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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Aug 2018 /  #421
I understand the British class system

No Adrian you don't. Wandering around Tower Hamlets with a Great Dane (or was that Newcastle??) doesn't give one an insight into the British class system.

One in 8 migrants draw benefits in UK

"One in seven of the 2,733,000 EU migrants aged 16-64 - a total of 390,000 - are unemployed or "inactive".
(Source, The Daily Telegraph, 12 April 2017)
Yes, it seems you're fairly close to the mark on that one :)
16 Aug 2018 /  #422
I am a taxpayer here and I don't think about it at all. I don't compare myself to others as it doesn't interest me. I'm happy with what I have.

And for your information- there is plenty of in work benefits so your statement 'kick them out' is silly. They may be hard working ppl and be on benefits.
Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Aug 2018 /  #423
One in 8 migrants draw benefits in UK vs one in 13 British. Facts.

Actually on a serious note, that figure refers to tax credits which are a form of benefit given to people who work but are on a low income. You really don't know what you're talking about because you rely on headlines and flimsy articles instead of doing proper research.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #424
I don't need any evidence about that pos "Parliament attacker". We already have all we need: (1) a pos Muslim. and (2) a pos immigrant from a s***hole called Sudan.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #425
Wandering around Tower Hamlets with a Great Dane (or was that Newcastle??) doesn't give one an insight into the British class system.

Actually it does. Because the people who got out of my way were clearly unassimilated migrants who weren't at a job in the middle of the day. Normal Europeans who are smart enough to own a business or work at home or go home to jog, ride their bike or take a breather aren't scared of people walking a dog on a leash. A white middle or upper class Brit would say wow a beautiful dog, is he friendly? But not third worlders...

And yes it was tower hamlets in the most Muslim street I could find. You should've seen it I wish I had my go pro that day. There were tons of neckbeards and ninjas loitering about, not a care in the world least of going to work to make money to pay their rents - nah thays what the British taxpayers are for. Then i showed up with a big ass dog lolololol. Man if they only were that enthusiastic about working. You should've seen it dozens upon dozens of ninjas and neckbeards l iterally running to the other side of the street even going through traffic rofl. I couldn't help but literally laugh so hard my stomach hurt and that got them even more mad and the neckbeards were pointing from across the street speaking gibberish about Allah akbar Muhammad jihad.

Oh man I can't wait to do that again next time I'm in UK this time I'll film it and put it on YouTube though for the world's enjoyment. Soon every Brit, german, frenchman who has had their country invaded will buy a big ass dog and reclaim their streets that way. And they will all say wow that was so easy and simple - who would've though big dogs would allow us to regain our streets? Even the feminists will throw themselves at me for now being able to go outside at night without fear of being culturally enriched

Precisely why the UK needs to stop importing migrants or make the migrants already there to work. And the rates for eu migrants are still far far above the third worlders especially Sosmellys, fudge pakis, etc. Half of Somalis on benefits.... HALF... despite as you say many of tjem coming in the 90s. And to this day they're still too stupid to fix their sh1thole of a country so they come to Europe to leech benefits and live in million pound council homes for free as it's a better existence than they'd ever have back in their sandbox pretending to be a country.

Man thank God there's no Somalis in Poland...
Ironside  50 | 12916  
16 Aug 2018 /  #426
That's the difference.

That the British middle class in general trust in their 'authorities' is well spotted. It similar to the German attitude. Unlike Americans and Poles who distrust their 'authorities' very much.

I guess we can debate pro and cons of mass migration and duties of a gov towards its citizens. Even talk about folly of progressive/regressive ideology (liberals if you like).ii

However I take an umbrage to the vile, disgusting, stupid and clearly immature rants you and Dirk digger present on this forum towards people by making sweeping generalizations calling them scum, parasites and so forth.

Well dudes to burst your bubble, you are the stupid ones who cannot distinguish between general policy of a gov and its consequences. As for the people - some are good and some are bad like anywhere.

Your take on issue reminds me of some narrow minded kids shooting their big mouths off. It might impress your buddies from a kindergarten or a ghetto but not any sane person with some sense.

That yapping, go against all Christian, European (including USA) values.

To made it clear. I'm against mass migration. I think Muslims do not belong in Christian countries. That so called multiculturalism is a big BS.

Yet, I point a finger at those who are responsible for this mess. Ideologues, policy makers and idiots that vote for them.

