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Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them"

Midas  1 | 571  
21 Mar 2011 /  #31
^^ Ok, this is getting out of hand.

1) Polish people do not/did not work "hard jobs that the brits were too egoistic" for.

Polish people came over and basically drove down the wage You had to pay to find an employee in almost all corners of the market, both in the UK and in Ireland. While some of them were hard workers indeed, so were/are many Brits and Irish.

Don't expect anyone who worked a job in the UK/Ireland and suddenly found himself without one because a Pole undercut him to be happy about the amount of Polish people that came over.

2) Who do your men go get themselves involved with our woman even for temporary fun? That makes you a better human?

You honestly expect all the guys in UK/Ireland to turn down free *****? Because that's what a noticeable amout of Polish ladies are.

3) Why do the brits not do their smaller job and let the Poles do it? You are incapable of it? - please see 1.

4) I think we Poles are atleast better because we are not into making fun or demeaning anyone. - You must be joking sir...

I happen to speak Polish and numerous times I've heard Polish women slagging off British/Irish women ( for being supposedly ugly, not feminine, drunks, of low morals <sic!>, etc. ). With some Polish girls it honestly seems like a favorite past time sometimes, let's talk about how much better than anyone else we are.

And Polish guys aren't without fault in this department either, especially the big myth about them being so much more "hardworking" than everyone else.

5) Why don't you brits create stricter rules so that you don't have to take us Poles for work anymore in your countries? -

I'm not going to advocate it because I made quite a dandy profit on hiring Polish subcontractors, but if I were a British/Irish construction worker I'd be screaming bloody murder. To be perfectly clear - I hired Polish not because they are so bloody hardworking, but because they worked for less money.
OP McCoy  27 | 1268  
21 Mar 2011 /  #32
McCoy - may You be blessed for posting the link, sir. The man who wrote this has a positively wicked sense of humour.

cheers. it is indeed a satirical essay by mr de Burca but as in every joke among the funny lines there is some bitter truth about Poles and Paddies. well, long live PL&Eire.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Mar 2011 /  #33
Polish people have integrated very well in Ireland and are very well thought of. They have joined all the political parties and in the north there is a Polish National in the Police, a small start but a start none the less.

So, basically they are helping to enforce British rule in Ireland?

Marvellous stuff.

Fuckin' mercenaries.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
21 Mar 2011 /  #34
the brits not do their smaller job and let the Poles do it? You are incapable of it?

Because those kind of jobs only pay enough if you are living 10 to a room, or in a squat or a caravan, not for a normal settled life. BTW if Pole gets a capital letter can "Brit" too please.

e Poles are atleast better because we are not into making fun or demeaning anyone.

I had never heard such gob smacking rudeness and rank racism about people around, until I understood some Polish. That is fact.

Why don't you brits create stricter rules

If you think the "brits" who create rules are the same "brits" who don't want to live 10 to a room and work for less than minimum wage, you are even more deluded/stupid than you sound.


Actually this thread wasn't about "brits" at all but about Polish in Ireland, but you are probably too thick to appreciate the difference
Barney  17 | 1637  
21 Mar 2011 /  #35
So, basically they are helping to enforce British rule in Ireland?

Marvellous stuff.

Fuckin' mercenaries.


The PSNI are not the RUC they are gone. The PSNI are approaching a representation of the population which includes Polish people.

If you want to talk about foreign rule in Ireland question Fianna Fail, the party of De Valera who abandoned the hard won national Sovereignty handing it to the IMF. Do you think the Blue Shirts will do any better?

Of course you dont care, being a dyed in the wool partitionist.

Talking of Fuckin' mercenaries how's the Dublin pub banners going still bowing the knee?
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
21 Mar 2011 /  #36

BARNEY, the idea was just to ignore the drug pushing idiot!
Barney  17 | 1637  
21 Mar 2011 /  #37
Suppose so....just logged on and had a flashback.
Barney  17 | 1637  
21 Mar 2011 /  #39
Super tiocfaidhs we call them...paper tigers...nothing to worry about.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
22 Mar 2011 /  #40
the party of De Valera

That Yank?

So, basically they are helping to enforce British rule in Ireland?

yes,thats right,one Pole = 12 Black n Tans....after all,Brits are all too lazy and workshy to actually oppress the paddies themselves,we now sub contract to quisling papists........

the idea was just to ignore the drug pushing idiot!

Yeah,but its fun taking the p!ss ;)
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
22 Mar 2011 /  #41
Why don't you brits create stricter rules so that you don't have to take us Poles for work anymore in your countries? Its better than this nagging surely!

I can 't speak for britain but becuase in Ireland £ is king. The multinational corporations drag immigrants in by the tens of thousands. Our ultra liberal media stifles any debate or dissent on the issue. Anyone who argues for moderation, is called a racist or xenophobe.

