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And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK

sanddancer  2 | 50  
18 Jul 2012 /  #1
For all of the others on here who think that the press are anti-polish here is an article from todays Daily Mail. Maybe they shouldn't print this in case they upset the polish populous. Maybe the UK government should demand an apology from Poland for the actions of its citizens within the UK?

Here are a few more...to be proud of.

18 Jul 2012 /  #2
How would you expect anything less from the Dailyfail...!!!

So what is your point are you here just to highlight the isolated negativity points of Polish in the UK?
serknight  1 | 1  
18 Jul 2012 /  #3
Poles really aren't a problem in England, and Britain overall. The small, isolated violent cases are sparse and far-between - I can't particularly understand why you would pick out such a minority; you can find a plethora of violent crimes committed by Asians (generally of the Islamic breed), why lash out against the group which has generally integrated well with the British community; the ones that have the least amount of crimes pinned to their coats?
OP sanddancer  2 | 50  
18 Jul 2012 /  #4
Really. Did you see the figures from crimes commited by Poles in London? People do lash out at Asians. But for the Poles to think that they are generally 'picked-on' is utter rubbish. Poles are emmigrating their problem to the UK and then denying that they are by using the 'anti-polish' card. (same as other minorities do in the uk) The times that they come on here and talk about the Guardian. the Guardian only prints news (if its a lie then the Poles can easily take them to court in the UK)
jon357  72 | 23560  
18 Jul 2012 /  #5
Given that so many Poles came and of those who came, a high proportion were small-town and rural jobless it is a credit to them that the problems aren't bigger. I agree with one thing though, they aren't picked on.
18 Jul 2012 /  #6
Polish thugs constantly kill British citizens and when the UK press print the stories you all see it as anti-polish! what a bunch of tossers!

"constantly" That is a big statement and I would like to see you prove it from official sources, not ones that you pluck out of your backside from newspapers that suck idiots into believing things like you have here.
OP sanddancer  2 | 50  
18 Jul 2012 /  #7
It took me 2 minutes to get that list above. But on that small list you will see that it's definately an ongoing thing of Poles killing people in the UK 'constantly' (continally occuring). As i said before if the Daily Mail prints so much rubbish then why haven't the Poles complained more about them officially? Every murder commited by a Pole in the UK is damning.

The Expats in Poland don't murder people 'constantly'...why's that then?
18 Jul 2012 /  #8
The Expats in Poland don't murder people 'constantly'...why's that then?

Work it out for yourself Sherlock it's not rocket science.

As i said before if the Daily Mail prints so much rubbish then why haven't the Poles complained more about them officially?

They have done and the daily fail said sorry.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
18 Jul 2012 /  #9
So what is your point are you here just to highlight the isolated negativity points of Polish in the UK?

Same as is highlighted by negative comments about a few drunks in Poland...at least they're not murdering anyone!!!

Given that so many Poles came and of those who came, a high proportion were small-town and rural jobless it is a credit to them that the problems aren't bigger.

So we should be grateful?
Puzzie  1 | 53  
19 Jul 2012 /  #10
I see the independant and the scotsman on their as well. Barrack Obama says 'Polish death camps' and the Poles want blood. Polish thugs constantly kill British citizens and when the UK press print the stories you all see it as anti-polish! what a bunch of tossers

--- Prove that "Polish thugs constantly kill British citizens," and that when "UK press" print the stories all (here, on polishforums?) see it as anti-Polish. And what does Barrack Obama saying (lyingly): "Polish death camps" have to do with the whole subject? Are you saying Obamma was right using the said expression? Which Poles allegedly wanted or want blood for Obama's saying "Polish death camps"? Give their names, etc. Can you? Aren't you lying and making things up?
Ant63  13 | 410  
19 Jul 2012 /  #11
So we should be grateful?

Grateful it's not worse. Really the expectation should be zero.

How Poles in the UK can feel singled out, I really don't understand. If the crime was committed by a Pole, why should it not be reported as such. It is a sad fact that some particularly heinous crimes have been committed by Poles. Unfortunately for the well behaved these people taint opinion of Poles in general. Fact. Personally I am yet to meet a Pole that hasn't committed or isn't committing a crime in the UK. Of course most crimes are so petty that most wouldn't even consider what they are doing is a crime and English people would do the same possibly without realizing they are.