Truism that too much immigrants in a country can be strains on the resources or that some group of people are more prone to commit certain crimes than others or to take advantage of this or that benefit is a moot point.

They are not those who created those conditions. They are not those who make laws and implement them in their respective countries.

How about you focus on those rather than those crappy emotional outburst against people regardless of their origin or status. It doesn't solve anything, doesn't explain anything. Yet you and Dirk indulge yourself into such pointless rants with abundance. I think members here are quite fed up with it.

Progressives are all about a group identity. You're playing the same game just from the different angle. You both can go to hell. The right approach is individual approach, that is what made America and Europe great.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108  
16 Aug 2018 /  #427
Brilliant post!

Except for the bit about Brits trusting their government.100% agreed!
Atch  22 | 4299  
16 Aug 2018 /  #428
@ Dirk , ah pipe down. You sound hysterical. No wonder you need Xanex or whatever it is. As for the story about the Great Dane, more like Big Liar :)

A white middle or upper class Brit would say wow a beautiful dog

I seriously doubt it. Great Danes are the most ridiculous looking, lanky objects. Not noted for their intelligence or savagery either, not much use against marauding Muslims. What you you need is a few Jack Russells to nip at their ankles :D
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #429
Nah iron, we just need dogs. Lots of big angry dogs. And maybe some pot bellied pigs too. Europeans will reclaim their continent real quick. Horses saved Europe in the battle of Vienna, today it will be dogs and pigs.

calling them scum, parasites and so forth.

I did not call them scum or parasites. I called them benefits leeches which they are. And numerous times I've said not all the Muslims and africans are bad, but there's sure as he'll a lot of one's that are raping and pillaging all over western Europe.

Thankfully, and again I mean this from the bottom of my heart, not Poland. That's because 3/4 of poles are smart enough to not want migrants from middle East and Africa in our country, which as much as government is often out of touch eith citizens they atleast listened to that. Even going as far as making a video about the problems migrants cause and Polands response which is constantly being censored on YouTube


No problem atch next time I'll film it. And savage smart or not it allowed me to get the sidewalk to myself and got me a safe distance from any ninjas that may spontaneously explode. So it definitely did it's job as a gusrd dog. It's not my dog but maybe you're right I'll buy a german shepherd or a Rottweiler just for the occasion.

I'm sure next time there'll be just as many if not more Muslims loitering about without any care about paying taxes as these people multiply like rats in a NYC subway.

There's several reasons why I write about the issue of third world migrants in europe:

1) I have family in countries that have been invaded by third worlders namely UK and germany. I fear for them that may be just another statistic of migrant violence or rape. Had my cousin been walking around there a Sudanese Muslim crashed his car into a crowd hed be the next victim of cultural enrichment. Had the females been partying in cologne on Nye theres a good chance they too would've been among the thousand that were sexually assaulted with only a handful of the Muslim migrants brought to justice. Every time I talk to them they share how parts if london or berlin don't eben look European anymore, how theres sharia patrols, how the government covers up and censors stats, how many rapes there are, how non europeans are driving up the murder rate, etc.

2) I've visited these cities numerous times over the past 10 15 or so years. The first time I was in Paris, rome, London, Holland etc was on a Trafalgar tour I went on as a freshman in high school. I've visited those cities several times with family from pl, visited family I have there and a few times work related to London as that was the company's hq. The transformation I've seen of these cities firsthand over the past 10 15 years is astounding - and it's not for the better. Whereas Poland Czechy etc grew even more beautiful and now have the same modernities that w Europe has, places like Paris, berlin and London, especially paris, are now filled with no go zones, are way more dangerous, have more dudes hanging around subways looking to rob and pickpocket people than ever. Also Paris never had the type of tent cities we see today. There were never rows upon rows far as the eye can see of tents, all with third world migrants living in them, and an awful smell of urine and trash through most of the city. The same tourist sites that use to be crowded with Europeans are now empty and filled with litter. Now there's soldiers patrolling tjem with their finger always on the trigger prepares for the next terror attack.

3) I know how much you all love it when I present the facts about migeants and share news articles, videos, stats, etc about the rape and pillage of w Europe.

4) this is a polish forum. Immigration is now arguably the most discussed topic in all of Europe and has been since 2015 wjen the migrant crisis began. Parties and people have won elections solely on an anti .migrant campaign. Furthermore, 3/4 of my fellow poles share the same views as I do.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #430
sweeping generalizations calling them scum, parasites and so forth.

