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Why do Americans (and Canadians) hate Polish people?

18 Mar 2013 /  #121
The question should be: will they bomb or massacre us because of their irrational hate? If not, there is nothing to worry about.
Bassem  - | 21  
18 Mar 2013 /  #122
i don't like these types of questions where you build your opinion based on personal situations,
poziomka2  - | 29  
18 Mar 2013 /  #123
"Hate" is a very strong word, I think this thread is not really necessary, it is too blunt as well, maybe it would sound better if the question was structured differently.
Mleko  1 | 20  
19 Mar 2013 /  #124
I'm American and I don't hate Polish people (that's probably because I have Polish blood), I've never heard 1 person say they do. Yeah some Americans make jokes about tragedies in Poland, they make jokes about tragedies everywhere. Whether you're in Canada, Mexico, Germany, China, or any African country. But not all of us are like that.
AmerTchr  4 | 201  
19 Mar 2013 /  #125
I suspect I am quite a bit older than you and I have never in my life heard a joke about a Polish tragedy, in America or anywhere else, ever.

Polish jokes, Mexican jokes, Chinese jokes, even Canadian jokes, yeah, but never a Polish "tragedy".
4 eigner  2 | 816  
19 Mar 2013 /  #126
but never a Polish "tragedy"

Ironside  51 | 13113  
19 Mar 2013 /  #127
suspect I am quite a bit older than you and I have never in my life heard a joke about a Polish tragedy, in America or anywhere else, ever.

I read it on the internet after some or the other tragic accident in Poland.
grubas  12 | 1382  
19 Mar 2013 /  #128
I suspect I am quite a bit older than you and I have never in my life heard a joke about a Polish tragedy, in America or anywhere else, ever.

Just check comments on Yahoo next time after some plane,bus,train crash in Poland or when some natural disaster happen in PL.
OP zetigrek  
19 Mar 2013 /  #129
Good evening everyone. Can't help myself writing this:

Nearly 3 (THREE/TRZY/DREI/TROIS) years passed and the thread still goes on :)
The question is not relevant anymore, so you don't have to bother with replying to it anymore :)

comments on Yahoo

Strangely enough it was the place I encountered them, dead on!
AmerTchr  4 | 201  
19 Mar 2013 /  #130
I read it on the internet after some or the other tragic accident in Poland.

Just check comments on Yahoo next time after some plane,bus,train crash in Poland or when some natural disaster happen in PL.

OHHHH! Right.

Well, sure, if it is on the Internet it must be true...................everyone knows that.

Can't imagine what I was thinking.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
19 Mar 2013 /  #131
Dumbest rationalization I ever heard, from a yank no lass, somehow not a surprise either, one kind of experts that from your kind.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
19 Mar 2013 /  #132
Well, sure, if it is on the Internet it must be true...................everyone knows that.

comment made by Americans on American forum? Commenting accident or natural disaster in Poland, those posters were mocking and joking about accidents in which people actually died.

So which is not true?
I'm not making much out of it, after all the USA sharers a reasonable numbers of morons and village idiots with the rest of the world. Would that be lie as well?
AmerTchr  4 | 201  
19 Mar 2013 /  #133
You guys are just too intellectual for me.

Good luck with your.....your lives (for lack of a better term).
Ironside  51 | 13113  
19 Mar 2013 /  #134
You guys are just too intellectual for me.

Rysavy  10 | 306  
20 Mar 2013 /  #135
LOL ..I'm an American and Im gonna mate a Polish people.. <_< No "hate"

But I haven't seen any hate towards Polish or Poland even in general. Stereotypes are unremembered. Growing up in the 60s Polish jokes had pretty much died out. Certainly didn't hear at school anymore. There were new ethnic underdogs to bozos to belittle. Now they are more like amusing antiques..flapper jokes, italian, irish & polish jokes. Saw some in a book called Truely Tasteless Jokes part 2.

Been in love with the mythical side of Hussars since was a lil girl.
I love certain foods that I know as Polish. As far as I know I don't have any Pole in me.......

And aside from a few ***** ones from the east; most canucks I ever met were mellow. Not hating on much of anything.

This is a weird question and I've seen it before worded dif. Heck most present day Americans barely know where Poland is unless they are from Chicago. ;p
grubas  12 | 1382  
20 Mar 2013 /  #136
This is a weird question and I've seen it before worded

It is badly worded question.I only received some hate from (TWO) American Jews.I think despise would be right word or look down.
pagan  2 | 26  
22 Mar 2013 /  #137
What? Co? Since when Americans don't like Polish people?
26 Aug 2013 /  #138
They are dishonest and don't follow rules.
mochadot18  18 | 245  
26 Aug 2013 /  #139
I dont agree with this at all did you ever read about the Polish firefighter that was killed this year in my city on Christmas eve???? So much love and support was brought out I've never heard anything bad said about the kid and sure as hell nothing aimed badly towards him being Polish, his being polish has been brought up as who he was. Such a great kid with a tragic ending. But this shows how people supported him and the other firefighter that was killed.

In my city i've never been nor have I heard anything badly said about being Polish.

