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Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles.

jonni  16 | 2475  
10 Feb 2010 /  #181

You'd be surprised how comfortably some people live in African and Asian countries. The most primitive and desperate don't get a chance to travel as far as their own capital, let alone Britain. Those who do are generally people with some nouse and resources.

People who claim asylum do so on political grounds - they are often their countries' intellectual elite. Most of the men are educated - probably better so than you...

According to British guys i spoke, they are definitely growing.

You speak to some interesting people. Where did you meet them?

Interesting how you've tried to divert a discussion about foreign (including Polish) workers in the UK to the only topic you discuss here - your dislike for dark-skinned people.

If you really support a backlash against immigrants, then as an immigrant yourself, you should be very, very careful.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
10 Feb 2010 /  #182
i don't like that they are also against immigration from Poland, but they will never be able to stop that, so no problem.

They could and would, they could put restrictions on your "free" movement - look at bulgarians..Im sure they could reverse what this government has done..

They aren't growing. A few mid-term votes in depressed areas. Hardly "cabbage".

Gaining seats in the last elections tells me something different...There are plenty of middle class DM readers who would vote for them simply because they hate what Britain has become - its a dangerous thing, personally even with some of my views, I wouldnt dream of voting for them...

Yes. It is successful.

Not really Jonnie, there are Ghettos in England now, you know Manchester, look at places like Moss Side, once afluent and then turned in to tish holes...I could name many more places too...Lets not forget the race riots - the first wave of immigrants "sort of" intergrated, but the more that arrived the less they integrated they formed their own little communities and its even worse today than its ever been, there are areas I wouldnt walk in after dark...Where I live can happily walk home from a friends at mid night and not worry...I lived in Whally Range for 12 months and wasnt comfortable going out on my own in day light! There were 2 drive-by shootings in the time I lived there...Whalley Range was also a very afluent area before certain minorities came along and trashed it...I think thats why they keep the house prices in Chorlton so high :D
jonni  16 | 2475  
11 Feb 2010 /  #183
simply because they hate what Britain has become

I've got a feeling that when it comes to the crunch they'll choose UKIP or English Democrats. Even old left-wingers are unhappy. The level of immigration is a shock, but since the world is changing very fast, too fast for a lot of people, my feeling is that we should get it over with now.

once affluent and then turned in to tish hole

This has always been the case - areas come and go. Manchester has really improved since I was there. Mind you that was twenty years ago.

I lived in Whally Range for 12 months and wasnt comfortable going out on my own in day light! There were 2 drive-by shootings in the time I lived there

I know what you mean. I worked for years in Bradford, in an almost entirely Pakistani district. It was a bit of a culture shock, but those areas weren't half as scary as some of the poorer white districts. There was a Caribbean area (Chapeltown in Leeds) that I used to have to spend time in -an established counity and a lot of gun crime. That area still has its moments but is slowly improving.

I think thats why they keep the house prices in Chorlton so high :D

Chorlton's nice! I lived in a 'white-flight' area (not as nice as Chorlton) and was burgled several times - almost certainly by locals. After moving to a more mixed area (lots of Poles there these days) I had no problems. The difference was that (as in Manchester) huge resources had been expended on integration.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
11 Feb 2010 /  #184
None whatsoever. At least their forerunners (and inspiration) invented the VW.

Strange that is, considering most of them are ex-servicemen and nick griffins father served in the RAF during world war 2 while jack straws (every prat lefties favourite man) father was in prison for refusing to fight.

They won't get even within a sniff of power

Then why are you so worried about that then?, if you are so sure that people will not provide the support then chill out a bit and stop getting all irate about the BNP.

Just add Hitler and you have the perfect internet post.

Well i was expecting the kids would join the conversation at some point. Snipping parts out and putting them together to say something different is what rapists and murderers do in their bedrooms with a sheet of A4 paper, a news paper and some glue.

Maybe you would like to take the time to prove me wrong instead?, once again why do we have black and white people then if humans are so pro integration?

