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The number of Anti-English Poles...

RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 Jun 2010 /  #61
IN The UK Polish have to pass "habitual residency test"automaticly awarded after 5 years,before 5 years its difficult

You contradict yourself here. Earlier on you claimed that you received welfare in 2007 after arriving in the UK in 2004. My calculator says you must have been in the country for 2.5 - 3 years at the time. Not 5.

EU rules state that EU citizens must be treated equally regardless of which member state they have citizenship.

Ireland part of UK-hahahahahahah-no comments

Its a factual statement, unfortunately.

you very quikly forgot about"no irish no dogs"did you?

If you were Irish, on the UK housing list and having received free moolah off the queen, I would tell you to stop your complaining.

I'm curiouse how would you react if some Ukrainian living in Poland start crying over benefits he dont get? I can bet you'd be the same as those brits you've accused of rasism.

But he did get benefits. And hes on the housing list so he call get a free gaff in the not so distant future.

Not quick enough, mind.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
2 Jun 2010 /  #62
We have our version of chavs too, you know. You might be conversing with one. :)

if somebody speak about discrimination you call it czavs?i have worked in charity org.for long time and tell you its huge institutional racism towards poles,not to mention lots of violence against us!!!

you infirior mentality tells you to keep shut up and do not talk about this becouse they "let us work" and i tell you in this country if you do not fight for your rigts they will be taken away from you and you end up as a cheap slave menial worker
2 Jun 2010 /  #63
Those articles being sent over to Poland made to look like the UK is on an anti-Polish campaign is just garbage.

There is anti Polish sentiment amongst the British working class.
2 Jun 2010 /  #64
I have lost jobs fighting for Polish to be treat equal in the work force.

Porsche, I feel really sorry to hear that... You've must be a very good man. I hope you are ok now and you've already found a new, better job :)

Gregi skończ już. Żadna populacja nie składa się z samych rasistów. Swoimi komentarzami obrażasz wielu ludzi przychylnie nastawionych do Polaków. Znajdź inny sposób rozładowywania swoich frustracji, ok?

But he did get benefits. And hes on the housing list so he call get a free gaff in the not so distant future.

Not quick enough, mind.

No its not slow mind. I know he got the benefits but he's complaining that he had problems to get it.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Jun 2010 /  #65
What bugs me about threads like this is that British citizens have been experiencing similar problems with institutions for years, but as soon as a Pole experiences them then it must be anti-Polish racism.

I recall some years ago I was being chased by the local council in a large city for non-payment of council tax, although the house was full of students. I was the one stupid enough to communicate with them so it was my name they had. When I said we were all students, they wanted proof for the whole year backdated. Two of the studes were foreigners (german and Soth African) and had returned home BUT I was still supposed to provide proof. The woman said I should have filled out the form they sent me. I said they hadn't sent me anything. they realised they hadn't... but it was still my fault!

Obviously, they didn't have any Poles to be racist to at that time so they were practising on me.

Stories of late money, lost claims etc were rife looooong before Poles got into the system. I recall filling in forms for housing benefit and waiting months, only to be told I hadn't filled in the forms which were needed, as they were different ones. To this day i still don't know why they gave me the forms they did when I signed on. Another time I had some office woman telling me I'd filled my form in incorrectly because I claimed I'd been out of the country for 12 months, "That's wrong, cos you weren't living there, you were only working in macedonia" (as if I was coming home for meals?) Now, obviously, if I was a Pole it would be "anti-Polish racism!"

People seem amazed that when the population surges by a million that the system has the odd hiccup. Of course, Polish administration wouldn't have any problems, would it?

But, how about being a Brit in Poland. A local immigration office where nobody speaks English (or even German) and just talk to you in Polish without slowing down or asking if you need a translator.

Banks with no translators, so you just have to hope your Polish is good enough to understand the terms of the credit card. Free bank transfers to Uk... hahah!

GE Moneybank who refused me credit, despite having my own firm, paying regular ZUS and tax, because... there was no PESEL number on my id card. I showed them the document from the local ratusz but NO! It must be on your id. Even te immigration office rolled their eyes at that one... "Tell these guys that such a card doesn't exist for you!" But no, GE knew better. Of course, if that had happened in UK to a Pole it would have been racism. I consider it bloody racism because I was a foreigner with a government issued card who'd been living in the country a number of years and paying tax and ZUS.

Trying to get 5 year credit at a car showroom... "No, there's only three years left on your id (that thing which gets renewed when I need a new one!) and you might run away back to UK." My Polish wife commented that if they gave her the credit she'd run away the next day. Blatant racism... oh no, it couldn't be because I'm in Poland and should just accept it. If i was Polish in Uk, of course...
1jola  14 | 1875  
2 Jun 2010 /  #66
That's why the best place for Poles is in Poland.
2 Jun 2010 /  #67
jakich frustracji?!!!!!! czlowieku jezeli jest jakis problem natury rasistowskiej to trzeba naswietlac a nie chowac glowy w piach i udawac ze go nie ma......juz ci pisalem pracowalem jako socjalny i to co tu robia urzedy z polakami to jawna dyskryminacja!!!!a wolno im, tylko dlatego bo jestesmy biali!!!!!!!

