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Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.

OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
4 Oct 2010 /  #91
As long as I don't mix, vodka leaves a nice clean hang over :-)

well said my Canadian compatriot?


Me? Nah, I just need a calendar and I forgot to take one from Canada when I was packing. I am still feeling somewhere in between 2 countries at the moment, not there anymore, still not here 100%. The only thing which grounds me here is the amount of walking I do on the daily basis - still practicing walking in boots since I decided that I am going to master the art.

post - communist mentality for sure, or maybe he thinks that since I am from Canada I can get my own ;)

Compared to the urban jungle of TO? Has the lack of diversity sunk in yet? :-)

ha, ha for sure the architecture in Poland is very different in comparison to Toronto.

As for luck of diversity I have already found a solution. On Saturday I boarded a train and I saw 3 Chinese men on the platform. First I was dissapointed when they passed by my compartment, but they soon took the seat in mine once they realized that the train was full. Direct from China they were doing business in Poland and sure enough I got my diversity fix because I asked them all questions I could think of, including the purpose of their business in Poland. It appears that Poland might be a good partner in fast train production. Good luck to them!!!!!!

On my way back I met a Russian from Kaliningrad, so I practiced my Russian for 30 minutes.

Today I saw an Afro American in the town my father lives and I was as happy as one who used to live in Toronto could be. So yes- funny thing that you mentioned it, but somehow I still look for the diversity fix and it looks like I am getting it:)

I worked like a horse this weekend while visiting my father and as most of you should know, the job of a Polish woman is never done, so I had to iron, cook, clean, shop, host the guests, cut the branch in my father's garden!!!!!!!!!, picked some rasberries etc, so when I arrived at my place I was quite exhausted, but felt fulfilled as any woman would be;).

It appears that there is no mashroom left in the Polish woods and I have to wait until next season. I am dissapointed, but there is always a chance that I can buy some on the street in Szczecin. I saw some people selling them last week.

I think that walking in my father's winter boots ( I did not bring appropriate shoes) in the woods turned me off a bit.

Update on the use of the new cellphone:
I know how to take pics with it and unblock it. I still don't know how to send short messages, but I am itching because I can send 50 per months for free.

Update on the weather:

It was another beautiful and sunny day in Poland. I will not risk reporting what the actual temperature was for the fear of getting in another argument with Fuzzy, but I just to tell you all and there was no clouds, the sun was shining and I am a happy camper because of that.

Coming next week: Polish dog sitting - that should be interesting - my family member asked me to look after the dog for 4 days. Looks like I have to do MORE walking.

Why all of a sudden I get engaged in doing all kinds of favours for others. In Canada it is called WORK.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
5 Oct 2010 /  #92
What the heck Aphrodisiac? Did you move back for good? Are sure you will not come back?Very, very interesting. I really like the posts about your first impressions! Keep it up.

All my best to you and may all the plans you've made realize in Poland.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
5 Oct 2010 /  #93
What the heck Aphrodisiac? Did you move back for good? Are sure you will not come back?

I have Eurola and I am pretty sure I am not coming back - I will visit at one point, but I want to be closer to my family and this is the way to go. It was not an easy decision mind you.

Very, very interesting. I really like the posts about your first impressions! Keep it up.

Thanks. I will try m best.

All my best to you and may all the plans you've made realize in Poland.

thank you very much.
Polish trains

well, to make it short, the trip could be a very good or a very bad experience. Nothing in the middle.

There are at least 4 kinds of trains at the moment:

Osobowy: read: very, very slow with run down cars, stopping at every possible station. Not recommended, unless you want to get off at one of those stations.

TLK: pretty good, much faster then Osobowy, clean and run well most of the time.
Intercity: faster or not then the TLK , but more expensive.
There is also Interegio, but I have not figure out how different in price it is form other types.

generally the cleanest and the fastest are IC (Intercity) and TLK. TLK is the one I have used most often so far and I recommend it because of the price as well as time travelled and the general quality/standard of the car(s).

I also recommend traveling by train because one can meet some interesting characters. Generally if one speaks Polish, or not - it is easy to make some "friends" on the Polish train. it is almost like travelling by plane when suddenly the person next to you becomes talkative for about 8 hours often to forget about the fear of flying or simply to kill the boredom.