Easy. Because they are scum and parasites and rapists and a cancer that will eventually devour the stupid and naive host.

I will trade. I will explain why I am so vile when Euros here explain why they (I have a right to lump them and their ruling elites into one based on their admiration for the latter) are so stupid.

Fair enough?
16 Aug 2018 /  #431
The UK should get rid of those millions of migrants on benefits

You mean the ones with brown skin Dirk, let's be honest. The Express article that you linked to earlier says this:

" Africans, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis and Eastern Europeans were among migrants most likely to be taking state handouts, the research based on official statistics showed."

That means Poles Dirk, and you have said here before :

"I can only encourage my fellow polacy to take the british jobs and send your earnings to poland, live off their benefits, abuse their nhs system, have the taxpayers fund your retirement in poland, have everyone in your family sign up for job seekers allowance - we wont get any financial compensation for the betrayal of ww2 and saving london for the luftwaffe so its up to poles to get even."

So it's alright as far as you're concerned for Poles to abuse our NHS and benefit system, but the other migrants should be told to leave? Meanwhile, the rest of us have to suffer pages and pages of your insane rants about migrants.

I would also take with a pinch of salt what is written in a rag like the Express anyway.

Half of Somalis on benefits.... HALF

According to the Office for National Statistics, in 2016, there were 98,000 Somali born immigrants residing in the UK. Out of a population of 63,000,000 people. I don't care what you say Dirk, there are going to be more native Brits on some form of benefit than foreigners.

I think members here are quite fed up with it.

Understatement of the year. It's one reason why I'm rarely here anymore. Every thread is dominated by sh!te about Muslims, this thread included, as the last page and a half of posts have nothing to do with the topic at all. Good post btw :)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
16 Aug 2018 /  #432
Whereas Poland Czechy etc grew even more beautiful and now have the same modernities that w Europe has,

FFS - don't talk such absurdities. You know where I live. It is consistently voted as the best place in Poland to live. Which goes to show what a shitehole Poland really still is.

I am going out to the quiz night in a minute. It will be a miracle if I don't get run over by a SUV driver racing home after a hard day at the IT start-up, or twist my ankle on the shocking 1920s "pavements" - yet you, who don't live here, wax lyrical about a land that still has the Russian soldiers' bullet holes from 1945 absolutely EVERYWHERE, where a new lick of paint is never applied because "why bother", and where a percentage of the citizens still urinate openly in the streets and think it's normal.....

Yet you yap on about Poland becoming "ever more beautiful........ Like I said. FFS.
Now kindly do one Dirk, as the Polish government doesn't care about the depressing state of it's cities, and you don't know what you are talking about. (said with undying exasperation)
16 Aug 2018 /  #433
this is a polish forum. Immigration is now arguably the most discussed topic in all of Europe and has been since 2015

Except Poland has not taken any immigrants bar some Christian Syrians back in 2015. Should that situation change then of course it should be discussed, but nothing has changed, Poland is not taking in immigrants, so why do you persist in boring the rest of us to death with your obsession? Post your sh1te on Stormfront where you can meet other like minded bigots :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #434
So it's alright as far as you're concerned for Poles to abuse our NHS and benefit system, but the other migrants should be told to leave?

Absolutely. The least that the UK can do is provide a supplemental income and retirement to the polonia for their earlier betrayal and refusal to abide by a mutual defense treaty. Think of it at reparations or payment for poles saving Britain during the battle of London.

Should that situation change then of course it should be discussed, but nothing has changed, Poland is not taking in immigrants

Poland is taking in millions of immigrants namely from Europe, India and a few from east Asia. I am pointing out that these people aren't causing terror attacks, thousands of rapes, billions in benefits payments, etc. Unlike the African and middle eastern migrants w Europe took in. Clearly the variable is from WHERE you take in migrants, not even how many. Poland took in more migrants than sweden foe example yet it isn't being wracked with nonstop rapes and Somali grenade attacks.

Furthermore the eu threatened to fine Poland 2 bil for refusing to take in these undesirables. They have since given up and are totally defeated in their migrant quota scheme as everyone realizes it's a flop and more and more countries are finally going the way of Poland and Hungary and removing kebab and not letting more in. I just wish that germany France etc which I have very fond memories of would also do this so that Europeans could again visit there in peace without having to worry about getting raped, blown up, driven over and have to deal with hordes of migrants and tent cities along with the smell of trash and urine.

