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A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN"

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
11 Apr 2008 /  #451
I doubt that!

im not sure that citing latin, french and german as one-time-but-no-longer lingua francas necessarily means that english will follow suit. that said, i dont necessarily agree that the role of english as the worldwide lingua franca is irreversible. i believe the future will belong to poly-linguists, which might not include the british. but we are not there yet
Kilkline  1 | 682  
11 Apr 2008 /  #452
I doubt that!
Once it was Latin...it is no more!
Once it was french...it is no more!
Once it was german...it is no more!

Neither Latin, French nor German were ever the worldwide lingua franca to the extent that English is. Its useful to learn French or German when speaking to those French or Germans who havent learnt English but this number is diminishing especially in the business community. neither languages are of any use outside of Europe. The fact is English is the 'default' world language. If an Indian meets a Dutchman, they'll speak English not German or Hindi.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
11 Apr 2008 /  #453
And not to forget languages mix and change heavily over time.

The lingua franca in 250 years might be a mix of english/german/french/spanish and chinese due globalization and Internet! :)
incubus  1 | 146  
11 Apr 2008 /  #454
the idea that the british cant speak foreign languages is as ridiculous as the people who suggest it. the vast majority of us learn at least 1 at school

and how much of that language do they remember when they leave school?

btw the most widely spoken language in the world is chinese :) english is second though, german 10th and polish 26th lol

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
11 Apr 2008 /  #455
Neither Latin, French nor German were ever the worldwide lingua franca to the extent that English is.

The dimension differed but in the time of Latin Rome WAS the world and Latin was long after their fall a most important way to communicate.

Much longer than english is.

If an Indian meets a Dutchman, they'll speak English not German or Hindi.

And the Indian speaks english not by DEFAULT but due the colonial history and the British Empire. That goes for ALL english speaking countries outside the islands - they are not NATIVE languages!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
11 Apr 2008 /  #456
yeah, i guess that`s the kind of people i`m talking about. though you can get across british people (the educated and rich kind) in spain and some of them expect the spanish to speak english to them!

Spanish speak English very well, they are very educated people and understand the needs of people living and visiting, manay Spanish speak German fluently too...but I guess because you get your info second / third hand without actually knowing anyone that lives out there you don't know these things...but that's okay.

i`ve seen many english and british flags hanging out the windows. i wouldn`t say it`s racist but patriotic i guess

Well, you see I realise you dont read the papers very much and now I know the kind of place you live..

You see, when the last major football games were on (you will have to forgive me for wrong terminology but I don’t follow football) the George Flag and the Union Jack were band in certain areas that were, let's say ethic majority - just in case it insited racism, in short, you know feck all about the UK and what goes on...

i meant `mess` as in `mess around`, `mix`. not sure what a wigga is though

Really, I'm quite surprised at your answer....since you have all the attributes...
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
11 Apr 2008 /  #457
and how much of that language do they remember when they leave school?

ive actually built on the 2 languages i learnt at school, and am able to communicate basically in a number more.

the additional language i speak strongest i didnt study at school at all

how about you?
Kilkline  1 | 682  
11 Apr 2008 /  #458
And the Indian speaks english not by DEFAULT but due the colonial history and the British Empire. That goes for ALL english speaking countries outside the islands - they are not NATIVE languages!

Proof that the British Empire was a force for good. :)
incubus  1 | 146  
11 Apr 2008 /  #459
Well, you see I realise you dont read the papers very much and now I know the kind of place you live..

You see, when the last major football games were on (you will have to forgive me for wrong terminology but I don’t follow football) the George Flag and the Union Jack were band in certain areas that were, let's say ethic majority - just in case it insited racism, in short, you know feck all about the UK and what goes on...

what i said, i based on what i`ve seen, not read

Spanish speak English very well, they are very educated people and understand the needs of people living and visiting, manay Spanish speak German fluently too...but I guess because you get your info second / third hand without actually knowing anyone that lives out there you don't know these things...but that's okay.

looks like you don`t even understand what i mean lol i said that the british go to spain and are unable to speak spanish so that the spanish have to speak english to them. tu comprendes? i never said that the spaniards don`t speak english!

And the Indian speaks english not by DEFAULT but due the colonial history and the British Empire. That goes for ALL english speaking countries outside the islands - they are not NATIVE languages!

true true, mein deutsch Bruder :)

ive actually built on the 2 languages i learnt at school, and am able to communicate basically in a number more.

the additional language i speak strongest i didnt study at school at all

how about you?

polish - native,
english - pretty fluent, taught at private english school and while being in england, german - elementary, learned at school, i like the languge but find it difficult

spanish - elementary, private lessons, i want to learn to speak spanish fluent though

what languages do you operate?
11 Apr 2008 /  #460
what languages do you operate?

mainly swearing;) and the language of looooove......
11 Apr 2008 /  #462
mainly swearing;) and the language of looooove......