In stark contrast the Polish media can be quite venomous in their attacks on other nations. I followed the Nikola - Norway case closely and was surprised to hear "Norway trying to steal blond blue eyed children " reported in the press. I believe the comment was made by a government official. What were they trying to say about Norway? Norway were in fact trying to protect an abused child that, of course, Poland could not because its loyalties lie with parents no matter how bad they are.

It appears the Poles are not forward thinking and would prefer to huddle together and protect their own no matter how poor a human being they are protecting.

Polish death camps

Obamma was correct in using the words he did, it was the poor Polish interpretation of those words that was the problem. Quite frankly it was the Poles making it up with their interpretation. Smacks of paranoia to me. Why so paranoid?
Puzzie  1 | 53  
19 Jul 2012 /  #12
I agree with one thing though, they aren't picked on.

--- Whether you agree or disagree that Poles "aren't picked on", it is a hard fact that Poles are often picked on by the media individuals in Britain.( I'm saying: "the media individuals in Britain", and I'm not saying: "the British." ) And what can your do about that? Not much, I'm afraid, however adamant your denial.

Obamma was correct in using the words he did, it was the poor Polish interpretation of those words that was the problem. Quite frankly it was the Poles making it up with their interpretation. Smacks of paranoia to me. Why so paranoid?

--- Do you mean Obbama was correct in stating there were "Polish death camps"? Prove he was. Do you mean that the Polish interpretation of his words was wrong? Prove it was. What do you mean when you say Poles were making it up with their interpretation? What smacks of paranoia to you?

That's good - there were NO Polish death camps, but this feller says Obbama was right in stating there were Polish death camps.

Who's paranoid here?

How about if somebody said slavery was African crime or Holocaust was Jewish crime? Would you also say he was correct?

the expectation should be zero.How Poles in the UK can feel singled out, I really don't understand.

-- Are you saying jon357 expects the British to be grateful to the Poles for not committing more crimes? Where does he expect that? Quote him. Maybe you don't understand how Poles in the UK can feel singled out because you have a personal definition of "singling out" that differes from the common one? Actually, aren't YOU singling out the Poles in the post I'm replying to? Do you mean the Poles in Britain have committed worse crimes than other nationalities? Which crimes would that be? Buddy, so you're saying it's right to regard all Poles as bad apples because a few of them have committed crimes? Does it follow it's okay to regard all English, including YOU (or whatever nationality or ethnicity you are) as bad apples because England (or another country of yours) has had, for example, some of the most heinous serial killers in the world? So you're saying all the Poles you've met in Britain have been criminals? Aren't you lying? So you're saying the English media are less venomous than the Polish media? You're hillarious - perhaps inadvertently so. And are you ignorant of the coverage in such media as the Daily Mail, the Daily Express, the Sun, the BBC Panorama? Or you're pretending being unfamiliar with it? And do you speak fluent Polish at all?Prove that in the Nikola case those alleged highly civilized Norwegians were only trying nobly to protect an abused child and those tribal Poles were unjustly protecting abusive parents. To begin with, prove that the parents were abusive. Can you? Where did you get the lowdown on the case from? From the Norwegian government, or Daily Mail? Well, prove that the Poles unconditionally protect their own - give specific examples, facts. So you're saying in the Nikola case the Poles were unconditionally protecting the parents because the parents are Polish? But the Poles were also protecting the alleged victim, and so the alleged adversary of the parents, i.e. the child. And the child is Polish too. If the Poles protected unconditionally only their own they wouldn't protect the adversary of their own, would they? How about if the truth in the Nikola case is as follows. The Norwegian social services people wrongly assumed, maybe on purpose, maybe not, that the Polish parents abused their child. So they snatched her out. The parents hired a private eye who managed to take the kid back, and then the parents and the kid fled back to Poland. The kid was happy to be back with her mom and dad. What would you say to this side of the story? One more thing. Buddy, if the Polish government protected its citizens they would react, for instance, to the numerous racist beatings and killings of Poles in your country, and to your media hate propaganda that instigated them. They haven't done it. Actually, buddy, we, Poles, are exceptionally unprotective towards each other. It can be also observed on this forum. Me and a few other folks are the mere exception confirming the rule. You, British (I assume you are one), are incomparably more protective towards each other. It can also be seen in this forum. Finally, are you English at all, or an ethnick living in England? I've met quite a few English but they sounded different than you.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
19 Jul 2012 /  #13
For Chris R and all of the others on here who think that the press are anti-polish here is an article from todays Daily Mail. Maybe they shouldn't print this incase they upset the polish populous. Maybe the UK government should demad an apology from Poland for the actions of its citizens within the UK?

it's now wonder- among many other people Poland also exported it's criminals to Britain - after opening of the borders crime rate in Poland dropped by 20 per cent
miss_happy  1 | 10  
19 Jul 2012 /  #14
There are horrible people in every community .....it's as simple as that to be honest. Doesn't make one community bad or horrible it makes the person horrible!!!
iwona  12 | 542  
19 Jul 2012 /  #15
if you want to be professional compare amount to crimes to amount of emigrants of different naionalities. I don't think that Polish will be so high.