You are staggeringly cynical and bitter.

Aren't they too a part of society?

No not at all, remind yourself who allowed them in, it wasn't me and it wasn't the majority of the british population. Thats right it was the government again!.

Undoubtedly. Though not by nailbombs in the pub. Unless Gordon's got a secret hobby.

I think your reffering to that guy that was once a member of the BNP, so i suppose that means the BNP was behind it then :D

Fortunately most British people are not so obsessed with foreign people, workers or not.

Strange because the last time there was a major pole it was about 80% of people that wanted tougher controls over immigration and about 60% that wanted policies to reverse the amount of immigration we have.

Maybe not obsessed but very concerned and desiring action.

But they won't have any impact on immigration or anything else because they will do so badly in the next election that they will lose their deposit in every seat.

Can you tell me my fortune and the lottery numbers while you are at it, come on fellas if you know that much you must know the lottery numbers aswell. Don't be shy now ;-)

Most are in nasty hostels.

Yes aweful places that are clean, modern, meals provided and all for free, so good that some of them decided to burn a new one of them down.

They aren't growing. A few mid-term votes in depressed areas. Hardly "cabbage".

I hate to have to put it to you but the BNP have been the fastest growing political party for some time. Just stating fact so don't go all lefty on me.

british society is multi-ethnic, and successfully so

hmm, so why is it we have many things that we never had before, like virtual ghettos, no go areas for whites and white flight???. All of that despite the efforts of the many ex comunist party members of the labour party and all the laws they have put in place to force natives into accepting foreigners.

While we are on the subject, how many people do you think will be jumping with joy when the new equality bill comes in that discriminates against whites, dont know about you but i wont be to happy if an asian person of similar skill gets a job over me just because he is asian. Before you call me a liar get on the net and have a read, i made the effort so you all can.

That is really silly logic by your reckoning a sliding scale of support should be introduced dependant upon contributions, good bye Health Service for a start.

I would say hes being quite generous, i would rather be like australia and canada where you get nothing for the first 3 years.
jonni  16 | 2475  
11 Feb 2010 /  #185
considering most of them are ex-servicemen

Can you back that up? And how would you know about "most of them"? Interesting...

stop getting all irate about the BNP

Who's irate? I think it was you who mention them most of the time. By the way, what's their policy on Polish migrant workers?

I think your reffering to that guy that was once a member of the BNP, so i suppose that means the BNP was behind it then :D

I was "reffering" to Gordon Brown, but since you mention it, the nail bomber was a BNP member.

Can you tell me my fortune

Wait until election day. By the way, if you won the lottery, what would you spend it on?

Yes aweful places that are clean, modern, meals provided

Have you been in one? I have.

but the BNP have been the fastest growing political party for some time.

There you go again, about the BNP. You seem to know a lot about them - first you say you would have "absolutely no qualms" about voting for them, now you seem to know about their membership figures. Have you had any contact with them?

many things that we never had before, like virtual ghettos, no go areas

Do you think we've never had "virtual ghettos" or "no go areas" before?

to force natives into accepting foreigners

"Forced" in what way?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
11 Feb 2010 /  #186
Manchester has really improved since I was there. Mind you that was twenty years ago.

City centre yes, nice suburban areas have been trashed with mass migrants from African countries...about 4 years ago I walked through Piccadilly on my way home it was like down town Lagos (this was over night), Manchester city council had to take their quota (redistribution of assylum seekers etc), that along with legal resettlement programmes, the UK is getting more immigrants than anywhere...

20 years is a long time...no wonder you thought the Village was provincial :D :D :D You really should pay it a visit...I dont go there that much these days but when I do, there's always a few Polish accents :D

Chorlton's nice!

