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PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'?

Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
7 Sep 2010 /  #151
He goes on this forum all the time and makes Poland look so much more than it really is.

must be seanus, that explains it all.. lol..

The comment was about mediawatch saying that this forum is only for ("applies to") people of Polish descent;

Media watch is directing anger at del, and few of us feel the same. if your just making a
comment like you did and explaining it , it makes more sense, but del is completely
disrespecting Poland and Polish Americans, saying they go overboard, and have no
right to celebrate their culture in another country basically, but this is America and people
are allowed to celebrate their culture and traditions.

and he is also saying those of us who are born Americans basically shouldnt even claim
Polish ancestry, even though he can claim his scottish ancestry ( with no beliefs in it mind

as for del a teacher.. Seanus, I dont know how you teach your class if you dont believe in
History or the facts that THERE IS ( reality check) Americans with Polish ancestry
and if they want to parade around in shirts that say you bet your keilbasa Im polish
the so what.. is it going to make you cry if they do??

booo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


now I know the real scoop of who the del is. yeah, figures, no surprises there.. just
a man who argues for the sake of arguing.. I pity your girlfriend, especially since she
is polish and prob has cousins in America or the UK who celebrate their culture where
ever they live.. cause its their god given right and theres nothing anyone can do about

Fuzzy, I enjoyed your post.. thanks :) was cool. I retract other misunderstood posts :)

yep.. off to work.. la la la smooches and all that mushy stuff to yas..
convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #152
but del is completely
disrespecting Poland and Polish Americans

well, one of the two...
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
7 Sep 2010 /  #153
The weak will always identify closely with their tribe. The leaders of the tribe know it's a powerful tool.

So are the millions of 4th and 5th generation Irish Americans weak for identifying closely with their tribe by celebrating their Irish heritage? To the point where they feel the need to make the river of a major American city green?


convex  20 | 3928  
7 Sep 2010 /  #154
So are the millions of 4th and 5th generation Irish Americans weak for identifying closely with their tribe by celebrating their Irish heritage? To the point where they feel the need to make the river of a major American city green?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Sep 2010 /  #155
So are the millions of 4th and 5th generation Irish Americans weak for identifying closely with their tribe by celebrating their Irish heritage? To the point where they feel the need to make the river of a major American city green?

Don't get me started on that lot, they're just as bad as the Polonia, if not worse. They "identify" with their "heritage" by getting absolutely blind drunk on St Patrick's day - yet none of them would be able to tell you what St Patrick did with the snakes!

If they were really "Irish", they would be able to speak the language to at least conversational level. Then again, I wonder how many of them know if they were from behind or beyond the Pale?

You are missing a point here, its about human feelings and self-identification - its personal and fragile matter :)

The truth is that many of the Polonia, as well as the others would drop the "Polish" label in an instant if it suited them. Why is it that many of them only discovered how Polish they were in 2004? I mean, it was nothing to do with the way that it granted the right to an EU passport, was it? Course not. And let's not forget that many of them only wanted Polish citizenship once the conscription requirement was dropped - I mean, they identified so strongly with their country, yet they weren't willing to serve their time. Very...patriotic, don't you think?

At the end of the day, they're mostly Plastic Poles - proud to claim Polish ancestry, but completely unwilling to actually invest the time/energy needed to actually be Polish. They'll talk about kielbasas (completely not understanding that "kielbasa" is the Polish word for sausage) and pierogies (again, not understanding that pierogi is the plural) - but when it comes to actually *being* Polish, barely any of them will bother.