Otherwise it is lots of rubbish.

I read lately quite a few articles about random attacks at Polish -just someone was spekaing in polish on the phone, or 29 year old man was killed by British hooliogans and police said that 'he was in the wrong place at the wrong time'- so it looks that maybe some 'locals' have attitude problems.
Ant63  13 | 410  
19 Jul 2012 /  #16
I think the statistics have published on here on numerous occasions and manipulated toward either argument. You are wrong, for a minority the Polish commit a gratuitous amount of crime and also I think you are missing the point.

Its a pointless forum to discuss such things as a collective, we (the English) cannot accept such behavior committed by a foreigner, and Johnny Foreigner will never condemn his brethren for such acts, but cast aspersions about racism. The racism card is almost worn out in the UK.

so it looks that maybe some 'locals' have attitude problems.

Yes and it's not acceptable but really not surprising that the uneducated few bear a grudge.
Puzzie  1 | 53  
19 Jul 2012 /  #17
if you want to be professional compare amount to crimes to amount of emigrants of different naionalities. I don't think that Polish will be so high.

Right on, Iwona. Guys like that NEVER make such comparisons because they are scared of making them - scared they could be taken to court for offending the "people of colour" and the like. Or they are Polonophobic racists who prefer to protect unconditionally their own and spread the lie the Poles are the worst criminals in their country.
Ant63  13 | 410  
19 Jul 2012 /  #18
Would you like me to start posting data from Polish archives?

Please do. It would be really interesting. Meanwhile take a brief look at a few Polish murders in the UK and check which nationality was killed by whom. You will see Polish man kills Polish man seems to recur.

What does this "example" prove allegedly?

It proves the opposite of what I said initially which I clearly remarked. Having a little experience of the Polish court system and opinion of people in Poland regarding those that have left for "Greener Pastures", I have felt there is an issue for both courts and citizens. The write up clearly shows Poland's contempt for its citizens abroad. Could it have something to do with the Eastern Block defector mentality?

It's an interesting story all the same.

So you're saying the Norwegians allegedly couldn't publish "full facts"?

Sorry I forgot Poland is above the law and can abuse a child's rights. Try reading "The European rights of the Child", you may understand then. It was wrong for the child to be identified at all. Amongst the minimal facts released by the Norwegians, was the fact that Nikola was not fed for several days. Now if the parents could not afford to feed the child, how could they afford to pay RAMBO? How much would an operation like this cost. A minimum of 25000 Zlt at a guess. Puzzie, question what you read a little more, and the truth will reveal itself. This is a fantastical story, tailor made for the media. Guess who paid for it? I think I can.

Look at the mess RAMBO caused with the baby that was supposedly abducted but was later found dead. The outcome of this would likely have been very different had he not made into a media circus. Hell the woman wants to go to England now to escape her persecutors. No thanks.

But you are a Pole and perfect and by definition Poland must then then be perfect . You are the superior race and nothing you do is wrong and you can learn nothing from anyone else. Wakey, wakey it's only a dream. The growing pains will pass.

I'm not your BUDDY by the way. That infers I am your friend. An Obamma moment perhaps? I am an Angol and you a Pole. We are not so far apart in reality, I'm just a little more open minded so there is a possibility we could become buddies.

"the racist card is almost worn out in the UK"

By this I mean it has been used over and over again and fails to raise the emotion it once did.

So I'm a racist for pointing out your shortcomings and narrow mindedness. I would have thought you would have checked me out a little and found I'm attached with a really great Polish girl and happily support her two blue eyed blond children which I helped rescue from the clutches of a sick Polish father and the Polish State that failed to protect them in their hour of need. Poland, sir, has a lot to learn about Western thinking when it comes to child protection. Currently you are just not acceptable.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
19 Jul 2012 /  #19
And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK

It's pure Media embellishment nothing else. Someone already put stats on the forum that Poles commit just 5% of crimes in the UK. It's like in America they blame illegal Mexicans for murders and rapings.
19 Jul 2012 /  #20
Someone already put stats on the forum that Poles commit just 5% of crimes in the UK.

