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British men don't really like women

Paulina  19 | 4558  
30 Sep 2010 /  #1
There are so many threads and posts about Polish women on this forum that I thought for a change we could get to know something about British men (as they probably comprise a majority on this forum). I don't know how they are like, besides those from PF. But I found this article in The New York Times:


It shows what American/Canadian women think about British men and British men about American women :)
Nothing nasty, I guess, just some observations (?).
Judging by what I've read on this forum I could agree with this one, for example:

English men -- for all their suavity and charm -- really don't like women.

southern  73 | 7059  
30 Sep 2010 /  #2
British men cock block everyone else.Difficult situation to handle unless you are a Balkan.
30 Sep 2010 /  #3
I think many British males are reserved by nature.

Ms. McLaren was not the only foreign woman who has hoped for Mr. Darcy

Mr. Darcy, I have a little chocolate frosting to decorate you ... here, here, a dab there... oops, let me lick that off! Yummy...

*going to the corner of shame*
southern  73 | 7059  
30 Sep 2010 /  #4
In general Americans talk a lot.I remember an American girl how much she talked.We usually restrict to the essentials.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
30 Sep 2010 /  #5
We usually restrict to the essentials.

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
30 Sep 2010 /  #6
British men just like their Monty Python's and that's about it.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
30 Sep 2010 /  #7
I think many British males are reserved by nature.

No British men are:

Good looking
Well travelled
Good conversationalists
Excellent company
A good laugh
Would follow to the ends of the earth for
Good in the kitchen
Thick as pig $hit
Cant even boil an egg
Would cross the road to avoid

The list is endless...It depends on who you meet.

British men just like their Monty Python's and that's about it.

What? The like The League of Gentlemen too..Some are not inteligent enough to get the humour in either though.

I think many British males are reserved by nature.

You know what thought did dont you?
30 Sep 2010 /  #8
No British men are:

But I'm still in love with Mr. Darcy. Is that so wrong?


Bzibzioh:I think many British males are reserved by nature.

You know what thought did dont you?

You kinda lost me here...
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
30 Sep 2010 /  #9
Who changed the title of my thread? That's just rude... It's Off-Topic Lounge, I think I have a right to name my thread the way I want?

Mods, change it back to "British men", please.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
30 Sep 2010 /  #10
That's just rude...

the thread title implies that British men are gay.... lol
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
30 Sep 2010 /  #11
OK, so the Canadian chick went to London and she did not score, so she wrote an article about it. There maybe many reasons why that happened ( not scoring). She might have not been attractive, or maybe she had a wrong accent - who knows, maybe a bad hair day, maybe she went to wring places, but there is no reason to write such a bitter article - she is bitter she did not score.....blah, blah.....so based on that Paulina all British men are bad - nice one.

I think that in the author's case she failed because of the cultural differences.
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
30 Sep 2010 /  #12
the thread title implies that British men are gay.... lol


so based on that Paulina all British men are bad - nice one.

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Sep 2010 /  #13
I think that in the author's case she failed because of the cultural differences.

Im guessing the guys couldn't tell the difference between her muff and her face...;)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
30 Sep 2010 /  #14
bad boy;). Maybe she was not attractive, happens all the time;)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Sep 2010 /  #15
Muffin aphro! Muffin! Maybe she was obese and couldn't put the cake down! ;)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
30 Sep 2010 /  #16
the difference between her muff and her face...;)

you listen too much of "give a little bit of your love to me"....;)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
30 Sep 2010 /  #17
But I'm still in love with Mr. Darcy. Is that so wrong?

Back of line bitach! He's mine!!


You kinda lost me here...

Its and English saying:


the thread title implies that British men are gay.... lol

They most certainly are not, I have plenty of neices and nephews to prove otherwise ;0)

Im guessing the guys couldn't tell the difference between her muff and her face...;)

Thats never stopped a drunken Brit before (YOU KNOW IM SPEAKING THE TRUTH!)...My mate used to say..Go to bed with Poodles wake up with Rottweilers!

OK, so the Canadian chick went to London and she did not score

Which is pretty much impossible, everyone knows Londoners cant take their beer :D So even the most ugly chick could score...She was probably an annoying whiney type..


