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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Aug 2018 /  #481
Oh they'll change their status you'll see. Even if it's one of the last things Merkel does. It's more votes for globalists supporting the kalergi plan:

Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit.

Be prepared to be culturally enriched, unless you're Jewish. Guess lyzko is the lucky one.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Aug 2018 /  #483
But mainly because they face hurdles to get to work and earn their bread.

Bullshit they do. Ukranians don't have any problems earning their bread because lthey actually work. The whole idea that we have to help economic migrants who crossed borders illegally is a crock of sh1t. They're not our problem. Let them go back and develop their own shthtolez.

After all the economies they migrate into are laborer-starved and wait for them with open arms.

Yeah except they don't work. They loiter all day long in camps, tents, subways etc. Same as in UK as in Sweden as in France. And when they're not loitering they're raping women (unless they're at a rape prevention class), blowing sh1t up, driving cars into crowds, etc.

That's why I respect the Mexicans a million times more than the Muslims. They may have came illegally but theyre actually doing the work Americans won't do. I don't see any Muslims toiling in fields or working in construction or doing hard labor. Nope you'll never see that. That's what east europeans are for. Muslim migrants at best sell kebab and cell phones or individual beers on the beach. Amd thats at best meaning thise that arent being given 1500 eu a head in germany ehich amoints to over 25 bil a yesr, more than Germany spends on education. And its the same story all over w europe..They don't habe the mental or physical capacity to do anything else.

The sooner you people wake up and realize this is an invasion the sooner you can take your country, your continent back.

Kalergi Plan"?

The unofficial name for the globalist/liberal plan to flood europe with third world migrants, dilute Europeans with third world genes and destroy individual nation states.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #484
Bullshit they do. Ukranians don't have any problems earning their bread because lthey actually work.

Yeah...well...because there are not that many differences between Ukrainians and Poles as between...say...Afghans or Syrians and Poles/Germans.
Imagine you were stranded in...say Iran...and would have to search for work...without the connections, the cultural background, the language...not to mention that Ukrainians are not only allowed to work, but expected to.

They are economical immigrants!!!

They loiter all day long in camps, tents, subways etc.

Rarely voluntarily. They are parked there, wasting lifes and resources because of the fear from earlier times that they will take employment possibilities away from the natives...

Why spend money on them with teaching them the language and a useful job when they are leaving again soon anyhow, right?
For people waiting in this limbo year after year after year it must be a disaster....

That's why I respect the Mexicans a million times more than the Muslims.

Yeah...well...there are not many Mexicans in Europe...if they were I'm sure you would despise them as much as the Trump voters in the US do.

I don't see any Muslims toiling in fields or working in construction or doing hard labor.

That's because most Muslims today come as humanitarian immigrants...they are just not allowed to work till their trial is done, which often takes years...that's why the talk about the change in their status. Germany's farmers are right now seeking desperatedly for helping hands on their fields, as the usual eastern european source of that labor is drying up...

The unofficial name for the globalist/liberal plan to flood europe with third world migrants,

Do you have a link?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #485
Still...you keep mixing up economical and humanitarian migrants...they are by law in different categories.
Atch  22 | 4299  
17 Aug 2018 /  #486
He also doesn't understand the difference between people who don't have white skin but whose families have lived in a predominantly white country for two or three generations. He actually believes that the Muslim population of London came over on a boat a couptle of years ago. He also knows nothing about the laws in different countries governing employment etc for asylum seekers, refugees et al. He's a certain kind of parochially minded American Bratty - may I call you Bratty? :) and there is no point in trying to explain anything to him.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Aug 2018 /  #487
and would have to search for work...without the connections, the cultural background, the language.

Been there done that. We came to the us without knowing anyone, no connections, no citizenship, no knowledge of English yet even despite that my parents found work immediately and even as a pre teen id help em out. They could've just as easily sat around and demanded handouts like the migrants do.

But as the migrants say: I do no like job...
And then another one says he's a ******* student dudes like 40 50 years old smdh...

Eats not good, house not good everything not good - then go back home you ******* sh1t skin parasite!

Environmentally friendly migrants trashing Europe

Migrants breaking into trucks trying to illegally enter uk

And you protect people like this... Jesus Christ. It's because of attitudes like these that Europe is looking less and less European everyday..

At least 3/4 of poles and the majority of Hungarians realize the madness behind this. It's a shame that liberals have allowed millions of migrants to destroy beautiful cities like Paris, London, Berlin, stockholm etc and rape thousands of women, kill hundreds in terrorist attacks, groom thousands of kids - 1400 from just the paki rape squads in UK alone which the cucked British services were too scared to even expose for fear of being racist.

