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Fertile Polish Women in the UK

hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
18 Aug 2012 /  #1
Something is in the air, or perhaps our water. As Polish women far out-breed their British and other foreign nationality peers in the United Kingdom.

I'm not one to believe facts and statistics, i like to find my own truth, as it were.

Some Searching led me to the main forum for Polish Mothers. Naturally i scroll down to the "International" section.
What do i find stickied at the top? with 94572 Views, and 1,126 replies?? - Sticky: Benefits and Benefits in the UK
Closely followed by Sticky: social issues in Ireland
The stickied thread titled Sticky: allowances for a child born in Germany Only has 28 replies. This is a country with a land border with Poland.

In 2010 the three countries with the highest number of births to mothers from outside the UK
were Poland, Pakistan and India. Between 2001 and 2006 Pakistan, India and Bangladesh were
consistently the three most common countries of birth for non-UK born mothers. However in 2007,
Poland replaced Bangladesh as the third most common country, rising to second place in 2008 and
first place in 2010. Poland first appeared in the top 10 most common countries of birth for non-UK
born mothers in 2005 when it was ninth. In 2001 there were 896 live births in England and Wales to
Polish born mothers, compared with 1,830 in 2004 when Poland joined the EU and 19,762 in 2010


Even a Pole Himself has noticed this Phenomenon.

The phenomenon of fertility Polish women in the UK.
Wroclaw Boy  
18 Aug 2012 /  #2
Like it or not - if the shoe was on the other foot you'd probably do the same thing.

Societal structures have ultimately caused this.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
18 Aug 2012 /  #3
Something is in the air, or perhaps our water

You are right. Foreigners need to leave Europe. Starting with islamics..

See you later.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
18 Aug 2012 /  #4
This is a country with a land border with Poland.

don't say
Szlachcic  - | 36  
20 Aug 2012 /  #5
Even a Pole Himself has noticed this Phenomenon.

you don't understand how poor they live in Poland!!

this is very good for them to get these benefits and find work!

every month, more and more of my young cousins are moving to UK, not because they want to, but because they are desperate for work and considerably good pay!
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
20 Aug 2012 /  #6
This thread isn't about Beenfits or even Immigration.
It's about the incessant breeding that goes on once they get here.

Who are you rozumiemnic ?

Let me take a wild stab in the dark. British Pole-Wannabe Ancestry. Inspired of course.. Great Great Grandad was from Poland?
Wroclaw Boy  
20 Aug 2012 /  #7
every month, more and more of my young cousins are moving to UK, not because they want to, but because they are desperate for work and considerably good pay!

Yup, its especially evident in and around the small villages.
Tobster  - | 10  
20 Aug 2012 /  #8
Well, my Polish other half doesn't want kids.

Incidentally, any UK resident on less than £40k with kids is entitled to certain child benefits, regardless of where they're from. The government wants them to be claimed to reduce the number of malnourished and poorly educated children. I'd debate whether or not this works, but the bottom line is it's quite sensible to sticky such information on any mothers forum.
Malopolanin  3 | 132  
20 Aug 2012 /  #9
In 2010 the three countries with the highest number of births to mothers from outside the UK
were Poland, Pakistan and India.

I wonder how many fathers are Polish.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
20 Aug 2012 /  #10
The phenomenon of fertility Polish women in the UK.

So true; /when I visit England I can't come within 10 feet of a Polish woman without her getting pregnant. Is it the British air?
polishmama  3 | 279  
20 Aug 2012 /  #11
What's with the repeated posts started by the same people over and over again expressing and "proving" that their prejudiced views are "correct" here on PF? You know, when you focus your life to revolve around hating a person or group of persons, you just have a hate filled and unsatisfactory life since those people don't go away whether you focus on hating them or not.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
20 Aug 2012 /  #12
I can't come within 10 feet of a Polish woman without her getting pregnant.

You must pay a lot of child support then... ;)
Piorun  - | 655  
20 Aug 2012 /  #13
Is it the British air?

Perhaps you have a shoe fetish and you find Shiny Black Galoshes irresistible. :) It's not the air, it's the damn British weather.
Meathead  5 | 467  
21 Aug 2012 /  #14
you don't understand how poor they live in Poland!!

Tell Cameron to ship the Poles to the US, but keep the Indians and Pakistans where they're at. Poles are American Immigrants, Pakistans and Indians are British.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
25 Nov 2012 /  #15
Merged: Britain - The Charity for Polish Mums & Babies

I picked out the cream of the crop -


Benefits from the first week in the UK-what? Single mother

Hi all. I have a request. I read somewhere that some benefits may receive a single mother after having worked in the UK 12 months. If you come in June with his son with pieniążkami on renting an apartment, we will gladly take the job minimum 20 hours. -more hours per week, the organization of care for the boy, can I count on benefits? If so, which? Please do help me. I'm worried if I can manage finanasowo.

I found a few similar stories (I'm pregnant, i'm going to England, what do i deserve?)

perhaps this is indicative of a very real reality in Poland. Women are getting pregnant and instantly thinking about moving to a foreign country. Incredible.
25 Nov 2012 /  #16
I found a few similar stories (I'm pregnant, i'm going to England, what do i deserve?)

WHERE she has written that she is pregnant?! Oh, please tell me WHERE?! WHERE?!!!?!?!!!!!!!!!??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hudsonhicks she already has a a son and she's going to uk to work! As I have already said you don't understand comments on those sites you read! They're in Polish and those English translation you provide are cr*p
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
25 Nov 2012 /  #17
I didn't say the lady in the quote was already pregnant, i said i found similar" i'm pregnant" ones.