Now kindly do one Dirk, as the Polish government doesn't care about the depressing state of it's cities

Wroclaw is absolutely beautiful. That's why there's millions of tourists coming every year. I believe igs something like 5 mil tourists a year which is 5 6x more than its population. And unlike Paris we don't need soldiers around everywhere to prevent the next instance of spontaneous cultural enrichment

don't care what you say Dirk, there are going to be more native Brits on some form of benefit than foreigners.

Again, your own labor office says the ratio of foreigners on benefits is higher than the ratio of native brits. 1 in 8 for migrants, 1 in 13 for brits. Although anyone who came from the third world in the 70s or later and now has British citizenship is now considered in that 2nd category so that skews the numbers even more.

Key words

the research based on official statistics showed."

16 Aug 2018 /  #435
your own labor office says the ratio of foreigners on benefits is higher than the ratio of native brits

But what you are forgetting is that there is a much higher ratio of native Brits to foreigners. I can't be bothered to give you links because you won't read anything factual, but about 14% of the UK population were born abroad. The amount paid out in benefits to native Brits will be much higher than that paid to foreigners.. Besides which, you don't understand the UK benefit system. Many people on benefits are actually doing some type of work, it's just that wages are low compared to the cost of living, so certain benefits can be claimed to supplement income.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
16 Aug 2018 /  #436
why do you persist in boring the rest of us to death with your obsession?

he externalizes his self-loathing onto his psychological Other....

it's frustrating because it's impossible to have a reasoned discussion with his hysterical screeching in everybody's face, like trying to have an adult conversation with an infant in the middle of a tantrum in the room
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #437
The amount paid out in benefits to native Brits will be much higher than that paid to foreigners..

So what??? What kind of stupid rationalization is that? This sentence above is what is so terribly wrong with the European mindset: always ready and eager to accept things as dished out, and, when challenged, always ready and eager to rationalize being screwed. That is a mental disorder or the Stockholm syndrome.

But what you are forgetting is that there is a much higher ratio of native Brits to foreigners.

This one is in the same category.

...it's just that wages are low compared to the cost of living,..

You know why wages are low? Because the hordes of useless, low IQ foreign scum add to the labor supply side and depress those wages. You know, that pesky law of supply and demand still not made illegal by the libs.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
16 Aug 2018 /  #438
But what you are forgetting is that there is a much higher ratio of native Brits to foreigners. I

No kidding. That doesnt change the fact that the ratio of migrants on benefits is greater than the amount of brits on benefits. If you have 100 out of 1000 and 1 out of 10 the ratio is the exactly same... obviously there's more brits than migrants, for now anyway although due to Muslims breeding like rabbits on ecstasy cut with viagra that will change.

Nonetheless the proportion fraction ratio percentage whatever you want to call it of migrants that are on benefits exceeds that of brits on benefits. In this case 1 out of 8 migrants are on benefits vs 1 out of 13 brits. So even if 100 out of 800 migrants are on benefits it's still a greater ratio than 1000 out of 13000 Brit on benefits. This is jr high math it shouldn't need to be explained.

Man thank God my motherland doesn't have this problem... no middle easterners and african, no Islamic terror, thousands of rapes and billions in benefits going to people who don't pay sh1t into the system. It's the simple. And thankfully now plotter countries are seeing Polands and Hungary wisdom and adopting the same. Less kebab migrants, less problems.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
16 Aug 2018 /  #439
Man thank God my motherland doesn't have this problem...


On this planet all countries fall in two categories, one with those countries which are rich and wealthy and able to provide stability and freedom and chances, these draw people from all over the world like moth to the flame, because they are so few. People dream about to leave their sh*itholes and to get there, to have a shot at a real life.

Then there are those countries which are just nothing of that kind, which are the majority of countries.

If your country belongs to the first category there will be immigration...good and bad. If your country belongs to the second category, your people will leave and want to immigrate to said countries of the first category.

What do you want for Poland? Do you want it to stay forever in the second category? Then you will keep your ethnical and cultural uniformity, but for the price of everything else.

If you want it to rise up and become successful like the country you yourself immigrated into, you will have to accept the longterm change of the make up of your country.

There is no middle way, that will be proven to be an illusion. So, what is it?
G (undercover)  
16 Aug 2018 /  #440
And yet again we see another racially motivated attack in the UK against a pole....

