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A new mayor in London: opinion of Polish people in the UK?

gregy741  5 | 1226  
7 May 2016 /  #91
its gonna end up like with the first muslim London mayor. Lutfur Rahman .corrupted racist s.it
nothanks  - | 626  
7 May 2016 /  #92
take notes on what might be possible to achieve.

Over/under 2 years before London is voting on allowing "Call to prayer" on public loudspeakers?

Discussions must be Poland-related.
7 May 2016 /  #93
It really isn't good that Khan is now London Mayor and I could see why Poles wouldn't like it and maybe return to Poland.

London is where a British serving soldier was slaughtered in broad day light by two Muslims in the name of Islam.

Its also the only city in the UK where four men of Muslim faith detonated bombs in the name of Islam.

The Tory party will fight Khan every step of the way.
Muslim's are very insular and very rasict, they make Poles look like Angels.
Honest Pole  
7 May 2016 /  #94
very rasict

Some muslim nations are racist though I'm not sure if as much as poles but muslims aren't because Islam isn't a race.
7 May 2016 /  #95
"London is where a British serving soldier was slaughtered in broad day light by two Muslims in the name of Islam.

Its also the only city in the UK where four men of Muslim faith detonated bombs in the name of Islam."

Excellent Point.

London is already taken over anyway. It will be a hellhole in 10 years.

Not that i care about it anyway. The only problem is when stupid marxists cry after things like Bataclan but at the same time they are the ones to be blamed for the islamification of Western Europe.

But as i said, i don't give a flying fuc*, since Eastern Europe will not surrend to political correctness.
jon357  72 | 23668  
7 May 2016 /  #96
No **** Sherlock. It's called a normal non rabid society. You should try it sometime.

Quite. He won fair and square with a healthy majority.
Atch  22 | 4299  
7 May 2016 /  #97
Most intelligent people know that Muslim does not equal Islamic fundamentalist. Muslims have been integrated into British society for years going about their business, involved in local politics and doing normal jobs. I don't see what the big deal is.

Re Jemima Goldsmith/Khan there was a rumour years ago that she was Princess Di's half-sister.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
7 May 2016 /  #98
Most intelligent people know that Muslim does not equal Islamic fundamentalist

Hmm ..could you tell what do you mean by this euphemism? Do you mean terrorists who attack civilian populations with bombs?
Do you know where that trend originated and how come that Muslims became so good in that?

Muslims have been integrated into British society for years going about their business, involved in local politics and doing normal jobs

Hmm ...yet amounts them well integrated British born and educated were those who choose to become the most militant and most bloody 'fundamentalist'.

I don't see what the big deal is.

A big deal I not to invite Muslim into your country if you don't want to face a serious challenge to the integrity and security of your country in the future.
7 May 2016 /  #99
In Islamic countries homosexuality is a death sentence.

Halal slaughter is distressing, needless and makes the animals suffer.

It has a huge problem with underage forced marriage and " kafir " children being raped by gangs of Islamic men.

The list goes on.

Bizzare the left seem to be loving a Muslim man who follows this mantra of faith being catapulted to office by it's followers.

Personally its against my morals to even consider it.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
7 May 2016 /  #100
@Atch: thank you for your message! It is pure common sense but you know "here" as they have no personal experience, they just have to rely on propaganda found on the net. Yes, like you say, it could have been "no big deal" as London is a grown up and democratic city but here in Poland, they can't get over it (I was checking various Polish fora and it's "panick on board" ..)

@TicTacToe; the theme is London's new mayor and it happens that he was and is in favor of same sex marriage ;). He is also for women's rights (including abortion), pro EU and pro business. Are you and your fellow fascits get sick over London's election???? My goodness, can you accept democracy? People have voted by 57% for a guy NOT because he's muslim but for his program, his personality.

PS: the Polish jerk did not even make .... 1% whereas the Muslim guy made ... 57%! "lol"
7 May 2016 /  #101
You stick to France your home and I'll stick to England mine.

You can have a Islamic Mayor of Paris if you like, after all you've had plenty of attacks over there its about due.

Islam and Muslims, i can't and won't vote for ANYONE who believes in a medieval mythology that hates on gays, women and non believers, marries of children and rapes them.