This is going to lead to even more conflict. France is already becoming like Lebanon. You think you're helping these people but there's going to be war. Nationalists are only going to take so much before they start getting violent. Already there's been many refugees centers burned down. People in Switzerland and a few towns in Germany all pooled their money so they wouldnt have to take in migrants. Most Europeans don't want these people but a few globalists and commies insist on bringing them in. And that's why now toure seeing so many countries turn further and further to the right. Like I said before, Merkel is the best thing to happen foe Europe's right wing. It's just too bad so many cities and countries had to be ruined in the mean time.

Still...you keep mixing up economical and humanitarian migrants...they are by law in different categories.

Yes and it's been proven that humanitarian migrants, true refugees, at best are 3 to 5% of the migrants. The vast, vast majority are economic migrants with no legit asylum claim. So as far as I see it the vast majority of migrants that came since 2015 need to be deported.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Aug 2018 /  #488
What is so frustrating to the Americans like me and probably Dirk as well is that you and other Europeans never ever say 'my government sucks' or equivalent. You (plural) always have a handy rationalization for every moronic policy no matter how much destruction to you national identity, how many women raped, how filthy your great cities. It's always this 'yeah but'. Did you ever say, "I hate this bit*h Merkel". We say it even to our wives and our wives to us once in a while, even if not meaning it. Just out of anger and frustration.

I will start: I hate this brown piece of Kenyan s*** that still can't SFTU and let Trump be the only president.
Your turn.
Atch  22 | 4299  
17 Aug 2018 /  #489
Should this stuff not be moved to off-topic - it has nothing at all to do with the thread title.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Aug 2018 /  #490
. He actually believes that the Muslim population of London came over on a boat a couptle of years ago.

No I understand the process of conqueror to cucked conquered began mostly in the 70s. Now you have sharia courts even many Muslim majority countries don't have those lol as they realize how ridiculous having a parallel legal system based on 7th century Islam is. Congrats UK is now a full pc multikulti utopia, complete with a thought crime division that jails and fines people for pointing out facts about the problems with the foreign population. And because of that you have paki rape squads, sharia courts and dudes driving into crowds like this week. You shouldn't of let them in the first place. Actions have consequences. Oh well at least the brits are providing an education and income for my cousin with two left hands and retirements for many poles. Maybe I should even look into getting British citizenship or residency so i can have another country funding my retirement.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
17 Aug 2018 /  #491
the Muslim population of London came over on a boat a couptle of years ag

Well slowness by some predominantly muslim groups to assimilate tends to create that impression.... what percentage of pakistanis where some kind of pakistani (rather than general western) clothes? what percentage marries a cousin from pakistan vs a random other person in the UK?

With Germany there's the problem that it often can't deport people because they do clever things like tear up their passports, not show up for court dates or move to a new city and spell their name differently or fail to show up at the airport for their flight home. I just read an article in German about a failed refugee (from the Ivory Coast) who's terrorizing a small German town and the police can't do anything and the German government can't deport him because Ivory Coast very sensibly doesn't want him back. They might be able to get him documents
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Aug 2018 /  #492
Your turn.

I hate that fat ass stupid haircut having saggy faced commie b1tch Merkel who invited in millions of turd worlders to rape and pillage europe.

But I do like Boris for pointing out that Muslim wkmen look like bank robbers and letter boxes.

That's probably why poles are getting attacked in UK. For some reason I doubt its white brits that are attacking them anymore. Numerous videos and police reports show that when whites enter a Muslim are they tend to be harassed, attacked, etc. A few Muslim areas in UK even have signs that say no whites after 8 pm. Why can't white Europeans then have a sign that says no Muslims or African migrants at any time? Atleast Poland and Hungary have that de facto though

60.mins even was immediately attacked by Muslims within seconds of stepping into a no go zone.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Aug 2018 /  #493
He also knows nothing about the laws in different countries governing employment etc for asylum seekers, refugees et al.

