they don't have to find him guilty, just accuse him of murder, in this case.. he has to prove his innocence.. but that is a MAYBE as i don't know how the justice system work in the UK.. that is how it works in PL and other european countries, however.
We most certainly do not work that way - a man has to be proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt in the UK.
not sure if one is innocent until found guilty in uk
innocent until proven otherwise, but we are all aware that if evidence is strong enough, they can remand him until a trial date has been set, if they deem him to be a danger to society (murderers usually are :D )
BTW England isnt some backwater, they must have something on him to have warranted keeping him in for questioning.
Clearly, it is an inefficient and burdensome system.
Clearly our system isnt the one that's backwards - rather than shoot first and ask questions later - we prefer a civilised approach.
How backward the British system can be, with wigs and all.
LOL..Is that the best you can do? Maybe you lot should stop exporting your murderers, thieves and rapists and we wouldn't have to use our "backwards" British system on them which allows them free legal aid, translators and if they are guilty, food and lodgings for a few years with the option to gain a degree!