I have no problem with a brown skinned person being in any high office, but I do one that follows that ****.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
7 May 2016 /  #102
Get over it! The guy won because he got the highest number of votes and we/you have to accept democraty (if not too hard for you). As to Paris, we have a Spanish immigrant's daughter (who sent her congratulations to London's new mayor right away ;) ) before that for 12 years, an openly gay mayor and NO problem! Basically, immigrant, black, Jewish, Muslim, gay/lesbian, most people do NOT care.

Well, matter of maturity and democracy!
nothanks  - | 626  
7 May 2016 /  #103
NO problem! Basically, immigrant, black, Jewish, Muslim, gay/lesbian, most people do NOT care.

Exactly, which is why I don't care when these same people are blown up, gunned down and raped. If France wants to turn into South Africa, that is your prerogative but leave us alone
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
7 May 2016 /  #104
poor nothanks! S. Khan has been elected and who cares whether you like it or not! Europeans have no lesson to receive from racists and fascists may they be from America, from Poland, from Bolivia or from Indonesia ;)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
7 May 2016 /  #105
highest number of votes and we/you have to accept democraty

I think you should go to the KOD demonstrations and educate people on that matter.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
7 May 2016 /  #106
I don't care re KOD but I'm thrilled to see that it's panick on board after London's election among fascists.
7 May 2016 /  #107
Like I say you and Paris are quiet welcome to it.

I have my issues with the faith that's all there is too you are correct.

I won't however, ever see the light against a culture of child rape and forced child marriage, norr honour killings or the death penalty for homosexuals. So it seems I will always have my issues and glad I am too.

I live in a country that moved away from that and my mind has too, others by the looks of things haven't.

You are obviously more mature than me and have learnt to accept them.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
7 May 2016 /  #108
I'm thrilled

triggered anxiety? :-)
7 May 2016 /  #109
Things like this;

OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
7 May 2016 /  #110
since English is NOT my first language, I mean 'happy". I have heard "being thrilled" while in the US ou plutôt je me marre en constatant le malaise chez les fachos ;)

Casse-toi, pauvre m#### !
7 May 2016 /  #111
Or this,

7 May 2016 /  #112
Well note this, Islam is fascist that you may find discomforting but true.
Honest Pole  
7 May 2016 /  #113
In Islamic countries homosexuality is a death sentence.

In theory perhaps but in practice Afghanistan, Pakistan and the majority of Arab countries are surprisingly gay and pederastic. I think in Afghanistan at least it's because they think women are impure.
OP InPolska  9 | 1796  
7 May 2016 /  #114
In Iran, plenty of clinics specialized in sex change operations and all very legal ;). Well, I know Iranians are no Arabs but they are Muslims. Whoever has visited Muslim countries knows that there are a lot of gays even though officially there aren't ;)
7 May 2016 /  #115
ahahaha Tell to any Arab thar Iranis are Muslims and you will learn a couple of insults in Arab.

Iranis are Shias. The only thing in the world that Muslims hate more than Jews are shias. For Sunnis, Shias are the first Mushriqs, and they are the one that deserve to be killed first.

But whatever, you again is talking about things that you dont have a clue. You defend more muslims in Europe but yourself would not survive a week in a Muslim country.
ufo973  10 | 88  
8 May 2016 /  #116
Wulkan  - | 3136  
8 May 2016 /  #117
Surely the opinion of Afghanistani people doesn't matter, unless we want to talk about seducing little boys ,then they would be an experts with their Bacha bazi tradition LOL
Marsupial  - | 871  
8 May 2016 /  #118
If trump wins this mayor may be not be allowed into usa.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
8 May 2016 /  #119
In this poster's humble opinion, the English brought it on themselves! Britain is certainly more a "Judeo-Christian" nation than she is a Muslim one.

No, if I were an average ethnic British Londoner, I'd be rather dismayed, culturally speaking, that is.

No doubt the bloke's capable enough, but one can't help feeling that his loyalties may lies on the wrong side. No, it's not the same as were it a Jew or even an open agnostic, for instance. Britain is still an Occidental Western nation and Islam represents a different stream from the mainstream.
8 May 2016 /  #120
Hahaha let me grab some popcorn while I read all these racist comments. Some of you Poles are hilarious! It's like you have racism in your blood. Let the man do his job!

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