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Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them"

McCoy  27 | 1268  
20 Mar 2011 /  #1
katowice.gazeta.pl/katowice/1,35058,9284991,Poles_in_Ireland___or yginalna_wersja_tekstu.html

There are 180,000 Poles living in Ireland and last year they sent 841 million euro back to Poland. Three years ago there was 316,000 Poles in Ireland. We can assume that one day 136,000 Polish people all woke up and decided that they had enough of living in a country where it rains from underneath as well as from above. The Irish media criticised the 43% of Polish migrants who 'turned their backs on a country that gave them a home, an income and a sense of achievement.'


Peadar de Burca, Irish Actor, Playwright, Comedian.
smurf  38 | 1940  
20 Mar 2011 /  #2
The Irish media criticised the 43% of Polish migrants who 'turned their backs on a country that gave them a home, an income and a sense of achievement.'

I'm fairly sure that he's takin the píss there lad.

I read his articles every week, he's a very funny writer, fair play to him
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
21 Mar 2011 /  #3
Why do these Poles stay in a country where they have to work a 22-hour shift and live in a room they rent with 19 other migrants and a pig called Jeremy? Do they think that this existence is better than being chased by a bear in Bialystock? I say that it isn't.

Lol that's funny, kind of reminds me of Dylan Moran :)
Barney  19 | 1729  
21 Mar 2011 /  #4
You're right it is funny

work a 22-hour shift and live in a room they rent with 19 other migrants and a pig called Jeremy?

That is a reference to The Poor Mouth by Flan O Brien, the guy is taking the pi$s.


I meant to add it was a direct satirical attack on how De Valera's (American President of Ireland) Reactionary Catholic Ireland saw the Irish. Kind of like someone attacking Mickiewicz's (if I'm allowed to do that) romantic Poland.
Softsong  5 | 492  
21 Mar 2011 /  #5
My ex-Polish boyfriend moved to Ireland during the boom, and he and his wife are still there. They are very happy and bought a new house last year, and welcomed their first child a few days ago. When they arrived in Ireland they had another couple for roommates. Now they are on their own. No working 22 hours or sharing with 19 other migrants.

They like that they were able to make a great life, and yet it is close enough to go back home to Poland often.

In 2008 I visited them in Ireland and the country is as green as they say. It does rain at inconvenient times, but the weather goes from rain to sun and back again in short order. And the climate is relatively mild.
Barney  19 | 1729  
21 Mar 2011 /  #6
They like that they were able to make a great life, and yet it is close enough to go back home to Poland often.

That's really good to hear.

Polish people have integrated very well in Ireland and are very well thought of. They have joined all the political parties and in the north there is a Polish National in the Police, a small start but a start none the less.

Jesus that sounds so patronising but it's the truth.
David_18  65 | 966  
21 Mar 2011 /  #7
Funny article indeed ;)
Made me laugh!

The women in Poland look like women - they look like they are the result of a tryst between Rudolph Valentino and Marlene Dietrich. With Irish women, it looks like the zookeeper forgot to lock the gates. Polish women are like Bond Girls - exotic, dangerous - if they get angry with you, they'll crush your head with their thighs, and believe me, this is the way everyman wants to die.

So each Pole is sending about 4600 euro each year back to Poland? Not bad tbh but i still think Poland would benefit more if they stayed and worked in Poland.
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
21 Mar 2011 /  #8
The poles I know just complain about Ireland and the weather.

1. The weather in Poland is horrible, I ve been there and in any case is caused by the curviture of the earth and pressure etc...not the country.

2. Poles who lived in Ireland for long time do not have even a basic knowledge of Irish culture or history or the Gaelic athletic association.

3. Poles react a serious amount of crime from petty thefts to serious assaults/murders. They also burden our health, education and welfare systems

Irish see them as just more foreigners speaking some horrible sounding mongrel language and who treat Ireland like doormat
George8600  10 | 630  
21 Mar 2011 /  #9
lol so much for Polish-Irish relations. I once had heard tales from some Italians who told me of all the problems Irish people caused in their country. They regarded you guys as lower IQ'ed individuals whom were culture-less and irresponsible drunks compared to Italians or the British whom the Irish apparently stole culture from. It's almost like a caste system with racist people, it's so primitive minded.
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Mar 2011 /  #10
Unfortunately the same is true for Greece.Polish population is fleeing due to crisis.I want them to come back and increase the slavic element.
George8600  10 | 630  
21 Mar 2011 /  #11
All of northern Greece is a slavic element....
Softsong  5 | 492  
21 Mar 2011 /  #12
Ireland4ever is one of those posters who always complains about Poles. I doubt he is typical of most Irish people. Every country has people who fear immigrants, and blame all their troubles on them. It is/was the same in the USA as each new wave of immigrants had stereotypes and prejudices to overcome.
21 Mar 2011 /  #13
horrible sounding mongrel language

Yes, Hiberno-English is indeed a mongrel language par excellence.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
21 Mar 2011 /  #14
They have joined all the political parties and in the north there is a Polish National in the Police, a small start but a start none the less.

Thats a pretty huge start,without spelling out the obvious. :)
By the way,once and for all britain really really is very sorry for everything,can you please take back "Mrs browns boys",honest,we wernt that bad were we,no one deserves this.......

Yes, Hiberno-English is indeed a mongrel language par excellence.

lols, par excellence, verdamnt recht...sorry,damned right it is ! ;)
smurf  38 | 1940  
21 Mar 2011 /  #15
The poles I know just complain about Ireland and the weather.

troll go away will ya chap,
the article is satirical, you do know what that means yea?
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
21 Mar 2011 /  #16
Ireland4ever is one of those posters who always complains about Poles. I doubt he is typical of most Irish people. Every country has people who fear immigrants, and blame all their troubles on them. It is/was the same in the USA as each new wave of immigrants had stereotypes and prejudices to overcome

It's about moderation. Everything in life..food, drink, excercise have an appropriate or an inappropriate amount.
I have no problem with some eastern europeans BUT Ireland has turned in a 2nd and 3rd world dumping ground as a result of these greedy foreign owned factory corporations. Alot of eastern europeans are ok but alot of them alienate otherwise or previously liberal, decent Irish by their crime and their arrogant attitude towards Ireland and her people


They exploit the immigrants for THEIR OWN PROFIT. They are are not charities or humanitarians,, nor do they care about the health of Irish society or poland for that matter.

The meat factory in my home town (where I was born raised, etc etc.) is owned by a south american meat company which "boasts" over 12 billion dollars in profit per annum. Ask them to contribute to paying for the welfare, education or health care of foreigners who they dump on Ireland and they'll say "not our problem". It's the Irish taxpayer who foots that bill.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
21 Mar 2011 /  #17
I think the Irish have only themselves to blame for the huge amount of debt that country owes.
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
21 Mar 2011 /  #18
Typical of the blinkered, lazy attitude towards Ireland by foreigners.
Yes, the Irish ourselves were partly to blame but The foreign speculators in the Irish market and bond holders were also largely to blame in taking gambles on the back of the Irish taxpayer.

In addition, a countey with 4.5 million in the south and 1.6 million in the occupied north had over 2 million permanent immigrants dumped on her, all of whom immediately had babies and claimed benefits, whether they worked or not. It hardly helped the financial situation. If you stood outside my local benefits centre, it would open your eyes. It's like the United nations with immigrants coming and going with prams all day.


As much as I may be unpopular, I speak the my mind and I speak for the most part alot of inconvenient truths. The vast majority of Irish (not the posh, over educated, inferiority complex leftist elites) would like to see less immigration and ALOT of foreigners sent home. Irish men and women did n't spill there blood for Ireland's culture and identity to be taken from her before we have fully gotten back the entire island nation for ourselves. Unlike Poland and other Russian colonies, we did n't get handed our (at the minute partial) freedom, we had to fight long and hard
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
21 Mar 2011 /  #19
Typical of the blinkered, lazy attitude towards Ireland by foreigners.

I'm not a foreigner you tw@t and i know exactly the situation over there. The amount of greedy credit grabbing folk "building" property to only have the rug pulled from under their feet. The country overstretched itself by a country mile and still continues to beg for money of the other EU countries.

You only have yourself to blame.

Irish men and women did n't spill there blood for Ireland's culture and identity to be taken from her before we have fully gotten back the entire island nation for ourselves.

When exactly were the Irish spilling their blood during the boom????
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
21 Mar 2011 /  #20
If you stood outside my local benefits centre, it would open your eyes. It's like the United nations with immigrants coming and going with prams all day.

Sounds a bit like England a few decades ago with all the Micks and paddies comin and nicking our brickying jobs........get a fookin loife.
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
21 Mar 2011 /  #21
When exactly were the Irish spilling their blood during the boom????

Go and read up on Irish history. I don't mind debating things with people as long as they have a bit of knowledge about what they are actually talking about.

Thomas Clarke, James Connolly , Padraig Pearse, Patsy O'Hara, Bobby Sands, Martin Hurson, etc etc etc etc etc.

These men did n't die for one fifth of their country to be still occupied in the 21st century nor did they die for this so -called "multi cultural" mess it has become.

although, i m a southerner, before people start saying that "northern" Ireland is british and different from the south ..some facts.

