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Archives - 2010-2019 / Work [954] - page 6 of 16


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Freelancer website for Polish people - good idea?
Is it easy to find job as a cook in Warsaw? Salary?
5 - Merged: Where to hire housekeeper/cook in Warsaw? Hi all :-) I'd like to have someone come...

WorkAshok sherchan - 28 Dec 2015 / MattWarsaw - 29 Aug 2016
Cost of living in Warsaw with two kids
A decent paid job for native english speaker in Wrocław - no university qualifications
Salary for service now developer in Poland
Life of Foreigners in Warsaw - salary (supply chain specialist; logistics), monthly expenses
What you do not know about work & life in Poland.
Warsaw or Krakow - what is the better place to work in?
19 - Merged: Krakow or Warsaw: which one is better for an expat? Hi All, I am an...

Workphtoa - 3 Feb 2012 / marcoc10 - 30 Jul 2016
Employment in Poland for an English engineer
Some questions about average wages and hiring a cleaning woman/maid in Poland
23 - Merged: Live-in maid I'd like to hire a live-in maid or au pair to help with chores...

Workroade85 - 7 Dec 2015 / Alltimegreat1 - 25 Jul 2016
Taxes and ZUS on a second job in Poland
Are there plenty of job (computer science major) in Poland
4 - There are many IT related jobs in Poland, but to make really good money you need to have real...

Workdangminhhieu78 - 22 Jul 2016 / Grzegorz_ - 22 Jul 2016
Krakow - living and working
18 - Thank you so much @Atch...

Worklaura92 - 19 Jul 2016 / laura92 - 21 Jul 2016
Question on verification of documents for a job Interview in Poland
15 - Hi .. I have a year back but I am 6 years experience person in my technology.is there any...

Worklealnato - 25 Mar 2014 / vaibhav1sanap - 11 Jul 2016
Indian Engineer Moving to Poland...info required about job prospects
7 - Merged: Indian IT engineer is looking for job in Poznan Hello all, I've read a lot...

Workplease - 14 Oct 2009 / annusoooni - 11 Jul 2016
Does anybody know about franchise in Poland?
Wanting to move to Wroclaw. Any ideas of how to get a job sorted before moving out?
NOT POLISH and Looking for a JOB in Poland
Finnish graduate (master in industrial management) looking for a career start in Poland
Minimum basic salary in Poland  2  3  4
WANT TO MOVE from Morocco TO POLAND - job as a customer service?
Teaching Chinese in Poland
Wanting to relocate to Poland from South Africa, chances for a job as an Ophthalmic assistant there
A PhD Moving to Kraków, Poland! Salary, housing, spendings, nightlife, English knowledge.
14 - Thanks, Atch :) Well then, when I'm in my 50's I'll go to Ireland to feel...

WorkEinsiedler - 18 Jun 2016 / Paulina - 22 Jun 2016
Researcher at a University in Poland - job information
Any international companies in Poznan? (Non-polish speaker is looking for a job)
Music Teacher Career in Poland
Jobs for non Polish speakers?
Dispute clerk job at Accenture Poland..... any experience?
4 - Ditto, Chemikiem!...

Workpioter - 8 Jun 2016 / Lyzko - 8 Jun 2016
Finding English teaching jobs in Poland
Salary for Teaching EFL in Krakow  2  3  4
Job offer in IT company in Krakow Poland. Would 7000PLN net salary be too much?
Job offer in IT company ( Wroclaw ) - help needed
Opportunities for a foreign student seeking an work Internship in Poland?
Has anyone had experience of teaching with Berlitz Poland?
20 - thats because u r INGLIS TICHUR! ! !...

WorkCanadian2222 - 8 Apr 2015 / Deepak Malhotra - 30 May 2016
Quality of IT educations (Computer Science) in Poland vs. other countries
Business for Foreigners - possible to make a small project in Poland?
Szczecin - 10.000 Gross salary for a couple with child
7 - I had this once - a big drop in income in the summer. It's because they tax you...

WorkElliot Kelly - 13 May 2016 / jon357 - 20 May 2016
Polish Salary and Tax  2
Average salary in Poland for PhD in IT  2
40 - You mean software developer?...

Worktomera - 16 Oct 2009 / Honest Pole - 9 May 2016
Where can I take full-body photo for flight attendant interview in Warsaw?
Soon in Warsaw from Budapest. Job opportunities for a musically-trained person and proofreader in Poland.
9 - This might be worth a look: anicecupoftea.pl...

WorkJedH77 - 4 May 2016 / NickP - 6 May 2016
Tri-city area - Companies that offer Jobs for English speakers?
Polish Canadian going back to Poland question - best city for computer networking / software development work
No ZUS paid (no national insurance) means no NFZ healthcare and (for EU citizens) no EKUZ card in Poland
In Warsaw moving to Lodz...thinking about part time jobs..
Brazilian in Poland needing help - ideas to find a job?
Working for a UK company - National Insurance and income tax in Poland (being resident here)
3 - It does. It's called ZUS. I pay about a thousand zloty per month. Why not set...

Workadamlever - 30 Mar 2016 / Harry - 30 Mar 2016
What is Warsaw's Google Campus all about in Poland?
13 - That's fantastic. I can't believe I hadn't heard anything about this....

WorkPolonius3 - 25 Jan 2016 / Gruffler - 29 Mar 2016
Registering for Tax in Poland
Whats the job and school market like in Warsaw?
Multilingual Senior IT Analyst in Krakow 5400zl - what do you guys think about this offer?
5 - Wow! Unusually useful! Thanks!...

Workriobom - 18 Mar 2016 / riobom - 19 Mar 2016
Salary of a Native Speaker Proofreader in a company in Poland
11 - delphiandomine -- They aren't looking abroad. I live in Poland, and I'm an English teacher....

Workcolourlesslight - 16 Mar 2016 / colourlesslight - 18 Mar 2016
Poland Salary Expectations - Native English Speaker CSR
Advice on finding an Engineering job in Warsaw, Poland
Are you teaching English in Poland?  2  3  4
How to get a Poland visa for my Ukrainian wife?
Average Salary - Business Intelligence (BI) Role in Poland
3 - Thank you very much AngryPole1 for your comments. They are very useful for us. Regards,...

WorkCreationCompany - 1 Mar 2016 / CreationCompany - 2 Mar 2016
Where to Find People for a start-up (web development) project in Poland?
Is it possible to find a job on short notice in Lodz,Poland?

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