And isn't it amazing that both can be used at the same time, often in the same sentence?
11 Apr 2008 /  #463
yes. Speaking foreing languages is overrated.
incubus  1 | 146  
11 Apr 2008 /  #464
mainly swearing;) and the language of looooove......

And isn't it amazing that both can be used at the same time, often in the same sentence?

especially if you`re a man.
11 Apr 2008 /  #465
Speaking foreing languages is overrated.

Oh, but to be truly bi-lingual.

especially if you`re a man.

Maybe you haven't found the right man to teach you the key words of the language.

I think you need to speak to southern....

Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Apr 2008 /  #466
Overrated in what sense? Language is power. I count myself as lucky that I can understand basic discussions in different countries. French, Japanese, German and Polish being those languages. Japanese and Polish much stronger. It really aids things, especially as a teacher who can understand students better
11 Apr 2008 /  #467
Oh, lighten up Seanus. I was having a go at Bubba. I speak 3 fluently. Polish, English and Ukrainian. I undersand Russian well and some other Slavic languages.

I have studies German for 1.5 and some French and a wee bit of Spanish. Plus 2 years of Latin in high school.

Of course languages are very helpfull;).
PS. the weather is TO is terrible.
incubus  1 | 146  
11 Apr 2008 /  #468
Maybe you haven't found the right man to teach you the key words of the language.

or maybe i have found the right man but all the losers i knew before him made me think that way :)
11 Apr 2008 /  #469
Continuing Education is a wonderful thing. Keep an open mind!
incubus  1 | 146  
11 Apr 2008 /  #470
i do, not in the subject of love, however :)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
11 Apr 2008 /  #471
what languages do you operate?

i dont operate any languages but i speak europe's main 4 at a communicable level and 2 of the world's top 3 a lot better

in reply to M's comment i can swear appropriately in a number of languages but find if i call someone a fukin knut they normally get the gist. afterall, its not the words so much as the way you say it ;-)
brazilii  8 | 97  
11 Apr 2008 /  #472
Overrated in what sense? Language is power. I count myself as lucky that I can understand basic discussions in different countries. French, Japanese, German and Polish being those languages. Japanese and Polish much stronger. It really aids things, especially as a teacher who can understand students better

Agree!!! I don`t think english people are stupid in general (some are, some aren`t) although they really tend to think that for knowing english they are freed to learn any other language just because it is wide spoken. It`s true they go to Spain and learn just what they really need on daily basis (I have a lot of friends in Spain who told me how english people act towards their language and I`ve seen with my own eyes as well). Even in this forum there are some english and australian people who live in Poland for quite some time and can`t speak polish. To me to learn and know another language goes much further than that. It`s a way to learn about culture, places, etc... Plus, I find rude if you visit some country expecting everyone there should speak english to comunicate with you.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
11 Apr 2008 /  #473
knowing english they are freed to learn any other language just because it is wide spoken

speaking english means that you can largely understand and be understood worldwide. speaking portuguese or polish doesnt.

I find rude if you visit some country expecting everyone there should speak english to comunicate with you.

i find it incredible that people whose first language is not english and who communicate in english on this forum with other people whose first language is not english have the audasity to moan that english people dont speak more languages

one of the blessings of not speaking other languages is that you dont understand the bollocks that other people speak, unless of course they insist on speaking english
brazilii  8 | 97  
11 Apr 2008 /  #474
one of the blessings of not speaking other languages is that you dont understand the bollocks that other people speak, unless of course they insist on speaking english

Sorry, I meant `not to learn`

one of the blessings of not speaking other languages is that you dont understand the bollocks that other people speak, unless of course they insist on speaking english

Good for you!!! Porque vc nao vai a merda???????????????
incubus  1 | 146  
11 Apr 2008 /  #475
lol i think i know what merda means :P
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
11 Apr 2008 /  #476

The English go on holiday, do they need to converse in depth with the locals? The Polish come here to work without knowlege of English...so what is your argument...you really are a stupid wigga aren't you...or should I say so you can understand "innit"!

And if English is such an under rated language, then why the hell do people all round the world have this over whelming desire to pay through the nose to learn it...hmmmm - might that be because they know if they don't speak it then they are somewhat limited in opportunites around the world...since as it's been pointed out English is a universal language!
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
11 Apr 2008 /  #477
Porque vc nao vai a merda???????????????

tomar por culo jovencito chavalito, dos veses, y tu tata abuela tanbien
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
11 Apr 2008 /  #478
And english is just a german dialect anyway...so! :):):)
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
11 Apr 2008 /  #479
genau, and bratwurst mit kartoffel is just english bangers and mash... so! :-)
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
11 Apr 2008 /  #480
I heard the problem isn't with the PL in Scotland. The annual cost of alcohol misuse in Scotland was £110.5 million and the total cost to Scottish society is estimated to be £1.1 billion in an article I just saw.

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN"Archived