Chorlton Green, Horse and Jocky...fond memories :D There are loads of nice little bars there now and still go over occassionally...I moved back over to the North side...better class of people ;0)
Barney  19 | 1768  
11 Feb 2010 /  #187
Maybe you would like to take the time to prove me wrong instead?,

Your understanding of societal evolution is non existent, people didnt evolve to reject other cultures, people evolved, full stop. Dont try to bluff!

The impotent native people that you so patronise are more vexed by football than migration the violence that you salivate about has not materialised save a few incidents throughout Europe. As I said there has been more violence around Football matches in Europe.

Racism is inhuman because it directly targets humans.

Stupid airy fairy assertions that racism is thrown about insults what you believe to be your intelligence, if you cant defend your position without whining you must be very fragile.

Reducing the workforce, that you have said is needed, to a temp pool is not a well thoughout policy. You really should work that muscle. "They did it first so its ok for us" is a crap argument.

Your trotting out of tired, lazy, cod arguments is a disservice to yourself, you need to understand the themes that you choose, you dont know enough about stuff to draw upon it to comment beyond the headlines of a few papers and what your mate told you.

Well i was expecting the kids would join the conversation at some point.

I would say hes being quite generous

Freely supporting savage logic sets you apart from who exactly?

I said earlier that you like posting charactures of opinion and you have confirmed that.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
11 Feb 2010 /  #188
You'd be surprised how comfortably some people live in African and Asian countries. The most primitive and desperate don't get a chance to travel as far as their own capital, let alone Britain. Those who do are generally people with some nouse and resources.

People who claim asylum do so on political grounds - they are often their countries' intellectual elite. Most of the men are educated - probably better so than you...

Think what kind of people in Africa are rich. Usually the people involved with a corrupt regime living comfortably from western aid money that's supposed to go to the poorest people. And many of them are rich from selling weapons or drugs. Also think about Somali pirates, they are rich too.

So rich in Africa more often than not means there's something smelly. And even if they worked hard for the money they paid to trafficers, it's unfair that they get the chance to become richer in Europe whilst the poorest stay poor.

That's why immigration from 3rd world (wether it's asylum seekers or skilled workers) is not only bad for Europe but also very unethical.
convex  20 | 3928  
11 Feb 2010 /  #189
So rich in Africa more often than not means there's something smelly. And even if they worked hard for the money they paid to trafficers, it's unfair that they get the chance to become richer in Europe whilst the poorest stay poor.

That's what people say about Eastern Europeans too. That's why every Mercedes with Polish plates is obviously mafia. You might want to do a bit of research into the larger cities and the economies of Africa, not everything is as backward as you make it out to be. There area plenty of people making their money just like in Europe.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Feb 2010 /  #190
BNP Exposed - The Secret Agent BBC part 1 of 7

This was not meant to be a thread about the BNP but since it has gone that direction pretty much full time I posted this.

I have seen the BNP destroy British people, turning national pride in to xenophobia, freedom of speech into Incitement to racial hatred.

But I was unaware that the BNP wanted the Republic of Ireland in the U.K., not going to happen so forget it.

This thread however is about the foreign workforce in Britain not asylum seekers or refugees or the BNP.

And still noone has told me about any watchdogs, safe guard or statistics about the banks bail out.
Looks like weapons of mass distraction to me.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
11 Feb 2010 /  #191
This thread however is about the foreign workforce in Britain not asylum seekers or refugees or the BNP.

Funny that you don't consider asylum seekers as foreign workforce. Then maybe it's better to call them welfare seekers. :)
jonni  16 | 2475  
11 Feb 2010 /  #192
Funny that you don't consider asylum seekers as foreign workforce

You really should put your 'brain' in gear before engaging your mouth. People seeking asylum are not allowed by law to work, even as voulnteers.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
11 Feb 2010 /  #193
of course i know. i was obviously talking about asylum seekers after they got their approval to stay, otherwise i wouldn't have mentioned welfare.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Feb 2010 /  #194
Funny that you don't consider asylum seekers as foreign workforce.