I'm sorry but on the other hand what else expect If you decide to live with monkies ?
16 Aug 2018 /  #441
The least that the UK can do is provide a supplemental income and retirement to the polonia for their earlier betrayal

They been doing that by being a net major contributor to the EU budget, much of which was sent Poland's way. So the UK has been indirectly funding Poland for about 15 years, in sums that will vastly outweigh the benefits paid to Poles.

You don't seem to notice that.

Still wondering how outraged Dirk and Crow and G are by this case of Polish guys in UK beating up a Polish girl, and an elder British man, because the girl was dating a Brit. That's a racially aggravated assault (on the Brit) by immigrants (Poles) in the Brit's own country.

Story: hulldailymail.co.uk/news/hull-east-yorkshire-news/polish-gang-beat-up-teenage-1829816

Who's the "monkies" in this case, G? The violent immigrants or the native victim?

Serbia will show the way to Central Europe.

Yup, just follow the glow of rocket strikes on the horizon! :D
G (undercover)  
16 Aug 2018 /  #442
If your country belongs to the first category there will be immigration...good and bad

Nonsense spread by globalists in order to destroy traditional nations and thus have it easier to control people.

What about Japan, South Korea or a friggin Israel ?

It's like saying that attractive women must accept being raped. Utter nonsense.
16 Aug 2018 /  #443
That doesnt change the fact that the ratio of migrants on benefits is greater than the amount of brits on benefits.

I think we are talking at cross purposes here. I thought the overall point you were trying to make was that migrants are fleecing the benefit system and taking more out than native Brits, hence my point:

"The amount paid out in benefits to native Brits will be much higher than that paid to foreigners." Given that the proprtion of native Brits to foreigners is far higher, this holds true.

In this case 1 out of 8 migrants are on benefits vs 1 out of 13 brits

I'm going to pull you up on this one because that information is 4 years out of date. You took those figures from the Express article which is from July 2015. In that article it says that Migration Watch used the official Labour Force Survey figures from the year before ( 2014 ) as a source.

You have a habit of doing this as I pulled you up on this thread a while back when you were trying to pass off immediate post-Brexit videos and links as current.

At least have the courtesy to post current information and not try to pull the wool over people's eyes.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
16 Aug 2018 /  #444

Is it....well let's see:

According to the Japanese Ministry of Justice, the number of foreign residents in Japan has steadily increased in the post Second World War period....


Although immigration to South Korea is low due to strict immigration policies, it is on the rise....



Especially Poles comparing immigration with rape is funny, Poles have one of the biggest diaspora of all Europeans...you are everywhere....for raping?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #445
If your country belongs to the first category there will be immigration...good and bad.

Immigration is not weather. It doesn't just happen. S*** happens. Everything else is premeditated.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
16 Aug 2018 /  #446
No, it follows in the wake of a successful economy. A thriving economy needs workers, people...even Poland today can't get enough Ukrainians anymore, especially as alot of them are looking now further west to an equally laborer-starved economy, the german one. Actually they try to lure Filipinos to come to work to Poland...it will get worse (or better, depending on your view point)...it's part of the course...

What won't work is becoming successful and wealthy and an all around admired country with at the same time trying to do a North Korea...there is an inherent contradiction inside.

Rising economical success doesn't work without opening it's markets, it's borders...especially not in Europe with a gazillion of neighbours.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Aug 2018 /  #447
A thriving economy needs workers, people...

That's the nonsense the globalist here and in Europe spread. Japan doesn't buy it. South Korea doesn't buy it. China doesn't buy it. Only the whites are supposed to buy it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
16 Aug 2018 /  #448
That's the nonsense the globalist here and in Europe spread.

Erm...okay...tell me one successful country that thrives without importing laborers and having an all around immigration!

Apropos China:

New immigration bureau set up to handle growing number of foreigners in China


It comes as Beijing ramps up measures to attract more skilled foreigners to China for work....

Crow  154 | 9463  
16 Aug 2018 /  #449
I will only nicely remind auditorium how brat Lech Walesa got portion of humiliation in UK. This trend of humiliations continues and affects Poles from all layers of society. In that sense this hate on Poles is honest. All Poles are hated.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108  
16 Aug 2018 /  #450
There is so much sh1t being posted on this thread.
The Polish Americans seem to think they have got it all right.
But The USA is a mess.....check out deaths caused by Islamic terrorists in The USA compared to The UK and it is worse.....even not including 911.......Yanks,get off your high horses.....you have nothing to be proud about...you are as bad as we are....

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived