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Polish immigration in UK

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
6 Nov 2007 /  #211
Was he an idle git too?

Of course.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
7 Nov 2007 /  #212
but with everything, its a 2 headed coin, we can employ cheaper labour( that doesnt mean exploit) but the 16-21 year olds natives will find it alot more difficult for work.

Its surprising the sheer number of people on these boards who cant grasp this basic point. Its much easier to just to pick sides and resort to stereotypes.
Liza  3 | 111  
7 Nov 2007 /  #213
Quoting: Liza

A study published last week stated that 69% of British people believe that Polish employees work harder than British employees. On the flipside, they came last in a list of nationalities British people would like to spend a weekend with.

Source ?

Tories renew call for migrant limit as diligent Poles impress Britons

ComRes survey

You didn't..... I was being a tad touchy, as some think that low skilled means *************.

Its not relevant, but my Dad left school at 15 as he wanted to be a jockey; all went well until he was 21, when he fell during a race and copped a hoof to the eye socket, blinding him in one eye. He couldn’t ride anymore, but didn’t have the education to go into office work or go to university. He worked hard, possibly had a bit of ‘right time, right place’ luck, and he’s now a supervisor manager… Dad might not have bunch of papers hanging on his office wall, but he ain’t stupid, and he’s achieved what he wants to do (plus he sometimes gets to train horses in his spare time, which keeps him happy). I guess that’s why I don’t believe that low skilled or even low educated necessarily has to mean stupid. Dad always drummed into us ‘You’ve got two arms, two legs, and a brain, so you work’, and touch wood, my siblings and I are sticking to that.

you know what, I might just look into that TEFL thing, the money is pretty decent around here for that... and if I could have chosen any occupation, I'd have loved to have been a teacher.

If it helps, when I do back home, I am hoping to do a TEFL course as well; we have a large, mainly Asian, immigrant population. I can’t remember where I saw it, but a few places do offer it by correspondence. If you do decide to go ahead and do it, let me know how it goes?

I like meeting foreigners in the UK and teaching them my language or showing that being British isn't about Xenophobia, but about being open and welcoming.

The majority of British people are really good... like most things, a few bad eggs spoils everything and gives a bad reputation. There are all sorts of generalisations and stereotypes of different nationalities, but as I travel, I’ve been fortunate to discover that the majority of people are good people just wanting to be happy in their own way.
8 Nov 2007 /  #214
do you have any evidence, actually the polish migrants have the lowest state dependancy rate, i now most of the pakistani and bangladeshi people are on benefits? aren't you from pakistan...

no you idiot i live in pakistan just like i lived in india kuwait moscow england bla bla yes i have evidence just go to any job centre where polish people live and you will see scores of them signing on even the women behind the counter has to speak polish to get them past the dole que i cant c me being from pakistan haveing any bering on this conversation as looking at stastics its the english people who are unwilling to work and fill the availible vacancis that britan has to look else where in terms of cheap cherfull labour then you get all uptight and high nosed claiming britian great and proud of what??? its snobs its racism itz nazi partys its lazy slobs dont hear you complaing when its one of your own rapeing looting and piliging the country.
Liza  3 | 111  
8 Nov 2007 /  #215
i have evidence just go to any job centre where polish people live and you will see scores of them signing on even the women behind the counter has to speak polish to get them past the dole que

Its a shame that on your travels you haven't learnt a basic level of English, allowing you to communicate effectively.
How do you know they are Polish? Are you going up to each and every one requesting their nationality status? Somalians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Chinese, Iranians, Portugese, Indians - are all more dependent on the UK's social services than the Polish.

For my own curiousity, what nationality are you?
isthatu  3 | 1164  
8 Nov 2007 /  #216
where polish people live and you will see scores of them signing on even the women behind the counter has to speak polish

ever been to Bradford mate,I think you'll find its Uhrdu you have to speak there......

as looking at stastics its the english people who are unwilling to work

actually,what you'll find,looking at statistics is that it is predominantly people from Muslim countries who wont go to work for reasons of having reproduction organs on the inside instead of outside and having cowardly husbands who darnt let them out of sight......

Its a shame that on your travels you haven't learnt a basic level of English, allowing you to communicate effectively.

yawn yawn, he gets his (miss aimed) point across,who are you, the internet english teacher,thought that was joannnes job?
Liza  3 | 111  
8 Nov 2007 /  #217
yawn yawn, he gets his (miss aimed) point across,who are you, the internet english teacher,thought that was joannnes job?