They are not, ya fecken edgit.

i was obviously talking about asylum seekers after they got their approval to stay

You're an idiot, when you misplace your keys do you continue to seek for your keys after you found them?

After they have approval to stay they are no longer asylum seekers.

This thread is not about looking to become a refugee either or the BNP it is about Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles.

This is why I should not talk to you, you are a simpleton.
Do yourself a favour and stop posting you just make yourself look stupid.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
11 Feb 2010 /  #195
Can you back that up? And how would you know about "most of them"? Interesting...

Well why don't you stop being ignorant and do like i did, i mean come on they have a big website that you cant miss.

Like ive said before everyone likes to think they know the BNP but how many of us actually do, as the old saying goes you don't know someone until you know them. No i don't know any BNP members but atleast i bothered to find out about them from their website and not some UAF run webshite.

Who's irate? I think it was you who mention them most of the time. By the way, what's their policy on Polish migrant workers?

Your irrate because you over react to everything. If you just attempt to lecture people with out seeing reason then your audience will be small.

By the way, if you won the lottery, what would you spend it on?

Like i said you seem to be able to see into the future so why not give me the numbers and we will find out.

Have you been in one? I have.

Yeh you've been in everything, as far as your concerned there isn't anything you haven't seen or done.
... an appropriate song for yourself

the nail bomber was a BNP member.

Yes if i remember he was, if i remember rightly he left because the BNP was to soft for his liking. Iam not a fan of wiki but its the best i could find en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Copeland

You seem to know a lot about them - first you say you would have "absolutely no qualms" about voting for them, now you seem to know about their membership figures.

No i wouldn't have any quarms about voting for them if they had policies that i thought were the best for my country. Couldn't give a toss if they are racist, aliens or anything else.

Do you think we've never had "virtual ghettos" or "no go areas" before?

Not for whites no.

"Forced" in what way?

Don't know about you bud but i didn't have any say in it and when anyone complain about it they are just called a racist which is what labour did to stop other parties complaining about their immigration policies.

Its set to get better soon with the up and coming equality bill, get online and take a look

Your understanding of societal evolution is non existent, people didnt evolve to reject other cultures, people evolved, full stop. Dont try to bluff!

Well done einstein for noticing that, but while people in general haven't evolved to hate other races (but i wouldn't say africans have had a great time through history have they?) they have most certainly evolved to love their own and desire to be around their own. So they do reject other cultures and races because they wish to stay amongst each other but of course thats racist isn't it.

Racism is inhuman because it directly targets humans.

Thats an interesting theory, taxes directly target humans, are they inhumane aswell?

racism is thrown about insults

You only have to mention something about immigrants or another races that isn't supportive and you are automatically branded a racist.

Freely supporting savage logic sets you apart from who exactly?

Yes i choose to be savage like australia, canada and new zealand. But as your such a generous person why not spare some money so i can bring up an extra 2 kids, what do you mean no. I dont care if i haven't put enough into the system and you and your family will suffer for it through higher taxes you have to do it. Not so attractive is it now??

I have seen the BNP destroy British people, turning national pride in to xenophobia, freedom of speech into Incitement to racial hatred.

But i thought people are so affraid of the BNP and don't believe anything they say so why are you worried about them changing peoples minds. Incitement to racial hatred is such a sh** law it really is, its just designed to stop anyone from any race saying anything bad towards another. But as we love each other so much i cant understand why there has to be a national law to stop that from happening.

You really should put your 'brain' in gear before engaging your mouth. People seeking asylum are not allowed by law to work, even as voulnteers.

Well in reality 99.9% of all asylum seekers (succesfull or not) are illegal as they haven't followed the UN charter that states they must claim asylum in the first safe country they enter.

Maybe you should take some of your advice jonni and put your brain into gear.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Feb 2010 /  #196
What do you think of the UKIP BritishEmpire?
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
11 Feb 2010 /  #197
I think they have some excellent policies but as of late they have had alot of crisis in the party with the expenses scandal and numerous members leaving, great ideas but i get the feeling they just don't have the will to carry them through.