Interesting. Do you think that Poles only account for 5% of the UK population?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
19 Jul 2012 /  #21
No my fault didn't double check. 'In 2010 the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) recorded that 6777 convictions in England and Wales concerned Polish citizens. On the face of it this is still a high number, but in view of the total estimate of Poles in this country, it does show that less than 1% of Poles in this country have been convicted of committing a crime in England and Wales. Or, put another way, less than one Pole in every hundred has been convicted of a crime.' Just 1% of all crimes. 1 million Poles in the UK and UK population is 63 million that makes in even less than average.
Puzzie  1 | 53  
19 Jul 2012 /  #22
It's pure Media embellishment nothing else. Someone already put stats on the forum that Poles commit just 5% of crimes in the UK. It's like in America they blame illegal Mexicans for murders and rapings.

--- I wonder if the stats haven't been pumped up. Because due to mad political correctness, or Marxian censorship, in the UK, their police, as far as I know, have been expected to provide less crime stats on folks from the Third World and more on others, preferrably those of "Eastern Europe" and so practically only the Poles. (The expression "Eastern Europe" is used in the UK in such a manipulative manner that it's become a synonym for the word "Poland.") All this may mean that the British cops arest more Poles for real or imagined offenses, and wink at other criminals, particularly those from Africa, Asia, and the like. It seems the police in the US and Canada have been carrying out similar manipulative practices for a long time now.

Interesting. Do you think that Poles only account for 5% of the UK population?

Hello Harry the Jewish Polonophobe (who sez Poland is his country too). Are you asking Penn Boy if he thinks Poles account for 5 % of the UK population for the following reason. If Penn Boy replies: "No, Poles account for much less than 5 % of the UK population, " you will pretend being outraged:"What? They account for much less than 5% of the UK population, and they commit 5 % of all crimes in UK? That's a lot. How bad people those Poles are. "

Harry, and how much crime commit the Jewish people in the UK, including drug dealers from Israel? Are there any publicly available police stats on that, or the stats are the government top secret?

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
19 Jul 2012 /  #23
what total twollox

Penn boy is right about media manipulation though...to an extent.
19 Jul 2012 /  #24
^ I'd be amazed of anybody really thought that Poles only account for 300,000 of the population of Britain. But don't let that deprive you of the excuse for yet another anti-semitic rant.

[edit: that is of course directed at puzzie]
OP sanddancer  2 | 50  
20 Jul 2012 /  #25
So you're saying that Poles in Britain are like Cubans, Caribbeans and South Americans in America in that they are "clogging up" the British justice system?

In 2004 there were a total of 99 Polish prisoners in UK jails. In 2009 a total of 1,240. Each one of your so called 'countrymen' cost the UK tax payer approx 500gbp per month. That's a total of 7.5 million a year plus the added expense of Policing and the courts. We don't care if they are the best or worse (it's not a competition) the simple fact is that over 1,200 Poles are in the UK commiting crimes that would not exist if we closed the border or did stronger checks on the criminal backgrounds. I very much doubt whether the whole of the 1,200 poles if they were back in Poland whould be spending time incarcerated at the pleasure of the Polish tax payer. It's not the fault of the Polish government and people but the fault of the British government for allowing this to go on. As I've said before what is the percentage of British expats in the Polish prison population compared to the other way round. Poland 'is' exporting is criminals!

So you're saying we, Poles, committed some "atrocities" against the Jews and that those atrocities were as bad as the German ones?

How can you say that any atrocity is worse then another? The Poles who aided the Germans during the war were no better then the guys who threw cyklon 'b' down the chimneys. As for British hating Polish...prove it! The Polish in the Uk make up over 1% of the population, we house them, school their kids (even pay for kids living in Poland about 50,000 receive Child benefits), we give them jobs and benefits in abundance. Where is this so called hate? Look at articles in the Daily Mail that are supposed to be anti-polish and you'll find that those articles probably make up alot less then the 1% of the newspaper articles (compare it to articles on Albanians!)

