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No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain

johnny reb  49 | 8003  
4 Jun 2018 /  #331
ya can't haul a man into the slammer for what's in his mind,

How nuts to that rationalization that carries no common sense.
If a person is a menace to society of a culture then the society has every right to remove them from the well being of that society to keep it safe.

That would be like saying that in my mind I am a mass school shooter but you don't have the right to institutionalize me before I carry such an act out.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
4 Jun 2018 /  #332
..which doesn't make it right either, pal.

All's NOT always acceptable in love, war, and business. If it were, there wouldn't have been Dear Abby or the Geneva Convention. Sure, folks don't follow that stuff, but there's always folks around gonna see to it that they do....and succeed in punishing the bastards!!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #333
Well a person can think or even say something like I'm gonna kill that mofo... then settle down and realize its a bad idea.. I don't think that person should be locked up for a thought.

I'm sure many people fantasized about shooting up their office but very few actually go through with it

But when a person acts on those things or has a mental condition and starts talking about stuff like that then yes they should be looked after
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
4 Jun 2018 /  #334
Again, less than positive advertising can scare a boss far more than infantile temper outbursts or threats:-)
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
4 Jun 2018 /  #335
Having sex with an animal is sick and.depraved. And if you think otherwise or defend the persons actions youre just as ****** up as they are.

LOL and those nutter's are the ones that can't seem to grasp that this country was founded by Christian men and Christian values and now want to create their own Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals to create a new culture that suits them to destroy those Christian values.

That was the purpose of America to break away from England was to establish a Christian Country that some people now want to destroy.
Satan has his nutter soldiers out there that promote such disgusting morals and propaganda that this country so adamantly despises.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
4 Jun 2018 /  #336
If a man has sex with an animal, could that lead perchance to a mixed marriage?
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
4 Jun 2018 /  #337
In a sick nutter's mind anything is possible to appease Satan.
Try to stay focused on topic.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
4 Jun 2018 /  #338
Thanks for the encouragement there, Johnny!
Still not quite certain what I should be focusing on, but, ok.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #339
@johnny reb

It's all a divide and conquer depopulation strategy. There's too many people. While poland just had a celebration for large families, the pm says traditional families are the cornerstone of a strong poland and the constitution protects real marraige, the western world is praising dolphin *******, an Irish woman legally married the ghost of a dead pirate, german/swedish/French kids are encouraged to cross dress, 'pick' their gender... I even saw some stupid paper given to 12 year olds asking them **** like when did you decide to be hetero, are you hetero because of an irrational fear of the same sex, etc. Then you have drag queens reading books about gay couples to kindergarteners.

An admitted pedofile was (might still be) the education minister in france... I mean these are the kind of people we have making decisions that impact millions of kids.

This is why ill never raise a family anywhere but a socially conservative country like poland, hungary or even russia. I'm not going to have them brainwashed into thinking that depravity committed by a tiny minority of at most 1-2% of a population is somehow normal
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
4 Jun 2018 /  #340
All right Dirk, but who's dividing and who's conquering, moreoever, WHAT is being divided and what is being conquered?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #341
Uk even has a pedo lobby and theyre going to tell poles that their country is backward and not 'progressive.'

**** makes me sick...


You really have to ask that? It's quite simple the people who have a lot of power but want more..power is the best drug out there and its addictive asf. Money isnt even as important as power although the two often go hand in hand.

And they're dividing people because smaller divided populations are always easier to control. The world population is growing fast and were experiencing an osmosis of wealth from Europe and us to the poorer countries of the South which is being purposely exacerbated by the left, not to mention all the different ideological battles fought everyday. The left and right are masters at pretending they care about this or that but 99% of it is bs.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
4 Jun 2018 /  #342
<yawn> fgs Dirk if you put as much energy into your work as you do into whining like a biatch about the UK, you might even be rich one day..:)
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
4 Jun 2018 /  #343
Sure Dirk, but, at least here in the good ol' US of A, money IS power, always has been, always will be!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #344
you might even be rich one day.

It's about working smart, not hard. Besides even wjen I'm writing this im still looking at 2 other monitors.

you might even be rich one day..:)

Even if my house and everything in it burned down today id still be richer than some native English b.s. mag translator editor

And I dont b1tch about the United kaliphate. Im happy the country has gone down the drain in so many ways. Serves them right for all their two timing - especially to poles. You've been reduced from a giant worldwide empire to a tiny island and even there muslims and eastern europeans are doing whatever they please with you. I just worry about my fam there and hope they don't become a victim of cultural enrichment. Arent you guys now revering the 1 year anniversary of last year's London bridge cultural fest?

money IS power, always has been, always will be!

Not always. Obama isnt extremely wealthy esp when compared to the Clintons but he was and still is powerful due to his career and connections.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
4 Jun 2018 /  #345
Dirk, frame that first sentence. It's my life's motto, which is why people think I'm lazyLOL

Guess those billion $$$ fund raisers are ALLLLLLL goin' to his favorite charity, huh?
Keepin' most for himself, proves what I just said.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #346
. It's my life's motto, which is why people think I'm lazyLOL

Amen. All working hard gets people is stress and ulcers. It never gets people ahead. When I hear people brag about working hard what it reallt means is I haven't figured out how to create numerous sources of revenue.

