Who? What? I have not heard of any Brit in Poland telling Polish people to leave Britain.
Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles.
Wroclaw Boy
4 Feb 2010 / #32
People didn't complain when the building sector was booming - yet now the rainy day has came, they've probably spent everything earnt then and didn't put anything aside.
Crap, my mates in the industry have been complaining since 2004 from my old local UK Pub. Whats your source?
No wonder they're protesting, most of them are clearly thick as ****, vote BNP, complain about "bloody foreigners" and then demand that their (equally thick as ****) wife cooks them "chikkin tikka masala innit" for dinner.
Crap, crap, crap.
I'd be surprised if any of them have ever seen, let alone read a proper newspaper in their life.
Why would they and who gives a fcuk anyway. crap.
Why don't they take jobs abroad? There's plenty of menial jobs on offer in Poland.
I think, i think they have families and mortgages. Why should they have to leave their own coutry and families which has plenty of work?
Cheap, probably. But poorly skilled? Given that the typical British builder comes round, takes a month to do a job that should take a week and spends half the time drinking tea and going "cor blimey take a butchers at those knockers", is anyone surprised that they can't find work?
Crap. Most Poles who fled to england havent got a clue how to brick lay, plaster, plumb etc but when it comes to applying for a job they can do everything, result shoddy work. Give me a skilled brit than a Poles any day of the week, ive had plenty of polish builders work for me.
Poorly skilled, lazy, overpriced and stubborn. I'm not surprised contractors are hiring foreigners if they realise that the foreigners will actually get the job done, rather than sulking about it being cold or refusing to come to work because "there's snow on the road guv".
Youre a cheeky bastad, stereotyping a nation of labourers like that. Youre a brit mate, lazy, overpriced, stubborn, rediculous, living in cloud cuckoo land.
Other Irish European Parliament candidates have immediately accused Libertas of "fascism" and reminded voters that many Irish would have to be kicked out from other countries.
I wonder if they will get Walesa to be a spokesperson this time? Walesa the surprise guest at Libertas convention
Are Libertas high on drugs?
tomcatgemini 5 | 15
4 Feb 2010 / #34
just like my previous landlord in UK, calls himself a builder.Took 6 months to re-decorate a one bedroom flat (approx. 30 m2) and can't even level the bloody floor. They all just "conmen" that's why they complaint about other people who can really do the jobs.
4 Feb 2010 / #35
vtec2710: The irony is the Brit living in Poland (not knowing Polish langueage by the way) is telling the Pole to leave Poland.
Who? What? I have not heard of any Brit in Poland telling Polish people to leave Britain.
Who? What? I have not heard of any Brit in Poland telling Polish people to leave Britain.
That's just vtec having his usual problems with truth. He said here he's thinking about moving to Canada. I said here that it would be very much in the interests of Poland and Poles in general if he once again left Poland. The prat is just another racist loser Pawel: every country in the world would better off without him.
That's just vtec having his usual problems with truth.
Ah, I see.
racist loser Pawel
"Pawel" sounds like "Paddy", the derogatory label for Irishmen
or "Paki" a derogatory term directed towards South Asians.
I said here that it would be very much in the interests of Poland and Poles in general if he once again left Poland.
that is a rasizm you political corect anti -Pole.
I will give you one advice :There is no British police in Poland, nor the cctv everywhere so if you want to make it in Poland keep your f....ng comments about Poles and Poland for yourself.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
4 Feb 2010 / #38
Wise up, threatening people on the internet is extremely childish when we all know that nothing's going to happen to him.
There's clearly not plenty of work though, otherwise they wouldn't be protesting.
I bet the vast majority voted Labour in 2001. In which case, they can't complain - they voted for a party which admitted Poland into the EU.
I'm sorry, but no-one has the right to work. If you're good enough, you'll get hired - if you're not good enough or inflexible, then you won't. It's pretty damn simple.
I think, i think they have families and mortgages. Why should they have to leave their own coutry and families which has plenty of work?
There's clearly not plenty of work though, otherwise they wouldn't be protesting.
I bet the vast majority voted Labour in 2001. In which case, they can't complain - they voted for a party which admitted Poland into the EU.
I'm sorry, but no-one has the right to work. If you're good enough, you'll get hired - if you're not good enough or inflexible, then you won't. It's pretty damn simple.
Wise up, threatening people on the internet is extremely childish when we all know that nothing's going to happen to him
It is not a threat, it is advice.For his own good.Imagine he started that conversation somewhere in the local Pub in Praga, he would probably end up teethless.
4 Feb 2010 / #40
"Pawel" sounds like "Paddy", the derogatory label for Irishmen, or "Paki" a derogatory term directed towards South Asians.
Round these parts 'Pawel' is slang for a moronic under-achieving failure who speaks Polish. Only a minority of Poles are Pawels and any other nationality can be described as a Pawel if they meet the criteria.
will give you one advice :There is no British police in Poland, nor the cctv everywhere so if you want to make it in Poland keep your f....ng comments about Poles and Poland for yourself.
My name is Harry and I am very easy to find. I'll keep an eye open for a white stretch Lincoln with British plates, eh?
I'm sorry, but no-one has the right to work. If you're good enough, you'll get hired - if you're not good enough or inflexible, then you won't. It's pretty damn simple.
otherwise we are talking socialism,
by the way its seems that modern nationalism naturally leads to socialism, don't you see it?
I will give you one advice :There is no British police in Poland, nor the cctv everywhere so if you want to make it in Poland keep your f....ng comments about Poles and Poland for yourself.
according to Harry, he is not British,he is the international champion of anti-whatever, somehow his struggle is directed against Poles, obviously they resist the dark side of power:) and chill out there is plenty of goading on PF.
its seems that modern nationalism naturally leads to socialism, don't you see it?
Yes, indeed.
Socialism and nationalism are both collectivisms and statisms.
The former gives an extra authority to the state to fight for lower class at the expense of middle class tax payers - and of course - to decide who is who.
The latter gives the same extra authority to build walls against foreigners at the expense of both foreigners and countrymen.
Moreover special rights for local workers fueled by socialism support or lever discriminatory actions against foreigners.
We should remember that exact name of the Nazi party was Nazional-Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei and that Mussolini was a socialist activist at first.
4 Feb 2010 / #43
There is no British police in Poland, nor the cctv everywhere so if you
want to make it in Poland keep your f....ng comments about Poles and Poland for yourself.
want to make it in Poland keep your f....ng comments about Poles and Poland for yourself.
"Nie wódź mnie na pokuszenie Ojców moich wielki Boże!
Wszak, gdy wstąpił w progi moje, włos mu z głowy spaść nie może."
Aleksander Fredro, "Zemsta"
It is an old Polish custom that if a guest enters your home then, even if it's your
worst enemy, a single hair can not fall off his head. Otherwise it is a disgrace and
indelible stain on the host's honour.
Harry is a guest in our country (an annoying one - that's true :)) and an invited
guest, if we are to believe him, so as our fathers' tradition say - no harm can be
done to him.
*However, it would be sensible if Harry kept some of his reflexions about Poland
and Polish history to himself while in a Polish pub (in case some lads there didn't
read "Zemsta" at school ;)*
However, it would be sensible if Harry kept some of his reflexions about Poland
and Polish history to himself while in a Polish pub
and Polish history to himself while in a Polish pub
Especially when talking to a guy named Pawel :)
time means 5 | 1309
4 Feb 2010 / #45
Crap, crap, crap.
Well said WB.
If you spend your time stuffing your face, whistling at Polish girls, drinking tea and reading The Sun,
What a ******* idiot!
Honest George 1 | 105
4 Feb 2010 / #46
Most Poles who fled to england havent got a clue
Full stop.
Sums it up.
living in cloud cuckoo land
That sums it up too.
Bravo !!! Well said !!! Excellent !!! Give it to them mate !!!
don't pissh yourself, excitement and all !
the Brits should not protest against people from a fellow EU country.
they better protest against all the paki's, turks and africans coming to their country.
they better protest against all the paki's, turks and africans coming to their country.
4 Feb 2010 / #49
@Wrocław Boy:
Do you support that slogan, WB?
Seriously - that's really interesting. Why do they protest against Poles, Spaniards,
Italians and Portuguese and not against Pakis, Hindu, Nigerians, Chinese and other
non-EU immigrants?
“British jobs to British workers”
Do you support that slogan, WB?
Sub-contractors still flood construction sites with cheap and poorly skilled workers from Poland, Spain, Italy and Portugal, cliam the protestors.
Seriously - that's really interesting. Why do they protest against Poles, Spaniards,
Italians and Portuguese and not against Pakis, Hindu, Nigerians, Chinese and other
non-EU immigrants?