It is slightly different in trains, but generally I find somebody to talk to, chat to.

Polish social life
Just got invited to the theatre tonight by a friend of mine. I like how Polish people like to tell you what is going on and recommend something worth seeing.

There are 2 theatres in Szczecin, Opera, Filcharmony Orchestra, Children Theatre and other forms of entertainment, but I will write about this later.
Polish boots
I really tried, but I find that the amount of walking I do in Poland on daily basis will not allow me to wear those boots - they are just too hard to walk in. Not for other Polish women!!!!!, Oh, NO. I see them everywhere walking in those boots without making an effort and I am getting frustrated. There is no way I am gonna make it, unless I sneak in and wear my comfortable Canadian shoes. Hell with fashion!!!!!!
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Oct 2010 /  #94
Great thread Aphro!

I like the bottom part of your posts with a bold title and a summary of what you are doing, it's like reading a journal.

And in the mornings with my coffee, while I am waiting for a call or something on the internet, it's a great read.
Keep up the good work and don't try to be like others, it will only lead to disappointment, you are a snowflake and there is noone else like you! (Okay maybe I am reading too much into the boot thing but hey, I it's just the way I feel).

Go Girl! :)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
5 Oct 2010 /  #95
thanks Sean:).

I will keep posting in the mornings while I am having my breakfast and Polska Kawa Domowa.
Polish BS
I believe that Fuzzy mentioned it some time ago. It is true, Poles like to overdramatize and add some colour to their description.

I overheard my father talking to his sister this weekend on the phone. He lost a couple of teeth, so he finally had to see the dentist for probably first time in his life. Needless to say, he was very lucky with his teeth most of his life. Now he needs a LOT of work and all he did was complaining how much money he had to spend and how long he had to sit at the dentist. He said that the whole event was so dramatic that he was hardly able to eat. The question remains: who did I cook for this past weekend, eh? For a person who is close to starvation and traumatized he smiled too much and had too many cookies for desert with his coffee, not to mention the ability to chat 24/7. What a bugger.

Polish shopping
it appears that Poles shop a lot. There is always somebody in a little shop when I get my fresh buns for breakfast - oh, yah- in Canada I could not get fresh buns even if I tried.

Often, regardless the time of the day - some men or women buy a couple of bottles of beer. If that was possible in Canada, nobody would go to work, so no wonder alcohol is only available in Beer and Liquor stores. Here, on the other hand it is available 24/7.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
5 Oct 2010 /  #96
Poles like to overdramatize and add some colour to their description.

Nothing wrong with a little colour!
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
6 Oct 2010 /  #97
there isn't as long as one does not do it in business, but in social situations. I believe that BS in business could be a big turn off for some.

Polish friends

They are actually interested in your life and care, which is nice for a change.
6 Oct 2010 /  #98
there isn't as long as one does not do it in business, but in social situations. I believe that BS in business could be a big turn off for some.

If only.

'Yeah, we can deliver that on time and on budget' is the biggest (and most oft-heard) lie in modern corporate history.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Oct 2010 /  #99
Polish Girlfriend

Just an observation I have made during the last few days and in the past.
Polish girlfriend has to look good, has to have the latest clothes, has to be dined, wined, one needs to carry her shopping bags for her and drive her places, she needs to be taken places, she needs to be listened to because she likes to talk a LOT and one better not interrupt her or else. She in not interested in what the man has to say anyways, she has found him and now she can order him around and if he does not oblige he becomes an ex- boyfriend and she moves to the next one in order to attempt to train the next victim;). She is the God's gift and he better be aware of it and if he isn't he soon will be. He has to play this game and if for some reason he does not pick up the rules quickly, "Misiu" is in big trouble. He will not hear the end of it and no amount of flowers, kisses, gifts will save him unless he is ready to spent some time in this "relationship jail".

How long? He doesn't know, but he will find out one way or the other. In exchange for playing the game he will get a good looking, savvy, well dressed and business like Polish girlfriend, who soon wants to marry him and start a family, or better yet, use his money (God forbid hers) to better her life.

