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Polish English marriage in England- advice please

sean0801  1 | 4  
6 Jan 2010 /  #1
Hi folks, i've had a quick look around the site but couldn't find what i was looking for so here goes stupid question time ;-)

Bit of background, my girlfriend and i have been together for 3 years. I am divorced and have a 13 year old son. Son and girlfriend get on great so no problems there. We've been over to see her folks a few times, met the family, been to weddings etc and after the initial misgivings everything's ok on that front as well. So far so good :-)

So i decided to make an honest woman of her and popped the question on holiday (egypt) last month, she said Tak so all is well in the world of sean :-)

This is the bit where we need help from the forum friendlies please.
My girlfriend would dearly like to get married in a catholic church, obviously she is catholic, and i am also technically but i would best describe myself as spiritual but not religious (if that makes sense). Also i am divorced and am not sure how the catholic church views this in the 21st century, certainley when i last regularly attended church (25 years ago) it was not possible to re-marry in a catholic church.

Then there's the legal side of it, what special docments or polish laws need to be respected in england? we've heard of documents needing translating etc etc but can't seem to find a definative answer

So, we would both really appreciate any help either from personal experience or maybe you could point us in the direction of websites or books with definative information on english polish marriage in the UK.

Thanks for reading and thanks for any help

Cheers, Sean
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
6 Jan 2010 /  #2
Also i am divorced and am not sure how the catholic church views this in the 21st century

Hi Sean,

Since the catholic church does not recognise divorce the only chance of marrying in a catholic church would be to have your first marriage annuled I think. Not my specialist subject but there are certain circumstances that would allow annulment but few people seem to meet them. Annulment typically takes over a year so I've heard. All in all it look like you will be heading for a civil ceremony only I'm afraid.

There were a few threads around about the legal side of marriage on here so it's worth your while using the search facility. I seem to recall most of them were for marriages in Poland rather than in the UK.
jonni  16 | 2475  
6 Jan 2010 /  #3
and i am also technically

This might change things.

Was your previous marriage a Catholic ceremony? Were you formally Catholic at the time? If the answers are No and Yes, in that order, you may still be able to marry in a Catholic ceremony.

If however the marriage was a Catholic ceremony, you may still be able to get a church divorce (there's a thread on that somewhere here) which is easy to get if you were very young when you married. Anullments are harder to get but still possible.
OP sean0801  1 | 4  
6 Jan 2010 /  #4
Thanks for the reply, No my previous marriage was not a Catholic ceremony and i was a catholic only in so much as i was christened a catholic and brought up a catholic as a child, went to church schools etc etc. I was kinda hoping that catholic attitudes had relaxed over the years to be honest because it's important to my fiancee. I guess my next move must be to talk to a priest.

Lisica  - | 6  
6 Jan 2010 /  #5
Hey Sean,

I'm Polish and got married to an Irish fella recently so maybe can help u a bit in here.
I'm guessing the documents u need to provide would be the same in UK and in ROI.
We got married in Registry Office in Ireland and planning a catholic church wedding in Poland soon. It's a little bit different than your case but we went through all the options so know exactly what you may need.

If you married in catholic church before (1st marriage) u need to get it annulled. U know that already.
While waiting for annulment (if you wanna go that way) you can plan a civil ceremony. Most of the Registry Offices in Poland have all the facilities to make yr day very special, with champagne and all that stuff...

For civil ceremony we needed to get appointment 3 months before the wedding to provide all the documents (the same in Poland). You should call the office asap to check if the date that u've chosen is available. U r gonna need to bring yr birth cert (translated), yr fiancee birth cert, yr divorce cert translated (don't know the exact name of the document), your passports. We had to bring or witnesses copy of the passports as well.

We had a quick interview in the office to prepare some kind of marriage notification and that was it.
On the day don't forget to bring yr passports and yr witnesses should bring them too.

We got married in a civil ceremony in ROI before the church wedding in Poland to avoid some of the paperwork, cause it's a pain in the ass to fly back and forward to Poland just to bring the paperwork (we live in Ireland).

I bet ya the church wedding is gonna be even bigger pain for u than a civil one.
I know cause mine is a pain...
For church wedding you need to get appointment with a priest to fill in the paperwork - again it's an interview. If you are not very religious I wouldn't even mention it to a Polish priest, unless he's a very nice fella.

The docs you need:
- christening certs
- confirmation certs
- passports
- Pre-marriage course cert
- if both of u live in UK you should go to a priest in yr Parish and get him to give you permission to marry in different Parish than yr own

- and of course the annulment cert from the first marriage.

Hope I helped a little bit. The best way is to simply call them up and ask what u need to bring.

Good luck
OP sean0801  1 | 4  
8 Jan 2010 /  #6
Thanks for the reply, very much appreciated.

I dont know why the church makes it so difficult but it even makes my girlfriend think about a different ceremony, we might just go to the caribean and get married.

I have no idea where my baptism and confirmation documents would be and i dont have contact with my parents to ask them. They're dead, so pretty hard to find out ;-)

There is a Polish church in manchester that i used to attend when i was a child, i will ask the questions there and if the catholic church wont marry us, then it's their loss as far as i'm concerned.

