WielkiPolak 54 | 988
23 Aug 2012 / #1
Is it just me who sees an effect of crap parenting in our youth today? It is funny, so many people are so bright and good at what they do. They can make money and live luxurious lives, they have lots of achievements to boast about professionally, yet the one simple task of bringing up their children to be respectful adults is often beyond them. In shopping centres, in Church, on public transport etc. Screaming children with a parent who looks at them with that 'he/she is just a child so it is normal' look. No, what is normal is for you to explain to them why what they are doing is wrong. The worst part if if you say anything then you are the bad stranger who sticks their nose in, so you just have to sit there like a lemon and try to ignore it. I know a lot of parents want to be good to their children. I hear many explanations of how they were not treated well as a child and how their home was very strict and they do not want to be like that for their child, they want their child to know they love them. Well just letting them do what they want, when they want, is not love. If anything you harm them. You teach them that they can do what they want and get stuff if they make a little noise for a while. Despite this we wonder why so many youngsters today have absolutely no respect, just doing what they want. Sometimes I want to take some of the parents and shake them. You must have had it, you see a child misbehaving and you look at their parent, wondering if they will do anything, and often, they do nothing. I think in Poland it is a little better, although with many people now moving away and turning more liberal, it seems they go for the very softy soft approach as well.