Article 8 years out of date ;0)
30 Sep 2010 /  #18
So even the most ugly chick could score.

She's not that bad looking

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
30 Sep 2010 /  #19
Muffin aphro! Muffin! Maybe she was obese and couldn't put the cake down! ;)

er, OK - I am tired here, jet legged and all ;). What does : putting the cake down mean? Maybe I should never go to London either, would not understand what they are telling me. Why didin't you just say: maybe she was fat, eh? Bloody British men. lol

you listen too much of "give a little bit of your love to me"....;)

she got it:)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
30 Sep 2010 /  #20
she got it:)

i wanna ruin his day... ;)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Sep 2010 /  #21
you listen too much of "give a little bit of your love to me"....;)

Cant get it out my head, stop spying on me:P

Thats never stopped a drunken Brit before (YOU KNOW IM SPEAKING THE TRUTH!)...My mate used to say..Go to bed with Poodles wake up with Rottweilers!

Depends on the pinting system, how many pint would you need to todger the fatty in the corner...na not my scene at all, I have standards. ;)

putting the cake down mean?

It just means not eating cake. ;)

i wanna ruin his day... ;)

Nothing can ruin my day, by tomorrow im gonna be a hyper-active excited fun guy, my patients will hate me! " I know you may have a critical health condition, but look at the sun and the birds and the flowers!!!"
30 Sep 2010 /  #22
Back of line bitach! He's mine!!


Could we share?

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
30 Sep 2010 /  #23
It just means not eating cake. ;)

nie wiem, o co chodzi, ide spac:)
pgtx  29 | 3094  
30 Sep 2010 /  #24
no gdzie idziesz jak deszcz pada? :)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
30 Sep 2010 /  #25
She's not that bad looking

She's got a face like a slapped ar$e....I can fully understand why British blokes steered clear...Or is that her "Im hard done to" look? Either way, she looks a miserable c*w who didnt get lucky in the capital...Which is impossible..

But I do love this bit of the article:

At least that is what Toby Young, the hapless author of ''How to Lose Friends and Alienate People,'' an account of his aborted media career in New York, found when he tried to chat up a woman at a party by discussing the pros and cons of plastic surgery. What procedure would she choose, he asked?

When the woman said she would elect to have breast-reduction surgery, Mr. Young wrote recently in The Daily Mail, he offered his own first choice -- penis reduction -- and then stood by and waited for her to laugh.

''Instead, she said, 'Oh, rilly? Why, d'you have a problem?' '' Mr. Young related. ''Eventually, I caved in and confessed I was only joking. 'Oh, I see,' she said. Then, as an afterthought, added: 'Hah!' Thirty seconds later, she was gone.''

This is why I love English men....

Could we share?

You can have him Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays - but dont expect much he'll be too tired :0)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Sep 2010 /  #26
She's got a face like a slapped ar$e

Ah babe, I can see I'm influencing you far too much :D
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
30 Sep 2010 /  #27
Im a Northerner, I dont need any influencing...looking at her photo was like looking at Catchphrase "say what you see" ;0)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Sep 2010 /  #28
Hehe, or the other one, a pint of bods to get er in the sack :D
OP Paulina  19 | 4558  
30 Sep 2010 /  #29
/Why-Brit ish-wo men-still-cant-get-their-man.html

Thanks for the link!

You know, you may laugh, but I noticed it almost right away when I started to read this forum:

d) they simply don't like women.
d: Canadian men do like women.
When I first arrived in London, I was astounded by the amount of bitter antipathy between the sexes

So I'm quite surprised that someone else actually noticed it too and... like... in a newspaper ;D
Judging by what I've read on this forum the difference between Polish and British men is that Polish men like women... Not only want them, but like them as an opposite sex... And they understand that women are a bit different then men.

And here men are so hostile, bitter, judgmental and many other things when they write about women... I'm not saying everyone here, but many...

It feels as if women are their despised enemies, some alien species.

This is why I love English men....

Really...? o_O
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
30 Sep 2010 /  #30
Really...? o_O

I know their mentality and humour...Whats not to love?

Having dated a couple of other nationalities, I know I have the best in my own kind - as for the second article...What tosh! Its an outsider looking in and not knowing the reality ALL of my friends are married to English guys and are very happy, why would they settle for second best?

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