1. The last king of Ireland Hugh O'Neill had his castle in Dungannon, Co Tyrone, The remains are still there

2. Thomas Clarke, the first signatory of the Irish proclaimation was from Tyrone, north of Ireland

3.Brian Boru, from whom Ireland gets the Harp symbol was burried in Co Armagh north of Ireland

4. Saint Patrick, was a sheep herder in Antrim north of Ireland and is burried in downpatrick north of Ireland

5. The ancient sport of hurling was invented in Antrim north of Ireland

I could go on. If you say northern Ireland is british you should not celebrate St Patricks day, play hurling, use the harp symbol etc. The north is probably more historically signifcant than anywhere in the south here. The partition of Ireland was illegal and denied the democratic wishes of the Irish to be totally free. We should focus on this before allowing mass immigration
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
21 Mar 2011 /  #22
Tell you what,swappsies then paddy. You have Ulster back we get the nice green bit below it back,OK, Dublin for the british and Ill drop the London bit from Derry.
Barney  19 | 1729  
21 Mar 2011 /  #23
As much as I may be unpopular

That is the least of your worries.

inferiority complex leftist elites

If we had some of these then the Government wouldnt have saddled the people with the richmans debt, the neo con, tea party crap that FF swallowed led directly to this situation.

So what happens FF is replaced by FG...business as usual....right wing replacing right wing.

Mrs browns boys

Sorry you are keeping them/it to pay for all the crimes inflicted on the world by George Formby.
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
21 Mar 2011 /  #24
Sounds a bit like England a few decades ago with all the Micks and paddies comin and nicking our brickying jobs........get a fookin loife

I thought that's why you brits have murdered, lied, cheated etc for centuries in Ireland, to keep Ireland british and them divide it so you wouldn't have to leave it.

You british deserve the mess your country has become as you went around the world trying to make half the world "british" at the barrell of a gun. What's wrong with the so-called britsh coming to "mother "england from your glorious colonies, including the Irish lol!

Ireland has never been a superpwoer, we're in fact still struggling for full nationhood as per the vast majority wishes of thes Irish people. We don't deserve mass immigration

JonnyM  11 | 2607  
21 Mar 2011 /  #25
It seems you hate everybody and want to blame others for Ireland's woes. I suspect you'd be just as misanthropic if the good times were still here.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
21 Mar 2011 /  #26
Get a job instead of trolling here. The North doesn't wanna be part of the south now, most decent folk couldn't give a rats arse.

Now when I say get a job, I dont mean hiring a JCB to steal a couple of cash machines loser!
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
21 Mar 2011 /  #27
We don't deserve mass immigration

May I suggest nicely worded signs......of course "carefull now" springs to mind,along with "Down with this sort of thing"....but,I suggest maybe a sign in your window;

No Blacks
No Dogs
No Polish................
Midas  1 | 571  
21 Mar 2011 /  #28
Why do these Poles stay in a country where they have to work a 22-hour shift and live in a room they rent with 19 other migrants and a pig called Jeremy? Do they think that this existence is better than being chased by a bear in Bialystock? I say that it isn't.

This may explain why Ireland has so many drug addicts. They roam the streets day and night like the zombies from Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' video.Dublin is the heroin capital of Europe. There are swathes of addicts everywhere in the city, all of them dressed for some strange reason, in tracksuits. Are they training for something? The Heroin Olympics? Think of all the gold medals we would win in events such as 'Throwing the Syringe', 'Synchronised Overdosing' and 'The Shoplifting Relay Race'.

You never see priests walking around the streets of Ireland. This is because they are all hiding from the authorities. Whenever a priest is spotted near an Irish village, it is announced on radio stations and families are warned to avoid the area. Then teams of men form a line and walk through the undergrowth, beating drums and cans, trying to drive the beast out into the open where they can get a clear shot at it.

The women in Poland look like women - they look like they are the result of a tryst between Rudolph Valentino and Marlene Dietrich. With Irish women, it looks like the zookeeper forgot to lock the gates

Most middle-aged Irish people think that Poles come from a third world country where the only food is baked sulphor. They are unaware that the Polish man mopping the floor is actually a trained architect with a black belt in Applied Physics.

McCoy - may You be blessed for posting the link, sir. The man who wrote this has a positively wicked sense of humour.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
21 Mar 2011 /  #29
I've heard from some friends that Poles are really hated in the UK and disliked increasingly in Ireland. I don't know why is it so intense?

Is it because our girls have been reckless and our men have worked hard in jobs you Brits were too egoistic to do yourselves?

Who do your men go get themselves involved with our woman even for temporary fun? That makes you a better human?

Why do the brits not do their smaller job and let the Poles do it? You are incapable of it?

I think we Poles are atleast better because we are not into making fun or demeaning anyone.

Why don't you brits create stricter rules so that you don't have to take us Poles for work anymore in your countries? Its better than this nagging surely!
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Mar 2011 /  #30
I don't know why is it so intense?

Westerners are anti-Slavs.Would you like one million Brits in Poland pissing all around?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them"Archived