly no one's first or even second language is English most likely, it's doubtful that anyone much cares about your level of English. Sad but so.
3 Jan 2017 /  #19
Merged: What maximum salary ATOS provide for Exchange Administrator who holds 10 year of experience?

What maximum salary ATOS provide for Exchange Administrator who holds 10 year of exp
and what would be the questions asked in English audit test
DominicB  - | 2706  
3 Jan 2017 /  #20

Probably a lot less than you would like to earn. Atos are notoriously stingy. It is one of the main complaints about them on Glassdoor. Check for yourself.

If you're coming with a family or have plans of saving a substantial amount of money, then Poland is not the place for you. School tuition for school-age children is very high, and savings potential is very low.
rajeshk  - | 3  
8 Jan 2017 /  #21
if i am getting 20K in poland as per profile, so can i expect Atos will give more ??
DominicB  - | 2706  
8 Jan 2017 /  #22

You can expect whatever you want, but you won't know until you negotiate with them. Who knows? Maybe you have a skill set that they are willing to pay good money for.

We can only make vague guesses based on our limited pool of friends and acquaintances who work in the field. No one here can know all the particulars of your case, and of the company you are applying to. If you are afraid to ask them yourself, then you probably shouldn't be seeking to work with them.
rajeshk  - | 3  
13 Jan 2017 /  #23
i have given interview, company saying that 9 month is contract and then after permanent employee.. so i am bit insecure for job. is it good to join ATOS or it is just formality

Please suggest
prenkjakova  - | 1  
4 Feb 2017 /  #24
Hello folks,

i have second technical interview at ATOS and i am thinking about their approach, are they gonna ask more from troubleshooting part or check my analytical thinking. Can anyone of you share your experience, and did they focus on the job description ?
napsnobile  - | 4  
14 Mar 2017 /  #25
i want to ask you about the duration that take to inform you about last result if they are accept you or not , because i had pass the tree interview for three week before

thank you in advance
OP bakkalgazi  2 | 21  
17 Mar 2017 /  #26
They made a proposal 10 days after our last interview. But it can depend on many conditions. That's why you should wait a bit more or you can send mail and ask about progress.
napsnobile  - | 4  
17 Mar 2017 /  #27
@ bakkalgazi
thank you for the answer but the last interview that i had pass on 17/02 so till now it is 4 weeks and they tell me after 15 days we will answer you, and which contact that can i send to them ?
OP bakkalgazi  2 | 21  
20 Mar 2017 /  #28
Don't you have HR Assistant's mail address?
napsnobile  - | 4  
20 Mar 2017 /  #29
no that is the problem because they call me and the email that i have it is for warso not Bydgoszcz
OP bakkalgazi  2 | 21  
21 Mar 2017 /  #30
I sent you an email, can you please check your mailbox.

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