Originally they were setup as a pressure group to get the tories to pull us out of europe, which makes me wonder how serious they are about what they say, i've still voted for them a few times in the past though and i would say their on my list as a choice for the next general election.
jonni  16 | 2475  
11 Feb 2010 /  #198
and do like i did,

i bothered to find out about them from their website


not some UAF run webshite


Yeh you've been in everything, as far as your concerned there isn't anything you haven't seen or done.

Some of us have had many years of living life to the full - and too much in our lives to obsess about people of different colours.


You seem to know his name which is more than most. What do you think of Mark Collett, an ex-neighbour of mine? Or Martin Webster, Nick Griffin's ex-lover? Interesting people.

i wouldn't have any quarms about voting for them

Couldn't give a toss if they are racist

Says it all really. Come on, admit it, you want them to do well.

Don't know about you bud but i didn't have any say in it

You didn't have a vote in the last election? Why not? The usual reasons are being under 18, in jail or insane.

Well in reality 99.9% of all asylum seekers (succesfull or not) are illegal as they haven't followed the UN charter that states they must claim asylum in the first safe country they enter.
Maybe you should take some of your advice jonni and put your brain into gear.

Why do you think only 0.1% have come direct to the UK? Some sources please, not just racist hearsay.

And you didn't answer the question, relating to this thread (and forum). What is the BNP's policy on Polish migrants to the UK?
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Feb 2010 /  #199
Originally they were setup as a pressure group to get the tories to pull us out of europe, which makes me wonder how serious they are about what they say

Do you think it is unrealistic for the U.K. to leave or you just think they will not leave the E.U. if they get power?

I thought that was UKIP's main objective same with the BNP.
Barney  19 | 1768  
12 Feb 2010 /  #200
Yes i choose to be savage like australia, canada and new zealand. But as your such a generous person why not spare some money so i can bring up an extra 2 kids, what do you mean no. I dont care if i haven't put enough into the system and you and your family will suffer for it through higher taxes you have to do it. Not so attractive is it now??

This forum is in English

branded a racist
Yes i choose to be savage
racist isn't it.

You really are delicate......seriously......you are that sensitive?

Thats an interesting theory, taxes directly target humans, are they inhumane aswell?

Thick as Champ.....

humans have evolved to reject other cultures and races

while people in general haven't evolved to hate other races

Consistency is a good place to start.

Form an argument, please form an argument.........
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
12 Feb 2010 /  #201
Incitement to racial hatred is such a sh** law it really is, its just designed to stop anyone from any race saying anything bad towards another. But as we love each other so much i cant understand why there has to be a national law to stop that from happening.

Using this logic we should not have any laws at all.
Murder, paedophilia, theft, listening to Celine Dion are all crimes too.
Incitement to racial hatred is an attack on people, it is the law's job to protect the people.
whatnext  - | 1  
12 Feb 2010 /  #202
OK, I haven't read this whole thread (I am sick of discussions about the BNP), and I wasn't a member of this forum, but felt compelled to sign up to it after reading this.

Let me explain. I am married with 6 children (5 of them under school leaving age), late forties. My husband worked all his life in factories and warehouses - he is 50, working class. He has never claimed unemployment benefit in his life - he always was prepared to do any work, for the lowest pay. He is similar to thousands of working class people - Northamptonshire was a county where shoes were made, and before that, textiles. The population here is not 'lazy' or not prepard to work for minimum wage - they always have. The population here is of below average education, but it didn't matter, because they were prepared to work hard in the factories for the lowest pay. This county has always had low unemployment rate, even though the pay is lower than average.

