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British going bankrupt in Poland?

30 Mar 2011 /  #1
Do you work the other way round? - A british person who needs to go bankrupt with debts in Poland?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Mar 2011 /  #2
Polish law is much better than British law in this respect - there's no hiding from your debts here.

Bankruptcy is something that's treated as very serious and no laughing matter, unlike the UK system.
OP zebrazebra  
30 Mar 2011 /  #3
right. question still unanswered. Do you offer a service to arrange a bankruptcy in Poland for a british citizen - who incidentally is living back in England now?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
30 Mar 2011 /  #4
How would you pay for his service, if you are bankrupt?
30 Mar 2011 /  #5
I am more wondering how on earth do you become bankrupt? You must be one sorry arsed business brain.
30 Mar 2011 /  #6
There is such possibility , so called - "consumer insolvency " in polish legal system upon Bankruptcy Law . Every natural person can file for such at the provincial court .
OP zebrazebra  
30 Mar 2011 /  #7
Hi. My enquiry was on behalf of a young man I have just met who is in great distress, so much so that I am concerned that he may harm himself. Not everybody goes Bankrupt as a way of not meeting their responsibilities. Some Bankrupts have genuine reasons for being in this position. Are you a 'Bankruptist' (i.e. prejudiced against Bankrupts) or just angry at everybody generally?

I am not Bankrupt. I own three flats, three bedsits and lecture part time to Professionals, Executives and Graduates on how to find work. I am also a trained wall and floor tiler, a single parent, have put both of my children through Uni. My daughter has two degrees and my son has just retired and moved to France. He is 34 and has hit his first million after tax. I brought up my children myself and financed the whole thing myself. No help from the state or the children's father. I am in the process of starting a business, especially designed for women to allow them to break into the construction industry.

Over the past six years I have also housed and counselled two Muslim women in great danger with the help of the local police. This has put me at considerable risk and expense. I could go on.....five years off work nursing my sick mother, politically active and well known in my area, which is why this young has approached me for help. He's so scared he's barely functioning so I said I'd look into it for him. I was just looking for a clue as to where to start and another member has been good enough to help me instead of throwing mindless insults.

By the way, I'm a very toned size ten, stunning with it and look ten years younger than I am.

There is a new type of Counselling available now, it's called mindfullness training for people who suffer from self hate and anger issues. If you telephone your Dr.'s sugery they may be able to fit you in, sounds like you need it!

p.s. when my children were little, my husband set up a Bankruptcy (a false one) moved all his money to France and legged it. All without me knowing. He just didn't come home from work one day. He left me with two little children, and with NOTHING. If anybody has a reason to be bitter about our financial system and the way it works, it's me.

p.p.s. the best retribution is to move on, get over it and live well. - go get some counselling before you ruin your life

Oh thank you so much for your information. Someone with a brain and some manners at last. Best of luck to you whoever you are. XXX

Hi, this young man I'm trying to help has got himself a job now he's back in England. Not huge money but he should be able to save up the fee over time. Have seen this one before though, difficult to pay for the fees if you're totally potless isn't it? A real catch 22. Regards
guesswho  4 | 1272  
30 Mar 2011 /  #8
soi permitted him to go to my wife and try it on with her.

It doesn't sound like you loved her "very" much, lol Then again, she must have not loved you either.
30 Mar 2011 /  #9
I am also a trained wall and floor tiler

Love the last part pmsl

Sounds cool, but it's day to day life my friend and nothing to brag about ;0)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
30 Mar 2011 /  #10
I was just looking for a clue as to where to start and another member has been good enough to help me instead of throwing mindless insults.

Rather than give us a clue as to what makes the young man think himself bunkrupt, you give us lots of information about yourself (which are very interesting nonetheless!).

If you telephone your Dr.'s sugery they may be able to fit you in, sounds like you need it!

With this I must agree. Although it is unclear to whom you address this remark, many members of this forum are in need of such counselling, that's for sure!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Mar 2011 /  #12
zebrazebra - please e-mail me at office@lindenia

If you are genuine about who you say you are, then I'll help you out with this case. Sound good? :)
OP zebrazebra  
31 Mar 2011 /  #13

Hi, hadn't realised any more info about the young man was of interest. He's been living in Poland for several years and started a business with a Polish friend. 60k in debt. No assets. Working here and trying to pay bits and bobs off over in Poland.

Apologies for my detailed answer about me - it was directed at Mr. UKPOLSKA. I asked a simple question (do you handle bankruptcies in England to be recognised in Poland) I thought this a simple question but got UKPOLSKA answering my enquiry saying 'you must be one sorry arsed business brain' - very rude, ignorant and uncalled for in my opinion so I gave enough information back to illustrate that I wasn't a sorry arsed business brain. More like a pain in the arse maybe, I'll admit to that one every time, but the man and his attitude got right up my nose!


