I have said I will be beelzebub's friend and rather than point out how he continuously points the finger at Poland but jumps to the defence of his country, I will say this... oh wait I am finished.
Although I think I understand enkidu's original reason for asking loaded questions, I think they are not real questions.
The American people are no more to blame for the war in Afghanistan's "War on terror", than the Polish. So before condemning another nation, perhaps you ought to inform or what you are really doing is blaming, your own people before pointing fingers.
1) Are you sure that the Osama is the real ringleader? How do you know that? What convinced you?
Terrorism is an abstraction.
2) Are you aware of the fact that he was trained by the CIA?
And Polish are in the war too?
3) Are you sure that on Guantanamo bay there are terrorist only. How do you know that?
And that Poland with some other European countries were used as illegal "detention centres" too?
4) Are you aware of the fact that the US has invaded the Haiti a few times during 20th century?
And Poland Afghanistan? After all you sent soldiers there and what did they ever do to you?
5) Are you aware of the fact that mujahedins (US allies in the 1990) and talibs (current enemies) are virtually the same men?"
So Poland is occupying Afghanistan?