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Funky Polak - Polish-American rapper from Kielce inspired by Polish immigrants

Matt32  4 | 83  
9 Sep 2010 /  #1
I think it could be interesting for some people.:)

Funky Polak is a Polish-American rapper, born in 1975, Kielce, Poland. He is also a co-founder of dancing group, Broken Glass. He has been awarded as European champion in breakdance - electric boogaloo dance. His lyrics are motivated on his experiences as a Polish immigrant in Chicago

Eurola  4 | 1898  
9 Sep 2010 /  #2
Hey, if he is chlopak from Kielce, he's gotta be good!
His songs are played on the radio often. I guess a lot of people can identify with the lyrics..
Ironside  50 | 13034  
5 Oct 2010 /  #4
its rubbish !
richasis  1 | 409  
5 Oct 2010 /  #5
Funky Polak is a Polish-American rapper, born in 1975, Kielce, Poland.

Another Pole benefits from Multiculturalism. You go, Nigga!
5 Oct 2010 /  #6
its rubbish !

agree... just like the most of hip hop stuff right now.
Dorota7511  1 | 6  
5 Oct 2010 /  #7
For you it's rubbish and maybe it's really is - well I don't identyfy with poles lives in US.
This song is remain me Tomasz Adamek, when he is getting at ring this song is always in background - it's touch me.
5 Oct 2010 /  #8
For you it's rubbish and maybe it's really is - well I don't identyfy with poles lives in US.

I'm a Pole who live in Poland. Not sure of I-S.
Ironside  50 | 13034  
5 Oct 2010 /  #9
For you it's rubbish and maybe it's really is - well I don't identyfy with poles lives in US.

What are you talking about ?eh?
croggers  7 | 108  
16 Dec 2011 /  #10
Oh God, my ears, why did I do that!?!? I knew it was going to be bad before I listened, but I had to press play didn't I, I just had to press it.........
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
16 Dec 2011 /  #11
Polish rap is stupid for the same reason Chinese people dancing the Polka is stupid.

Oh, and because Polish rap sounds like $hit.
16 Dec 2011 /  #12
That rap is truly terrible, bad on an epic scale. It's like crime in a multi-storey car-park: wrong on so many levels.
hythorn  3 | 580  
16 Dec 2011 /  #13
Polish rap is stupid for the same reason Chinese people dancing the Polka is stupid.

some homegrown Polish rap is good

the text is meaningful and talks about the hopes, fears and aspirations of young Poles
the US rappers seem to concentrate how hard, rich, talented they are etc

Funky Polak is rather awful

Liroy was Kielce's number one rapper back in the day and was called an OG by no less than Ice T
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
16 Dec 2011 /  #14
Liroy was Kielce's number one rapper back in the day and was called an OG by no less than Ice T

Let's not bend the truth here. He called him the "OG of Poland". Big difference there, dude. And let's face it....he's "the OG" amongst who else in Poland? The competition, especially in 1995, wasn't exactly stiff.

Let's not forget this part: How much props can you give someone that raps in a language you don't even understand. He has no idea what he's rapping about in any of his songs.
time means  5 | 1309  
16 Dec 2011 /  #15
Oh, and because Polish rap sounds like $hit.

Rap is just crap with the C missing.

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