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Not all is bad for Poles in Scotland!

Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jul 2010 /  #121
Tabeauty, what do you say about kids that were perfectly normal inside but were innocent victims of their parents' brutal ways? Domestic violence is high in Scotland and all too often, children are on the receiving end of a beating from a parent with a short fuse. They often didn't deserve reasonable chastisement, never mind a beating. It can build fury inside of you from the injustice of it all.

Oh, the connection to Poland? Well, Poles don't tend to lay their hands on their kids in the same way as we do. It may come as a shock to them to see how riled some mothers get. Being a mother, I imagine, is one of the hardest jobs in the world to do justice to. Still, flying off the deep end at your kids serves little purpose but I'm no-one to tell them how ideal they should be. C'est la vie!
tabeauty  3 | 50  
17 Jul 2010 /  #122
But it does. Anyway put the kettle on whilst we chat :-)

kava ?? piwo ?? herbata ?

what would you like and i have changed the bloody thing my brother was laughing at wat you wrote and he had changed it he thought it would be funny but then again he is gay and a hairdreesr what does he know

But you are not one of them :-)

i was over there in the first 4 years of it all kicking off no good not seeing the kids for such time
tabeauty  3 | 50  
17 Jul 2010 /  #124
i hate when parents do that to kids , i hate it when it is someone who has suffered severly , there has got to be a level of help but sometimes they should still know right from wrong and it is more learnt behaviour . i hate alot of the time when the kids are very small nd i couldnt imagine what goes through peoples mind when they do that . i have never hit my kids ever i dont think smacking or hitting kids helps it just fuels situations , im by no means a perfect parent but i also see a difference between a slap on back of hand and a punch i think folk who beat their kids who then have them taken into care which by all means is better than them being at home should be unallowed to have more children as would only possibly be more hurt for another child . i hate seeing chirldren hurt

Cheers tab.

i used to be barmaid in my younger days i pull perfect pint
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jul 2010 /  #125
Exactly! You have to have an inner calm when around children. They are vulnerable and need the emotional support from their parents. Plus, we want to set an example and not give foreigners a misrepresentative/misguided image of our country.
tabeauty  3 | 50  
17 Jul 2010 /  #126
They are vulnerable and need the emotional support from their parents. Plus, we want to set an example and not give foreigners a misrepresentative/misguided image of our country.

like alot of the people i work with . they may be a lot older i age but their mental ages and traumas make them like children and its hurting to see but i love my job and making a difference to their life even if they dont understand xxxx
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jul 2010 /  #127
Absolutely! Making a difference really matters! Sometimes it takes sth catastrophic for people to realise and reflect on the good things that we do. This rat race thing is a proper nonsense. People come to understand in time :)

Who knows? Only time ... Enya :)
tabeauty  3 | 50  
17 Jul 2010 /  #128
People come to understand in time :)

i agree completely xxxxxx
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jul 2010 /  #129
I like the crosses at the end, very friendly. You discuss the topic with the benefit of experience and don't stalk like others :) :)

OK, another dimension. Tab, you'd love the market squares here. The best ones are in Kraków and Wrocław for options but Gliwice has a beautiful one too. They are tearing it up to repair it at the moment but it will be restored to its full greatness! Poles from those parts of Poland might miss the buzz of a 'rynek' in Scotland. Our pub culture more than likely makes up for it in our eyes but maybe not in theirs.
tabeauty  3 | 50  
17 Jul 2010 /  #130
I like the crosses at the end, very friendly. You discuss the topic with the benefit of experience and don't stalk like others :) :)

i am friendy person even though at times i get all defensive but who dosent these days . i would love go poland ad will when my words get better as my range of words is not mostly good ords but i am getting better but my course i do is hard as is polish to learn xxxx
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jul 2010 /  #131
Poland is a country that is easy for a Scot to like :) All the Scots I've known here have had good words for what is on offer.