He only JUST gets his point across... Its hard to see amongst the rambling and the mistakes.
But thanks for the career suggestion :-)
8 Nov 2007 /  #218
it was actually said today by many top economic watchers that the poles bring nothing whatsoever to the uk to benefit the host population ,while they pay tax they added 6bn to the british economy which is half a percent of the tax paid annually but they make up for over half a percent in total population giving us nothing and using services and overcrowding communities and putting their kids in schools , most of the capital earned here goes straight back to poland and your 100% right shelley that's the main reason why wages are staying so low for brits , we can't get by on 5 pound an hour and look after our families unlike poles with up to eight of them living in a house to save up some zloty to go home with , then they come here demanding that they should have more right to jobs as we do in our own land , the country is crazy and no one voted for this the government admit they made mistakes estimating that only 16,000 would come , now it's 1.3 million later and something will happen because people can't take this influx in their towns, you know my grandmother paid tax all her life from the age of 15 up until she died at 59 without claiming a penny from the state for what ? so 30 years on her contributions and many like her could pay to educate polish immigrant kids

Sorry to disappoint you Shelley, but I have a five year work permit issued by the Home Office as I’m a Highly Skilled Migrant possessing skills identified by the British Government as being ‘highly desirable’. The right for an opinion is given by the fact I pay high levels of taxes and NI contributions. I'm also entitled to vote in the UK.

ok liza what do you do that a british citizen couldn't do ? your the only one benefiting from our country liza not us , your the one getting paid off our countrymen, you might be paying taxes but it's still putting a british person out of work one that might have a family , maybe someone who's family have fought in wars for this country , we need to look after our own before anyone else and i think it should be the same with all countrys, and if so that we work less than the polish why is their average wage about 60p an hour i don't see great things coming from that country at all , and why are you here liza if your so HIGHLY SKILLED as you put it doesn't poland have nothing better to offer you than the shoddy workmanship that you get in the uk
Liza  3 | 111  
9 Nov 2007 /  #219
Lenny, I'd like to see your source, as the various economic reports I've read have shown that Polish immigrants make contributions to the British economy whereas other ethnic groups are bigger drains on Britain. If you are Somalian, you are five and half times more likely to be unemployed than a Polish person, or four times more likely to be unemployed than a British person. A Turkish person is four times more likely to be unemployed than a Polish person, or two and half times more likely to be unemployed than a British person - and the Turkish gangs are responsible for the majority of heroin imports into the UK.

ok liza what do you do that a british citizen couldn't do ?

Lenny, you are completely ignorant. I've stated many times on this board that I'm not Polish - I'm from New Zealand. I had a permit to move to Ireland, but the company I work for could not recruit anyone to do my job as well as I do, so they asked me to stay. My boyfriend is in Ireland, so understandably it had to be made financially worth my while to stay in the UK and to encourage him to give up his job to move here, so don't you think if the company thought they could find a British person to do the job, they would have? I'm all for people getting jobs, but they have to have the skills to actually do the work, and in my case, there wasn't

maybe someone who's family have fought in wars for this country

My family has actually fought in several wars on behalf of the United Kingdom. My paternal great grandfather was born in Ireland, and my maternal great grandparents were born in Lancashire. Two of my great uncles, my great-grandfather and one of my great aunts on the maternal side died in WW1 on my as part of British army, and my grandfather on my paternal side spent seven years away from his family, coming back a shell. Great Britain got more than its pound of flesh from New Zealand - and my family. My extended family (stepmother, step grandparents, step great grandmother, three sisters, three husbands and fourteen children etc) are all English, but despite being recent immigrants to NZ, are benefiting quite well from New Zealand, so given that New Zealand has absorbed 20-plus English people, I think gaining me is a very good deal for the UK.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
9 Nov 2007 /  #220
Great Britain got more than its pound of flesh from New Zealand

Before the annexation of New Zealand, British citizens were arriving in large numbers, settling in a country which by all accounts was a no man’s land. There was no law and order, and as time went by Great Britain recognized that there was a need to control its people who were settling in this country. A form of formal sovereignty was necessary to overview the British populated areas of New Zealand.

The use of Imperial Troops to achieve this however, was never considered an option. Instead, the preparation of a Treaty with Māori was planned, by which it could be stated that New Zealand had become a member of the British Empire of her own accord. The British promised equal rights for both Māori and British, promising also to honour Māori ownership of land, including Māori fishing rights.

So Liza unlesss you are part Maori, you are just another 3rd / 4th generation immigrant
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
9 Nov 2007 /  #221
So Liza unlesss you are part Maori, you are just another 3rd / 4th generation immigrant

sounds like the bottom line to me....
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
9 Nov 2007 /  #222
missed that one...oh well...makes me think why she slags England and the English off so much if thats where her family came from...
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
9 Nov 2007 /  #223

Poles came bottom of the league when Britons were asked who they would most like to spend a weekend with.

Screw them and their big UFO-like heads.
Liza  3 | 111  
9 Nov 2007 /  #224
The Imperial Troops were not needed to fight the Maori until after the Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840 as the British made promises they did not intend to keep. As soon as the treaty was agreed (thereby giving control to the British rather than the French, who were settled in Akaroa and who were also in negotiations with the Maori), the British began to impose their way of life on the Maori, including removal from their land (which brought about the Maori Land Wars in the mid 1800's).

However, to answer your question, yes I am of Maori descent and I am registered on the Maori electoral role under Ngai Tahu.

