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Former minister admits UK messed up on immigration

OP InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
16 Oct 2014 /  #31
Merged: UK govt drawing up 'radical' EU immigration control

Seems to me that the Tories can sense the keys to Number 10 slipping from their grasp after UKIP's surge

David Cameron is considering demanding that Britain be given an "emergency brake" on the number of European jobseekers after promising MPs a "game-changing" new immigration policy.

The prime minister has so far said only that he wants to curb benefit tourism and extend blocks on migrants from newly joined EU countries. Under increasing pressure from Ukip's poll surge, however, Downing Street is now drawing up more radical options.


I have no idea how they'd actually do this, but it's interesting to hear these noises and the frantic wriggling as it all starts to unravel.
cms neuf  2 | 1959  
11 Jun 2018 /  #32
[moved from]

But the EU has already accepted the British letter saying they will leave and have given them a concrete date to do so and a transition period with an end date (which the British are now trying to leave as open ended).

Only problem is the British are now in chaos - they have reduced immigration alright, thanks to the collapse in the pound then its not attractive any more compared to Spain, France or Germany. However the side effects of that are disastrous and already costing British families and the British govt dear - the govt might fall this week because they still cant decide how to manage Brexit and still cant be honest with the voters about the huge clusterf**k it will cause.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
11 Jun 2018 /  #33
UK has NOT reduced immigration and the pound has NOT collapsed.
Please get your facts right.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
11 Jun 2018 /  #34
Roz,it's not just over dramatic,it's just not true.....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Jun 2018 /  #35
they have reduced immigration alright, thanks to the collapse in the pound then its not attractive any more compared to Spain, France or Germany.

Yeah right... look at all the videos of people at the jungle in Calais - all of them want to go to UK, not one wants to stay in France and even less so italy, weak pound or strong pound... that doesn't matter to migrants who plan to live off benefits which will be several times more than theyd ever make back herding goats or harvesting opium

But yes the pound fell even more today against usd, its at a low point for 2018

pound has NOT collapsed.

No you're right just severely weakened.

What has collapsed in the uk js freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of media and especially English culture which use to be the guide for sophistication worldwide. Now you have parallel societies complete with sharia courts and patrols while MPs cal for kitchen knives to not be 'so pointy' and have rounded tips so less people die from stabbings in which both victim and suspect are overwhelmingly not English or even european
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
12 Jun 2018 /  #36
good. frankly there are too many bloody foreigners in the UK anyway.. and they are getting really cocky and rude.
My Bulgarian neighbours have complained about me to our landlord several times, in an effort to get me evicted, to move more bloody Bulgarians in.

I mean they come over from their shitey country, to do a job that locals now cannot get, and then get all rude and ignorant. One of them fell into the machine that mechanically recovers meat at the factory, and is now disabled. Next time I hope he goes headfirst tbh.

I should add , as it is PF, that the Polish are actually OK, don't mind them. Its the Romanians, Bulgarians and all the rest of them. They should all just feckorf to where they came from tbh., and if a weak pound pushes them that way, then it's all good.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Jun 2018 /  #37
frankly there are too many bloody foreigners in the UK anyway

That's what you get for having open borders and a joke of an immigration policy. And atleast the Bulgarians and Romanians arent setting up parallel societies or engaging in spontaneous cultural enrichment. Not are they grooming young English girls.

Besides you cant say that the British thought police might fine or jail you for saying things that are so logical and true.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
12 Jun 2018 /  #38
That's what you get for having open borders

What are you talking about? The U.K. does not have open borders. They are not part of the Schengen Area.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
12 Jun 2018 /  #39
The UK is not part of The Schengen Area but you are extremely naive if you think that makes much difference to most EU citizens coming here.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
12 Jun 2018 /  #40
Miloslaw, we were talking about open borders; i.e. no passport controls to speak of when someone enters the country. This is simply not true for the U.K., even though the country is very welcoming to citizens of other EU members. The biggest issue is probably not migration from the continent, but from Commonwealth citizens that seem to (still?) move to the U.K. in large numbers.
Miloslaw  22 | 5231  
12 Jun 2018 /  #41
You make a good point about immigration from outside of The EU,that is in our control.
But I suspect that most of them have talents we need,doctors,nurses,computer programmers etc.....I employ unskilled workers and all of them have EU passports,even though many of The Portuguese are actually Indian and most of The Italians are from Brazil....these guys know how to work the system.....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Jun 2018 /  #42
What are you talking about? The U.K. does not have open borders.