What do Poles dislike about Scotland?
tabeauty  3 | 50  
17 Jul 2010 /  #132
What do Poles dislike about Scotland

the ones i am friends with love it here . they no have problems apart from alot of native scots maybe be horrible to them but apart from that it is all good xxxxx
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jul 2010 /  #133
May be horrible or are? It's the same in Poland and everywhere. Bad as the people may be, they often make a place :)
tabeauty  3 | 50  
17 Jul 2010 /  #134
Bad as the people may be, they often make a place :)

but they should still no be rude to people that just want a nice easy life xxxxx
jablko  - | 104  
17 Jul 2010 /  #135
From what I heard Poles have no problem to get along with Scots.
tabeauty  3 | 50  
17 Jul 2010 /  #136
again i suppose depends on the area . there as i know 1 lass who hates the poles but shes a bit of a ***** because she dosent know any and hasnt a clue and has never tried to get to know them but im afraid there are the minority xxxxx
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Jul 2010 /  #137
True to tab and jablko.

Poles work hard to get their qualifications, depending on the course. Their acceptance of poor conditions here is staggering. Maybe it's the only way, they would know being the locals.
tabeauty  3 | 50  
17 Jul 2010 /  #138
the hard work may be on their part diff cultures etc lower percentage on alchohol etc
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
17 Jul 2010 /  #139
Seanus (ignoring the obsessive stalker, Paulina. Deeze nuts are taken)

haha, classic!

Remind us who bought those imports

Remind us who removed the barriers, remind us who brought them here, remind us who destroyed and sold of manufacturing to create the money to buy these things. The general population thats buys a product doesn't do the damage, for instance does the drug taker or the dealer get a heavier sentence?.

The reality is that many products don't carry the country of origin on them and if they do its so small no one notices it but once again if the government hadn't slashed the tax for the rich by half and destroyed the unions then more people would have the money to spend on british products because many simply can't afford to.

milk is priced correctly

For who, the farmer or the supermarket.

Not a problem, just lay off the corresponding percentage of the workforce, or raise the prices for consumers.

No, just make the owners give up more of their profits. It works in france and they have lower unemployment than us!
17 Jul 2010 /  #140
I <3 Scotland! Never been there though I still love it ;)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
17 Jul 2010 /  #141
A lot of people I know have the same feeling, can you think why?
17 Jul 2010 /  #142
Good PR ;)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
17 Jul 2010 /  #143
Ah yes, the Scots abroad have a good rep :)
Ironside  50 | 12916  
18 Jul 2010 /  #144
Scotland is beautiful place when you think in terms of nature and such but it is ******** for majority of her inhabitants:)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
18 Jul 2010 /  #145
******** for majority of her inhabitants

Yep, thats right. You are the master of living in Scotland. Ha Like u would know :D
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
18 Jul 2010 /  #146
Yes England got the chance to pay lots of money to Scots who are too lazy or fat or ignorant to work and so stick their hands out for free money from the English.

Yes a very good question it has to be said, and lets not forget the Barnett formula.

Labour has made a dog's breakfast of British democracy, they just wanted to create jobs for their socialist pals in Scotland, that is the real reason for creating the Scottish parliament.

Oh, the connection to Poland? Well, Poles don't tend to lay their hands on their kids in the same way as we do. It may come as a shock to them to see how riled some mothers get. Being a mother, I imagine, is one of the hardest jobs in the world to do justice to. Still, flying off the deep end at your kids serves little purpose but I'm no-one to tell them how ideal they should be. C'est la vie!

I have to disagree with that statement. The Poles i know will take anything that comes to hand!
Ironside  50 | 12916  
18 Jul 2010 /  #147
Ha Like u would know :D

you question my qualification that fine but about crux of the matter ?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 Jul 2010 /  #148
Hague, I don't follow, sorry. What do you think I was trying to say? You seem to be implying handouts when I was talking about reasonable chastisement.

Ironside, what is wrong for the inhabitants? I didn't get it.
milky  13 | 1656  
18 Jul 2010 /  #149
I wonder when a Scot will ever answer this question:

Jesus that is so pathetic and a typical English supremist f0cking attitude. You as in the English have no right to be in any of these countries and as an Irish person, i would be glad if the Brits got the f0ck out permanently, but due to centuries of your ethnic cleansing and plantation's we have to stay in permanent dialogue.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
18 Jul 2010 /  #150
what is wrong for the inhabitants?

nothing wrong - I just repeated opinion voiced by one of the inhabitants - quote - Scotland is a beautifully place when it comes to nature and all but it is ******** if you know what I mean.

I-S (you tell me what wrong)

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