He doesn't need to. We are looking at the end results. And your attitudes which led to them. You, Euros, are beyond contempt for your passivity and the willingness to take it in the rear. Or the front if a woman. To make it even worse - with a nod, a smile, and that idiotic, mind numbing 'well, somebody has to help those poor people'.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Aug 2018 /  #494
can't deport people because they do clever things like tear up their passports, not show up for court dates

That's because the mud sharks at the pro migrant NGOs teach em this ****. That's why Hungary was right to criminalize helping illegals. It's just too bad other w European countries are so foolish that they wont take a firm hand with the existing migrants and stop letting more from coming in and jail the ones already there and not let them out until they're back on sh1thole soil

@Rich Mazur
If they weren't such pussies in w Europe they'd revolt and prevent their own demise. Like in Bulgaria the government pays 80 euro for every migrant that a citizen arrests. Naturally the libtards at the eu cried human rights and Bulgaria had to stop. But it of course didn't stop citizens from protecting their families, homes and country. It's a different mentality like I've explained before, cucked vs not cucked, accepting that migrants are raping and pillaging your country vs standing up to them and the eu who promotes this. Thankfully more and more countries are refusing to abide by the eu and allow their countries to be destroyed by Muslim and african migrants. Europe for Europeans!! Everyone else go back if you're not contributing and abiding by our laws and customs.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Aug 2018 /  #495
Just as 'liberal' became an insult even to the liberals, 'European' is an insult. If in doubt, think your sister being raped in Sweden while Swedish 'men' are looking out the windows, ready to go beddy-bye.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #496
Just as 'liberal' became an insult even to the liberals, 'European' is an insult.

The thing is....alot of these fears and prejudices are voiced in Europe too....many people have problems with the growing number of people which are so strange to europeans...especially about muslims...even by people like me...and there is alot to lament about how Germany and the EU are handling these masses of people...and yes, Merkel and Co. made errors in judgement.

The whole immigration system is definitely not working right....but something in your kind of "argumentations" forces me to side with them nonetheless. You make me defend them even as I share and understand many of your points too.

Listening to you talking about these people or Europe generally is just not very compelling or convinicing or drawing me in..quite the contrary. *shrugs*
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Aug 2018 /  #497
How could you defend people who illegally enter countries, demand that Europeans feed clothe and shelter them, then show absolute contempt for European laws and customs all while demanding things like sharia, more mosques eith the ability to broadcast prayers in public on top of all the no go zones, rape, violence and terrorism? I just can't understand why a European would want ill for his or her country, people and continent. And what we've seen so far the cons of third world migration vastly outweigh the pros. Quite frankly I don't see any pros at all as even the meeting labor shortage is a myth as most of the newly arrived migrants aren't working and draw benefits instead - 1500 eu in Germany which amount to 25 bil a year, more than Germany spends on education
mafketis  38 | 11277  
17 Aug 2018 /  #498
something in your kind of "argumentations" forces me to side with them nonetheless

If I didn't know better I'd assume that Dirk and Rich are on the payroll of pro-open borders NGOs as their cackhanded and infantile nastiness makes people reflexively side with migrants, even when they know better.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Aug 2018 /  #499
but something in your kind of "argumentations" forces me to side with them nonetheless

You just inadvertently revealed what I am ********* about. Your (plural and editorial) pliability. There is no bloody way I would change my position on anything other than in response to a fact-based counterargument. To adjust to another person's views - never.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #500
How could you defend people who illegally enter countries....

Where did I do that?

1500 eu in Germany which amount to 25 bil a year, more than Germany spends on education

First: the monthly allowance for an asylum seeker in Germany stands by 135,- Euros per month. There is talk to change even that
into goods only.

Second: Especially in Germany what people get's so riled up is that the gov spends now money on the refugees they didn't had for Germans before.

Germany was really sitting tight on social projects and infrastructure for years, meaning education, schools, welfare, kindergartens, new apartements etc...but now they shuck out the money for these newcomers, that's of course hard to understand and accept.

And that policy is now coming back to bite them in the ass!

But I think I can safely say that if this money wouldn't go the refugees way it still wouldn't had gone to Germans either....that has alot to do with how the state finances had been handled by the gov during the last years and absolutely nothing with these hapless people now streaming in.

You still won't find me talking about them as some kind of "Untermenschen"...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Aug 2018 /  #501
people reflexively side with migrants, even when they know better.

I get it. The more compelling the argument, the greater the resistance to it.
Are you still in the 2nd grade?

Joke aside, do you realize what a childish admission that was?
mafketis  38 | 11277  
17 Aug 2018 /  #502
I get it. The more compelling the argument, the greater the resistance to it

No, the bigger the jackass the less people want to pay attention to it and _no one_ is a bigger jackass here than phony baloney lyin' Rich.

Normal people will instinctively recoil away from anything your loathesomeness approves of.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Aug 2018 /  #503
@Bratwurst Boy

The total average cost that a migrant receives for food housing and cash allowance totals 1500 eu a month. It should be zero.

