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Work in any office in England without any degree?

Mara  1 | 8  
15 Sep 2010 /  #1
I would like to ask, if is possible to work in any office in England without any degree?
I finished artistic high school then I start study. In this year I'll have bechelor of spanish filology.
I passed all exams from winter session IIIyear so I have now half year free and im thinking to move for this few month to Uk and find any decent job. I speak english ( not very well like u can see but I never had problem with comunication, also registered my self in job center, woman who works there told me i ll deal in evry job if about language. (i was in Uk few times)), spanish and of cours polish.

I know i shoud alone make research but i though u can give me any advices.
I ll be thankfull for evry post.
beckski  12 | 1609  
16 Sep 2010 /  #2
I would like to ask, if is possible to work in any office in England without any degree?

I don't live in England. I'm assuming you probably don't need a degree to answer your phone and say, "Hello, how may I assist you?"
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
16 Sep 2010 /  #3

I know i shoud alone make research but i though u can give me any advices.

Oh, you'll get advice alright. When the brits wakeup you'll get plenty of advice.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
16 Sep 2010 /  #4
We have 4 million homes in the UK where one or both adults are out of work (not all Brits by any means by the way) at the moment, my company alone are making 600 people redundant (23% of the perm staff in the UK that doesnt include the 400 contractors they have finished in the last 2 weeks) a friend of mine works at BAE Systems and they are making 700 redundant in the next couple of months..If you take in to consideration other companies like Cadburies who have closed down most of their operations in the UK and now Twinings are now moving to Poland so that a few 100 more jobs...(just giving you British reality)

Now, if you have some "special" skill that an employer cant find at the moment in the UK then sure come here and find a well paying job, but if you dont, be prepared to bring enough money to last a couple of months until you find a job - I would have recommend you try applying to Spanish Institute in Manchester, but they have all native speakers working there - just like Poles prefer to be taught English by an English speaking person, people learning Spanish prefer to be taught by a native speaker of Spanish.

Good luck, you'll need if you want a well paying job and you dont speak perfect English...Im not being nasty when I say this, this is also a reality.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
16 Sep 2010 /  #5
I would like to ask, if is possible to work in any office in England without any degree?

Yes, of course it's possible.

Maybe not any office - but it depends on exactly what the job is and who you are working for.

But in general, for practically all office jobs, no, you will not need a degree.

(Did you really mean "degree" though?)
mark007  - | 58  
16 Sep 2010 /  #6
You don't need a degree to work in an office, but in the current climate, it would help! Amathyst is right, now is not the time to come to the UK for a job, of any sort! Even the McJobs will be filled by lazy Brits with poor education(if Dave gets his way)! Maybe you could be a native Polish speaker and work in the areas where large numbers of Poles abide! In some places the Police where learning foriegn languages like polish do some research maybe you could get lucky. If you do go, enjoy, have fun and expect to work in a shop or bar while searching for your better job! GOOD LUCK powodzenia
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
16 Sep 2010 /  #7
Amathyst is right, now is not the time to come to the UK for a job, of any sort!


I'm missing Cornwall's landscape a bit :)
OP Mara  1 | 8  
16 Sep 2010 /  #8
First of all thank u all.
Absolutly Im aware that situation with job evrywhere is hard. I also understand that Bristish people can realy have enough all foreginers while alone looking for job.

I just asked abt chance cos I dont know alot abt job situations, expectactions from new workers in differents work's fields.
Now like i said i just want to go for few months to practice language n to dont loose this time, im not afraid any job. In march i must back here and finish study. When hv master i thik to move to Uk or maybe other cauntry. I dont want be another useless emigrant who only take money from goverments n pass time. I want also give something to this cauntry from my self. Irespect english people specialy this older generation thats why i think this cauntry its good idea but of cours till this time evryting can change.

NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
16 Sep 2010 /  #9

poor education

Let's face it, McJobs ARE jobs for people with with poor education. Not everyone gets a good education, or is even capable of achieving one.

That's the problem with liberal-leftie education policies: they really do think that everyone is equal, but they simply are not. I have no hope of ever becoming a particle physicist, and I accept that. But I've received excellent marks at degree level in several other subjects, which a particle physicist may not necessarily be able to pass, and I've worked extremely hard to get to where I am today.

However, the fact that this country looks down on traditional manual skills is also stupid; a lot of people have too high expectations these days, and the country is paying the price. If everyone has a dumbed-down "degree" in Media Studies or some other pointless degree, they become worthless, and we become like Poland, or a Third World country. Oops, I forgot - we already are - even the Pope's mate thinks so! :)

We all get at least 11 years of education in this country; if you're too lazy to bother learning to read and write, because you would rather talk about football and abuse the teachers, then don't blame "the system" because all you can get is a McJob.

Even the McJobs will be filled by lazy Brits with poor education

I have an idea: how about you come over to the UK, and ask a few people on the streets if they are unemployed. When they answer in the affirmative, I hope you remind them that they shouldn't even expect to get a McJob, because a hard-working educated Pole can do it better and deserves it more than a lazy Brit does.

But I'm quite a decent guy really, so I hope that your admission to hospital isn't as lengthy as it deserves to be.

(if Dave gets his way)! Maybe you could be a native Polish speaker and work in the areas where large numbers of Poles abide! In some places the Police where learning foriegn languages like polish do some research maybe you could get lucky

With a bit of luck, "if Dave gets his way" among the first jobs to go will be all these Polish interpreters and "The Polish expectation of public services" waste-of-money "diversity" indoctrination schemes.

You want a Polish interpreter? You pay for one yourself, or you know what to do!

We've had enough of paying all this tax for "jobs" which shouldn't even exist when times are good, never mind when we're bankrupt!!
Mister H  11 | 761  
25 Sep 2010 /  #10
I agree ! I'm sick of my tax being spent on interpreters and translations for various leaflets as well as diversity training and other similar bo**ocks !
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
25 Sep 2010 /  #11
I dont want be another useless emigrant who only take money from goverments n pass time.

I wouldnt worry about that too much you're not actually entitled to anything.

im not afraid any job

Most people are developing this attitude so Im afraid there arent even the low end jobs available..plus the 1,000s of 3rd worlders who are studying here will be desparate to work their "20" hours a week...

I agree ! I'm sick of my tax being spent on interpreters and translations for various leaflets as well as diversity training and other similar bo**ocks !

It'll never happen, because of course while people dont have these kind of luxuries in their own countries - they expect the world on a gold platter when they come to the UK!! The Police will chop down their numbers of front line staff (the ones we actually need) yet they will pay stupid money to some immigrant to interpret because some scummy immigrant cant abide by the laws here!!! Laughable isnt it?

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