I'm taking about the tens of millions of invaders the brits let in that are treating the English left and right. Atleast they dont discriminate and paid for a lot of polish immigrants welfare, so thanks for that united kaliphate.

The British let in anyone woth a bogus asylum claim, let them stay wherever they want while bogus claim.is processed, than ones their claim os denied they csnt find them because their whole plaijust end up slipping through the cracks. Other countries dont play that sh1t if they have even the slightest inkling theyre lying they put them in jail or send em back to whatever country they crossed from. Well not germany, France, sweden of course as theyre just as cucked.

Who would have thought that turd world goat herders would outsmart the brits? Yet millions got in this way...

Dude you complain about women in us, women in poland... polish women are beautiful imo theyre far more physically attractive than American girls but not nearly as freaky... you can pretty much forget polish milfs and even to an extent housewives looking for a bull. You gotta change up ur strategy... And moping around wont get your blood flowing thats for sure. Don't even talk like that saying Anthony bordain tool the easy route, he took the pussy ***** ass route. You need to man up. You think other people haven't done time or been through sh1t? It happens you learn from it and move on...

With all the money flowing into poland the past 10 15 years the girls realized they can charge a lot more for their pussy and hence you have more prissy high maintenance types. U just gotta break past that and make sure they know their place. At the end of the day most polish girls are still very traditional its just that they put on a hard act at first. Or find one that has low self esteem, maybe has daddy issues or whatever. There's lots of these girls you just have to know where to look Treat her nice at first and before you know it she's totally cuffed. Now go get em. ****** take some rolls if it helps you talk to girls theyre dirt cheap in poland. I guaruntee your ass will chat up some broad and if you got good rolls it won't even matter how she looks youll take her home and eben the biggest limp dick on the face of the earth will wear a ***** out till sunrise
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
13 Jun 2018 /  #43
I am not talking about 'asylum seekers' Dirk I am talking about EU trash. Try to read more carefully.

Obviously the UK doesn't have 'open borders'.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
13 Jun 2018 /  #44
Maybe when and if Brexit kicks in, we can get rid of all the Bulgarian, Romanian, Moldovan and wherever, scum.
only the Polish are actually OK.
You can tell the difference by approaching a group of them and asking for a cigarette...the first lot will just scowl and say no, while the Polish guys will whip their ciggies out sharpish, rather charmingly...
jon357  72 | 23668  
13 Jun 2018 /  #45
I've noticed that. A few times (in a town with large post-2004 settlement from Poland and the Baltic's that the people from Lithuania, Latvia etc never speak to anyone and just look glum. The Poles (to be fair, some also look rather glum) do at least engage a bit. Sometimes I've been stopped and asked for directions. They really don't expect the reply to be in Polish and always seem pleasantly surprised.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
13 Jun 2018 /  #46
I am talking about EU trash

Some we grew in Britain earlier, It's getting hard to tell between the Home grown scum and the imported variety these days.

Today's catch !!!

Child sex gang of eight 'predatory' men who abused girls as young as 13 in a 's*** wagon' with the number plate ending 'SHG' are jailed for a total of almost 90 YEARS

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Jun 2018 /  #47
Obviously the UK doesn't have 'open borders'.

Well to me open borders is getting flooded by less than desirable migrants, and the way I see it uk has been thoroughly flooded

eight 'predatory' men

I can't believe its all muslims..... not

Direct result of uks open borders...
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Jun 2018 /  #48
Child sex gang

Your post suggests that you think that such attacks are more prevalent in Britain than here. I reckon here that a lot of rapes are never even reported in the first place.

At least these dangerous individuals are actually reported in full in the rags and more importantly, in the local press in the UK Dolno. Here, in Poland, all we get is "Mariusz C, of Gdansk, was sent to jail for ten years today for abusing young girls..."

No names, no addresses, no justice.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
13 Jun 2018 /  #49
Well to me open borders is

Who cares what it mean to you? Use wards and phrases to describe reality and to make yourselfers understood not to express your childish inner self.