Ultimately - they might be Polish-Americans, but they're not Polish and never will be. The truth hurts, I guess :)

(and quite frankly : no self respecting Pole would want anything to do with a kielbasa waving American anyway)

Whatever happened to the ordinary Americans who were living the American dream? I like those ones...
grethomory  1 | 155  
7 Sep 2010 /  #156
I noticed on the census it asked "which group do you identify, i.e. african american, hispanic, etc. I have 2 friends who are both bi-racial. The one who is in his 40's and half black/half white puts down Black, but the one who is in her late 20's half black/half white puts down both. I've noticed that older bi-racial people like "Obama" state they are black, but the younger bi-racial people state they are both. I think this stems from the old law here in America that stated if you had one drop of black blood you were black.
BookOwl  - | 22  
13 Sep 2010 /  #157
Okay, that is an interesting observation, but what does it have to do with the discussion about Poles and Polish-Americans? I'm not seeing the connection...

The truth is that many of the Polonia, as well as the others would drop the "Polish" label in an instant if it suited them.

I disagree. I think that many, many Polish-Americans (as well as many others of Polish descent around the world) "discovered how Polish they were" on 16 October 1978, when Karol Józef Wojtyła became Pope John Paul II. Having a Polish Pope might have been the primary reason that Polish (or Polack) jokes went out of style in America. It was cool and honorable to be Polish (or Polish-American). We were proud to identify with the first Polish pope. (He was also the first non-Italian pope since Dutch Pope Adrian VI in 1522.)

And, John Paul II did not disappoint us. From Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_John_Paul_II

[He] has been acclaimed as one of the most influential leaders of the twentieth century. It is widely held that he was instrumental in ending Communism in his native Poland and eventually all of Europe, as well as significantly improving the Catholic Church's relations with Judaism, Islam, the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Anglican Communion. He was one of the most-traveled world leaders in history, visiting 129 countries during his pontificate. He spoke the following languages: Italian, French, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Russian, Croatian, Esperanto, Ancient Greek and Latin as well as his native Polish.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
13 Sep 2010 /  #158
At the end of the day, they're mostly Plastic Poles - proud to claim Polish ancestry, but completely unwilling to actually invest the time/energy needed to actually be Polish.


What nonsense comrade. Do you have any idea how moronic you sound? According to you all Polish Americans talk about is Kielbasa and define themselves by their talk of "Kielbasa"?? Are you and idiot? LOL Those ridiculous comments only show how ignorant you are about Polonia or Polish people. But I'm sure you know a lot about RUSSIA!

The last person on earth to make any judgements about people of Polish ancestry is an undercover Russian American, pretending to be a Pole "in Poland", like yourself. What's more pathetic about what you say about Polonia is the fact that you feel this need to "establish yourself as a Pole" on this forum and then keep taking cheap shots at people of Polish ancestry inside and outside of Poland.

The last thing in the world you care about is putting time and energy into promoting or helping Poland or Polish people. All you care about is trashing Polish people while bending over backwards to defend against any criticism of your Russia.


What's with this obsession you have with Kielbasa and Pierogis? LOL
convex  20 | 3928  
13 Sep 2010 /  #159
What's with this obsession you have with Kielbasa and Pierogis? LOL

wtf is pierogis? same thing as raviolis and gnocchis?

The last thing in the world you care about is putting time and energy into promoting or helping Poland or Polish people.

Just out of curiosity, how do you help Poland? How do most most Americans with Polish ancestry support Poland? Do most people who consider themselves "Polish-Americans" speak Polish? This part isn't meant as a dig at you (the pierogis comment on the other hand..).
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
13 Sep 2010 /  #160
How do I help Poland and people of Polish ancestry?

In the most important way. By defending Poland and Polish people from slander and lies.
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Sep 2010 /  #161
Since you ignored the rest.

Poland, and the people that inhabit this great piece of the planet, don't need your protection. They're perfectly capable of taking care of themselves. These are hardcore people who face adversity everyday, I don't think they're going to be helped by someone that can't even talk to them. Invest in Poland. Learn the language. Share a bit of that superior "western" education that you had the chance of taking part in. That will help Poland, not calling people Russian from across the pond. There are plenty of Poles that know their history well, they're not idiots you know.