"C'est la vie" or "Carpe Diem" or maybe Karpiem go po glowie;) - for the English readers: Hit him on the head with carp
7 Oct 2010 /  #100
"Carpe Diem" or maybe Karpiem go po glowie;)

OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Oct 2010 /  #101
Carpe Diem" or maybe Karpiem go po glowie;)

aka Misiu is in trouble;)
Paulina  19 | 4564  
7 Oct 2010 /  #102
Polish Girlfriend

I guess you mean this type of girlfriend? lol
7 Oct 2010 /  #103
aka Misiu is in trouble;)

Jakoś zdolałem to zrozumieć.
But seriously, even though I've never had the misfortune of shacking up with one like that, that's one of the best written posts I've seen on here in a long while. Keep 'em coming!
Teffle  22 | 1318  
7 Oct 2010 /  #104
He doesn't know, but he will find out one way or the other. In exchange for playing the game he will get a good looking, savvy, well dressed and business like Polish girlfriend, who soon wants to marry him and start a family, or better yet, use his money (God forbid hers) to better her life.

Bloody hell! It was all so drifty & dreamy and "Diary of a philosophical objective tourist" up until now!
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Oct 2010 /  #105
From my experience polish girls like to talk but usually what they say is interesting although they cover a whole range of feminine stuff as well.They also like to listen especially if you have sth to say.They are open anyways.But Russian girls know the value of silence and make you feel like a king( not without paying a premium though).

As for going out polish girls like mediocre common places while Russian strive for the best places( best clubs,best hotels,best restaurants). there are also polish girls who prefer to stay home and engage in extreme unstoppable banging with some pauses of cooking.This is an isolated situation but if Polka is good(and usually she is) it leaves some unforgettable experience.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Oct 2010 /  #106
I guess you mean this type of girlfriend? lol

that is a brilliant commercial lol the woman is overdone but that was the idea, not too far from the stereotype I have described.

Jakoś zdolałem to zrozumieć.
But seriously, even though I've never had the misfortune of shacking up with one like that, that's one of the best written posts I've seen on here in a long while. Keep 'em coming!

I just described what I saw last night:)

Bloody hell! It was all so drifty & dreamy and "Diary of a philosophical objective tourist" up until now!

I think I might be over my jet leg now. It usually takes me 2 weeks. I disagree with you on the part that my description of a Polish girlfriend was not objective. I saw it with my own eyes last night.

From my experience polish girls like to talk but usually what they say is interesting although they cover a whole range of feminine stuff as well.

thanks for sharing:). I think we read it many times already.
Paulina  19 | 4564  
7 Oct 2010 /  #107
that is a brilliant commercial lol

Yeah, it's funny :)

the woman is overdone but that was the idea

Yes, it's meant to be a satire :)

I disagree with you on the part I my description of a Polish girlfriend was not objective. I saw it with my own eyes last night.

Well, it does look to me like a generalisation with this "Polish Girlfriend" title... It sounds as if all Polish girlfriends were like that according to you, which is simply not true.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Oct 2010 /  #108
Well, it does look to me like a generalisation with this "Polish Girlfriend" title... It sounds as if all Polish girlfriends are like that according to you, which is simply not true.

Hey, I just described what I saw last night - all of my descriptions are what I see. I did not say that all Polish girlfriends are like that, yet there is ALWAYS some truth to stereotype. You need to read my "blog" with a grain of salt, or I will conclude that you have no sense of humour.

When you are out tomorrow, see for yourself.
southern  73 | 7059  
7 Oct 2010 /  #109
Polish girls also do not tell you what to do.Ukrainki tell you exactly what you need to do.If you follow the advice of Ukrainki you will get easily Polki and Cesky.If you do what you must,you are regarded as superior by Cesky.Polish girls give usually very simple advice like you have to dance etc.A good dancer has great chances with Polki.Polish girls like dancing,shopping and another activity which now I forgot.
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Oct 2010 /  #110
Polish girls also do not tell you what to do.

it is true. The Polish Princess wants poor "Misiu" to read her mind. If he doesn't he is in trouble, but I really blame "Misiu" for that since he is the one who puts up with that:)
Paulina  19 | 4564  
7 Oct 2010 /  #111
Hey, I just described what I saw last night - all of my descriptions are what I see.

I got that part...

I did not say that all Polish girlfriends are like that,

"Polish girlfriend has to..."

