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American people attitude towards Poles in the USA

randompal  7 | 306  
2 Oct 2007 /  #61
well when the war ends you can come here and goggle at all the hot chicks, but do it quick before the last of them goes to England to wait tables..
jnowiski  2 | 121  
2 Oct 2007 /  #62
yeah, i look forward to it, haha
Ranj  21 | 947  
2 Oct 2007 /  #63
I don't understand why the US government is so tight with their visas.

Why are they so tight with them?

As some would like to believe(cough, cough) it's because of Poloniphobia.....in reality, it has more to do with letting in immigrants who have more dire staits than the Polish......think about it......after WWII, there was a great influx of Poles that came here and they prosper here, at least the ones I know.....if anyone would bother to read the stipulations of why the US Government has not allowed for the Visa Waiver to Poland , they might be surprised keep in mind though, you shouldn't believe everything you read, which obviously, many people on this forum do;)......I know the US gets a lot of flack for their stance in world politics, but the fact remains, many immigrants still want to come here, and obviously, we can't let everyone in......don't get me wrong, I would love nothing more than to have the Visa Waiver issued to Poland, but unfortunately, I do not make the rules.
krysia  23 | 3058  
2 Oct 2007 /  #64
Very well said Ranj. The visa waiver program is for tourism only. If one overstays his visa no lawyer will touch him to defend him. And try as you might get married to US citizen, if you entered under this program, you will not get accepted for a green card.
Eurola  4 | 1898  
2 Oct 2007 /  #65
Americans have no issues with Polish people and if they were any prejudices in the past - they are long gone. All's left is an occasional so-called polish joke, which is mixed in with all other jokes, whether they are Mexican, Irish, Italian, jewish..you name it.

I spent here most of my life and never experienced, or felt animosity toward me.
Americans laugh at themselves plenty as well. Just listen to Jay Leno! Or, his "Jay walking" events, where he interviews "ordinary" people on the street. You would really think that Americans are so dumb, but that's obviously not true, all in the name of comedy. So, next time you hear a good joke, even polish, respond with a better one instead of thinking that the world is out to get you, because you are polish. lol.
krysia  23 | 3058  
3 Oct 2007 /  #66
if youre gonna start acting goofy I`m loggin off

Too bad. My fault. Przepraszam. Bye, I'm logging off so you can stay.
7 Oct 2007 /  #67
too polish people come to Las Vegas.
we have no problem with you.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
7 Oct 2007 /  #68
Amirah, you're a real sweetie, I can see. Come over to Poland - there won't be any problems for you there; on the contrary, you'll probably be frequently lionised all over the place.

7 Oct 2007 /  #69
sure puzzler I love polish people and the language I am learning it. come to las vegas.
thanks I wanted to go to poland for a long time I never have the money to come.
email me at amirahusa@hotmail. I have windows live messenger.

you all are welcome here.we need plis people here.I wish I was polish.

hi puzzler would like to go to poland. come out here
11 Oct 2007 /  #70
Well deal with it. They are doing the jobs that most English are not willing most Polish people such as myself want a better way of live if the British Gov is letting them in well that is there fault... There are just Jelouse because we are more beautiful than them anyway......
Eurola  4 | 1898  
11 Oct 2007 /  #71
we are more beautiful than them anyway......

Red foxes have fluffier tails in Poland too. :)
FISZ  24 | 2116  
12 Oct 2007 /  #72
Well deal with it. They are doing the jobs that most English are not willing most Polish people such as myself want a better way of live if the British Gov is letting them in well that is there fault... There are just Jelouse because we are more beautiful than them anyway......

What does this have to do with American attitudes? I think you're in the wrong topic.

I agree with you lisek

LOL...no surprise here.
12 Oct 2007 /  #73
quadgirl_24  - | 1  
14 Oct 2007 /  #74
some drunk fool that sputters off some Polak joke just to try to get a laugh and a wink out of you and someone who calls you a dumb Polak with actual venom in their voice

when most drunks tell this kind of joke, it is to insult a certain group. I know plenty of people who tell these jokes drunk but also say them when straight and in debate. Alcohol brings out the truth.
brookbabe  1 | 4  
3 Nov 2007 /  #75
Well I have great admiration for all polish people who dear to live the mather land and look for oportunity and better life abroad. Creating own businesses and employing othere ones ,not jast with polish backgrownd, serving the comunities they live in and enriching the life not only for thme selfs but the life of ones that are around them.hat down to them and more power as well.
FINDERMR  1 | 2  
25 Nov 2007 /  #76
Yes we have the same problems here with 12 million illegal mexicans.
they bring drugs,gangs and put a strain on our society.

Most Polish come here to make a better way of life and contribute

what it's wrong with you.
for your infomation there are 12 millions of illegal inmigrants in
USA, but they are not only from Mexico, they are from many others countries.
And POLAND is not a exception.
There are illegals poles in USA.
I were you I would think twice before I write things like that.
I think polish people are nice,I hope you're not from Poland.
26 Jun 2008 /  #77
Have you ever heard of an American being arrested in Poland for teaching English illegally?
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
16 Nov 2009 /  #79
The press will always pick on relatively isolated instances of anti social behaviour by immigrants to peddle their political messages and some idiot Brits will continue to believe what they read.

Well i just so happen to have a friend that works in the county police force so let me repeat what he has told me. The area that has the highest concentration of polish in the local city consists of two roads that are back to back and covers about 300 houses, he informs me that the police are called to this area on a regular basis because of fights between groups of polish that are normally drunk and occasionally it spills over into the nearby area that has a large population of black and asian people. He also informs me there are a large amount of burglaries that occur in the area as well with the vast majority being committed by poles against poles.

I assume alot of them came and worked cheaply
thats the same problem we have with the Mexicans

Yes that is the case, i can speak from experience that the influx of east european workers has reduced the wage of many many people, it varies but my wage has dropped about 25% to 30% but the biggest difference has been the change in working conditions. Saying that there are worst hit sector that have seen a wage reduction of 100% or more. Great for companies but $hite for the rest of us that have a family to support and a mortgage to pay. Even the prime mister has said that immigration had reduced the wage in some sectors.

It is also thought that one in every four English people have French Huguenot ancestry.

These sites have more information on this:

I would suggest that you take everything that is on wiki with a pinch of salt, the site may say that one in every four English people have French Huguenot ancestry but at the same time they say this,

"genetic evidence suggests that 75–95% descend in the paternal line from prehistoric settlers who originally came from the Iberian Peninsula. There is a significant Norse element, as well as a 5% contribution from Angles and Saxons, though other geneticists place the Norse-Germanic estimate up to half".
kh siarko sanok  2 | 52  
13 Jan 2010 /  #80
SZARLOTKA do not be scare to name them we have the same problem in Canada with Somalies,Pakis etc.
pawian  226 | 27563  
19 Sep 2012 /  #81
The thing is the Polish that come here a dont try to sponge of the government they just want to work and make a good life for themselves.

yaizindiya  1 | 10  
28 May 2015 /  #82
@sledz... wow generalising about Mexicans while ******** about the Brits' feelings towards immigrants? Outstanding. The fact is that when I visited the U.S, I could see nobody other than Mexicans and other Hispanics doing the actual work that needs to be done. These people should not only be made citizens, but given better privileges than sponges like yourself who throw their racist mandate around whilst indulging in self-victimizing. Sad.
OP sledz  23 | 2247  
29 May 2015 /  #83

Not as Sad as going back to an 8 year old thread to attack me


Limey Alert!!

Such as Brit word for someone pretending to be from India??
johnny reb  49 | 8077  
2 Jun 2015 /  #84
Have you ever heard of an American being arrested in Poland for teaching English illegally?

No. You?

That's it, I am moving to Poland and teaching English.
It would be the hottest thing going.
My students would stand out with their butchered slang and accent. Ha !
A new fad for the Polish kids......speaking English with a southern drawl. Cool !
It would definitely separate them from island English.
"We'yall fixin' to Q some poke ? Bring u'ren childins" with ya. Y'ont some shine ? Pass yer plate."
I think I may be unto something here.
2 Jun 2015 /  #85
Have you ever heard of an American being arrested in Poland for teaching English illegally?

Yes, several. I've also known Americans who were denied entry to Poland when returning from the Czech Republic and Germany (admittedly that is rather unlikely to happen now) and Ukraine when they attempted to 'reset' their visa by spending a day outside Poland.

That's it, I am moving to Poland and teaching English.

With no qualifications and no experience you won't qualify for the work permit that you are required to have, so I'd very strongly advise against trying it.
johnny reb  49 | 8077  
2 Jun 2015 /  #86
With no qualifications and no experience you won't qualify for the work permit that you are required to have,

Oh I have many years expeience speaking English Harry.
Don't need a work permit if I volunteer to do it for free.
I will donate my time in exchange for free place to stay.
This is looking better and better as I think about it.
What a way to spend a summer.
2 Jun 2015 /  #87
Oh I have many years expeience speaking English Harry.

None of which qualifies you to teach anything. Let me put it this way, if somebody has many years' experience drinking beer and falling over drunk afterwards, does that qualify them to teach chemistry, biology and physics?

Don't need a work permit if I volunteer to do it for free.

Care for a bet on that? You seem to forget that I have actually spent a year working as a volunteer in Poland.
The only way to avoid it would be to volunteer at an establishment at which native speaker teachers are exempt from the requirement to have work permits, i.e. MEN inspected and approved schools. However, as you have no relevant qualifications and no experience, you aren't eligible for employment at those schools.

I will donate my time in exchange for free place to stay.

That would count as payment, which means you would need to pay tax on the value of the accommodation provided. And yes the tax office do enforce that rule, I knew an evangelical pastor who had to leave Poland because he couldn't afford the tax he would have to pay as a result of being gifted the use of a rather nice house in Wilanow by a member of the congregation of the church.
johnny reb  49 | 8077  
3 Jun 2015 /  #88
None of which qualifies you to teach anything

I don't need to be qualified to teach, I just need to be able to teach, which I can/have.
Since I am not doing it for a monetary gain and I am not teaching in a school who is going to arrest me
for having some fun teaching Polish kids how to read, write and speak English out of my flat ?

I knew an evangelical pastor who had to leave Poland because he couldn't afford the tax he would have to pay

Pigsy said he would let me use his place when he wasn't there for free.
Hey there is another idea, I could come to Poland as an Evangelist missionary to save lost souls.
So many opportunities to teach and learn at the same time.
Thanks for the advise and idea's Harry.
3 Jun 2015 /  #89
I don't need to be qualified to teach, I just need to be able to teach, which I can/have.

You most certainly need to be qualified if you're going to get a job at an MEN inspected and approved school. They simply will not give you a job; even if they wanted to, they would lose their MEN approved status if they did.

Since I am not doing it for a monetary gain and I am not teaching in a school who is going to arrest me
for having some fun teaching Polish kids how to read, write and speak English out of my flat ?

Straz Graniczna, that's their job.

Pigsy said he would let me use his place when he wasn't there for free.

His wife's family will have something to say about that, given that they use her place when she isn't there.

Hey there is another idea, I could come to Poland as an Evangelist missionary to save lost souls.

Good luck with that, you'll need it.

Thanks for the advise and idea's

You really think you can teach English?
johnny reb  49 | 8077  
4 Jun 2015 /  #90
You most certainly need to be qualified if you're going to get a job at an MEN inspected and approved school.

Since I won't be getting a job at an MEN inspected and approved school I will be good to go as a free lance.

I will hire a Polish/English speaking assistant that smiles a lot.
You are welcome to submit your application if you want.

Straz Graniczna, that's their job.

And what law would I be breaking to get arrested Harry ? Having more fun then adults are allowed to have ?

You really think you can teach English?


Archives - 2010-2019 / USA, Canada / American people attitude towards Poles in the USAArchived