If you are genuine about who you say you are, then I'll help you out with this case.

Thank you for your response. Sounds good. Will email you.

31 Mar 2011 /  #14
There is a new type of Counselling available now, it's called mindfullness training for people who suffer from self hate and anger issues.

Now you becoming even more funnier ;0)
I am more mellow than mellow itself;0)
I just find it amusing when people boast about what they have on here and get all abrupt if they do not get the answer they were wanting.

right. question still unanswered.

And my initial comment still stands that you must be extremely stupid to make yourself bankrupt in Poland - as with a mediocre amount of capital, as you have proved with your flats, there are always financial opportunities to be found.

If you don't like people commenting then don't post in the first place as these are open forums and I have as much right to comment as you do.

Good day ;0)
Midas  1 | 571  
31 Mar 2011 /  #15
Ukpolska - Quit being so cheeky. She's a very toned, stunning size ten who doesn't look her age, loves to help young lads out should they find themselves in a financial hotspot ( real Mother Theresa ) and thus she doesn't deserve your rudeness :-)

Sarcasm aside, I seriously believe that 90% of the time an appropriate Polish "komornik" responsible for debt recovery won't have the foggiest on how to collect on a guy who is living in the UK. That partially depends on who he is in the hole with and what kind of legal representation they get during the debt recovery process.

Btw, madam, please tell Your young boyo not to pull such stunts in the future, doing business in Poland is difficult as it is when one is a foreigner, without English lads coming over and ******* people out of their hard earned zloty, then running off back to UK looking for a way to weasel out of it.
31 Mar 2011 /  #16
Ukpolska - Quit being so cheeky.

Fair enough, I will stop being naughty :0)

doing business in Poland is difficult as it is when one is a foreigner, without English lads coming over and ******* people out of their hard earned zloty, then running off back to UK looking for a way to weasel out of it.

Too right, I have been here for 13 years now and everything I do is for my family, and I am fed up with people coming over here thinking they can screw people and get away with it, but unfortunately this is everywhere from multinational companies right the way down to individual investors.

The sugar factory close to my home town was purchased by a German company and then they closed it to remove competition putting 5,000 local people out of work, this was two thirds of the population of the village.
andrewwright  8 | 65  
31 Mar 2011 /  #17
I am more wondering how on earth do you become bankrupt?

Easy! I was 22 years old,Self employed,Taking home £55.000 a years for 7 years,Spent my money on my Kids,My Wife, My house,Nice new cars ETC and not the tax man, Answer your ????

Cash may i add
Midas  1 | 571  
31 Mar 2011 /  #18
UkPolska - and I am fed up with people coming over here thinking they can screw people and get away with it, but unfortunately this is everywhere from multinational companies right the way down to individual investors.

The multinationals will **** everyone over for a few bucks, move factories around the globe, shop for tax incentives, etc. and that's a well known fact.

What boils my **** is the "individual investors".

Now, I'll freely admit I'm no Santa Claus myself and will pay no more than a market wage for contractors, architects, etc. I refuse to pay extra for plots, flats and quite a few of my would-be deals here fell apart because some Polish genius thought he could play me for a schmuck and pull some exorbitant price from his hat out of the blue.

But I don't treat Poland as a piggy bank and don't **** people out of their money. And since 2004 I've seen many a "businessman" ( often English/Irish, I have to add ) whose businessplan in Poland was based on not paying people and disappearing when things didn't work out.

andrew wright:

Easy! I was 22 years old,Self employed,Taking home £55.000 a years for 7 years,Spent my money on my Kids,My Wife, My house,Nice new cars ETC and not the tax man,

So basically your "businessplan" boiled down to ******* the state for as long as you were able, then filing the papers?

Ethical, I must say :-)
1 Apr 2011 /  #19
Cash may i add

Post five suits you down to the ground then!!!
Skrymcz  - | 30  
1 Apr 2011 /  #20
Taking home £55.000 a years for 7 years,Spent my money on my Kids,My Wife, My house,Nice new cars ETC and not the tax man,

Fifty-five quid a year doesn't sound enough to support a family on. Were they very small cars?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Apr 2011 /  #21
Post five suits you down to the ground then!!!

Never understood it myself - isn't it pretty obvious that as soon as an invoice is paid, you put enough away to cover the tax and a bit more?
andrewwright  8 | 65  
1 Apr 2011 /  #22
Never understood it myself thats why i went went bankrupt

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