My husband worked in the same factory for 16 years from leaving school, and was made redundant when it closed down. Most of the manual work in the county was fielded through agencies, so he did agency work for the next 15 years - no problem. Everyone we knew worked for agencies. No problem. The books were full of English (or Scots) names

The agency work then dried up. Sorry mate, no work. Nothing today. Anything likely in the future? No. Within 2 years, most of the agency books are full of Polish names. They reported on it in the local press - ' English people don't want to work - Polish are majority of temporary workers now'. What? English people don't want to work, all of a sudden, in a working class county, where everyone worked in factories, but they just signed off the agency books, just like that? No - this simply is not true. At first, they took your name on the books, but just said there was no work (not true). Then they took people's names off the books, accusing them of turning down work (in our case, not true). This was through the 'boom' where we apparently didn't have enough workers.

There is little or no unskilled work on offer through agencies or anywhere else. What does this mean? That the factories and warehouses are no longer? No. It means now every factory and warehouse in Northamptonshire is full of Poles - and then we get accused of not wanting to work, or not wanting to work for low pay. Which is not true. At one point, only the manual workers were Polish, but now the office workers also are (gets around the language problem I suppose). My brother in law was a manager in a factory - he was told by the bosses to get the agency to supply Polish where possible, and now he has been kicked out and replaced with one!

So, did we sign on the dole? No.
I have a small business that is dying, and for the past 4 years, my husband has done three part-time cleaning jobs every day because it is the only work he can get - it pays half time wage (£400/month), and he is taxed on two of the jobs, which we have to claim back at the end of the year, so we even have to wait a long time for some of that.

Is he lazy? No. When I met him 10 years ago, he was working in a printing plant (agency work) 12 hours continental shift patterns with 6 x 12 hour shifts in a row once a month, for low pay. Those jobs all ended up being done by Polish, even though he worked for the same printers, for the same agency, for 10 years. So what is wrong? Why can he not even get an agency to take his name? Is it because he is 50? Or because he is not Polish? When he does get an interview, which is rare, there are hundreds of other applicants in the same position. Middle aged men applying for cleaning jobs.

Now the government is telling us that Polish people are going home - not true. I still see crowds of them walking to and fro from the industrial estates, and there are still no unskilled labour jobs on offer.

So, we exist on his £400/month wages and have to hold our hands out for tax credits in order to survive.
Every time I talk about this, I get accused of whining, or racism.
I am not a racist - I do not wish to vote BNP. All I want is for my husband to get a full time job so that he can support us - we don't care if it's unskilled - we don't care if it's long hours - we don't care if it's minimum wage. When my children leave school, we will no longer get tax credits? What then? He refuses to sign on unemployment - he never has in his life, but will that be all that is left? He now faces prejudice that would never be allowed if it was directed at any non-British person. Lazy, stupid, chav, alcholic, benefit scrounger etc.

I would ask the Polish people, how would you feel if Poland was suddenly full of strangers who would do the work cheaper than you, and you had to live on low benefits while they work? And then how would you feel if you were in this position, and opened your morning paper to read three times a week that it was because you are no good/lazy/immoral? Would you want to protest?

On the subject of pay, I would like to point out that for the low paid, wages have not increased for 10 years now, apart from the small minimum wage increases. The printer job my husband used to do, paid £6.50/hour 10 years ago, only pays £6/hour now.

These are real problems facing large numbers of British people. More than 10 million *families* now have to take tax credits to survive. Bills have gone up and up while people who are still lucky enough to have jobs have received hardly any increase in pay for years.

Please do not be condescending - we have had about as much as we can take.
We are not all thick, lazy, illiterate scroungers - many of us are decent hard-working people who have just been shut out in the cold. That is why people are protesting - but nobody is listening. Sometimes people just don't believe us. Sometimes they tell us that we should go to University and get a degree (when there are 100,000 young graduates in unemployment, and we are in middle age already), and when many people simply aren't clever enough to reskill into that kind of job.

What does anyone suggest? These are not the kind of people that can learn a new language easily, or afford to up sticks and find a new life abroad, and they do not have skills that are in demand in other countries, which would be required before they were allowed to enter and work. All that is left is for them to protest, and hope that somebody listens, and yes, some will vote BNP because there is no other party that claims to care about British jobs for British people.