Nonetheless we need such people. This country was built on hard work. That's one of the reasons why im for immigration from certain countries and certain types of people
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
4 Jun 2018 /  #347
some native English b.s. mag translator editor

no need for that is there? I am not any of those btw.
I can see you are a tad obsessed with the UK. it's fine, I suppose without the UK, you would be speaking German. lol.

Now if I were you, I would concentrate a little more on those other screens.
Then go off and have a quiet little think about why you are always drivelling on about the UK.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #348
Keepin' most for himself, proves what I just said.

Well his official net worth was never that high compared to many other senators and congressmen with 9 figure net worths. Obama wanted to be comfortable like everyone else, but he wasn't greedy like the Clintons or motivated by money like Romney.

Same with Bernie Sanders. I liked the guy although he was a tad too socialist for me. It's so.sad he kowtowed to the dems and Clinton. I really believe trump wouldve had a way harder time beating Sanders than hillary. There's a good chance he wouldve even lost

you would be speaking German. lol.

Fine with me. Just another language in the belt.

Then go off and have a quiet little think about why you are always drivelling on about the UK.

Again, like I said before I am concerned that my family in the UK will become victims of cultural enrichment. Had they been on London bridge this time last year during the islamic culture festival theyd be another statistic, same thing if the females ran into the wrong Pakistani
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
4 Jun 2018 /  #349
oh just shut it Dirk, do yourself a favour.
I worry about my cousins in Texas with your crazy gun laws but I am not whining like a big drippy baby about it on American forums non stop am I? No.

YOur problem is that you think you are smart, but you're not.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
4 Jun 2018 /  #350
Roz and Dirk, the mother tongue of the US was almost German, in certain states anyway.
Lost by a vote following the Revolution (....same for Israel 'cuz of all the Yekkis).
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
4 Jun 2018 /  #352
Good, since many do not (who'd care to admit it).
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #353
Actually you are. You're whining about people talking about the reality in the UK and us gun laws

I worry about my cousins in Texas with your crazy gun laws

Then they should buy guns to protect themselves... assuming theyre not beta cucks and dont p1ss themselves at the sight of a pistol... Unfortunately my family in UK doesnt have the option to legally purchase a handgun and hence cannot effectively protect themselves against spontaneous cultural enrichment. And fyi Texas has far less murders than the states with far stricter gun laws like California and illinois

And yes german almost became the us language. Surprisingly though there is very few german speakers left
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
4 Jun 2018 /  #354
Dirk you are like a stuck record. GEt a cop on to yourself would you?

Britain had a colonial background, well done! That is why you speak English.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #355
I'm aware. Yet its been reduced to a tiny island and even there the British people are losing their independence and being overrun. You didn't help the poles despite the mutual defense treaty and let us get invaded, now we invade you and use your generous benefits system to fund our retirements back home. So a few of you moved abroad, only to find that your former subjects are far more successful in the new lands. Karma..
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
4 Jun 2018 /  #356
You didn't help the poles despite the mutual defense treaty and let us get invaded, now we invade you

dirk, you and I have done nothing. Please, this is the first lesson in O level history. if you are attempting to write about history don't say 'YOu' and 'we'.

O level is high school btw. an exam you take when you are 16.(GCSE) Basic stuff.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #357
I mean the collective you and we, as in brits being you and poles being we. I genuinely feel sorry for the brits though I really do. The ones I've met in real life are friendly and really know how to party. It's quite sad that brits, or more.specifically Englishmen have been sold out and screwed over the way they have. It is partially their fault though for not being assertive enough and demanding certain things. 80s and 90s and even earlt 00s uk is nothing like 2018. They shouldve neber let so many people in - poles included. It seems like 90% of the polish petty criminals left poland for.uk. good for poland but not so.much for uk.

Anyway I gtg. Nice chatting with you ttyl.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
4 Jun 2018 /  #358
well you need to stop doing it dirk.
it makes you sound really....retarded..tbh, and I am sure you don't want to sound llike that.
Anyway I am not really a Brit..shock horror!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jun 2018 /  #359
Roz roz roz... how long have I been here and how long have you known me on here? Couple years? Most of the time I rly dont care all that much about this stuff and I've stated this before more than once, I write it to elicit a reaction and see how people think and what makes them tick..It's more really because I'm very interested in how a person's worldview on religion, nationality, politics etc intersect with psychology especially now that we live in a globalized divided society where identity is pronounced more than ever and forums such as these are among the best places to see because peoples responses tend to be unfiltered.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
4 Jun 2018 /  #360
fair enough dirk.
Still, saying 'you' and 'we' does make you sound a bit simple/uneducated. I thought you might like to know...:)

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of BritainArchived