Zbyt bojowy jesteś. Może masz rację, ale to nie powód żebyś przy okazji obrażał postronne osoby. Zmień ton i sposób w jaki prowadzisz dyskusje. Urzędy w Polsce też niby dyskryminują cudzoziemców. Skąd ta pewność, że to po prostu nie jest tak jak napisał Porsche13???

PS We're rather not allowed to write in polish but I hope mod will forgive us this time ;)
nincompoop_not  2 | 192  
2 Jun 2010 /  #68
IN The UK Polish have to pass "habitual residency test"automaticly awarded after 5 years,before 5 years its difficult

You contradict yourself here. Earlier on you claimed that you received welfare in 2007 after arriving in the UK in 2004. My calculator says you must have been in the country for 2.5 - 3 years at the time. Not 5.

which someone who got WRS and had 12 month continuous employment will satisfy after a year
5 years is for naturalisation purposes
Porsche13  - | 14  
2 Jun 2010 /  #69
I feel really sorry to hear that... You've must be a very good man. I hope you are ok now and you've already found a new, better job :)

Ha ha I am a lady, at least I think I am, ha. I work for an ethnical employer now and for years I can now safely say I love my job & my bosses. They think like me and believe in good honest workers, regardless of nationality :-)
shush  1 | 209  
2 Jun 2010 /  #70
Terek, you have good points there.

But, how about being a Brit in Poland. A local immigration office where nobody speaks English (or even German) and just talk to you in Polish without slowing down or asking if you need a translator.

To be honest, i dont see anything wrong in that, if someone wants to live in Poland then should try to learn Polish. To me it is weird situation in the UK where foreigners expect everyone else to adapt to them rather than the other way around. If you come to the country so you are a guest and you dont expect from the host to change their ways for you. I dont think it is a good situation where you can live in a country without even knowing the basic language as it happens very often in the UK.
2 Jun 2010 /  #71
And do you have traslators specially for Polish ppl??? O kurcze! ;)
Porsche13  - | 14  
2 Jun 2010 /  #72
People seem amazed that when the population surges by a million that the system has the odd hiccup. Of course, Polish administration wouldn't have any problems, would it?

Exactly my point, we have a large number of immigrants from all over the world and of course our own generation of embarrassing degenarates that don't want to work and were in a recession, Our country is on their knees right now, we can't cope, schools, NI and Benefits is where we buckle the most under this pressure. Its not racism its under training, under staffing and under paid.

As for Police, I am a white, blonde, british women, I was attacked and mugged and was told it was my own stupid fault (the exact words as well), I've had garages and sheds burgled and told to go punch the bast*ards myself. This isn't disrimination this is eactly what British Police Force have become.
2 Jun 2010 /  #73
This isn't disrimination this is eactly what British Police Force have become.

I think everywhere in the world you'll find such police officers
Porsche13  - | 14  
2 Jun 2010 /  #74
Where did gregi go?? Didn't he start this up roar? Ha hilarious do you think Gregi is maybe re-considering his hate for English people .................... Na possibly not!
gregy741  5 | 1226  
2 Jun 2010 /  #75
hahaha i am giving up-conclusion from this conversation for me is: good pole keep working for 5 quid.in case of discrimination supose to shut up becouse"gratitiude and decency"walking on knees in front of perfect english creature....never look in their eyes
Porsche13  - | 14  
2 Jun 2010 /  #76
I'm not feeling the love gregy I must say ha ha
As a Social Worker though please remember what I say, we arn't all n*b heads, we did do good things for your country once, we take care of the victims from the nazi bas*tards and we do nice things daily. Maybe you need to be up North to see more equality. I know Yorkshire's a loving place for you poles ha ha.

What you see with procedures and government is exactly what we get too you know, some services are incompetant because they just can't deal with this amount of people and thats english included. We've bred a nation of spongers and the only people who complain about Polish people tend to be the only ones who don't work themselves.

Anyway, keep calm won't you :-)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Jun 2010 /  #77
To be honest, i dont see anything wrong in that, if someone wants to live in Poland then should try to learn Polish.

What if you are a student studying in Poland, or someone who has come to work. We have had Americans come to work at our school, or newly arrived Brits (sometimes ones who have married Poles, like myself) and nobody at the office speaks anything except Polish to you. A bit frustrating when you need specific information about something.

And do you have traslators specially for Polish ppl???

Well, considering polish wasn't the most spoken language in UK I think they're doing well trying to find them.

I recently found out that it is possible to take GCSEs in Polish language in British state schools.
2 Jun 2010 /  #78
hahaha i am giving up-conclusion from this conversation for me is: good pole keep working for 5 quid.in case of discrimination supose to shut up becouse"gratitiude and decency"walking on knees in front of perfect english creature....never look in their eyes

Gregi masz kompleksy, lecz je gdzie indziej. Maybe I would have belived you if you hadn't been writting thing like: "in case of discrimination supose to shut up becouse"gratitiude and decency"walking on knees in front of perfect english creature"... Better make an apointment with a theraphist.