Outside of Europe, there is no country in the world that would allow unskilled migrants to do local unskilled jobs. I do not understand why it is expected of us.

I have some suggestions, but they are never likely to happen. Here are two -
1) make zero hours contracts unlawful - it is this mechanism that allowed agencies to just fob people off with the 'no work thing' and replace them with others.

2) force companies moving to Poland (or anywhere else in Europe) to offer the jobs to those in the British workplace first. That might actually help in spreading British people out into Europe - that would be a good thing, right?
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
12 Feb 2010 /  #203

You know full well who they are, you dont forget that easily.

You seem to know his name which is more than most. What do you think of Mark Collett, an ex-neighbour of mine? Or Martin Webster, Nick Griffin's ex-lover? Interesting people.

I only know his name because i put london nail bomber into google, not an exact science :)
Mark collett, i think hes expected to be the next leader and iam quite sure hes your ex neighbour considering you have lived everywhere ;-). Martin webster i know nothing about but all i could find on him was that he claimed to have had a relationship with nick griffin, not quite enough to make it true though is it.

Says it all really. Come on, admit it, you want them to do well.

I would like to see them do well , like wise for UKIP as its all pressure on the larger parties to change their immigration policies. And for that reason only so don't spout anti-fash crud as iam not interested.

You didn't have a vote in the last election? Why not? The usual reasons are being under 18, in jail or insane.

Your damn right i voted, strange though how i dont remember any party saying they were going to flood the UK with immigrants. The only two parties that had a policy to reduce immigration was UKIP and BNP.

Why do you think only 0.1% have come direct to the UK? Some sources please, not just racist hearsay.

Well the few that i would consider legal asylum applicants would be those that arrived by sea or air which would be very few as those are expensive ways to travel. The fact is we have numerous people waiting across the channel wanting to come in after they have crossed up to ten safe countries, they are breaking international law but the government doesn't care because its another cheap worker to add to the books.

And you didn't answer the question, relating to this thread (and forum). What is the BNP's policy on Polish migrants to the UK?

Now youv'e got me, we i suppose if they pulled the UK out of the EU then its very likely polish migrants are going to have a hard time getting into the country.

To be honest when i read the immigration policy there was nothing specifically for polish migrants.

Do you think it is unrealistic for the U.K. to leave or you just think they will not leave the E.U. if they get power?
I thought that was UKIP's main objective same with the BNP.

I think that its easier to trust the BNP on the matter thats all, UKIP isn't very old and i get the impression that they don't have the will to completely pull us out of the EU.

Although i will give them credit for giving the EU s*** when they stand up and speak :D

This forum is in English

Whats that got to do with the price of bread? and if you hadn't noticed i have been typing in english.

You really are delicate......seriously......you are that sensitive?

There you go with your scissors again snipping away at my words, serial killer alert!

Thick as Champ...

Take it you don't like it when your smart mouth can't find an answer.

Consistency is a good place to start.
Form an argument, please form an argument.........

Eyes are a good place to start, i suggest you get a better pair so you can read "reject" and "hate" so you can understand the difference of meaning between the two.

So wheres your argument gone now then??

Incitement to racial hatred is an attack on people, it is the law's job to protect the people.

Problem is sean its kind of been hijacked, once again i hate to have to use wiki but its good enough.
inflammatory rumours about an individual i mean come on what sort of an offence is that, a good example is that christian couple that went on trial for criticising islam in the presence of that muslim women. If it wasn't for the large protests and support they would have been sent down for it. Bloody ridiculous!

Just as a final closing point, i know how you feel whatnext. I live in the neighbouring county and its a story ive heard many times but the truth behind it all is the government and big business are hand in hand when it comes to the matter, they only care about profit and taxes and the agencies are just jumping on the band wagon.

The fact is you can't compete against people that are prepared to share a house with 5-6 other people and have no knowledge about working rights or complaints about pay when they are getting 5 times as much as they would back home.