Almost everyone in the world is an immigrant, including the British; the UK has been repeatedly settled by immigrants including the Romans, the Celtics, the Saxons and the Jutes.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
9 Nov 2007 /  #225
theres your inferiority complex showing again g...
9 Nov 2007 /  #226
how so, she is just saying who she is.
Liza  3 | 111  
9 Nov 2007 /  #227
I don't slag the British off or Great Britain... if you would like to read my posts, I've said there are plenty of things that are good about the UK and its people. What I don't like about some members of the British population is their desire to blame the Poles for everything and anything that goes wrong. There are immigrant groups who are actually drains on Britain, but they are not the Polish. However, it does seem to be fashionable to blame the Poles anyway rather than looking at the evidence.

Meanwhile just for your future reference, going through my family tree I can identify English, Irish, German, Serbian, French, and Maori blood. New Zealand is a country of immigrants, and we're proud of it.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
9 Nov 2007 /  #228

M you really must learn to read posts before replying - will help avoid all sorts of confusion :p
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
9 Nov 2007 /  #229
Almost everyone in the world is an immigrant, including the British; the UK has been repeatedly settled by immigrants including the Romans, the Celtics, the Saxons and the Jutes.

You forgot the Irish, which would be a little bit more recent :) You do remember the potato famine?

Screw them and their big UFO-like heads.

We have big head to fit our big brains in :) - you love us really doggie :)
Liza  3 | 111  
9 Nov 2007 /  #230
Poles came bottom of the league when Britons were asked who they would most like to spend a weekend with.

I know :-( Unfortunately for some, their views are possibly based on perceptions from the media or fear of the unknown... I'm very happy to hang out with the Polish, or indeed any nationality. Tonight will be two Irish, two South Africans, two Polish, an Australian, three English, two Scots and a Welshman.
9 Nov 2007 /  #231
M you really must learn to read posts before replying - will help avoid all sorts of confusion :p

stop being patronizing Bub
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
9 Nov 2007 /  #232
Tonight will be two Irish, two South Africans, two Polish, an Australian, three English, two Scots and a Welshman

Keep away from teh subject of property at least two of those have issues with the English buying it in their parts of the world :) (its a joke btw)

stop being patronizing Bub

I dont think he is M, Ive already done the same today - I really must take time out to read before posting :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
9 Nov 2007 /  #233
stop being patronizing Bub

im not trying to patronize you M... my comment was addressed to grzegorz not liza... hence the 'g' at the end of it...
9 Nov 2007 /  #234
I dont think he is M, Ive already done the same today

I have read her posts and I am not confused unlike some people on this board. enough said.
9 Nov 2007 /  #236
im not trying to patronize you M... my comment was addressed to grzegorz not liza... hence the 'g' at the end of it..

oh, I see
postie  7 | 112  
9 Nov 2007 /  #237
UFO head?

Erm.... ok... was that meant to be an insult, or complimentary?

9 Nov 2007 /  #238
Yup thats right Folks, even ET was an immigrant.
Kilkline  1 | 682  
9 Nov 2007 /  #239
There are similarities between ET and immigrants:

ET only came for a short visit but due to circumstances had to stay longer.

Poor English language skills.

Constantly blathering on about wanting to go home but never doing anything about it.

Like most immigrants he was short and could mend things.
9 Nov 2007 /  #240
well what do you do liza ? you work in an office of some sort, surely there must have been someone out there who can do what you can, yes i don't have anything wrong with people coming here i'm not 100% against immigration but when it's keeping our own peoples wages down and making it harder for people here to gain work because of the poles then a lot of people are talking about it , especially here in the merseyside area they will put anyone out of work it seems by living on the bare minimum with hoards of them in little houses , this nonsense about them being better workers is that NONSENSE what it is is they can be manipulated and told to work nights ,weekends for no extra cash whereas the british worker always had rights and unions , now these poles have destroyed a lot of our unions and working conditions , i even read an article where it said poles are angry about bulgarians coming and romanians because it could take work away from them how ironic is that ? it's only a matter of time before something goes down i feel the tension everyday there is big fights between english and poles in liverpool but the media are trying to keep it down as much as they can incase riots start breaking out, i can say this i can see many poles ending up getting hurt if this goes on

i got my sources from migrationwatch uk, the politicians will lie because they made a complete disaster with many talking about britain coming out of the EU , even the primeminister has said british jobs for british people , plus at least 70% of poles send money back and don't use it in our economy benefiting nobody here, THEY WILL WORK FOR NOTHING people here getting notices to say they are being finished the next day hoards of dirty eastern europeans doing jobs like scabs for half the pay ,now that should never be allowed , i'm in the building trade as a fully qualified electrician and i know i can do the job better than any poles coming here most of them don't even have 16th edition the system in poland is not as advanced as ours they don't even have a proper earthing system , so to be told that there better than us is an absolute insult ! they will try and put brits out of work and destroy any working rights we once had

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