Irish identity is dead. I had a friend from america over for the summer. He remarked about how "un Irish" Ireland was from the last time he was here 10 years ago. I felt ashamed to bring him anywhere to be honest.

It's not the fact that there are immigrants it's the sheer numbers plus the fact that they don't integrate
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Mar 2011 /  #42
What have you done to help them integrate?
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
22 Mar 2011 /  #43
the onus is on them to integrate intoour society where they have come voluntarily to live. Love it or leave it
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Mar 2011 /  #44
the onus is on them to integrate intoour society

It's a two way process.

where they have come voluntarily to live

Recruited by Irish employers, very often with agents in Poland.

Love it or leave it

Since you're obviously unhappy, you should therefore leave.
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
22 Mar 2011 /  #45
Recruited by Irish employers, very often with agents in Poland

No. mostly foreign owned meat factories you'll find. A brazilian factory owns one in my home town called Marfrig. It has dragged in 1000s of froeigners. Now the town is 70% non Irish at last census.

The local GAA club has put out fliers in russian or whatever speak they have but not one has comne to play our ancient sports of gaelic football or hurling. Far too concerned with stabbing people or selling drugs

And I'm not unhappy i can assure you. everyman has things he dislikes and I dislike excessive immigration. simples!
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
22 Mar 2011 /  #46
No. mostly foreign owned meat factories you'll find

Does that make a difference?

It has dragged in 1000s of froeigners.

Dragged in?Was there a queue of Irish citizens banging on the door for jobs?

our ancient sports of gaelic football or hurling.

Are you surprised at that?

with stabbing people or selling drugs

Not that there was any lack of that in the first place.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
22 Mar 2011 /  #47
Irish men and women did n't spill there blood for Ireland's culture and identity to be taken from her before we have fully gotten back the entire island nation for ourselves. Unlike poland and other russian colonies, we did n't get handed our (at the minute partial) freedom, we had to fight long and hard

If the Irish are so proud of their culture as you claim they are, why don't they speak their own language? Why didn't they win their independence earlier, after all they only had the genteel English to contend with, unlike the Poles who speak their own language and had to fight the Russians and Germans for their independence?

gaelic football or hurling

They don't buy into amateur sports.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
22 Mar 2011 /  #48
had no idea Ireland had it so bad.
Lolaola  - | 3  
22 Mar 2011 /  #49
Since you're obviously unhappy, you should therefore leave.

Lol. But where would he go?

Every country has people who complain about people from other countries coming and "ruining" their way of life. Happens everywhere. People, it's called globalisation. Stop being so narrow minded. The world is changing, and if you don't change with it you will be left behind, whinging and moaning about how life "used" to be. Then you will begin fighting amongst eachother, soemthing Ireland is very familiar with... and look where that got you.

Europe is so very lucky to have the European union, people are free to travel and work anywhere they want (almost). I can't wait until we have open boarders, which enable people to come work freely and honestly, rather than risking their lives on leaky boats and coming illigally.
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
22 Mar 2011 /  #50
If the Irish are so proud of their culture as you claim they are, why don't they speak their own language

Tá Ghaelige agam m'chara ach ar an drochuaur, níl mé liofa fós!. Labhraim giota beag Ghaelige gach lá agus tá an teanga ag teacht ar ais- I do speak Irish, not well but I'm learning as the majority of Irish people are.

At least Irish is a unique language not the same in whole or parts as neighboring countries. I heard a pole and a czech talking to each other such was the similarity of their "native" tongues. PoLish culture is a joke, it's basically the same as other eastern euope/russia. Ireland's culture is beautiful and unique beyond belief. So are our native people and country itself. That' why eastern europeans won t leave the place when they come here. They prefer it to their "motherland"
smurf  38 | 1940  
22 Mar 2011 /  #51
PoLish culture is a joke, it's basically the same as other eastern euope/russia

ya might want to look at an auld léarscáil mo chara, Níl an Pholainn san Oirthear na hEorpa tá sé san Eoraip Láir

Of course Polish culture isn't a joke, it amazes me the level of hypocrisy you do be sprouting, on another thread you're encouraging an Indian fella to move to Poland & tellin him to f€ck the begrudgers & racists and then a while later you come out with something as ridiculous as this.

It's no more a joke that Irish, Scottish, French, Mexican etc. cultures, of course there are similarities but sure jaysus you'd only be coddin yerself if ya thought that Irish culture was so different that british, our food is similiar, irish dancing aint a million miles form morris or highland dancing.

relax your cacks lad and stop the hating
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
22 Mar 2011 /  #52
They don't buy into amateur sports.

It's amatuer for VERY VERY good reason my friend. I know poles don't buy into anything where they don t get money in return.

Look at soccer and and american sports how corrupt , boring and empty they have become. Gaelic sports are kept amatuer and always will be becuase that's how we want to keep them.

