Another successfully brain washed citizen, job done by the powers that be. You'd totally kill for your country wouldnt you? regardless of whats morally right..
Patriotism gets me every time, the right to feel superior based on the lottery that is ones place of birth, or in the case of many American's - an adopted country.
You over analyzing it. No i don't feel superior and i wouldn't kill for my country blindly. I have a freedom to decide.
a lot of people doesn't understand the rights and freedoms they were given here. I don't see a point in trying to explain this to you now.
Patriotism is perceived differently here then in Poland.
Some of the examples of what's considered patriotic here in the US are:
- raising the determination or morale of their fellow citizens during hard times
- displaying the national flag,
- singing the national anthem,
- participating in a mass rally,
- placing a patriotic bumper sticker on one’s vehicle,
or any other way of publicly proclaiming one’s allegiance to the nation.
if you think that being patriotic is all about killing blindly then may god help us all.
that if there is a god, i don't want to accidentally "brainwash" anyone into thinking that there is a god.
you never know with people like you around.