My personal opinion (a good one, mind you)...if you're not investing money here, or training people, you aren't doing a thing for Poles. Not "PolAms", but real Poles. Real Poles, in Poland, are trying to make their country better for their families, and their fellow Poles, not defend their honor.

Now really, are you doing anything for Poland?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Sep 2010 /  #162
WTF?? so because we choose to retrace our familys history we have to pay taxes, and
move there and do something for the country or else we cant trace our family? we cant
learn about where we started?? are u off your rocker??

were not business people over here trying to buy up their land to take over for god sake
we are just learning and living our familys past culture!! you sound like its voodoo to
even try to learn anything or say we have family, which we do.. just because your a
brit living in poland doesnt make you god and holier that thou , why did those not native
to their country move to poland?? wasnt to become a polish person now was it??

the country is avail, lots of natural resources that practically untouched , so you went to
buy a piece of property that makes you a martyr for the whole country?

when you build a orphanage and start feeding the whole country on your paycheck
come talk to us, otherwise fek off.

paying taxes is part of the deal when you buy property, it doesnt help Poland it helps
the politicians dumbarse.. and every country you live you pay taxes..

just because you moved there, doesn't make you king of the land, so what you have
a job in Poland so you can feed your arse and your family, thats what people do!!

they pick a place off the whole planet that they would like to live, they move there and
they buy a home, it doesnt change the whole country of Poland just because YOU
bought one little fricken home in Poland and learned the language..

and if you choose to do that, learn the language, its because you have to , same as they
do if they come to the united states, it would be pretty f*in boring if you lived there and
didnt know how to talk to anyone, and people were screwing you over left and right and
you didnt know WTF was going on, its kinda a have to do thing.. otherwise I would bet
you would be laughed at silently while your smiling and they are talking shyt. as alot of
people of different languages do.. and dont tell me it dont happen cause it happened
to my Romanian friend who went to a store and they were talking shyt and so she looked
at her husband and talked it back to him and said good thing we dont live close to this
store, cause the help sucks!! boy did they get wide eyes!!

I dont get why these idiots keep saying we do nothing for Poland and how would they
even fricken know what we do , a good portion of the people that came to America didnt
come in 1920, they came recently, so telling them they left their country hangin, thats
pretty sad, cause you left your country you sad pieces of cow poo!

and further more, those who did come post war, wanted a better life, if they found it
in America who are you to tell them after all the shyt they been thru??

and for the 2nd and 3rd generations, there is no reason to even take any of what they
say in, for one thing, when someone traces their ancestry, its not free. you have to pay
for genealogists in Poland, there prices are not cheap, its very costly, but it does go into the economy, which does help Poland so u can f off there.. my family and many familys still send Clothing and personal need items, because some familys are still not doing so well and

its the greedy business people who come over that want to pay cheap labor ( yeah like that helps them) and have people work for nothing, how is that helping? um yeah thought so

you can F off on that one too..

when you can say that you provided substantial jobs, that you have volunteered endless
hours helping those who are homeless , and you give up your whole paycheck to save
babies that are born with some type of defect, and devote your whole life to giving to the
polish govt, dont sit here and throw fekin stones and me or anyone else who is tracing or
learning about their families or lives in America and takes part in their own culture who
recently came from Poland..

dont get all over any of these people till you can say you are the king and have done
all the things said above..

sounds fekin silly dont it?? yeah thats what were all saying about you idiots who think
you became god overnight!!!

go lick your lips and place them on a iceberg , maybe you can float to Iceland and
go pay taxes there and buy up their Ice and make a really nice business as a cold
arse-hole who is doing good for his community!!
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
14 Sep 2010 /  #163

Most of them are not Poles; they are PolAms, which is not quite the same thing, and is something to be proud of in its own right.

