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My opinion on why Poles & English dislike each other

12 Nov 2014 /  #1
Look lads here the truth why the English don't like the Poles & vice versa right so I'm 1/4 Polish & 3/4 English so this is a completely neutral comment from my expirience Poles do not like the English because SOME English men take advantage of Poles for cheap labour & the how Polish women are mistreated SOME also do not like the English because of WW2 whilst we did help them we did not do them any favours all in all Poland might have been a free nation if The UK or England had of joined the war before it did what was it 3 weeks late? That was ample time to stop of an invasion so SOME Poles hold a grudge against English people HOWEVER this is wrong for two reasons 1. It was in the past & 2. They forgot this was not our generations choice. Now for why SOME English hate the Poles the points that some of the previous posters have made are true the Poles do take an awful lot of jobs & the English just really cannot complete if someone said to you I will do the job you wanted doing for £2 an hour then another person comes up to you & says the same thing but asks for £6 an hour which one would you accept? The next reason is that SOME English dislike that Poles do not necessarily fit into the community & adopt their culture my Grandfather was a Pole himself & He did not "take up" English culture,traditions etc HOWEVER my mother is 1/2 & I'm 1/4 & we both are very English & have definitely got English culture but we do have different religions I'm an Anglican & my mother is a Catholic so yes I guess I have adopted the culture more as I consider myself British then European as I am part Polish so it would be wrong for me to say I was just British. Sometimes I think SOME Englishmen can be to quick to judge & so can Poles. To be honest people who do not understand why SOME English hate Poles & vice versa personaly I think it is bad that Poles don't always take on our culture we are allowing them to have a better like we COULD all go vote BNP & get them all deported but we don't we have values I just wish more Poles would adopt English could like I have. For everyone saying "most" English are bad to Poles & don't like them this is not true otherwise who would be in power? I'm pretty sure it would be BNP & to be fair if immagration stays the same & keeps rising I do think eventually BNP will get in power just look at UKIP it already has a strong chance of winning the elections who's fault is that? The business managers who keep encouraging Poles & Balkans to come over just so they can use them for cheap labour which is wrong. Here's my conclusion SOME Poles who dislike Englishmen need to let the past go(MY WW2 POINT) & should adopt English culture more if they want to stay & that SOME English should not be to quick to judge & not to take advantage of Polish women just because they are from a poorer country than you it is not their fault & you should be PROUD to know that you country is increasing the standards of some people's lives. Just something for some Poles on my opinion please support the Monarchy I would HATE to see a republic UK the Queen is someone we can all unite around & is a proud representative of our country showing of our history & culture. God Save The Queen!
12 Nov 2014 /  #2
SOME English should not be to quick to judge & not to take advantage of Polish women

love the way 'English' means men
Szenk88HTAFC  2 | 47  
12 Nov 2014 /  #3
SOME English men take advantage of Poles for cheap labour

I think you'll find that lax labour laws meant that Poles could offer themselves at a cheaper rate and therefore undercut the indigenous workforce.

& the how Polish women are mistreated

Examples of this?

Regardless of the UK's broken promises, I think that any nation would struggle when they are getting steamrolled by the German/Russian Army from both directions. The fact that Poland held out longer as a country than France did (and didn't surrender) speaks volumes for the sheer grit and determination shown by the Poles.

If the indigenous workforce is too lazy to bother putting in enough effort for a job then I say sod 'em, let the others take it who are willing to graft and do it for less.

That was your grandfather's choice. My dziadek came to this country, assimilated, gave up his passport and embraced everything British. There are also very little cultural differences between the Catholic denominations, speaking as a Roman Catholic with a Roman Catholic wife and having a stepdad who is a vicar in the CofE. Unless you count one believing that the Pope is the head of the church and the other not, alongside more sombre masses, there really isn't that much difference.

To be honest, people who are predispositioned to be small minded morons will be just that, regardless of who bears the brunt of their venom. The BNP are in utter disarray, their voter share has crumbled, they are bankrupt. Similar organisations such as Britain First are being exposed for the cretins that they are, and if you look at Britain throughout the ages, Fascism and the extreme right wing are political ideologies that British folk have simply not embraced. The furthest to the right we can get is Thatcher/Farage.

Oh and for God's sake, please use grammar.
Borek Falecki  - | 52  
12 Nov 2014 /  #4
If the indigenous workforce is too lazy to bother putting in enough effort for a job then I say sod 'em, let the others take it who are willing to graft and do it for less.

Why do the British address the working people with such language that you wouldn't use to address the people who employ them?

Wouldn't it be better for employees to choose their employers to redress the balance? Setting a good example would better the situation of working people not only in Britain but elsewhere as well.

Poles would then return to Poland and everyone would be happy.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
12 Nov 2014 /  #5
why Poles & English dislike each other

In most cases it's simply not truth.
Szenk88HTAFC  2 | 47  
12 Nov 2014 /  #6
Poles would then return to Poland and everyone would be happy.

And exactly which company is going to set aside the hours and money to train a low skilled workforce when they already have an ample pool to choose from. The problem should have been identified and rectified before allowing open immigration.
Borek Falecki  - | 52  
12 Nov 2014 /  #7
And exactly which company is going to set aside the hours and money to train a low skilled workforce when they already have an ample pool to choose from.

This is the way of thinking I wouldn't like to put up with.

The Democratic country's mission must also be to reach out personally to each and every person: since this man is the way for the Democracy, the way for its daily life and experience, for its mission, the Democracy of today must be aware in an always new manner of man's 'situation.

The pontifical tone not for me to assume.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Nov 2014 /  #8
Oh and for God's sake, please use grammar.