To Jarnowa
did i hurt your feelings again? :'(
listen Boy, the last few weeks i met 4 English guys in total.
none of them had problems with Polish people taking their jobs, but all of them complained about the paki's and blacks in their country.
isn't that strange?
4 Feb 2010 / #51
Brits to protest against foreigners in the workforce, including Poles
C'mon guys, let's be honest you'd feel the same way if it happened in Poland.
UK welcomes foreigners just like US does too but it doesn't mean that our own people supposed to suffer under this situation. I'm not trying to discriminate anyone here, it's just the way it is in any country around the world.
Wroclaw Boy
4 Feb 2010 / #52
Do you support that slogan, WB?
Within reason.
the last few weeks i met 4 English guys in total.
none of them had problems with Polish people taking their jobs, but all of them complained about the paki's and blacks in their country.
none of them had problems with Polish people taking their jobs, but all of them complained about the paki's and blacks in their country.
Whoopy doo, i dont really have a problem with Poles working in England but as the above poster pointed out be honest and reverse the situation - its a no brainer.
none of them had problems with Polish people taking their jobs
really, did they just say here you are mate take my job, no problem.
content removed
Lets just imagine say 600,000 Chinese immigrants in Poland undercutting Polish skilled labourers.
So theres 38 million Poles around 3 million are overseas another 20 million will be too old or young for work that leaves 15 million, lets say 6 million of those are in the labour industry, that would mean the Chinese are taking 10% of the jobs that should be done by Poles, right? I wonder how the Poles would react????
Where them Chinks at, tell you what i could do with a couple down here working for me, bollocks to the Polish i want some cheap reliable labour.
SzwedwPolsce 11 | 1589
4 Feb 2010 / #53
listen Boy, the last few weeks i met 4 English guys in total. none of them had problems with Polish people taking their jobs,
Do you have any idea how much English (Irish etc.) people complain about Poles taking their jobs?
Wroclaw Boy
4 Feb 2010 / #54
He "Jarnowa" only knows racism, that's it im afraid.
szkotja2007 27 | 1497
4 Feb 2010 / #55
British jobs ?? LoL
The Lindsay oil refinery is a French owned refinery, the one opposite is American owned.
Got nothing to do with fabby Britain, its just a situation that is being exploited by BNP types.
What is a British job ?
Building cars in Sunderland ? Making chocolate in Birmingham ?
I think the horse bolted a long time ago.
The Lindsay oil refinery is a French owned refinery, the one opposite is American owned.
Got nothing to do with fabby Britain, its just a situation that is being exploited by BNP types.
What is a British job ?
Building cars in Sunderland ? Making chocolate in Birmingham ?
I think the horse bolted a long time ago.
Even the chocolate jobs are changing. Look at Kraft's takeover of Cadbury's. If I'm not mistaken, Kraft are Australian. I'd like to look at the workforce of McLaren who, I think, are based in Woking. F1 is so international too. Business took over and British institutions like Rover and Mini came under pressure from bigger concerns.
They can protest all they like, the EU provisions are clear.
They can protest all they like, the EU provisions are clear.
This is not about British Government wanted cheap labor or anything to make Brits more competitive, its just happen cos of false predictions with open job market to new EU members. Reason why you see many Poles in UK is because in some ways we are connected to each other ( sic !) ( for whatever reason - not mutual of course) Estonians went to Sweden, Romanians ( not Gypsies, they are everywhere ) and Bulgarians went to Italy and Spain.
There must be something with politics, use to Yugoslavians ( supporters of Nazi Germany ) went to Germany, same as Turks.
There must be something with politics, use to Yugoslavians ( supporters of Nazi Germany ) went to Germany, same as Turks.
If I'm not mistaken, Kraft are Australian
Nah, they are American:
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11974
4 Feb 2010 / #59
Reason why you see many Poles in UK is because in some ways we are connected to each other
Nope..main reason was that the labor marked of GB was open for polish workers whereas those of Germany and France and others were still closed.
Nah, they are American:
Nah, they are German! ;)
Germany takes Great Britain over at last! (Okay...abit long winded way and it took awhile but still....)
America, aha. Thanks! Well, Warren Buffet has a major stake in them, I know that much. American is not British ;) ;) (observation of the decade).
I see Nick Griffin is finally rubbing off on people (British English ;) ;))
I see Nick Griffin is finally rubbing off on people (British English ;) ;))