You didn't write "this girl I saw/met yesterday" or "there's a type of girlfriends in Poland"...

I'm just saying...

I did not say that all Polish girlfriends are like that, yet there is ALWAYS some truth to stereotype.

What stereotype? Of a Polish girlfriend? lol

You need to read my "blog" with a grain of salt, or I will conclude that you have no sense of humour.

Sorry, aphrodisiac, but I've been reading this forum for a while, and it just looked like another generalising, spiteful comment which author takes very seriously and believes that "every Polish girl is like that". I didn't realise I should read your "blog" with a grain of salt. Maybe you should warn people about that beforehand ;) Because I'm kind of tired of those eternal "Polish woman/girl/slut/girlfriend/wife" bashing topics and it's possible I've lost my sense of humour in this regard...

When you are out tomorrow, see for yourself.

Tomorrow? I've lived in Poland all my life... :)
7 Oct 2010 /  #112
The Polish Princess wants poor "Misiu" to read her mind.

Hehehe - now this I do experience, regular like.

Downtrodden 'Misiu' is the unrecognised star of this piece. Oh, I lose count of how many of those there are about the place - ALL my wife's friends' husbands here in PZ are Misie to a man, basically, even though the girls are just sweet :)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Oct 2010 /  #113
Sorry, aphrodisiac, but I've been reading this forum for a while, and it just looked like another generalising, spiteful comment which author takes very seriously and believes that "every Polish girl is like that".

how you read what I write is up to you, if you are tired of what people write about Polish women on this forum, stop reading it and if you are offended by what I have written, then there might be some truth to what I observed last night. I have written about the stereotypes of a Polish girlfriend and reading what I write with a grain of salt is the way to go. Sue me. You even posted a video from that commercial, which is based on that stereotype. If you not HER, there is nothing you need to worry about. If you are her, then loose those boots, they are very uncomfortable. I tried them and I still have sore feet.

Hehehe - now this I do experience, regular like.

he, he........may God be with you;)

Downtrodden 'Misiu' is the unrecognised star of this piece.

that was my point;). Maybe I will be lucky enough to watch Misiu in action one of those days.

Update on my Polish boots
Since they are very uncomfortable I dropped them off at the shoemaker, so he can stretch them a bit - I am not giving up on the Polish fashion after much deliberation;). Am I gonna become A Polish Girlfriend?;)
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
7 Oct 2010 /  #114
Damn you Aphro! You got that one crossed out of my fantasy list, the Polish girlfriend item that is. Not that I didn't have my doubts hearing some rumors about their affinity for' Balkan charm' ;D
Barney  19 | 1768  
7 Oct 2010 /  #115
I have not moved to Alaska after all. It looks pretty civilized when I looked out the window;)

So what is all this talk about bears;)

Polish boots

Watch out for when the "Zubrs" are charging down the streets then you will understand that the boot thing is a necessity:)
Paulina  19 | 4564  
7 Oct 2010 /  #116
how you read what I write is up to you

Well, I think how you write what you write may have something to do with it, don't you think? ;)

to you, if you are tired of what people write about Polish women on this forum, stop reading it

I just wanted to explain why I reacted to what you wrote the way I reacted...

and if you are offended by what I have written, then there might be some truth to what I observed last night.

Strange logic... I was offended by a generalisation (and it was written like this - like a generalisation) and that's why I reacted (as I usually do here). If you're curious - no, I'm nothing like the type of girlfriend you've described :)

I have written about the stereotypes of a Polish girlfriend and reading what I write with a grain of salt is the way to go.

Well, writing about stereotypes and about what you see is a bit different, I think...

Sue me.

I've restricted myself to making a comment :)

You even posted a video from that commercial, which is based on that stereotype.

Yes, it's a stereotype of so called "blachara" :) And it's just one of types of Polish girlfriends/girls. And rather ridiculed :)

If you not HER, there is nothing you need to worry about.

When I write comments on this forum I write them not becuase I'm like the women described, but because I'm Polish.
I've been a girlfriend to a man, so I felt like you're generalising also about me, as you entitled your comment "Polish girlfriend".

That's all.

