I have a friend in Poland. She would like to move here and be with me. How do I help her get here? Can I help her?
Apply for a K-1 visa.
All you have to do is say you want to marry her and have 10K in liquid assets to prove that you can support her when she gets here. That will get her a three month visa.
Also the U.S. Embassy has a lotto that you throw your name into and they draw so many per year that they
grant visa's to just because.
There are many ways to get into the U.S.A. both legally and illegally.
About the only way that she will be allowed to stay legally though is to marry her.
Get her her citizenship after three years and divorce her unless you love her.
There are many ways to do it if you really want it.
It just takes time and money.
The quickest legal way is to go to Poland and marry her.
In doing so she will be back here in the U.S.A. with you in about 18 months or less.
Good luck.
I keep reading in our local paper that the US government's trying to eliminate visas for Poles coming to the US!
Please post the next one you see that says that.
The truth is that it is easier now then ever to get a visa into the U.S.A.
The hardest and most discriminated are the women from Central and South America, not Poland.
It is almost impossible for them to get a visa into the U.S.A.
So.......they just walk across the border and come illegally.
The Republicans turn their heads because it means cheap labor and the Democrats turn their heads
because it means another vote.
Pure politics not to shut down the U.S. borders.