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23 Jan 2011 /  #31
i've seen with my own eyes that a significant amount of white women has no problem to reject decent looking white guys without mercy

a) You aren't even anything close to decent looking.
b) You are such a hugely unpleasant person that the only chance you've got of having sex with a woman without paying for it is to get yourself down to the local graveyard and dig up a corpse.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
23 Jan 2011 /  #32
but if one day I found myself alone with a beautiful
black woman, then despite all the upbringing, education, religion etc. I might find it quite
difficult not to shamelessly and skillfully seduce her.

But what's wrong in it?

Upbringing, education and a proper concept of God as the Creator of all the Creations should only bolster your belief of human's over just the skin tone. Going for someone with color to find love or a lasting relationship is not shameless thing to do, but infact something quite wonderful.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
23 Jan 2011 /  #33
and a proper concept of God as the Creator of all the Creations should only bolster your belief of human's over just the skin tone.

Here here, I wasnt going to mention the hypocracy of claiming religion then also claiming one races implicit superiority over anothers down to being an unashamed basher of all organised cults. But, I cant remember anywhere having heard Jesus' sermon of the white mans supperiority over the brown man or his one where he talks about wishing for racial segregation as part of the kingdom of heaven on earth....
23 Jan 2011 /  #34
But what's wrong in it?

I'm a married man and that changes the perspective slightly, doesn't it?
That's why I mentioned upbringing and religion (of course, it was all supposed
to be said in a jokingly manner - I forgot to put smileys there, sorry.)
OP wildrover  98 | 4431  
23 Jan 2011 /  #35
Upbringing, education and a proper concept of God as the Creator of all the Creations

Why is it then , that Poland , which has more than its fair share of god botherers..has so many racists...???
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
23 Jan 2011 /  #36
I'm a married man and that changes the perspective slightly, doesn't it?
That's why I mentioned upbringing and religion

lol,sorry bout that,missunderstandings again eh? :)
It was "till death us do part" rather than "you dont come from around here boy" :)
23 Jan 2011 /  #37
It was "till death us do part" rather than "you dont come from around here boy" :)

Yeah, as far as I can recall :) I really have to remember to put more smileys in my posts in the future.
Wroclaw Boy  
23 Jan 2011 /  #38
I'm a married man and that changes the perspective slightly, doesn't it?

Dont you just hate it when one doesnt silence the inquisitive side before one chains himself for life.

Totally agreed re: pretty black women, theres a lot to find sexy about them.

Halle Berry! she is one extremely attractive lady.
BBman  - | 343  
24 Jan 2011 /  #39
ere's no denial, in both Western and Eastern Europe i've seen with my own eyes that a significant amount of white women has no problem to reject decent looking white guys without mercy but when a butt ugly turk or negroe wants to dance or talk with her, she suddenly cares about their feelings by not rejecting them and agreeing to dance/talk so as not to feel racist. It's a disgusting phenomen, but it definitely exists.

White women reject white men and go for blacks, pakis etc. simply to rebel against their parents' expectations. Women can be like children at times.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
24 Jan 2011 /  #40
It's good that he didn't run away and that the police were able to arrest him. He's going to be considered for release from prison in 15 years? That's crazy.
OP wildrover  98 | 4431  
24 Jan 2011 /  #41
To get released he is going to have to show he is no longer a danger...something that might be difficult....

Mind you the UK does not have such a good record on letting go of people who go on to kill again..
Boz  - | 23  
24 Jan 2011 /  #42
Why is it then , that Poland , which has more than its fair share of god botherers..has so many racists...???

Perhaps remembering a history of Poland being run by Jews for Jews and then being hermetically sealed under Communism hasn't helped enlighten them???...I could be wrong
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
24 Jan 2011 /  #43
being run by Jews for Jews and then being hermetically sealed under Communism hasn't helped enlighten them?

Enlighten them with becoming modern day Jew haters? Poles for all the atrocities that has happened in their country should be the embodiment of tolerance.
Varsovian  91 | 634  
24 Jan 2011 /  #44

I'm guessing you're from planet Earth ...
shewolf  5 | 1077  
27 Jan 2011 /  #45
Mind you the UK does not have such a good record on letting go of people who go on to kill again..

Same thing in the U.S. They get out of prison and kill again and then everyone complains that they never should have been let out. The weird thing about this guy is that he didn't care that the neighbor was watching and it wasn't the usual murder. It was overkill.
Boz  - | 23  
27 Jan 2011 /  #46
a proper concept of God as the Creator of all the Creations s

That's a narrow sanctimonious view...not to mention 'Medieval'
trav  - | 2  
24 Jun 2012 /  #47
Merged: Polish girl robbed in UK

I have some information to pass on to a Polish girl who was robbed of cash by a fraudster here in the UK. The information will help her to get her money back. She doesn't speak English, so I'm hoping someone can translate the short note I've prepared into Polish for me. If you can help, please PM me. Thanks :)

P.s. I just read the forum rules about asking for translation - given I am trying to help out a Polish national who is having financial difficulty, I hope the moderators will make an exception in this case. I just want to help the girl out. There is nothing in this for me.