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Beautiful women in Polonia, WI

stash  1 | -  
24 Feb 2010 /  #1
Hello , this is stash

Let me tell you boys and girls about Polonia, WI.
Us polish guys always favor the polish girls and most weddings are all polish.
We love those stout great looking beauties. We are small town with big hearts.
And we love to drink that good old Point Beer.
stash said that.....
tygrys  2 | 290  
24 Feb 2010 /  #2
Hey Stash
I heard all those Polonia women are 6 feet under. You will have to travel to Chicago for some fresh, young blood.
Arien  2 | 710  
24 Feb 2010 /  #3
Probably a smart thing to say too! (For a Polish guy I mean!)

beckski  12 | 1609  
24 Feb 2010 /  #4
And we love to drink that good old Point Beer.
stash said that.....

Sounds like you're a mighty happy camper Stash. You've got the best of two worlds, the combo of beautiful Polish women & piwo to chug.
Ogien  5 | 237  
24 Feb 2010 /  #5
Good for you Stash. Go get those Polish girls. :-)
sledz  23 | 2247  
24 Feb 2010 /  #6
Let me tell you boys and girls about Polonia, WI


Ive been there,,,,,, Yawn!!!

Hey Stash
I heard all those Polonia women are 6 feet under

well there are probably still some in thier 70`s... lol

There are plenty of Polish graveyards up there, all the Poles left for Chicago years ago execpt for some of the old timers..

the combo of beautiful Polish women & piwo

you have the beer part right, besides that there is absolutely nothing else to do there:)

And we love to drink that good old Point Beer.

You must not really be from Stevens point because the locals dont drink that swill, they sell it to the FIBS:)
svengoola  - | 69  
24 Feb 2010 /  #7
Yea I heard Polonia is soooo boring you havta drink that point swill to see a Polish woman out der in da boondocks
pawian  226 | 27539  
22 Aug 2019 /  #8
Let me tell you boys and girls about Polonia, WI. You will have to travel to Chicago

Do Polish beauties still ride in convertibles on Pulaski parades? I remember that custom existed 30 years ago.

  • hollandmichiganusa.jpg

  • 20071007pulaskipar.jpg

  • 20071007pulaskipar.jpg
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Aug 2019 /  #9
Two of those miss polonias are fat asf.
johnny reb  49 | 8058  
23 Aug 2019 /  #10
Oh Dirk, they are just pleasingly plump.
The plump ones need love too.
23 Aug 2019 /  #11
Two of those miss polonias are fat asf.

Given the size of many Americans, they are not as 'fat asf'. They look to be pretty young girls to me.
Of course, I have no doubt that you are male model material ;)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Aug 2019 /  #12
When a girl has bigger biceps than me shes definetely fat asf. Must be all that cheese in wisconsin. I feel sorry for that nissan 350z's suspension.

Dirk, they are just pleasingly plump.
The plump ones need love too.

Oh i know man. Trust me ive porked a few fat chicks in my time too. But after one experience at a nye party on acid, never again...

Then again at least they didnt pick a transformer for miss polonia so props for that.
23 Aug 2019 /  #13
Nothing but fat chicks and cheese come from Wisconsin.
johnny reb  49 | 8058  
23 Aug 2019 /  #14
They look to be pretty young girls to me.

Me too plus it shows that they are very good cooks. (Never trust a skinny chef)
I do have the rule though that if you can't get both your arms around them then they get disqualified.
pawian  226 | 27539  
23 Aug 2019 /  #15
When a girl has bigger biceps than me shes definetely fat asf.

From many posts in the PF, I presumed you prefer when males and females stick to centuries old traditions. So why are you suddenly going back on your opinions? Traditional symbol of fertility and sex was a fat asf with biceps larger than yours!


  • d86i0451.jpg
Joker  2 | 2449  
23 Aug 2019 /  #16
Do Polish beauties still ride in convertibles on Pulaski parades?

Chicago has an annual Polish Constitution Day Parade around the 3rd of May. New York may still have a parade, but not sure.

I have been to Polonia WI. I dont think there are may Poles left besides the ones in the Polish graveyard. Most of them moved to the bigger cities for better employment, its all dairy farms, paper mills, potato and corn fields up there.

Oh yeah, and fat chicks! lol

  • Polonia.jpg
kaprys  3 | 2076  
23 Aug 2019 /  #17
When she has bigger biceps than you, she's muscular.
Muscles and fat are two different things.
pawian  226 | 27539  
23 Aug 2019 /  #18
Like this Polish female body builder, now a personal coach


  • Ewa_Krynska_2009.jp.jpg

Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / Beautiful women in Polonia, WIArchived