As much as dislike the church, i have to much respect for the ideals to lie to the priest
1jola  14 | 1875  
8 Jan 2010 /  #7
No my previous marriage was not a Catholic ceremony

Then you will have no problem getting married in church. This would be the case in Poland. I can't see the Church in England having different rules. Remember, the Church is not against you and wants you to be married in church. See if the local priest is friendly and will make your preparation painless. He may have good advice how to obtain your certificates of past sacraments. Stealing our women, huh? :)
OP sean0801  1 | 4  
8 Jan 2010 /  #8
Damn right, ;-)
7 Oct 2010 /  #9
Yes.. I had my marriage of 10 years annulled by the church.. There are websites out there where you can get the forms and you have to have people who are going to back up your story as to why you were divorced.. Usually the accepted reasons is adultery, abuse , either physical or mental, stuff like that.. It took probably close to a year but I received mine.. You have to go to the Diocese for your State, they should have a website.. Hope that helps
17 Dec 2010 /  #10
Sean if you were baptised you are still a Catholic in the eyes of the Church. If you were legally divorced then all you need is a statement of non-impediment.

To saitisfy the powers that be in Poland you will need Cert of Non-impediment, copy of long birth cert, copy of Baptism cert, maybe a copy of your confirmation stuff from school. You will have to satisfy both the Starostwo and the Priest.

I was brought up RC but have been an atheist since probably the age of 13. The Polish priest who married us knew this, yet as long as I recognised and accepted the Catholc religion my wife has there was no problem, after all I had been baptised a Catholic and there is only one way out of that in the Churches eyes !!!

Good luck
hn2011  - | 1  
28 Feb 2011 /  #11
Merged: Marriage...Birth Certificate Issue (I do not have a "British" Birth Certificate)

Hello everybody

I am a British citizen and planning to get marry to my Polish fiancee in Poland, and I got my Passport, my Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage and a Birth Certificate, however since I was not a born in the UK, I do not have a "British" Birth Certificate. Will this be a problem for me to get marry in Poland.

Also on my Birth Certificate, I have a middle name, but my Passport and Certificate of No Impediment, I only have my First and Family name, would this be a problem.

I hope that someone might have been through this or have some known of it.

Many thanks in advance for any help and advice you can give.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 Feb 2011 /  #12
Nah, no problem. As long as the data all matches, it's no problem.

Bear in mind that the CNI is only valid for 3 months, though.

I only have my First and Family name, would this be a problem.

Nope, can't imagine it being a problem.

Are you getting a civil or church wedding?
sanjroger  - | 1  
9 Jan 2012 /  #13
Merged: Information about marriage in England to a Polish girl


I am international student in uk and i have girl friend and she is from poland and she lives in poland cause she is studying there and also she is pregnant thats why she want to do marriage with me as soon as possible in England so can you please give me some information how we can do marriage in England and what we have to do and is it possible we can do marriage in UK cause I am international student in UK I really need some help about that please give me all information. And also after her study finish in poland she want to do work in UK so what she have to do I mean official documentation and all these things or she just come here or can do anywhere work I am looking forward to get all information.
9 Jan 2012 /  #14
You can not marry her in the UK. However, you can get married in Poland, once you have been to court to get permission.
Ironside  51 | 13109  
9 Jan 2012 /  #15
she want to do marriage with me as soon as possible in England

she lives in poland cause she is studying there

Are you for real ?
I think that is a malicious troll.
shoo ..and marry goat.
9 Jan 2012 /  #16
marry her and stay in poland its much better for you there than in england.
6 Mar 2012 /  #17
Merged: About marrying to a Polish girl, a divorced Indian student in the UK - Law / procedures?


I am divorced indian student in uk and now want to marry to my lovely polish girlfriend in Uk. Could someone please tell me law and procedure here....we are planning to marry around mid april 2012...............I would be very thankful for your guidance....plz help me.

Many thanks in advance.
Looker  - | 1129  
28 Nov 2014 /  #18
Here are the details... gov.uk/marriages-civil-partnerships/overview

Marriages and civil partnerships in the UK

There are usually 2 steps to getting married or entering into a civil partnership in England and Wales:

1. Give notice at your local register office.

2. Have a religious ceremony or civil ceremony at least 16 days after giving notice.

(There may be different steps for some religious ceremonies.)

Watch also the rules for foreign nationals:

If you're a foreign national

You need a visa to come to the UK to give notice, get married or enter a civil partnership if you're from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, and subject to immigration control. This includes people who don't normally require visas for general visits.

Once in the UK (or if you're already in the UK), you and your partner must give at least 16 days' notice at a 'designated' register office if one of you is from outside the EEA or Switzerland, and is subject to immigration control.

Fr Gerard  - | 1  
28 Apr 2017 /  #19
I hope it all worked out for you. The Church would have no problem marrying you because, as a baptised Catholic, your marraige outside the church was not recognised. I tend to find that it is people's perceptions rather than the Church itself that is the problem. I cannot tell you how many times people have told me they didn't get married in Church because of the Church's teaching - when it was not, and never had been, the Church's teaching. It is what we priests call Cod Theology and drives us to despair..
ehango  - | 1  
6 Jun 2018 /  #20
I was wondering if you could help me out. I am Hungarian living in Scotland and about to get married with a Polish fella. Our case is a little complicated because we live in Scotland and expecting a baby very soon. It is very complicated to register the baby to be Hungarian if you are not a married couple and you would need to travel down to London together to arrange paperwork with quite a bit of cost involved. This could be avoidable if we would get married here before the baby comes. My partner is really against the wedding here in this country because he thinks it will ruin our actually wedding ceremony next year in Poland. I've read that you went through a similar process and I was wondering if you can tell me if you can still have a church/civil ceremony there with the witnesses and how does it differ from the normal wedding ceremony?

Thanks a lot
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
6 Jun 2018 /  #21
Also i am divorced and am not sure how the catholic church views this in the 21st century,

Then lie when asked if you were married before. It's actually in their mission to lie all day long about everything, starting with Adam, the chick, and the snake.

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