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Polonia shows the way - 4/5 of PolAms for Duda - the new President of Poland

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 May 2015 /  #1
Once again the US Polonia has shown the way to their Old Country compatriots, often so mired down by their petty daily matters that they cannot see the big picture. With the benefit of distance, PolAms are able to stand back and have a better overview of things. The bottom line is that four-fifths (some 80%) of Polish voters in the US cast their ballots for Andrzej Duda -- four times as many as voted for Komorowski.
taxigdansk  - | 8  
25 May 2015 /  #2
Yes, but they do not exist in the country and do not have a full review as the more that most lives a different life, to the question what percentage of these 80% went to the US already united under the reign of his party candidate?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2015 /  #3
and do not have a full review

full brainwashing by wyborcza and tvn you mean
25 May 2015 /  #4
In Brazil also most Pole-descendants voted for Duda. Actually, i dont know anyone that voted for Komorowski in the second turn. (Few voted in the first but then changed their opinion).
taxigdansk  - | 8  
25 May 2015 /  #5
I did not say but to make such an important choice based on TV or other media that is not good, I am an ordinary taxi driver and lives to me well and even better in recent years. Regards
gregy741  5 | 1226  
25 May 2015 /  #6
I did not say but to make such an important choice based on TV or other media that is not good

Democracy in form as it meant to ,works only within small communities,like village ,where people know each other,and base their preferences on real live merit of knowing personally all candidates...otherwise is an popularity contest.like dancing with stars.simply.

99.9% people who vote on parliamentary election,has no idea of party economical or social program...its a thick book, that nobody ever read
democracy is illusion...you got access to media and money,throw some promises and that's the way to success.
Crow  154 | 9561  
11 May 2019 /  #7
US Polish diaspora can only cry.

Duda was maybe lesser evil in comparison to Komorowski but, if Polish US diaspora could guess how will Duda become German player and side with administration of former US president Obama and Clinton`s mad wife Hillary, for sure Duda wouldn`t get support.
pawian  226 | 27561  
11 May 2019 /  #8
if Polish US diaspora could guess how will Duda become German player

Even worse, he became Kaczyński`s faithful puppet. So don`t accuse him of anything bad because he doesn`t take any decisions on his own. E,g, when you want to deal with sb, do you go and talk to his or her dog or another pet? No. So, similarly, you should address Kaczyński directly, not Duda.
Crow  154 | 9561  
11 May 2019 /  #9
How Germany hold them in its grasp? Maybe they fear not to get plane flight as good and noble twin Lech Kaczyński got?

What happened with Kaczyński`s accusation of Germany for death of his twin? And did Duda ever gave opinion on that death?
pawian  226 | 27561  
11 May 2019 /  #10
Was there ever any accusation of Germany??? I know nothing about it. So far they have been accusing mostly Russians. As for Duda, he follows the PiS party line on that, so listen to Kaczyński and you will know what Duda says. :)
Crow  154 | 9561  
11 May 2019 /  #11
There was link on the net how Kaczyński accusing Germany. I will look to it again.
pawian  226 | 27561  
11 May 2019 /  #12
Yes, there was but not about the plane crash. It was about German media which had called his brother Potato. Kaczyński was shocked by such a lack of respect and blamed it on the German government who refused to curb those frolicsome journalists.
Crow  154 | 9561  
11 May 2019 /  #13
Yes, that article still exist on the net. I also got this one... The Plane Crash Conspiracy Theory That Explains Poland
>>> foreignpolicy.com/2015/12/21/when-law-and-justice-wears-a-tinfoil-hat-poland-russia-smolensk-kaczynski/

.... that Germany has made a deal with the Russians to partition Poland or even that the current Law and Justice government

Well, in any case I am pretty sure that dobri brat Lach was assassinated. He got himself killed just after he criticized NATO and PM Tusk of his own government during session at UNGA. I am sure that NATO and EU never forgave him for he gave them middle finger for what they done to Serbia, in strategic region such is Balkan.

No Russians didn`t killed him. No sense in it. Lech started to coordinate with Serbs and then traveled to Russia to heal relations with Russians. To me, it pretty much looks to me like usual (historical) Serbian mediation between Poland and Russia. Then Lech responded by turning policy of Poland and made closer ties with Serbia. Then he traveled to Russia and then suddenly died. Seams that NATO and EU killed him.
pawian  226 | 27561  
11 May 2019 /  #14
that Germany has made a deal with the Russians to partition Poland or even that the current Law and Justice government

Why are you quoting it at all? Kaczyński didn`t accuse Germany of anything, it is fake news, a hypothetical situation concocted by the author, he could have also written that aliens made a deal with .....

Seams that NATO and EU killed him.

No, his own brother killed him, ordering the pilots to land at any cost.
Crow  154 | 9561  
11 May 2019 /  #15
Why are you quoting it at all? Kaczyński didn`t accuse Germany of anything, it is fake news,...

Yes, my mistake.

No, his own brother killed him, ordering the pilots to land at any cost.

You want to say how is Jaroslaw crazy or you point at possibility that he works for Germany and therefore he is Duda`s connection with Germany, what all makes Duda a German puppet player that seek to f*** US Trump, while already f*** Hungary and Serbia. Is that it?
pawian  226 | 27561  
11 May 2019 /  #16
You want to say how is Jaroslaw crazy

Jarosław isn`t crazy, he is a shrewd politician but he made a giant mistake - for pure political reasons, he pressed on his brother to land in the thick fog in Russia where President Kaczyński was to start his second election campaign. The pressure ended with the catastrophe and since that time, Jarosław has been doing everything possible to push this personal guilt into his deep subconcience.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
11 May 2019 /  #17
Actually he's been doing everything possible to push this feeling of guilt onto everyone else... but no, it's on him.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
11 May 2019 /  #18
No, his own brother killed him, ordering the pilots to land at any cost.

I wonder would that qualify as slander. Anyway that simply a lie.

That lie illustrates well caliber of people supporting PO.
Crow  154 | 9561  
11 May 2019 /  #20
But how then Germany hold Duda`s balls in its grasp? Where is the point of joint interests? It isn`t simple bribery, or is it is? I seek to understand
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
12 May 2019 /  #21
I seek to understand what makes you think that Duda is pro-german at all! How come?
Crow  154 | 9561  
12 May 2019 /  #22
Duda hijack efforts in direction of Central-European Union and that way buys more time to western Europe/Germany to assimilate as much as possible Poles and all of us others.
Crow  154 | 9561  
12 May 2019 /  #24
His relationship to Hungary.
pawian  226 | 27561  
12 May 2019 /  #25
Stop talking about any relationship of his cause he hasn`t any except for the relationship with strings.:)

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