A paragraph or three wouldn't go amiss. My 10 year old students write better than the OP. Wot skool was teaching 'im?

Hence his opinion is invalid (still miles better than my written Polish though)
Borek Falecki  - | 52  
13 Nov 2014 /  #9
My 10 year old students write better than the OP. Wot skool was teaching 'im?

The OP (as I understand the original poster) is she not he.

Wot skool was teaching 'im?

I wot not what.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Nov 2014 /  #10
He/she lost me after the first "sentence". So I don my hat to you for persevering and elucidating said fact. If it is indeed fact.

I think a replicant wrote that - or a human using Microsoft's crappy speech recognition software :)
Borek Falecki  - | 52  
13 Nov 2014 /  #11
You mean machine translation not speech recognition software.

I find her writing perfectly understandable but a bit clumsy. It would be more understandable if she began for example like this:

I want to tell you why it is said that the English doesn't like the Polish and vice versa.

At the beginning, I think it appropriate to say something about myself: I'm one quarter Polish and three quarters English thus my comments should not be viewed as biased...

Crow  154 | 9531  
13 Nov 2014 /  #12
My opinion on why Poles & English dislike each other

i know. Because English regularly using Poles as cannon fodders. Did you know that English and Greeks have solely one common point of understanding. Yes, solely one. Both, English and Greeks, consider Slavs to be infidels and sub-people. Actually, its a common opinion of all non-Slavs in Europe. What is interesting only Spaniards and Portuguese deflect from this opinion on Slavs. i spoke to some Catalans few months ago... /ooops, that`s another story/

Anglo jokes on the account of Poles are `famous`
Szenk88HTAFC  2 | 47  
13 Nov 2014 /  #13
I absolutely agree with you on this, but the simple fact of the matter is it won't happen. Companies are loathe to invest more than the bare minimum to ensure an educated workforce.

I find her writing perfectly understandable but a bit clumsy. It would be more understandable if she began for example like this:

She is more than likely a He. The last name Batesy would suggest a boy's nickname, as girls are rarely referred to by their last name in this manner. He also addressed us as "lads". Unless it is a girl expressing tomboyish behaviour then it is highly likely to be a boy.

Crow  154 | 9531  
13 Nov 2014 /  #14
How much Poles needs to be humiliated by the English and to lose their nerves and show them penis? Hard one
pigsy  7 | 304  
13 Nov 2014 /  #15
I don't think they hate eachother
Crow  154 | 9531  
13 Nov 2014 /  #16
its not about hate.
its love from one side, while other side exploit
Englishman  2 | 276  
14 Nov 2014 /  #17
Please don't judge British people, or people mainly British, by the OP. He/she is not particularly literate and clearly has some fairly strongly held views, which are not typical.

It seems to me pretty clear that many Polish and British people get along well. If they didn't, we wouldn't settle in or visit each other's countries or have loving relationships (including, it would seem, the one that produced one of the OP's parents).
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
14 Nov 2014 /  #18
its love from one side, while other side exploit

you know nothing though crow do you?
Crow  154 | 9531  
14 Nov 2014 /  #19
i know. i know that Poles even don`t like them. Its hard to explain and again very simple. Its basically selection of negative choice. From bad partnership, Poland was forced to accept less bad partnership. Its because Poland was in time cut off from good choices, what could be changed of course.
14 Nov 2014 /  #20
So you're 3/4 English, eh? Shame you haven't grasped the use of the language. Maybe you should try writing in Polish, because your English is almost unreadable.

Yet another post-pub stream of consciousness from a semi-literate. I hope nobody pays any attention to these people?
27 Nov 2014 /  #21
First of all Slavs invaded and conquer Greece in early middle ages, then Greek people were migrating to Poland through ages.
Relations between Poles and English people were very limited due to distance. Rather friendly though. Some English and Scottish people were migrating to live in Poland in XVI century, because our land was abundant, in opposition to plagued by disaster and diseases western Europe. I don't know where did you get your ******** from Crow.:)
30 Nov 2014 /  #22
We don't hate anyone in general, but we have a certain distaste for mainstream british culture. I am not speaking for all poles, mostly for my own famoly and the people I know closely.Not only did the brits leave us to the brutal germans and soviets, but in general they are very secular and very 'loose' I don't know how to describe it. Also in general the culture is very lazy and very distant. They are arrogant and many times poles feel like they look down on us and apply backward stereotypes to us. I am not painting all british the same, they are an okay nation, with both good and bad people, like poland has both good and bad. But in general, we feel a certain coldness from the british.
30 Nov 2014 /  #23
.Not only did the brits leave us to the brutal germans and soviets,

Here we go again, that old chestnut. If all else fails, just drag up the war.
The only thing wrong with this thread is the title imo.
Generally I don't think that they do dislike each other, I certainly haven't seen any evidence of this.
Wroclaw Boy  
30 Nov 2014 /  #24
But in general, we feel a certain coldness from the british.

Humm may have something to do with millions of Poles flocking to the UK within a few years. Prejudice tends to occur for a reason...and obviously Government controlled mainstream media likes to try and blame immigrants for the woes of the British economy.

Your post didn't really make any sense anyway.
Crow  154 | 9531  
1 Dec 2014 /  #25
First of all Slavs invaded and conquer Greece in early middle ages, then Greek people were migrating to Poland through ages.

nonsense. It was quite opposite. Slavic history is distorted by Greek propaganda that is supported by Anglo-Germanic and Islamic interests against Slavs. Its historical process.

Good God knows that you were right here. They were very plagued

I don't know where did you get your ******** from Crow.:)


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