Except for recent emigres (expat poles) there is no Pol-Am sub-culture in America. Certain ethnic groups assimilate into American society some don't. Swiss-Amish, Chinese (Chinatowns), French Cajuns, Appalachian Scot-Irish maintain a bit of a sub-culture. English, Germans, Japanese, Poles assimilate. Overtime we disappear into the general population.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
14 Sep 2010 /  #164
there is no Pol-Am sub-culture in America.


well I could google all night long on the topic of Polish Americans and how they continue to contribute and keep culture a big part of their lives.

Poles assimilate. Overtime we disappear into the general population.

speak for yourself.. over time there will still be polish immigrants and they will immigrate
in the year 2525 if man is still alive!! LOL

oh yeah, im tired,, off to the pillow..
sledz  23 | 2247  
14 Sep 2010 /  #165
So are the millions of 4th and 5th generation Irish Americans weak for identifying closely with their tribe by celebrating their Irish heritage? To the point where they feel the need to make the river of a major American city green?

And there are also Irish immigrants that attend, and many people form Ireland fly here to Chicago for this festivity. Theres nothing like it in the world!!!

Youre the first person I ever heard criticize it, Ive seen 80 year old Irish Immigrants celebrating St. Patricks day at the river, are they weak for their heritage also?

The Irish pretty much built Chicago, I assume you have never been here since you talk such nonsense:)

just because your a
brit living in poland

Hi Pat:)

I think hes Amerikanka
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
14 Sep 2010 /  #166
Now really, are you doing anything for Poland?

Con Con Con,

This has to be one of the silliest conversations I have had with anyone here.

Where do I even begin?? LOL


First of all I do and have spoken with Poles in Poland as well as Poles who just came here as well as Polish Americans who are 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation. Granted most of the Polish people I speak with are Poles/Polish Americans here in America since this is where I live. But you do realize I have family and roots from Poland don't you?....for goodness sake. Also as I have said before I do speak some Polish, its just not as good as my Polish. How do you think I read these Polish articles here? LOL

Also as I have said repeatedly now, this forum is not just about Poles in Poland. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? Don't believe me? Just look at all the topics here. WHAT language is this forum in? Hint: Its the language that most Polish people outside of Poland speak LOL

Its about things in general about Poland and Polish people. So according to you, once a Pole and or his family leave Poland they are suppose to not have any interest in their Polish ancestry? For goodness sakes we have millions of Italian Americans, Jewish Americans, African Americans, Irish Americans, etc that love to talk about their interest and pride in their ancestry and these are 4th and 5th generation ethnic Americans.

I already provided youtube videos of how 4th and 5th generation Irish Americans are going through the trouble of coloring the Chicago river GREEN to show their interest and pride in being Irish. Have you ever been to an Italian Columbus Day Parade or Irish Saint Patrick Day Parade in a major US city? I have. These are mostly 3rd 4th 5th generation Italian and Irish Americans respectively in these parades going wild about their ethnic ancestry. Are you going to tell these millions of Italian and Irish Americans to lay off their interest and pride in their ancestry as well??? LOL

Seriously. What Pro-Polish things have I said that have offended you and made you feel so uncomfortable? LOL Was it my support of the Polish soccer players in Germany bringing honor to Germany? Was it my support of Polish born boxer Tomasz Adamek boxing here in the US? Was it my support of that cute Polish tennis player Caroline Wozniacki bringing honor to her nation of Denmark? Which was it? LOL

I've never heard anyone say to somebody else in so many words that there are ONLY CERTAIN things they can do to "help Poles" or Poland or any country for that matter like you do. LOL You're just being silly.

But since you brought up investing in Poland I have invested/donated to charities and hospitals in Poland. Heck I even donated to a Polish kids baseball team. But even if I didn't that doesn't make me any less pro-Polish.

