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Interesting Job Ideas For Intelligent Polish People To Do In The UK? I've given 2 here :)

Fiasco  2 | -  
26 Feb 2011 /  #1
So my girlfriend has a Masters degree in anthropology from Poland but has come to Scotland and now can only find work in a hotel. We're both looking for interesting ideas of making some extra money or jobs where her language and skills would be valued. So far we have only thought of two!

1. Teaching Polish to people who want to learn.
2. Video game localisation

Idea 1 is a good one I think but there are already 2 language courses where we live and a university department with Slavic languages so I think it could be hard to find enough people to make this work.

Idea 2 is excellent as I work in a video game testing company but unfortunately my girlfriend doesn't play video games so is not interested in this line of work.

Does anyone have any other suggestions of work that is rewarding or at least better than service industry jobs? Where have most people found interesting work?

Would be great to hear some other positive experiences!
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
27 Feb 2011 /  #2
Translation and interpreting?
Teaching job at a faculty of Anthropology somewhere?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
27 Feb 2011 /  #3
Does anyone have any other suggestions of work that is rewarding or at least better than service industry jobs?

How about,and despite how it seems, join the frikkin queue of British born graduates who cant find work in this down turn to suit their usually real world useless paper qualifications,this isnt a Pole go home post but a Pole get a grip and face reality post,your G/F is lucky to have a job washing pots in a BnB at the minute.
strzyga  2 | 990  
28 Feb 2011 /  #4
Fiasco isn't complaining, she's looking for ideas. Can't you see the difference?
rybnik  18 | 1444  
28 Feb 2011 /  #5
How about,and despite how it seems, join the frikkin queue of British born graduates who cant find work in this down turn to suit their usually real world useless paper qualifications,this isnt a Pole go home post but a Pole get a grip and face reality post,your G/F is lucky to have a job washing pots in a BnB at the minute.

I gather that's not what Fiasco wanted to hear :)
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
1 Mar 2011 /  #6
my girlfriend doesn't play video games so is not interested in this line of work.

First and foremost, this sort of attitude will get your GF nowhere. If she wants to find an interesting job, she needs to take on challenges. My first jobs in translation were in agricultural production. God knows I wasn't that much into total mixed rations and free stall cowsheds, but I gave it a try and stayed on for several years ;-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Mar 2011 /  #7
First and foremost, this sort of attitude will get your GF nowhere.

The fact that she's unhappy about working in a hotel and doesn't want to get involved with computer games suggests only one word - princess.

I know a guy here who has a daughter in the UK - she started off 3 years ago as a waitress in a hotel, and is already now the assistant manager - they recognised her hard work and promoted her to the moon. Frankly speaking, I can't see how someone with a run-of-the-mill Masters degree in a soft subject is going to get much in the UK.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Interesting Job Ideas For Intelligent Polish People To Do In The UK? I've given 2 here :)Archived