Anyway, it is obvious you 'mistake' stem form your ignorance not from your carless use of the language.

e way I see it uk has been thoroughly flooded

Its globalization for you. Poland is next. Hopefully there won't be many Muslims amongst those invited to Poland.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
13 Jun 2018 /  #50
No names, no addresses, no justice

Here you go you will find em here

Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Jun 2018 /  #51
you will find em here

I was talking about media reporting. Not a register. You are being obtuse as usual:)
Plus, that register doesn't tell us what the offender has done. Worse than useless, on informing the general public of the danger I would have said.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
13 Jun 2018 /  #52
. Not a register. You are being obtuse as usual

I thought you wanted names and addresses, so I gave you a list, You are being acute as usual.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Jun 2018 /  #53
the way I see it uk has been thoroughly flooded

I presume you mean by non-whites. Otherwise, how could you tell at a glance? We generally get on OK with our Asian neighbours AFAIK. I certainly did as a student in London. They were decent people, and although they didn't have a lot they would sometimes invite a starving student in for supper. Eastern Europeans, on the other hand, as Roz has indicated, sometimes demand.

Of course Blair didn't expect the mass migration of new member block peoples, because he was busy playing politics. but in the end , it turned out alright, because the influx raised GDP 0.7% according to some figure I saw.

Also, as I have indicated before (your notes will tell you this) people from the new member states often seem to be under the misapprehension that they are somehow "superior" to the Asian population. It would be quite amusing, if not so disgusting in fact.


What addresses? There are none. If you call a city an address, then good luck finding someone, or in this case, avoiding them.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
13 Jun 2018 /  #54
We generally get on OK with our Asian neighbours

Apart from the Muslims where the majority prefer to live apart from general society, there are a few exceptions tho.


well look at the pictures then, see if you spot a neighbour,
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Jun 2018 /  #55
it turned out alright, because the influx raised GDP 0.7% according to some figure I saw.

The stupidest argument ever. If I were forced to feed and house a family of illegals, my GDP would shoot through the roof. According to the perverted logic you just cited, that would be a good thing for me and the country.

God, have mercy on the stupid as they don't know what they are saying.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
13 Jun 2018 /  #56
We generally get on OK with our Asian neighbours AFAIK.

Suuuuure you do. Beheadings of soldiers, child grooming gangs, rape squads and spontaneous cultural enrichment not withstanding right?

somehow "superior" to the Asian population

Considering that Europeans were writing constitutions, symphonies, installing electricity, plumbing and phone lines and inventing computers phones cars airplanes along with conquering the globe while others were (and in many cases still are) living in mud huts and still illiterate, id say europeans as a whole have a legit claim. If it wasn't for europeans discovering oil in the Arab world theyd still be as poor as they were 100 years ago.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
13 Jun 2018 /  #57
Considering that Europeans were writing constitutions, symphonies, installing electricity, plumbing and phone lines and inventing computers...

There was an exhibition showing who achieved what in the 14th century. One of the exhibits was an Italian clock. It was a masterpiece.

The only exhibit from Africa was a mask with a bone through the nose.

That proved again and beyond any doubt that all races are equal.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Jun 2018 /  #58
The stupidest argument ever. .

Easy for you to say, living in a high GDP country. Immigration raises GDP. Why? Well, for a start. some Asians wouldn't turn Corpus Christi into an excuse to be bone idle and do **** all on the Friday, thus reducing GDP. Got it now?

Of course, in a rich country you don't need to worry about growth. Poland on the other hand should. EU money artificially inflating its' growth potential wont last for ever. One IT employer here told me they are taking on two new graduates this month, both Ukrainian. When I asked why, they answered, "because they want to work."

That's immigration for you. A fact of life.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
13 Jun 2018 /  #59
europeans discovering oil in the Arab world

That's why you can't blame Arabs for coming to Europe and making a home here. Dubai is such a shi--, full of Chelsea footballers, and other illiterates, and sand and more sand, and no alcohol, so I don't begrudge them some fun in London.

Poles with more money than sense and too much time on their hands go the other way. I have lost count of the number of times I have to listen to "Dubai is amazing.." That's fine too, as they clearly bored shitless. I'm as racist as you are, but only because I don't want to go those places and endure the heat and the flies and the poverty. So I am much more at peace with that than you should be , because I can see how Europe can be a better life for those peoples.

And if you cared a jot about demographics, where Europe is severely underpopulated, and for people's lifestyles, you would know that Europe needs immigration. But of course you and your like don't want others to have a good lifestyle - you want to keep them down.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
13 Jun 2018 /  #60
Well, for a start. some Asians wouldn't turn Corpus Christi into an excuse to be bone idle and do **** all on the Friday, thus reducing GDP. Got it now?

You Don't have a clue do you. you just make things up to put Poland down and support your free for all agenda.

India has the most number of public holidays, at around 21 days each year, even more depending on which state you live in.

In the Asia-Pacific region, the Philippines has the second-most public holidays with 18, followed by China and Hong Kong (17), Thailand (16)

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