Are they?
The few native Brits I've met I'd call kinda stuffy, unless they were drunk out of their socks. ^_^. But those were tourists OR army units that were housed near our own Bn. I would consider them more conservative and traditionalists. Not extreme right like in US..but we are a bigger place after all ^_^. Loud voices are needed to carry the distances. I see the extreme left in Brits only in forums on the web.
Maybe better wording is why is the Brit
Govt seemingly liberal leaning.?
AS a conservative myself... in view the left can be a lot of groups, some are simply caring more for humanatraian and ecologial causes above practicality; but Liberals who have almost completely infiltrated the Democratic party, are pretty much a socialist agenda and they will promise anything until they can finally get full power.
I do not believe in "labeling" I do not support PRO GAY. Nor PRO WHITE. PRO HISPANIC. There are no "disadvantaged" classes other than the poor-regardless of color. Equal means equal. Shifting balances to which animals are more equal than others is not equality. I cannot get hired easily by my looks..but in paper? disclosing I am FEMALE-HISPANIC-NATIVE -VETERAN and speaking spanish? I fill the quotas and am hired. I shouldnt HAVE to do that when I am qualified candidate ! And it is my personal cause to erase such policies for every day am an american.
I want to see fair immigration (NO one gets by being illegal and everyones application is seen fairly and treated equal- (no dif between a mexican, a russian or an aussie). I want to see fed govt spending strictly controlled. Programs streamlined (save money with less administrators-more fieldworkers). Shorter terms and term limits for Senators and Representatives. I want the borders tightened and more sovereignity exercised.
Which seems what UK is planning soon? makes them sound like they are swinging pretty far right in that respect.
What so many Americans seem to call *left wing* or *Socialist* in all honesty are just called *good manners* or *human deceny* in the UK
Not sure where you are native to, but " left wing" (do not confuse with only the democatic party) in the US is NOT connected with mannerly people!
Unless professional politicians with an eye on a seat in senate, house or the white house.
Most are the rudest, foam at the mouth nasty vitrolic spouting busybodies you could ever meet. A large portion of my family is California... I got some first hand. Smoozy lawyers and education professionals in the non -mathmatical fields. the "stuffy" Brits I met I would consider over-conservative with their fomality and manners.
With exception of abortion debating in street that has all tempers high.. ?
you see a confrontation between left /right.. on the right we spout they misguded nutjobs and commies( there are usually fewer of us since we are not perpetual students getting grants for the next degree in basketweaving so dont have that kind of spare time) - they spout oppressor, babykillers, bigots and then personal insults. They are more likely to be the one screaming in a Policeman or opposing picketers face. More likely to make it physical; to throw something, destroy something. throw rock down off bridge at cars of soldiers wives (2004-2005-2006) when they see base sticker on window. Be a professional teacher that tells children (Tacoma 2005) that their parent deserves to die in Iraq for being in an "illegal war" ... DONT tell ME Left is synonmous with "polite!' LAWLZ
Human only for the left? WoW! Rly? see how many "left wing" organizations help the poor in a real way..or even give to CHARITY. Not Organizations like ACORN...CHARITY. My aunt spends time boycotting this or that and giving 20 bucks to a chirstmas angel. But has never worked in a soup kitchen, never helped build a house, never paid anyones power or phone.Watched children for free to help someone get established in a job. Never shopped for anyone. Wicked old right wing me has. :( So it is often insulting to be labeled as some unfeeling hater of all gays, non-whites(what IS non white?), women and progress.
It may be different in UK. I don't think most countries have such a deep division between their parties (then again the Serbo-croatia conflict might shocwase an extreme in that?). But most countries are not as big as most of our states. Poland is the size of New Mexico. UK? maybe size of PA ?
Maybe thinking of each state like it's own country might help. Texas actually WAS it's own country when it was swallowed with a pen stroke just before Civil War. Would UK want Ukraninan polices? Or Danish? Or Greek? How big would the split in parties become if other countries/states had a real say on how you were taxed, where the taxes went, what laws were passed? And each party stood for a small block of countries?
Again, Im sure it comes down to Americans only having 2 choices in their supposedly world leading *democracy*. AFAIC you cannot have democracy when its reduced to Yes or No answers
Though technically we are a republic andn the citizenry behave as such..that word Democracy is very misued by politicos. our economic policies are democratic..not our govt.
But you got it right there!
and it also hints at the collaborative corruption of
both "leading" parties that an electorate and "primaries" are still existing :(
Id love a strong new party. With equal opportunity fo rmeia. Even a non of the above so a new candidate must be chosen for my registered party!