As for my efforts in defending Poles and highlighting the good things people of Polish ancestry do, I don't know any Pole who told me, "NO DON"T DO THAT". "You must invest your time and money in Poland ONLY!" On the contrary, these Poles like what I do. Heck THEY WORK WITH ME AND EGG ME ON!!! LOL!!! How does that grab you??? :D

Share a bit of that superior "western" education that you had the chance of taking part in. That will help Poland, not calling people Russian from across the pond. There are plenty of Poles that know their history well, they're not idiots you know.

One of the last things I would accuse Poles in Poland of are "being idiots". I've already seen enough of that kind of Anti-Polish hate propaganda by Poland's enemies. Frankly I think its something that would come out of your mouth much sooner then my mouth. Your pal Delphiodomine who is basically arguing your same argument against me, on many occasions has already called Poles in Poland idiots many times in so many words.

Are you now debating me on behalf of Delphiodomine now?? LOL Its interesting to see how the mention of "Russia" is hitting a nerve with you, just like with Delphiodomine.

One last thing. Check out this video of the Polish national anthem that was sang by Polish Americans in Newark NJ in AMERICA, right before the recent Tomasz Adamek fight.

Like the Polish anthem says in so many words, where there are Poles/people of Polish ancestry, there is Poland, no matter where Poles are.
sledz  23 | 2247  
14 Sep 2010 /  #167
I already provided youtube videos of how 4th and 5th generation Irish Americans are going through the trouble of coloring the Chicago river GREEN to show their interest and pride in being Irish.

Im sorry, I read your other post incorrectly:)

Yes, its true Americans take great pride in their ancestry even if they are 4th or 5th generation
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
14 Sep 2010 /  #168
The Irish pretty much built Chicago, I assume you have never been here since you talk such nonsense:)


I think you have me wrong.

I was just pointing out how Americans of various ethnic backgrounds celebrate their ancestry just like Polish Americans. Some of them celebrate their ancestry even more then Polish Americans.

I don't think there is anything wrong with ethnic Americans celebrating their ancestry as long as they always are proud of being an American first. Like I am and I'm sure you are. It can only be a problem when an ethnic group puts its ethnic interest ahead of America.

As for Chicago, I have been there several times. I have never seen the downtown of a big US city with such a big European population. I thought it was cool. It was also much cleaner then many other big US cities I have been to. The people also seemed rather friendly. At least in comparison to Eastern Coast Big cities. Although Boston wasn't too bad lol.

I was a few blocks from the Sears Tower late night at a diner one time and it was interesting to hear Polish being spoken instead of Spanish. Actually in many places in Chicago I heard Polish being spoken which was neat.

As for the Irish, I like them. They look like they have a lot of fun celebrating. If I am not mistaken the Irish came to Chicago a little before the Polish and contributed a lot to building it. Its no coincidence that the Chicago mayors come from the same Irish family.
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Sep 2010 /  #169
I dont get why these idiots keep saying we do nothing for Poland and how would they
even fricken know what we do

I'll be an idiot, you can be an insecure American trying to latch on to anything that might make you feel special, deal? My comment was in response to Mediawatch saying that he is doing the most important thing of all, defending a people who don't need to be defended. That's all. Seems to have struck a chord with you though. Sorry, but if someone calls me out as being "Russian" because they don't agree with what you have to say opens up the floodgates to call out them as a disconnected foreigner with casual ties to Poland. Quite a few Americans with Polish ancestry post here based on idealized casual views on threads regarding life in Poland, and then get their panties all in a knot when someone doesn't subscribe to the same idea. That's it.

I don't feel that I am doing gods work here in Poland, I'm making money here, that's my motivation. Creating jobs and bringing money into the country is just a side product of what I set out to achieve. No moral high ground there. Of course, I'm not claiming to be Polish either.

Its about things in general about Poland and Polish people. So according to you, once a Pole and or his family leave Poland they are suppose to not have any interest in their Polish ancestry?

Not at all, I just think you should stick to your interest in your Polish ancestry, and stop trying to defend things that you don't agree with. The comment that you made about defending Poles and Poland from lies and slander, that's what I take issue with. You are making yourself out to be a defender of all things Polish.