20 Oct 2013 /  #140
Americans and Canadians don't hate Poles... I am a Pole from America and all I get is people teasing me about Poles being stupid... It is mean... but the best thing to do is ignore discrimination. Unless it really bother you.
grubas  12 | 1382  
20 Oct 2013 /  #141
but the best thing to do is ignore discrimination.

NO, IT IS NOT THE BEST THING!!!What a coward!
szczecinianin  4 | 317  
20 Oct 2013 /  #142
I thought you were against asking the furniture to be moved when you were in someone else's house. At least, that's what you told us.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
20 Oct 2013 /  #143
Americans and Canadians don't hate Poles...

This is a cogent observation. The people that tease Polonians in this way are almost invariably stupid themselves. Upon learning that their interlocutor is of Polish descent, it isn't hatred that drives most of them to say something asinine, it is a sense of relief on their parts and a feeling of solidarity. Think of the scene in the film "Freaks" when the carnival workers chant "One of us!"

the best thing to do is ignore discrimination.

In the latter case one proverbial Polonian option is to wear brown shoes, so you won't have noticeable stains upon them after kicking an offender's ass.
grubas  12 | 1382  
20 Oct 2013 /  #144
I thought you were against the furniture to be moved when you were in someone else's house.

I don't,when told Polish joke (it happened),I just politely ask them "So you basically saying that I am stupid because I am from Poland?"That's all I am doing.So far every single one apologized to me. Some time ago at work the manager an American born in the US to Polish parents,made a comment about other guy who is from Poland in which he called him "Polack" so I asked him "Do you know that "Polack" is considered ethnic slur"?He said "Oh,I am a Polack too" me "I don't care what you are, "Polack" is ethnic slur and you should not be using it ,specially in a work place".I never heard him saying "Polack" again.I am not affraid to speak up. I had problems renting place from Long&Foster, they were telling me AC doesn't work and this and that but I said "I don't care you can fix it later" because I really needed this place right away.It was still a problem until I said "Look lady it seems to me that you don't want rent it to me because I am a foreigner!" an hour later I was moving in.Speak up,at work talk to manager,if that won't help,talk manager of the manager.Just don't be a coward FFS.
21 Oct 2013 /  #145
Lets define "Canadian" , who is he or she ? Unless you mean Native Canadians ...but do they really hate Poles ? LMAO
Canada is as multicultural as is gets , there is no other place on earth that has such a mixture of people from all over the world , saying that Canadians hate Polish people is just dumb !
szczecinianin  4 | 317  
21 Oct 2013 /  #146
I don't,when told Polish joke (it happened),I just politely ask them "So you basically saying that I am stupid because I am from Poland?"

As far as I can make out, you seem to want one rule for yourself and another for everyone else.

When people call you a 'dumb Polack' you complain.

When a black girl complains that people in Poland use racial slurs against her, then you tell her, "she shouldn't move the furniture".

It's either one or the other. If you have a right to complain, then so has she. If she should keep her mouth shut, then so should you.

So, should people complain about racial slurs made against them? If you are right, then so was the black girl who you told us was "a guest trying to move the furniture."
f stop  24 | 2493  
21 Oct 2013 /  #147
What? Co? Since when Americans don't like Polish people?

Maybe being Polish has nothing to do with it..
archiwum  12 | 122  
22 Oct 2013 /  #148
These Polish jokes started with the Germans. Immigrants from Germany also brought this to America, and Canada.

The younger generation could careless. European unity.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
22 Oct 2013 /  #149
These Polish jokes started with the Germans. Immigrants from Germany also brought this to America, and Canada.

Since there's also a "theory" floating around on PF according to which the Jews in Hollywood started the Polack jokes, I'm sure you have a very good source for your claim. Or could it be that ethnic Poles were not the only immigrants who got the butt end of a joke?
17 Dec 2013 /  #150
With all seriousness, as far as 60-80% of the 50 to 60 Polish people I met ''in'' and I quote 'IN' America {Becouse I am in Chicago and that's the only place I met and friended Polish people as I am a Czech and the language is pretty much the same somewhat] Poles here think so HIghly of themselves and their Poles-anti-Foreign Mindsets... Like, They look down on other Nations and They are the best and smartest. They got their heads up their ass, Naive?! That's the word I am looking for !! NAIVE! I am starting to think most Polish people are very -chauvinistic- ? Thinking that their best and everybody else but them are crap?! Really!?! Personally, I started to look down on Poles becouse of this Mindsets.

It's mostly in the Adults, the new generation seems to careless and are more like... normal people! Not this naive mindsets I seen and learned from the adults in CHicago, Usa. Not sure if this is like that in their home town but like I stated, Poles here are VERY Naive . And I don't like people with such mindsets. But maybe becouse I am the new Generation and careless or at all about Hating other nations and whatnot..... Stupidity and stupid people are in this world, And I get that !! BUT, Jeez !! These Poles... They really make it easy for me to look down on them and they sure are making a good impression of themselves and how Poles think in general. The QUESTION should be, 'Why do Poles make themselves hated so much?" would be more fitting !

Good luck with the post and all ...

P.S I grew up in the USA. So I am more American then Czech really.
not like this would change anything but yeah...

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