The best of luck for the both of you as you deserve better, i wish there was something more i could do for the pair of you.
Barney  19 | 1768  
13 Feb 2010 /  #204
So wheres your argument gone now then??

You will get an opinion when you post something that demonstrates a reasoned thought process. I said earlier that you regurgitated hackneyed arguments, so far you have not managed to provide an interesting opinion to change my point of view.

Your single unoriginal point about racism being used too freely suggests that you are either too sensitive or you cant counter such allegations.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
13 Feb 2010 /  #205
but felt compelled to sign up to it after reading this.

Thanks for taking the time to write, whatnext. Sorry to hear about your situation and I hope it improves soon - these things go in cycles after all and things can only get better as the song goes. Many folks in your position would be beating on the Poles by this stage (metaphorically) and it's good to see you have a view of the bigger picture.

The way I see it, it's an issue for the factory owners and other big fishes in the UK; They want migrant labour because it's cheap and disposable, two trends that have been running hot since herr (frau?) Thatcher's term back in the 80s. This screws the British worker, screws the Polish worker (working at minimum wage for 3 years in a factory in Walsall when you have a degree?) and ultimately screws the rest of the local community.

1) make zero hours contracts unlawful...
2) force companies moving to Poland (or anywhere else in Europe) to offer the jobs to those in the British workplace first.

I totally agree. I would add legislation to force employers to offer the same conditions to Brits and foreign labour (if it could be done) but the government will never agree to this when there's so much cheap fresh foreign blood to be poured into the machine. The only way is to wait it out to when Poland's economy starts attracting the workers back, and it will soon - not everyone wants to work abroad.

Best of luck to you and your husband
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Feb 2010 /  #206
I echo those sentiments. Those that remain loyal to the cause should be rewarded in a meaningful way. I'm glad that you didn't launch into derogatory attacks on Poles as they are merely using the options given to them by the British government and British employers. They are hard workers who get paid peanuts in their own country. I can understand their desire to work abroad and experience our country. Still, that doesn't change the fact that employers should still be picking Brits first. What's the point in putting people through the education system or training programmes, only for them to be out in the cold? It just isn't fair.

Mr Bubbles is right to mention that Poles will move home when they start to see proper openings. Many are just testing the water and are not career-oriented in the UK.

Best of luck. I'm well aware that getting a job is a job in itself.
hague1cameron  - | 85  
14 Feb 2010 /  #207
No wonder they're protesting, most of them are clearly thick as ****, vote BNP, complain about "bloody foreigners" and then demand that their (equally thick as ****) wife cooks them "chikkin tikka masala innit" for dinner.

Lol Lol Lol this is gold
Mister H  11 | 761  
14 Feb 2010 /  #208


Your post was very well thought out and it's obvious that you've taken a lot of time over it.

Thanks for doing that.

You post proves the point that just because you've got the mucky end of the immigration stick it doesn't mean that you're using that to peddle racist nonsense.

You and your husband are obviously very proud people and are great examples of what most British people are like. I think you should print your post and send it to your local MP and to Gordon Brown. Ok, it will not change anything in the short-term but the more people that put pen to paper and refuse to be ignored the better.

Best wishes.
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
14 Feb 2010 /  #209
factory owners and other big fishes in the UK;

Talking of big fishes.....last Thursday in a small wester ross harbour - a French boat emptied 22tons of Scottish Monkfish in to a French lorry heading for Paris, next day a Spanish trawler had 23 tons of Scottish fish. The fish didnt even touch the ground.

Point being - this is the EU - swings and roundabouts.
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Feb 2010 /  #210
Still, that doesn't change the fact that employers should still be picking Brits first. What's the point in putting people through the education system or training programmes, only for them to be out in the cold?

How much is spent on education and training programs for picking fruit, canning, waitressing, cleaning. Is it a lot?

Archives - 2010-2019 / UK, Ireland / Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles.Archived