No need to be hostile :)
OP aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
7 Oct 2010 /  #117
Damn you Aphro! You got that one crossed out of my fantasy list, the Polish girlfriend item that is. Not that I didn't have my doubts hearing some rumors about their affinity for' Balkan charm' ;D

sorry to burst your bubble Flagless;), but I am sure you get my sense of humour.

So what is all this talk about bears;)


Watch out for when the "Zubrs" are charging down the streets then you will understand that the boot thing is a necessity:)

I was hoping that it would not have to come to this:)

Well, I think how you write what you write may have something to do with it, don't you think? ;)

I don't know. From what I see you have taken my description of the Polish Girlfriend at the face value and that was not my intention. Some people got my sarcastic post, some did not.

I just wanted to explain why I reacted to what you wrote the way I reacted...

yes, I understand, but what I don't understand is why you are getting offended by my description of a stereotype, if you know it is a stereotype.

Strange logic... I was offended by a generalisation (and it was written like this - like a generalisation) and that's why I reacted (as I usually do here). If you're curious - no, I'm nothing like the type of girlfriend you've described :)

it was written the way the whole thread it written: my personal experience in Poland and I am trying to be perceptive and objective. I have written what I saw.

Well, writing about stereotypes and about what you see is a bit different, I think...

true, but what I saw last night happens to fit the stereotype - how would you explain that?

Yes, it's a stereotype of so called "blachara" :) And it's just one of types of Polish girlfriends/girls. And rather ridiculed :)

and the most obvious.

When I write comments on this forum I write them not becuase I'm like the women described, but because I'm Polish.

I am a Polish citizen and I have no problem with writing and reporting what I see. It is part of my reality as well. However, I am not defensive as you are. There is nothing wrong with blachara in my opinion. I did not generalize about you, since I don't know you, so there is no need to take it personally, or is there?

No need to be hostile :)

there is no need to be defensive either. I have nothing more to add on that subject Paulina, so stop harping.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
7 Oct 2010 /  #118
The Polish Princess wants poor "Misiu" to read her mind.

Hey, I would go as far as to say they also want you to be able to read the minds of random animals. My ex blamed me for not knowing that a seagull was about to swoop down and eat her hot dog :/

As for the rest, I would agree that a bit over the top and try to be controlling quite a lot, but hey, if you are a big enough man then you don't need to put up with it.
Paulina  19 | 4564  
7 Oct 2010 /  #119
I don't know. From what I see you have taken my description of the Polish Girlfriend at the face value and that was not my intention. Some people got my sarcastic post, some did not.

I got the sarcasm part... But your intention I did not get - that's true...

yes, I understand, but what I don't understand is why you are getting offended by my description of a stereotype, if you know it is a stereotype.

As I wrote I didn't like the first comment because it looked like a generalisation about all Polish girlfriends.
Besides, you can find such girls in every country so I'm not sure what's so "Polish" about this.

true, but what I saw last night happens to fit the stereotype - how would you explain that?

That girls like that exist? :) I am fully aware of this and I don't deny this - I've seen such girls, but, at the same time, I know they are a minority :)

and the most obvious.

Why "the most obvious"?

I am a Polish citizen and I have no problem with writing and reporting what I see. It is part of my reality as well. However, I am not defensive as you are.

Well, you're not Polish either. Maybe you would also object if someone wrote a generalising comment about Ukrainian women?

There is nothing wrong with blachara in my opinion.

Well, judging by your comment, I would say you dislike them... ;)

I did not generalize about you, since I don't know you, so there is no need to take it personally, or is there?

As I wrote... before... :) I saw your comment as a generalisation about... Polish girls... in general :) And I am a Polish girl after all :P

there is no need to be defensive either.

I'm not defensive - I don't claim such girls don't exist.
OK, let's end it this way - I have an impression that you think most Polish girls are like that. Do you?

I have nothing more to add on that subject Paulina, so stop harping.

You can always ignore me :)
f stop  24 | 2493  
7 Oct 2010 /  #120
When he publicly says "Yes, dear" to me, we both know it is not a sign of his weakness. What it really means is "You're the social director here, dear", "I don't really care, dear", "I will tolerate it, dear", sometimes it even means "I'm keeping score and you owe me one, dear" ;). To the outside world it may appear that I am in position of strength in the relationship, but in this case, nothing could be further from the truth.

Just wanted to throw this out there. ;)

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why.Archived