In Poland the most a person can receive is i believe 80 euros a month. And even then it's for a very limited time, a few months not years or decades like in w Europe. Also they have to prove they're making a true effort to get a job. That's why third worlder migrants don't come to Poland. There's no handouts. Even the few thousand that p.o. foolishly took in almost immediately left for germany where they'd be given benefits and not have to work.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #504
It should be zero.

In Germany the law says that EVERYBODY claiming asylum has to taken in first to give them the chance to prove their claim. A trial then decides about it. In the meantime we can't just let them starve to death on our streets...

These laws have their foundation in the civilizatory catastrophy the Third Reich has been.

Once meant for opposition leaders from Europe it now is seen as an invitation for everybody and their grandmom to try their luck. That between them alot of fraudsters abuse this very human and generous system is nobody angering more than Germans, I assure you. Those "open borders" - and "no immigrant is illegal" people are a small minority here too.

But to change and adapt these laws is a difficult, long wired thing and they just can't be thrown into the bin....so using bad language on Merkel, Germany and Europe generally is not helping at all...
mafketis  38 | 11277  
17 Aug 2018 /  #505
In Germany the law says that EVERYBODY claiming asylum has to taken in first to give them the chance to prove their claim

Laws can be changed and those laws need to be changed with all possible speed, they are hopelessly outdated and fail all tests of utility at present because they lead to things like this:


(failed asylum seeker who's become a menace to a small German town can't be deported for stupid bureaucratic reasons)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #506
Laws can be changed and those laws need to be changed with all possible speed,

...they are a work in progress...and will probably stay that way for a long time.

You know us "thorough" Germans! :)

That's why third worlder migrants don't come to Poland. There's no handouts.

I read there is talk about an EU wide adjustment of these "handouts", to put an end to that country-hopping you just described...
jgrabner  1 | 73  
17 Aug 2018 /  #507
In Germany the law says that EVERYBODY claiming asylum has to taken in first

actually no. Thankfully, the Grundgesetz (German Constitution) is available in an - after examination authentic - english translation and it says:

Article 16a
(1) Persons persecuted on political grounds shall have the right of asylum.
(2) Paragraph (1) of this Article may not be invoked by a person who enters the federal territory from a member state of the European Communities...

The law was changed back in 1992 when there was a wave of asylum seekers from the former Yugoslavia. They, hypocritical as Germans always are, wanted to keep their beloved asylum right on the surface but at the same time restricted it that much that in reality - since Germany is now surrounded by EU member states - only a handful of wannabe asylees could ever claim this right because they would have to land either via airplane or ship.

The Merkel regime can only pull off this blatant disregard of constitutional law since she and her comrades have been doing to the courts over the last 10+ years what they are accusing PiS of: stuffing the BVerfG and the prosecutor's offices with members of their parties. 14 out of 16 supreme court justices are loyal to Merkel - KaczyƄski can only dream about such a TK setup.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967  
17 Aug 2018 /  #508
Persons persecuted on political grounds shall have the right of asylum.

Yes...and that has to be proven in a drawn out trial first. So...everybody moving onto german territory can ask for asylum and HAS TO BE TAKEN IN! That means housing, feeding and the rest.

If he is later granted asylum and can move on is another story altogther.

They, hypocritical as Germans always are, wanted to keep their beloved asylum right on the surface but at the same time restricted it that much that in reality

Yeah..."Dublin" was such a clever move, wasn't it! :)
But now even Merkel had to admit it stopped working...as she did openly and officially during her visit in Spain last week.

And I wouldn't call that "hypocritical" but rather pragmatic. That's why the hopes are high we will also get our current set of asylum and immigration laws adapted to the new situation...it just needs time.

Merkel (2015 notwithstanding) is not generally one of the "open border for all" fraction, never has been!

14 out of 16 supreme court justices are loyal to Merkel

Lyzko  44 | 9730  
17 Aug 2018 /  #509
The Basic Law of the Federal Republic differs in this way from the US-Constitution in that we have numerous "amendments" (Abaenderungen) to the Law, which then is able to be amended, changed, ever so slightly (or significantly, as need be). This is what I would dub "interpretive" vs."absolute" as throughout much of Europe in which a law exists as such and remains THE law until a new or separate law has been passed!

England doesn't even have a Constitution to speak of, certainly not since the Magna Carta under King John I in the 13th century.
mafketis  38 | 11277  
17 Aug 2018 /  #510
an EU wide adjustment of these "handouts"

To be paid by who?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived