of course "it is hard" for people such as yourself.....
''Such as myself?WTF is that suposed to mean? dukshanee!
A person that fills paperwork to ensure that everything is done correctly and legal and they have access to the needed authorities; attorneys. Therefore ensuring they are tax paying citizens? Who turns in criminals that have records to be deported? That helps the ones who WANT to do it right, get the first steps?
I who still hold my Top Secret Security Clearance until Oct 22 2013? am what kind of person? am a military veteran? have exemplary record? Never had more than a single seatbelt ticket my whole life as a driver? You can say I'm an opinionated ass but you keep your mouth OFF my reputation! You DONT know me!
Instead of telling them to go marry some slut that will take any man that works and have a kid with her? Or go to some ambulance chaser that helps them become yet another ENTITLED minority?
And how does your very SNARKY and SLURRING innuendo change my point there was THREE TIMES MORE paperwork and 20 days more waiting time for a person that had no record, speaks english, intended return to native soil since he is in school, was not here illegal..not even here yet? yet My finnish friend was just in Seattle recent and all she had to do was throw the cash for her Visa and go though customs.
I also had to help a friend's Slovak wife get her papers in order becuase they were gonna deport her-a MILITARY MAN DEPLOYED's Spouse> Sh ealso had harsher restrictions asn 3x teh fokin paperwork til I want to scream at any document that wanted even signatures by the time I was done
There is a DEFINITE prejudicial system in getting Visas for former East block.. I just don't know why