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Polish and Irish should love each other

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
15 Apr 2010 /  #61
Where were you when our citizens were slain in the streets?

You did that yourself. Ireland was already independent before the EU existed. Civil war? You also sent your condolences to the German ambassador to the death of Adolf Hitler in 1945. Maybe DeValera was more of a hindrance than a blessing for Ireland?

You pulled us out of phuc all, you acquired the rights to all our natural resources and foisted upon us vast throngs of cheap docile foreign workers.

First of all, Ire joined the EU in 1973 - long before the majority of foreign workers entered. Your natural resources? What natural resources? Is there loads of gas or oil to be found here? Not that I've heard of and I do follow the news.

The EU are not our friends.

Without your "enemies" you perhaps would be on the same level as in the 1970's and early 1980's - a 3rd world level. And maybe the biggest problem Ireland has is that they've let go of all its bright souls.

Try living as a single mother in a drug riddled working class area. Then get back to me.

There are hopeless cases in every country, not just in Ireland. Cases who will never succeed, no matter how much money you pump in it. It's a myth to think that an organisation like the EU can solve ALL your problems.

I suspect he feels a wee bit embarrassed having to come to this "bogland" to earn a wedge, especially considering he comes from one of the founding EU nations.

How dare them potato eating paddys get ideas above themselves, eh?

I don't feel embarrassed at all. For your information, I was transferred here, not because I desperately wanted to work here and my salary is not that much higher than what I got in NL, considering that everything here is considerably more expensive than in NL. And that last part goes on your own account. I have plenty of Irish friends.


M-G (tiens)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
15 Apr 2010 /  #62
You did that yourself. Ireland was already independent before the EU existed. Civil war? You also sent your condolences to the German ambassador to the death of Adolf Hitler in 1945. Maybe DeValera was more of a hindrance than a blessing for Ireland?

Try the 70s and 80s when the Brits were running amok.

We brought it on ourselves? Are you for real?

How dare we yearn to right the wrongs of the past and bring about a 32 county republic, eh? Roll over and have yer bellies tickled, paddies.

First of all, Ire joined the EU in 1973 - long before the majority of foreign workers entered. Your natural resources? What natural resources? Is there loads of gas or oil to be found here? Not that I've heard of and I do follow the news.

Something like 20% of all fish sold in the 27 EU member states come Irish waters. Phuc all of that cash goes into the pocket of Irish fishermen. The EU annihalited the fishing industry in this country.

And yes, we do have oil and gas. Well, we did. Googles your friend.

Without your "enemies" you perhaps would be on the same level as in the 1970's and early 1980's - a 3rd world level. And maybe the biggest problem Ireland has is that they've let go of all its bright souls.

Thats a lie. Another slur "you are not educated". I expect you will call me a dole leech in a few minutes.

I have a proposition for ya......

There are hopeless cases in every country, not just in Ireland. Cases who will never succeed, no matter how much money you pump in it. It's a myth to think that an organisation like the EU can solve ALL your problems.

The EU will solve our problems? The EU couldnt give a phuc about Ireland. Indeed, I am sure many of the EUnuch scum in Brussels uttered the same drivel as you. "How dare them paddies vote no".

EDIT: The dutchies speaking better english than me is no great achievement. I despise this pox of a language. Irish is my first language since birth more or less.

Id happily never speak english again, if it was any way viable.


I would happily meet you and you can then tell the PF community that I am not what you make me out to be. I dont need social welfare. I live in one of the worst areas of Dublin by choice. As does my multi millionaire sis. Its home. Its roots. Its where we are from.

I am 23.

I am far from overweight.

I am far from "sexually frustrated" like SeanBm claims. My ex still lives in me gaff. Rent free. She keeps the fridge full of beves.

I have many business interests. Namely pubs, stocks, and the odd gamble with investments. Il bring the paperwork to prove this if need be.

My watch is worth more than the average annual wage in PL.

Anytime you wanna meet, MG, just name the time and place.

No risk no reward.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Apr 2010 /  #63
Try the 70s and 80s when the Brits were running amok.

I am 23.

I am not a mathematician but you were 3 in the late 1980's, do you feel persecuted?

Something like 20% of all fish sold in the 27 EU member states come Irish waters. Phuc all of that cash goes into the pocket of Irish fishermen. The EU annihalited the fishing industry in this country.

Ireland was doing nothing with it's fish industry, if you are not 23, you'll also remember that there was mass emigration out of Ireland in the 80's and early 90's.

My watch is worth more than the average annual wage in PL.

Wow, that's all I can say is wow...

No risk no reward.

The "risk" and ''reward'' of possibly meeting you? give us a break.

The truth is, you're an embarrassment RN, you were born with a silver spoon, in the boom time for Ireland. (yeah, yeah, working class bla bla bla, my sis is a millionaire and my watch is worth bla...) You have no realisation what Irish people had had to do for centuries and you spit on foreign workers who try to do the exact same thing.

You think Ireland was so much better before the E.U. just shows your naivety and selfishness.
You are the Nouveau riche, too arrogant to understand the struggle that others had to endure before you and too stupid to see the same struggle in others today.

Polish people are looked at as hard workers in Ireland, something that is very much respected by most, except little brats such as yourself.
Perhaps you are the price we pay for Ireland being richer now than for centuries, maybe you are the cost of Ireland's success, the sweat blood and tears that Irish people endured to make Ireland a great country and what do we get in return? a brat that hates people who work hard, a spiteful little urchin that never new a hard day in his life.

It makes me sick to read you brag while all the time you say things like:

We get coffee makers, toilet cleaners, shelf stackers, burger flippers and child minders whilst the US of A gets the creme la creme.

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
15 Apr 2010 /  #64
Something like 20% of all fish sold in the 27 EU member states come Irish waters. Phuc all of that cash goes into the pocket of Irish fishermen. The EU annihalited the fishing industry in this country.

80% of all the flowers you buy anywhere in the world are of Dutch origin. Do you think we feel that it's all a great conspiracy and that the entire world has annihilated our flower-industry?

And the fact that the USA gets the "crême de la crême" and IRE gets the burger flippers might just have sth to do with the fact that Ireland is within the EU and it is simply easier to come to Ireland from Poland than it is to get to the USA due to the restrictions? Heck, even for Westerners is freaking hard to get into the USA unless you are well educated or otherwise have a postion that is not easily replaceable.

You think Ireland was so much better before the E.U. just shows your naivety and selfishness.

Exactly what I am trying to say, Sean.

I have never slandered the Irish ppl, on the contrary, I respect and admire them for the hardships they went through. I like living here and I think the Irish ppl are good ppl. Of couse, one has the occasional oddball, but you got them everywhere. RN is not representative for the Irish population in general: good, welcoming and warm ppl., maybe not that well organised, but that's not really a shame and maybe that's just me, coming from an over-organised country anyway. RN makes the mistake to confuse normal, day-to-day observations for critisism, but that's maybe due to his insecurity or sth. I live here, therefore I am confronted with Irish life and organisations on a day-to-day basis. If I want to get sth done and it doesn't work out because of whatever reason, I think I have the right to comment on that. Not to critisize it, though this depends on the circumstances, but to note it and talk about it with my friends or on this platform. And when I am annoyed by certain things, I should be able to talk about that as well. Not just shut up and take it, because I am not from here and, according to RN have to be grateful every freaking moment of the day. I pay taxes just like anybody else here in Ireland, I have never picked up a cent from the dole and I have in my way contributed to the growth and prosperity of Ireland, so I think I am entitled as well to make remarks about it.

Question for RN: since you are 23 and claim to have a 3rd level education, you cannot have worked that long - if you're working at all. I have worked here for 6 years now, paying tax all the while. That most likely means that I've paid more Irish taxes than you in your entire life, since I am here. What the heck do you think you are for slamming me?


M-G (tiens)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Apr 2010 /  #65
maybe not that well organised, but that's not really a shame and maybe that's just me,

I think you may have three very valid points here :) :)

since you are 23 and claim to have a 3rd level education, you cannot have worked that long

Don't forget working class, has travelled the world, speaks 7 languages fluently, owns his own house in Dublin, has a watch worth more than the average wage in Poland, owns a pub in Spain, with many business interests, stocks, and the odd gamble with investments.

And he still has time for us on these forums, along with many other forums, his own blog, vlog and pseudo-political website.
Went to school until he was about 18, then college, lets say for the sake of argument he did a diploma in three years (the least amount of time for a certificate) so that brings him to 21 and the last two years he has been able to work full time.

What the heck do you think you are for slamming me?

He is an embarrassment.

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