Are you now debating me on behalf of Delphiodomine now?? LOL Its interesting to see how the mention of "Russia" is hitting a nerve with you, just like with Delphiodomine.

Ah, there you go again.

As for my efforts in defending Poles and highlighting the good things people of Polish ancestry do, I don't know any Pole who told me, "NO DON"T DO THAT". "You must invest your time and money in Poland ONLY!" On the contrary, these Poles like what I do. Heck THEY WORK WITH ME AND EGG ME ON!!! LOL!!! How does that grab you??? :D

No problem there, I just came across your posts in the Smolensk disaster thread, and am basing my comments on that.

Like the Polish anthem says in so many words, where there are Poles/people of Polish ancestry, there is Poland, no matter where Poles are.

Interesting interpretation. I see it more as a song meant to motivate a people who didn't have a homeland, and to keep faith that one day their country would return, and they could live in Poland, as Poles. The first three lines make that fairly clear to me. To me, marsz, marsz refers to marching to liberate Poland, not maszerowac od polska...
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
14 Sep 2010 /  #170
Not at all, I just think you should stick to your interest in your Polish ancestry, and stop trying to defend things that you don't agree with. The comment that you made about defending Poles and Poland from lies and slander, that's what I take issue with. You are making yourself out to be a defender of all things Polish....

No I am just defending Polish people from lies and slander. You mean to tell me you have never read in the Polish media any stories about Poland or Polish people being slandered and lied about? Oh that's right you don't know any Polish. LOL

Get off of it already you don't live in Poland.

Like the Polish anthem says in so many words, where there are Poles/people of Polish ancestry, there is Poland, no matter where Poles are.

Interesting interpretation. I see it more as a song meant to motivate a people who didn't have a homeland, and to keep faith that one day their country would return, and they could live in Poland, as Poles. The first three lines make that fairly clear to me. To me, marsz, marsz refers to marching to liberate Poland, not maszerowac od polska...

Yes technically your interpretation about the song may be correct about Poles not having a homeland and fighting to get it back. But you do know that this song does have a big metaphorical meaning to Poles. How can you not? Its about the Polish underdog fighting spirit.

So since Poles have their land back, according to you Poles should never sing the Polish national anthem anymore to inspire them in whatever endeavor they pursue????

I guess with your logic you would reprimand these Polish Americans for singing the Polish national anthem across the Atlantic Ocean in Newark NJ USA.

How dare they sing the Polish national anthem outside of Poland! LOL
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Sep 2010 /  #171
You mean to tell me you have never read in the Polish media any stories about Poland or Polish people being slandered and lied about? Oh that's right you don't know any Polish.

Nope, I'm just an FSB plant living in Moscow, only speak Russian. But seriously, I watch the news just about every night, and don't ever see anything about Poland or Poles being slandered. Maybe I'm watching the wrong stations? Maybe you're not a TVN guy? Is there more coverage about slander and lies on TVP?

Yes technically your interpretation about the song may be correct about Poles not having a homeland and fighting to get it back. But you do know that this song does have a big metaphorical meaning to Poles. How can you not? Its about the Polish underdog fighting spirit.

That is simply your interpretation. Actually, interesting point. I'll ask around and get people's opinions on it tonight. I'm curious to hear what people here think about it. I'm not taking the **** either, I'm genuinely curious.

So since Poles have their land back, according to you Poles should never sing the Polish national anthem anymore to inspire them in whatever endeavor they pursue????

Yea, Poles should.

How dare they sing the Polish national anthem outside of Poland! LOL

Does seem a bit hypocritical to sing the Polish national anthem and then eat a big plate of "pierogies"...
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
14 Sep 2010 /  #172
But seriously, I watch the news just about every night, and don't ever see anything about Poland or Poles being slandered. Maybe I'm watching the wrong stations?