The UK is funding and has funded in the past Polish growth through allowing Poles to work in the UK years before other EU countries.. wait to see how the Poles are treat by the Germans in the next couple of years.
Puzzie  1 | 53  
20 Jul 2012 /  #26
I can say some atrocities are worse than others because they simply are worse. For example, there is a difference between killing 10 people by shooting them, and killing a hundred thousand by torturing them, chopping them with axes, cutting their bellies open with knives and watching them die slowly, impaling them, and the like (RE: the Ukrainian atrocities against the Poles during WWII). Don't you think there is such a difference? Give examples of those Polish alleged atrocities against Jews. Are you saying the British give those benefits to the Poles for nothing, i.e. that the Poles don't work, don't pay taxes? By the way, the British benefits paid to Poles abroad are a joke. Lots of Polish people who went back to Poland were refused those benefits. I've checked out the issue. It's a propaganda BS you're paying benefits to Poles abroad. As for the hate, I can give you numerous examples of the mistreatment of the Polish people in your country, including beatings and killings. Lots of these cases go unreported by your media. The hate propaganda against Poles in Britain by the Daily Mail, which seems to be your fav, is systematic and exceptionally virulent. As for our alleged ill treatment by the Germans in the future, let it happen. But for now, I think, they invite us to come and work there. Haha, they opened their job market and expected that scores of us would come in, but we didn't. We didn't come because lots of Poles still believed they'd do better in UK, Holland. Now it's changing; much more go to Germany to work. Lots of them buy houses there, especially in East Germany. I've got a house there. I wouldn't buy one in Brtiain, at least not at present, where there is so much anti-Polish sentiment there. Buddy, so far there hasn't been any systematic, shameless, openly racist hate propaganda in the German media against us. There haven't been any racist beatings - including cowardly collective ones - and racist killings of Poles there. Not by the Germans at least. Of course, Poles meet with prejudice there, but I don't think it's been as bad as in UK. So far so good. If it changes - be it.

As I've said before what is the percentage of British expats in the Polish prison population compared to the other way round. Poland 'is' exporting is criminals!

I don't mind if your country closes the border and doesn't allow ANY Poles to come over at all. I don't mind the British doing criminal checks on any Poles coming in; I don't mind you government kicking out any Poles who committed crimes in your country, or any Poles at all. Actually, I don't like the fact lots of people leave my country and go to Brtiain or any other country where they are disliked, ripped off, beaten up, killed and reminded all the time what great favour the "host" is doing to them by letting them in and letting them do the shuttiest jobs. I don't like any of my people leaving my country, depopulating and weakening it. I want them to stay in and develop my country up. And I want them ALL, even those born in Britain, to pull out from Brtian and any other such country, and come back home. In fact, I've been persuading them all the time to do that. I don't want any Polish person to stay in Britain. At the same time, I reserve the right for us, Poles, to treat the Brtitish and Britain in exactly the same manner as they treat us, including their businesses in Poland, for example TESCO. Are you satisfied? And now show me the African, Arab, Asiatic (e.g. Indian, Pakistani, Chinese) and other such sites where YOU go and complain about their criminals in Britain.
jon357  72 | 23560  
20 Jul 2012 /  #27
Yes actually. Macmillan was wrong on that and many other matters. No country helped Poland as much as Britain during that time even defying the American allies who refused to assist the uprising. And since EU entry no country has received so many migrant Poles or treated them so well.

And there isn't much anti-Polish feeling in the UK either, given the sheer numbers who arrived in such a short period.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
20 Jul 2012 /  #28
just one Polish name in that list...

Strange,there were 2 Poles on one of my Uncles squadrons during the Battle......still, 2 out of about 20 blokes at any one time, hardly the *saving our arses* sort of overwhelming support,but much appreciated anyway.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
20 Jul 2012 /  #29
2 out of about 20 blokes at any one time, hardly the *saving our arses* sort of overwhelming support,but much appreciated anyway.

exactly isthatu2..........
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Jul 2012 /  #30
The reports that I have read read that Poles have been sleeping on the streets.

Could you perhaps show us how the UK can be blamed for Poles choosing to sell their bodies or choosing to sleep on the streets?

As a point of order, I think the only unwanted Poles in the UK are the ones that commit crimes. The rest? I welcome them - the vast, vast majority are a credit to Poland. I fail to see why anyone should be bothered if a few Polish guys are drinking beer in the street - you see it routinely in Germany, after all.

(likewise, I'd hope that any British scum that commit crimes in Poland would be shown their way to the airport and told to get out)

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UKArchived