What benefits to a woman who does not worked in England and is 5 months pregnant and not working / but by the end she worked in Poland. Ask for hints.
25 Nov 2012 /  #18
I didn't say the lady in the quote was already pregnant, i said i found similar" i'm pregnant" ones.

Then why haven't you quoted one about pregnant Pole going to UK for benefits?

The link doesn't work. The site doesn't exist, check spelling

Now it works.

Too bad you haven't bothered to read the answer she got, which is: "There is NONE" :)))

By the way, are you curious why the ferility rates among Polish women in the UK are high? Let me give you a hint - maybe it has something with the average age...
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
25 Nov 2012 /  #19
By the way, are you curious why the fertility rates among Polish women in the UK are high? Let me give you a hint - maybe it has something with the average age...

Are you ignoring that screenshot i posted on purpose?


This person is the lowest of the low.

Asking for "Funeral Benefit" WTF.. does that even exist?
25 Nov 2012 /  #20
Are you ignoring that screenshot i posted on purpose?

No, I gave it a look. Some unintelligiblely translated list of threads. What should I notice there?

Asking for "Funeral Benefit" WTF.. does that even exist?

Ha ha, that's why I laugh on your lame translations, lol.
In Poland every person is obligatorily insured in case of death to cover (the part of) the costs of the funeral.
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
25 Nov 2012 /  #21
No, I gave it a look. Some unintelligiblely translated list of threads. What should I notice there?

You must be kidding. It's never 100% But i know BENFITS, HOUSING BENEFITS when i see it.


You're either delusional, stupid or trying to deflect peoples focus onto myself hopefully bypassing the picture or looking at the forums ;)
25 Nov 2012 /  #22
You must be kidding. It's never 100% But i know BENFITS, HOUSING BENEFITS when i see it.

If you check forums or forum sections which are devoted to subject of Benefits then no wonder.

You're either delusional, stupid or trying to deflect peoples focus onto myself hopefully bypassing the picture or looking at the forums ;)

Don't you have anything to add about "funeral benefit"? LOL
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
25 Nov 2012 /  #23

Don't you have anything to add about "funeral benefit"? LOL

I didn't know such thing existed.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
25 Nov 2012 /  #24
I didn't know such thing existed.

Course it does. We have benefits for everything. You can get up to £700 towards the costs of funeral expenses if you're on a 'low income'..

Not sure if we have benefits for the mental stress of writing large cheques to HMRC. I must check as I've just done that.
25 Nov 2012 /  #25
If you check forums or forum sections which are devoted to subject of Benefits then no wonder.

And that's exactly what you did.

You printscreened the section of the forum named "ZASI£KI" (Benefits). Smart ;DDD
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
25 Nov 2012 /  #26
Housing Benefit is for African/Jamaican breeding machines. NOT Polish
25 Nov 2012 /  #27
Just to remind you: according to yourself Poles are breeding machines as well.
TommyG  1 | 359  
25 Nov 2012 /  #28
Housing Benefit is for African/Jamaican breeding machines. NOT Polish

So you're a hypocrite as well as a racist?
It has already been mentioned about the age of the Polish migrant workers.
Many of these young couples are either married or get married in the UK and start a family. Something that they are perfectly entitled to do.

If you don't like living in an EU country with all the benefits (no, not welfare) that go with that, feel free to leave.

The UK and Poland are member states of the EU. Fortunately for all of us, most politicians are a lot smarter than you are.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Nov 2012 /  #29
But i know BENFITS, HOUSING BENEFITS when i see it.

I bet you know them when you see them!
OP hudsonhicks  21 | 346  
27 Nov 2012 /  #30
Could someone translate this for me?

Ja pracuje na wyspach od 10 lat, studiowalem rowniez tutaj. Niestety nie macie pojecia, ale od pieciu lat Polacy przynosza nam wstyd. Znaja i wykorzystuja wszystkie kruczki prawne o ktorych Anglicy nawet nie mysla. Bylem oskarzony o molestowanie seksulane przez Polke, ktora kradla w pracy, bylem oskarzony a rasizm przez Polaka alkocholika obie sprawy musialem bronic w sadzie pracy i wygralem, ale stresy i nikt nie odda(Polka skonczyla nawet z finansowa karo, bo miala druga nielegalna prace i mimo, ze nie placila podatkow to i tak zglosila mnie do sadu pracowniczego. Alkocholik byl za glupi, by nie pic centralnie pod kamera CCTV). Mlodzi wiedza, ze jak sie nie chce przyjsc do pracy do wystarczy zglosic depresje i dostac zwolnienie na tydzien, a pozniej widze leserow jak pchaja koszyki z polskim piwem w supermarkecie. Moj sasiad zaplanowa poczecia dziecka w Polsce i przywiezienia zony do Anglii w okolo 3-cim miesiacu, wiec dziecko bedzie mialo mozliwosc posiadania takiej samej zapomogi socjalnej jak Anglicy. Zemsta tynkarza? Kwalifikacje naszych pracownikow to juz niestety mit, takich elektrykow, malarzy, tynkarzy - tych ludzi ktorzy teraz przyjazdzaja to kazdy moze zastapic uczac sie z gazet o majsterkowaniu. Wstyd legend naszych pilotow, bo 100% ludzi z ajkimi pracowalem ostatnie 5 lat to bezczelne, niedouczone zera zwiń

Specifically the part talking about planning of conception in Poland to it's timed correctly for social assistance in the UK>

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Fertile Polish Women in the UKArchived