Dreadfully new-rich and show-off...
It always reminded me more of the Oil Barons' club from "Dallas". It was never new rich, more mid-90s money (but still pretty much zero taste), tourists who knew no better, businessmen who didn't care and were sticking the drinks on the company's bill, and a liberal scattering of ladies of negotiable affection; in short it was unmissable! Sadly the new version is eminently missable.
Like Paparazzi (don't know if it still exists)
Still going strong; the current owner has very much toned down the 'fake exclusive' feel and the place is now arguably Warsaw's best cocktail bar (although I personally would need to be paid to go there on a Friday or Saturday night, or at the very least offered vast amounts of any drinks I fancied).
Give me the viewing terrace on St. Anna's anytime
Got to say that I do like that terrace and also recommend it.
my expat-free pub.
It really doesn't bother me whether other foreigners are in a bar or not; as long as a place is fairly prat-free, it's fine with me.