Whats GCSEs? British "matura"?
Porsche13  - | 14  
2 Jun 2010 /  #79
I recently found out that it is possible to take GCSEs in Polish language in British state schools

I think thats fantastic, why the hell should we learn German or French at school when we fought with both of the god awful countries? Always found that very strange!

I think there should be a choice of language and definately Polish being in the list. Polish are here to stay I think and English people should embrace the wealth of knowledge and education another nationality could share with us, their children are far more advanced than ours and we should take that as an example and try to educate our children to a higher standard too. A polish child at 5 goes to school with an arm full of books, our children go to school with a colouring book at 5 and maybe spot the dog ha ha, there's a definate worrying difference though!
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Jun 2010 /  #80
There is anti Polish sentiment amongst the British working class.

Are you surprised? They have had their wages forced down because the Poles are used as cheap labour (obviously not the fault of the migrant workers); people who have been about to move into new houses have suddenly been notified the housing is not available (because a firm has hired all the accom for their migrant workers); and people who rely on cheap housing and facilities have seen them snapped up (or priced up) due to the demand by incomers.

I don't agree with racism or bigotry BUT it is not surprising when this happens. If a couple of million Chinese workers came to Poland you would find a similar reaction.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
2 Jun 2010 /  #81
Gregi masz kompleksy, lecz je gdzie indziej. Maybe I would have belived you if you hadn't been writting thing like: "in case of discrimination supose to shut up becouse"gratitiude and decency"walking on knees in front of perfect english creature"... Better make an apointment with a theraphist.

man it supose to be sarcastic not serious.
some people here sugests that i should not bring discrimination issues on forum becouse of some fake arguments of "grettitude and decency and that they "let us work"

i exaggerate this and a bit mocked...ok?
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Jun 2010 /  #82
Whats GCSEs? British "matura"?

More like Gymnasium final exam.

I think thats fantastic, why the hell should we learn German or French at school when we fought with both of the god awful countries?

So do I. Jemma, a member of the forum, is a teenager in a London school with over 65 different cultures represented. each language group has the right to take exams in their own language. Or, English speakers can take a language exam in another language.

I grew up in Shropshire in 1970/80's and learned french. I met one French person in over 20 years of living there. Alternatively, I knew a number of Yugoslavs, Asians and Poles in the area (including a Sebian community down the road).
2 Jun 2010 /  #83
their children are far more advanced than ours and we should take that as an example and try to educate our children to a higher standard too.

well, i think its a myth... I dont know hows in britain but surely in poland there is a load of lazy and bad students either ;)

each language group has the right to take exams in their own language. Or, English speakers can take a language exam in another language.

I ensure you the main reason why polish aprents send their children to british schools is that they have an opportunity to learn language.

Can you imagine that in poland we have a dual langauge schools - lecturers are in foreign language... its all to learn polish children talk fluently in other language and made them pass exams in foreign language! ;)
SouthMancPolak  - | 102  
2 Jun 2010 /  #84
Well, considering polish wasn't the most spoken language in UK I think they're doing well trying to find them.

There were around 1/4 million people of Polish origin in Britain even before 2004, many of us speak Polish.

I recently found out that it is possible to take GCSEs in Polish language in British state schools.

I took mine in 1990, it was nothing unusual even back then.

I don't agree with racism or bigotry BUT it is not surprising when this happens. If a couple of million Chinese workers came to Poland you would find a similar reaction.


The problem with a lot of Poles is that they just shrug their shoulders and say "no, this will never happen. Poland for the Poles!"

They will be in for a huge shock soon, I think.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 Jun 2010 /  #85
why the hell should we learn German or French at school when we fought with both of the god awful countries?

Because those countries are important for UK business?
Porsche13  - | 14  
2 Jun 2010 /  #86
I learn't French, then forgot every single word of it. Went to Paris and everyone spoke English ha ha, never met a french person in England though.

I have met and worked with Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Hungarian, Slovakian, Czech, Russian, Indian, Iraqi, Albania (list is endless) but never met a German person or French person in England yet I was forced to learn and speak the most iritating language on the planet for 5 years! We do have a mental education system I must say!
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 Jun 2010 /  #87
I recently found out that it is possible to take GCSEs in Polish language in British state schools.

The Brits are nuts!
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 Jun 2010 /  #88
There were around 1/4 million people of Polish origin in Britain even before 2004, many of us speak Polish.

Oh I was aware of that. There is a community where I grew up which stems from war/post-war years. One of my mother's friends is from Vilno. My point being is that it wasn't exactly a language you heard everyday as older Poles tend to speak English to non-Poles.

I took mine in 1990, it was nothing unusual even back then.

Interesting. Was that a state school?

The girl i mention isn't of Polish heritage. She just wants to learn and do the exam.
SouthMancPolak  - | 102  
2 Jun 2010 /  #89
I learn't French, then forgot every single word of it. Went to Paris and everyone spoke English ha ha

I found quite the opposite, no-one wanted to speak anything but French except in the hotel, good job I re-learned French before going lol
2 Jun 2010 /  #90
You dont need to learn language at all because english is international (due to its simiple grammar). You are privileged ;)

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / The number of Anti-English Poles...Archived