You mean you never heard any Polish news reports about the lie and slanderous label "Polish Concentration Camps" used in dubious media??? That was not a one day story.

How dare they sing the Polish national anthem outside of Poland! LOL

Does seem a bit hypocritical to sing the Polish national anthem and then eat a big plate of "pierogies"...

OK..... you got me there.

But then again, sometimes you need some inspirational, motivational music before you eat a big plate of pierogies that might not be done well! :D
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Sep 2010 /  #173
You mean you never heard any Polish news reports about the lie and slanderous label "Polish Concentration Camps" used in dubious media??? That was not a one day story.

Honestly, it wasn't all that big here. Politics (the circus), the economy, crime and corruption...that tends to make up the overwhelming bulk of the news.

But then again, sometimes you need some inspirational, motivational music before you eat a big plate of pierogies that might not be done well! :D

As a fellow lover of those little packets of goodness, please, don't degrade them by calling them pierogies. Have some respect, it's a national heirloom. Pierogi. If anything, defend them. They are helpless and could use support. Correct the blasphemers who would otherwise deride them with the term "pierogies".
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
14 Sep 2010 /  #174
A german invented them! *ducks and runs* ...just kidding! :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Sep 2010 /  #175
Pat19, I don't remember commenting on this issue at all. I don't know why you mentioned my name. I might have said sth about plastic Poles and voting but that's about it.
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Sep 2010 /  #176
A german invented them!

alter alter alter... wenn du so weiter machst, dann sehen wir bald wieder krieg...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
14 Sep 2010 /  #177
We and what army???

We could throw dumplings at each other...naaaaah....eating them is much more fun! ;)
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Sep 2010 /  #178
We and what army???

I'm just saying, provocative statements like that only lead to all out warfare. It's a deep matter of honor.
sledz  23 | 2247  
14 Sep 2010 /  #179

I think you have me wrong.

I was just pointing out how Americans of various ethnic backgrounds celebrate their ancestry just like Polish Americans. Some of them celebrate their ancestry even more then Polish Americans.

Yes, I mis-read what you wrote and have to agree with you. We have Polish, Irish, Italian and German festivals in Chicago. Some people can be half and half and nobody is going to question your ethnicity over here:)

I was a few blocks from the Sears Tower late night at a diner one time and it was interesting to hear Polish being spoken instead of Spanish. Actually in many places in Chicago I heard Polish being spoken which was neat.

You can go into some neighborhoods and hear noting but Polish or take a drive to Greektown, Chinatown or go to a Irish Pub and get a pint of Guinness.

We are very diversified city of Immigrants that came from all over the world and just because youre a 4th or 5th generation Pole there`s noting wrong with wanting to be part of your heritage,,of course we are all Americans first.

The people also seemed rather friendly. At least in comparison to Eastern Coast Big cities.

Yeah, they tend to be pretty rude in NYC and NJ

As for the Irish, I like them. They look like they have a lot of fun celebrating.

Its a blast when they dye the river green, hundreds of thousands of people turn up for the parade and you dont have to be Irish to attend, Ive even seen Mexicans there???

I am not mistaken the Irish came to Chicago a little before the Polish and contributed a lot to building it.

Yes, not just Irish and Poles but all Europeans have built this place

Its no coincidence that the Chicago mayors come from the same Irish family.

Mayor Daley is stepping down after 20+ years and his father was Mayor for decades.

I heard Jesse Jackson Jr. wants to be the new Mayor,,, I say Hell No!!

And then Obama will be moving back after hes done with his term, I wonder if he will ever have a go at it?
guesswho  4 | 1272  
14 Sep 2010 /  #180
Yeah, they tend to be pretty rude in NYC and NJ

Well, when it comes to rudeness, Cali beats them all or is at least is just as bad, lol

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / PolAms -- do you regard yourselves only as 'white Americans'?Archived