What other sport could a man play in front of 50,000 people live on tv and be back on a building site the next day or having a pint in his local with average joes. That's the beauty of the GAA and to be honest..the poles are poorer for not having their own native past times

Lolaola  - | 3  
22 Mar 2011 /  #53
Don't you think the Polish/ Czech are similar because they are right next to each other? Unlike Ireland which is an island all on its own?

Basic geographical proximities would influence the languages/dialects and culture a country posses?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11679  
22 Mar 2011 /  #54
PoLish culture is a joke,

Actually you should be natural allies with Poland...you both suffered larger neighbours...you both send your youth out to emigrate into the world in masses for centuries...you both have no idea how to play football...

Well...okay...Polands rising economy is not because of a bubble and a cheap corporate tax...I'll give you that but else? Maybe soon Irish will look in Poland for work? How about starting to learn Polish!
22 Mar 2011 /  #55
you both send your youth out to emigrate into the world in masses for centuries

Well, that's true, but Irish emmigration totally dwarfs Polish one. An estimated 80 million peopleworldwide claim some Irish descent! That gives you idea of how many Irish emmigrated from

their country. It's as if 800 million people claimed Polish ancestry! Jesus Almighty!

From 1830 to 1914, almost 5 million went to the United States alone. I don't recall Poland
exporting 50 million people in the same period (or in any other period in fact.) When I hear an Irishman
moaning about mass immigration, I can only say "well, karma is a bi*tch, Paddy." :)


How about starting to learn Polish!

Are you kidding me? Overwhelming majority of Irish can't even speak their own language (they use
a mongrel, bastardized version of English, instead), and you expect them to learn Polish? :D

you both have no idea how to play football

That, of course, is true. However...


- two bronze World Cup Football medals: 1974 in West Germany and 1982 in Spain;
- Olympic Football Tournaments: gold medal in 1972, silver medals in 1978 and 1992


*deafening silence*

OK... let's look at the Summer Olympic Games:

Polish medals - 62 gold, 80 silver, 119 bronze (261 overall)
Irish medals - 8 gold, 7 silver, 8 bronze (23 overall)

Winter Olympic Games:

Poland: 2 golds, 6 silver, 6 bronze
Ireland: sweet f*ckall

other sport

As for sports, Ireland can stick to their gaelic games,

Poles are quite happy with having Speedway as national sport:

-the strongest and richest professional league in the World, all the racers dream about
competing in the Polish League - only the best will ever be able to realize their dream;

- Poland is current World Champion (twice in a row: 2009, 2010), has 9 World Championship
gold medals, 7 silver and 8 bronze.

- out of six Junior World Speedway Championship, Poland won five!

- I couldn't even be arsed to count all the individual senior and junior medals for Poland - there's just
too many.

Apart from speedway Poland has a handball team which is among top teams in the World,
and as for volleyball, I think I will not exaggerate when I say that Poland's reserve under-12
girls' team would beat Irish senior male national team without much trouble.
Our ice-hockey team sucks, but still is much better than Irish one.


Poland: 13th in the World by average ranking, with 32 Grandmasters and 96 International Masters;
Ireland: 65th in the World, with only one grandmaster (and the fellow's name is Alexander Baburin LOL :D)
and 6 international masters.

So, to sum things up...

Ireland? Yer havin' a laugh :D
Wroclaw Boy  
22 Mar 2011 /  #56
Thats one of the problems with this forum, in order to prove certain points you need to highly insult other members. i assume youve pm'd seanbm.

Another thing: considering England has suffered the brunt of Polish immigration weve never really had any real as$hole trolls. Ireland and Scotland on the other hand........
22 Mar 2011 /  #57
Thats one of the problems with this forum, in order to prove certain points you need to highly insult other members. i assume youve pm'd seanbm.

Hey - I'm just giving Ireland4ever some taste of his own medicine. You think my previous post was
bad? I can go much nastier and more vicious than that. If the twat is ready to dish it out, he has
to be able to take it.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
22 Mar 2011 /  #58
Polish immigration

I think Poles should move back to Poland, or immigrate in places like China, Australia and South America ... or South Africa. These countries and we ourselves can mutually benefit with such immigration ...

UK seems very proud and arrogant. Sorry to say this, I don't mean everyone who is British ... but as a stance the country seems uninterested in European integration so much. I don't really get too amused by Western Europe myself ...
Vincent  8 | 793  
22 Mar 2011 /  #59
you both have no idea how to play football...


Poland: 2 golds, 6 silver, 6 bronze
Ireland: sweet f*ckall

Population of Poland

June 2010 estimate 38,192,000

Population of Ireland

Population 6,197,100

Not a level playing field ;)
Wroclaw Boy  
22 Mar 2011 /  #60
I think Poles should move back to Poland, or immigrate in places like China, Australia and South America ... or South Africa.

Australia and S Africa maybe, i dont see Poles prospering in China or many South American countries.

These countries and we ourselves can mutually benefit with such immigration ...

OK i get China from your point of view with the like for Asian ladies and all but apart from that, come again..

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